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IGC1 Element 5 A Measuring

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‫‪IGC 1 : ELEMENT 5‬‬

‫الرصد والمراجعة وتقييم اداء‬

‫نظام السالمة والصحة‬

‫ رصد استباقى‬: by taking the initiative
before things go wrong, involves
routine inspections & checking
policies & standards are being
implemented & the controls are
‫ التفتيش على السالمة‬, ‫ جوالت السالمة‬, ‫المراجعات‬
‫ مدى رضاء العاملين عن السالمة والصحة‬,
‫رصد رد فعل‬: after things go wrong,
involves looking at historical events
to learn from mistakes & see how to
prevent future recurrence. It
•Injuries & occupational ill-health
•Other losses such as damage to
•Incidents, including near misses
•Hazards & faults
•Employees' complaints
‫ وقت العمل‬, ‫ احصائيات الحوادث‬, ‫شكاوى العاملين‬
‫ المخالفات القانونية‬, ‫المفقود‬

Inspections: ‫التفتيش بمكان العمل بقائمة الفحص‬
usually done by using checklists that cover
at least:
• Workplace
• Equipment & plant
• Procedures
• People

Safety Sampling: ‫عينة السالمة بمكان العمل‬

• Selecting specific areas of concern &
inspecting them one at a time
• Specific tailored inspection checklists can
be used
• Should not take a long time

‫تقرير السالمة والصحة المهنية‬
‫العنوان ‪1.‬‬

‫الملخص التنفيذى ‪2.‬‬

‫الفهرس او محتويات التقرير ‪3.‬‬
‫مقدمة ‪4.‬‬

‫الجزء االساسى او النتائج ‪5.‬‬

‫الخالصة ‪6.‬‬

‫التوصيات و االجراءات االصالحية ‪7.‬‬

‫ملحقات ‪ ,‬مراجع ‪8.‬‬

• ‫صفحة العنوان‬
• Title & subtitle (if there is one)
• Name of the writer
• Name of the person / organization to whom
the report is addressed
• Date of submission

Executive Summary
• provides a brief outline on what was
achieved/decided/concluded in your report
• placed on a separate page before the contents
• Can be written last so that every bit of necessary
detail is taken from the finished report
• It is about half a page in length

Table of Contents
• Helps the reader to find a specific topic
• Can give the reader a grasp of the over
all content
• Should be in the beginning but might
be in the end of the report

• States the purpose of the report
• Lists the objectives
• Methodology used in analysis
• Problems & methods used to tackle

Main Body of the report
• Detailed description of the findings
• Significance of what was found
• Graphs, tables & charts should be used
• Better if divided into sections using
numbering & bullet points
• Keep It Short & Simple (KISS)

• Demonstrates an understanding of
what you achieved
• Outline how you reached the

Recommendations / Corrective actions
•Very crucial in OHS inspection reports
•Have to be specific & achievable
•Responsible parties must be assigned
•Time limit must be set clear; according to the
risk level
•Based on the findings (to rectify violations)

• Includes sections useful to a reader who
needs more detail
• Usually are the background material of the
• Acknowledge any books, papers, websites
or journal articles that have been used as
source material

‫مراجعة اداء النظام‬: examines the following:
•Design of the OHS management system
•Operation & maintenance of the existing system
•Ensure OHS management system meets legal
•Check if OHS objectives are achieved
•Accidents & ill-health incidents are reduced
•Hazard identification & risk control measures are

Data will be recorded in a number of different forms:

Incidents and Accidents

• Incident, accident or near miss reports and records
• Reports to Enforcing Authorities
• Reports to insurers

Work Related Ill-health

• Sickness absence reports
• Health surveillance
• Medical diagnoses from practitioners outside the organization

Analyzing Data
The data collected can be analyzed in a number of ways, e.g.
• Category of person affected
• Injury type
• Part of body injured
• Severity of injury
• Age
• Work activity
• Shift or time of day
• Location of accident

1) Incident Rate

The average number of defined accidents (in a given period).

Incidence Rate =

Number of accidents in the period


Average number of employed during the period

X 1000

2) Frequency Rate

The average number of defined accidents per hours worked (in

a given period).

Frequency Rate =
Number of accidents in the period
Total hours worked during the period

X 1000

3) Severity Rate
The average length of time taken off work as a result of accidents at work.

However, it is important to note that statistics have limitations, e.g.:

• Zero accidents does not necessarily indicate low risk;

• Data is based on past failures and may not reveal current or future problems;
• Under-reporting (or occasionally over-reporting, e.g. back injuries sustained
• Statistics can be manipulated to enhance a particular view point;
• Individual differences: some people report all trivia injuries while at the other
extreme some may not even report very serious ones;
• There are different risks inherent in different jobs and tasks, e.g. an office
worker compared to a person working in a manufacturing industry;
• A single (unusual) event can greatly influence rate calculations, e.g. the fire and
explosion which occurred on the oil rig Piper Alpha in 1988.

‫توصيل المعلومات عن الحوادث‬

The data can be communicated by a number of different means:

• Safety committees;
• Local team briefings;
• Company magazines;
• Board room performance reports;
• Performance review for managers;
• Annual reports

Accident Data can:

• Show patterns ‫اماكن و توزيع‬and trends ‫تزيد تقل‬

• Identify weaknesses in procedures and policies
‫الكشف عن نقاط الضعف فى النظام‬
• Priorities safety measures
‫تحدد اولوية الحلول بالتطبيق‬
• Identify areas for improvements
‫تحدد المناطق التى تحتاج تطوير‬
• Set targets for reduction
‫ترشدنا الى المستهدف النقاص عدد الحوادث‬

“AUDIT is a Systematic examination to determine whether
activities & related results conform to planned
arrangements & whether these arrangements are
implemented effectively & are suitable for achieving
the organization’s policy & objectives“

• Ensure OHS Management System is in place.
• Ensure adequate risk control systems exist, implemented
& consistent with organizational hazards.
• Ensure appropriate workplace precautions are in place.

1] Preparatory work:
• Meet with relevant managers & employees to discuss & agree the
objectives & scope of audit (opening meeting)
• Gather information / consider documentation
• Prepare & agree the audit procedure with mangers

2] On-site tour/visit:
• Interviewing; line managers till contractors
• Review/assess additional documents
• Observation of activities / inspections

3] Conclusion:
• Assemble the evidence
• Evaluate the evidence
• Identify non conformances
• Produce audit report with recommendations

Inspection Audit
• Usually done to check physical • Checks the OHS managements
hazards system is existing & implemented
• Help to spot unsafe acts & • Includes interviews, documentation
unsafe conditions checking & inspections
• According to its timing can be • Identifies management system
proactive or reactive failures
• Proactive measure

Checklists can be used in both [discuss differences]

external audit
Advantages Disadvantages
• If done by an accreditation body  • Requires longer time &
the company audited can get a complicated arrangements
certification of compliance e.g. • Can be really expensive
OHSAS 18001 certification • Causes stress on the
• Not affected by internal workforce
organizational relations • Can have a negative feedback
• Lowers the probability of the on organizational spirit if the
auditors having pre-assumptions company fails the audit (does
regarding MS status not get the certification)
• Less chance of being biased

Internal audit
Advantages Disadvantages
• Less stress on organization • Management may not follow up on
• Needs less time recommendations or take them
• Less complicated arrangements seriously
• Does not pose a threat on • More chance of being biased
organizational image if results • Previous background of the
are not as high as expected organization's performance may
• Less cost affect the findings
• Internal organizational relations
might affect the integrity of the
interviewing process


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