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Atomic Spectros

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Atomic Spectroscopy



Types of atomic spectroscopy


Atomic Spectroscopy - interaction of an atom
in the gas phase with EMR.
 Based upon the ability of atoms to absorb or
emit light.

 Sample is atomized (atoms)

 Absorption or emission measured

Types of Atomic Spectroscopy

The absorption or emission of light by vapor-

state atoms may be measured.

Atomic absorption spectroscopy

Atomic emission spectroscopy

Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy

Measure concentration by absorption of light

Requires a light source of proper wavelength

Instrumentation (AAS)

 AAS: Single-beam or Double-beam

1. Radiation source

2. Atomizer

3. Monochromator

4. Detector & read-out devices

1. Radiation source

Hollow cathode lamp (HCL)

Light source used in an AAS

Contains a coated cathode of the element that

is to be analysed.
Emits a beam of a specific wavelength across
the burner and into the monochromator.
or glass

Ne /Ar

Fig. Hollow cathode lamp



Both anode & cathode are sealed in
 Glass cylinder
 Filled with the carrier gas of Argon or Neon.
 At its end is a window transparent to the emitted radiation.

A lamp filled with

 Neon will produce a red beam.
 Argon will produce a blue beam.

HCL emission process
 When an electrical potential is applied between the anode &
cathode, some of the fill gas atoms are ionized.
 The +vely charged fill gas ions accelerate through the electrical field
to collide with the -vely charged cathode
 Dislodge individual metal atoms in a process called ‘‘sputtering’’.

 Sputtered metal atoms are then excited to an emission state through

a kinetic energy transfer by impact with fill gas ions.

 Emit photons

1. Sputtering 2. Excitation

3. Emission

Fig. Hollow cathode lamp process

2. Atomizers

Process of breaking analyte into gaseous atoms
1. Flame

2. Furnace (graphite furnace)

3. Plasma (Inductively Coupled Plasma)

Flame Atomization
 The sample is first converted into a fine mist consisting of small droplets
of solution by nebulizer.
 The sample is aspirated into a spray chamber by passing a high-pressure
stream consisting of one or more combustion gases.
 The impact of the sample with the glass impact bead produces an aerosol

Fig. Flame atomization assembly equipped
with spray chamber and slot burner.

Processes occur during atomization:

a. Nebulized samples are sprayed into a flame as a spray of

very fine droplets

b. Droplets will lose their solvent content due to very high

flame temperatures in a process called desolvation
 And will thus be converted into a solid aerosol.

c. The solid aerosol is volatilized to form gaseous

Processes occur during atomization…

d. Gaseous molecules will then be atomized and neutral

atoms are obtained.
 If energy is not enough for atomization, gaseous molecules
will not be atomized
 Molecular absorption or emission

e. Atoms in the gaseous state can absorb energy and are

 If energy is too much, we may observe ionization.
The flame breaks down
the analyte's matrix
create the elemental
form of the analyte atom


Scheme: the different

processes occurring during

Thermal energy in flame atomization is provided
by the combustion of a fuel–oxidant mixture.

Common oxidants/fuels:
 Air–acetylene for easily ionised elements

 Nitrous oxide–acetylene for more difficult elements

The slot burner provides a long path length for

monitoring absorbance and a stable flame.
The flame can be adjusted by altering the gas flow rate to produce three different
types of flame conditions.
Oxidising flame

 Very weak flame /observed to be blue.

 Used for elements that are easily atomised like cadmium, lead, nickel etc..
Reducing flame

 A fuel rich flame which produces an excess of Carbon and Hydrogen atoms
 Help to breakdown the oxide bonds which form with some element like chromium, tin etc

 Observed to be bright yellow/white.

Stoichiometric flame

 Falls in the middle of the above.

 Its appearance is blue with a yellow translucent band above.

 Used for elements that are not so easily atomised like iron etc. 20
Flame atomization


Merits of flame atomization

 Good reproducibility/good precision

 Virtually no spectral interference

 Ease of use

 Low initial cost

 Low running costs

 The efficiency of atomization may be quite poor.
 This may occur for two reasons.

1. The majority of the aerosol mist produced during

nebulization consists of droplets that are too large to be
carried to the flame by the combustion gases.
 Consequently, as much as 95% of the sample never reaches the

2. The large volume of combustion gases significantly dilutes

the sample.
 Reduced sensitivity since the analyte’s conc in the (flame ˂˂˂
solution). Detection limit high only ppm 23
Electrothermal atomizer/Graphite furnace

 A tube of graphite is located in the sample compartment of the

AAS, with the light path passing through it.
 Samples are injected into the graphite tube through a small
hole located at the top of the tube.
 There is no nebulization.

 A power supply is used to pass a current through the graphite

tube, resulting in resistive heating.

Fig. Electrothermal analyzer

 A continuous stream of inert gas:

 Protects the graphite tube from oxidation,

 Removes the gaseous products produced during atomization.

The graphite is heated to a temp which is high
enough to evaporate the solvent from the solution.
The current is then increased so that
 The sample is ashed & then ultimately it vaporises &
dissociates into gaseous atoms.
The light from the source (HCL)
 Passes via the furnace & absorption during the
atomization step is recorded over several seconds.
Atomization is achieved in three stages

Graphite furnace…
Merits Demerits
 Low detection limit  Poor precision
normally ppb  Background absorption effects
 Excellent sensitivity  Analyte may be lost at the
 Low sample volume ashing stage
 Direct analysis of solid  The analytical range is
samples relatively narrow
 No combustible gasses  Higher initial cost
required  Higher running costs
Merits of furnace over flame
1. Residence time of the analyte in the optical path
 Only a fraction of a second it rises via the flame.
 Several seconds (furnace)
 ↑ sensitivity
2. Sample volume
 1 − 2ml minimum for flame
 as little as 1μl for furnace
3. Sample types
 Liquid samples (flame)
 A direct solid analysis without any sample preparation
in addition to liquid samples analysis (furnace)
Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP)
 Sample is aspirated into a spray chamber through a nebulizer
using a system very similar to that for flame atomizer.
 However, instead of combustible gases, argon is used as a
transport gas for the sample.
 The plasmas are formed by ionizing a flowing stream of
argon, producing argon ions & electrons.
 The high temperatures in a plasma:
 Result from resistive heating that develops due to the movement
of the electrons and argon ions.
 Desolvate, vaporize & largely atomize the sample.
3. Monochromator
 It selects the specific λ of light which is absorbed by the
sample & transfers it to the detector, & excludes other λ.
 The selection of the specific light allows the determination
of the selected element in the presence of others.

4. Detector & Read out Devices
 The light selected by the monochromator is directed
onto a detector that is typically a photomultiplier
 Whose function is to convert the light signal into an
electrical signal proportional to the light intensity.

 The signal could be displayed for readout , or further

fed into a data station for printout by the requested
format. 32
Effects of temperature on AS

Temp determines:
The degree to which a sample breaks down to atoms

The extent to which a given atom is found in its

ground, excited & ionized states.
 Temp influences the strength of the signal.

 Boltzmann Equation: relates excited state population/ground state
population ratios to energy, temperature and degeneracy.
N* g*
 ( )  e -(E/RT)
Where, No go
N* = No of atoms in the excited state, No= No of ground state atoms,
g* /go= Ratio of statistical weights for excited and ground states,

E = Energy of excitation (= hυ), k = The Boltzmann’s constant, T = Temp(in



Three types of Interferences:

 Spectral interferences

 Chemical interferences

 Ionization interferences

Spectral Interferences
Overlap of analyte signal with signals due to:
Other elements or molecules in the sample, or
Flame or furnace

Using high resolution spectrometers
 Resolve closely spaced spectral lines

Choose another λ for analysis

Chemical interferences

Caused by any component of the sample which

forms a thermally stable cpd with the analyte.
↓ extent of atomization

eg. SO42 & PO43 hinder the atomization of Ca 2

 forming nonvolatile salts.

Chemical interferences can be avoided/reduced by:
 Adding releasing agents
 Form thermally stable cpds with the interferents.
eg. lanthanum releases calcium from interferences like phosphate

 Using of protective agents

 eg. EDTA protects Ca2+ from sulfate & phosphate.

 Using a fuel rich flame

 Sufficiently decomposes a thermally stable analyte cpd
eg. nitrous oxide-acetylene flame
• High flame temp. eliminates many kinds of chemical interferences.

Ionization interferences
Occur when the electrons are removed from the
atoms which will create an ion.
Thermal energy excites atom/removes e- from
Reduces the ground state atoms &

The absorbance reading is reduced.

 Common with the hotter nitrous oxide-acetylene flame 39
Ionization interference can be eliminated by:
Adding an excess of an element which is very
easily ionized,
Creating a large number of free electrons in the flame

Suppressing the ionization of the analyte.

 Potassium, rubidium & cesium salts - Ionization suppressants

Atomic Emission Spectroscopy

Measures concentration by emission of light

No light source required

 The instrumentation of AES is the same as that of
AAS, but without the presence of a radiation
source .

Atomization & Excitation

In atomic emission:

 The sample is atomized and

 The analyte atoms are excited to higher energy levels

by the same source of thermal energy in the atomizer.

The most common methods:

 Flames

 Plasmas
Flame Sources

Atomization & excitation in flame atomic

emission is accomplished:
Using the same nebulization and spray chamber
assembly used in atomic absorption.
 Flame Emission Spectroscopy

(flame AES vs flame AAS)

Plasma Sources
A plasma consists of:
 A hot, partially ionized gas, containing an abundant conc of
cations & electrons that make the plasma a conductor.

The ICP torch consists of 3 concentric quartz tubes:

 With independent argon streams flowing through each.

 Surrounded at the top by a radio-frequency (RF) induction

coil, which is the source of energy for the system.
4000 K
6000 K

8000 K
Circulation of the electrons under
the effect of the induced field
within the heart of the plasma

quartz tubes

Plasma flow
Auxiliary Ar flow
Conductive coil connected
to RF generator
Injector tube
Nebuliser flow
(sample + Ar) Fig. ICP torch
 A radiofrequency current in the induction coils
 Creates a fluctuating magnetic field that induces the argon ions & electrons to
move in a circular path.

 They are consequently accelerated, collide with argon atoms &

ionize them.
 The released products by this ionization then undergo the same
 These colliding species cause heating of the plasma to temperatures:
 Of about 10,000 K at the base of the plasma, and

 Between 6000 & 8000 K at a height of 15–20 mm above the coil, where
emission is usually measured.
 This temp requires thermal isolation from the outer quartz tubes
 By introducing a high-velocity flow of argon tangentially along the walls of
these tubes.

 The sample is mixed with a stream of Ar

 Using a spray chamber nebulizer similar to that used for flame emission &

 Carried to the hot plasma through the torch’s central tube.

 The high temperetures of the plasma rapidly:

 Desolvate, vaporize & largely atomize the sample.

 Furthermore, excite atoms, which leads to photon emission & ionization.

 This is why the device is found in elemental analytical methods such as inorganic mass
spectrometry, ICP-MS.

 ICP-AES 49
 Advantages of plasma
 Simultaneous multi-element Analysis – saves sample amount

 Some non-metal determination (Cl, Br, I, & S)

 Plasmas operate at much higher temp than flames, they provide better
atomization & more highly populated excited states.
 Excitation & emission zones are spatially separated; this results in a low
 Conc range of several decades (105 – 106)

 Disadvantages of plasma
 Very complex Spectra - hundreds to thousands of lines

 High resolution & expensive optical components

 Expensive instruments, highly trained personnel required

Comparison b/n AAS & AES
 Depends upon the no of ground  Depends upon the no of
state atoms. excited atoms.
 Measures the radiation absorbed  Measures the radiation emitted
by the ground state atoms. by the excited atoms .
 Presence of a light source(HCL)  Absence of the light source.

 The temp in the atomizer is  The temp in the atomizer is big

adjusted to atomize the analyte enough to atomize the analyte
atoms in the ground state atoms. atoms & excite them to a higher
energy level. 51

Quantitative analysis of elements

Qualitative analysis of elements

The pattern of absorption & emission lines:
 Unique for each element & can be used for identification
even when several absorbing or emitting elements are
present in the sample.

 Monitoring levels of elements(toxic/essential) in
 Pharmaceutical products
 Standards
 Cosmetics
 Food supplements etc.
 With these information, the products can be approved or
withdrawn from the markets.

Table: Assay of Pharmaceutical Substances official in BP (1993) by AAS
Name of Substance Elements Assayed Measured at(nm) Limits Prescribed
Activated Charcoal Cu, Pb, Zn 325 Cu = NMT* 25 ppm
Pb = NMT 10 ppm
Zn = NMT 25 ppm

Ascorbic Acid Fe 248.3 Fe = NMT 2 ppm

Cisplatin Ag 328 Ag =NMT 250 ppm
Copper Sulphate Pb, Zn Pb: 283.3 Pb = NT 75 ppm
Zn: 213.9 Zn = NMT 500 ppm
Oxprenolol Pb 217 Pb = NMT 5 ppm
Prazosin Ni 232 Ni = NMT 50 ppm
Sodium Sulphite Zn 213.9 Zn = NMT 12 ppm
Zinc oxide Cd, Pb Cd: 228.8 Cd = NMT 10 ppm
Pb: 217. 0 Pb = NMT 50 ppm
*NMT = Not More Than
Table: Assay of Pharmaceutical Substances official in BP (1993) by Flame E
mission Spectroscopy

Name of Substance Elements Assayed Limits Prescribed

Calcium Acetate Mg, K, Na NMT 500 ppm of Mg

NMT 0.1% of K
NMT 0.5% of Na

Magnesium Acetate K, Na NMT 0.1% of K

NMT 0.5% of Na

Potassium Citrate Na NMT 0.3% of Na


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