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Energy Resources An Overview

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Energy Resources: An

Energy is essential for powering our modern world. From the fuels
that heat our homes to the electricity that powers our devices, energy
resources come in many forms and play a crucial role in our daily
by anis sulthan
Fossil Fuels: Oil, Natural Gas,
and Coal
Fossil fuels, including oil, natural gas, and coal, have been the
backbone of our energy systems for centuries. These non-renewable
resources are formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals
and provide a concentrated source of energy.
Renewable Energy Sources
Solar Wind Hydroelectric, Geothermal

Harnessing the power of the Wind turbines convert the Hydroelectric power taps
sun through photovoltaic kinetic energy of wind into into the energy of flowing
cells, solar energy is a clean electrical power, making water, while geothermal
and sustainable option for wind a renewable and energy harnesses the heat
electricity generation. increasingly cost-effective beneath the earth's surface.
energy source.
Nuclear Energy
1 Fission 2 Fusion
Nuclear fission, the splitting of Nuclear fusion, the combining of
heavy atomic nuclei, generates light atomic nuclei, has the
heat that can be used to produce potential to be a safe, clean, and
steam and drive turbines for virtually limitless energy source.
electricity generation.

3 Challenges
Nuclear energy faces challenges such as radioactive waste management and
public concerns about safety and environmental impact.
Energy Storage Technologies
Batteries Pumped Hydroelectric
Advancements in battery technology, such Pumped hydroelectric storage uses excess
as lithium-ion and flow batteries, are electricity to pump water into elevated
improving energy storage capabilities for reservoirs, which can then be released to
renewable energy sources and electric generate power when needed.

Hydrogen Thermal Storage

Hydrogen can be produced using Thermal energy storage systems, such as
renewable energy and stored for later use, molten salt or ice storage, can store heat or
offering a promising solution for long-term, cold for use when needed.
large-scale energy storage.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation

Reduce Consumption Improve Efficiency Behavioral Changes

Implementing energy- Developing more efficient Encouraging individuals
efficient technologies and energy conversion and and communities to adopt
practices to lower overall utilization systems to get energy-saving habits and
energy demand. more work done with less lifestyle changes.
energy input.
Global Energy Demand and Supply
Increasing Population Rapid Industrialization Changing Lifestyles

Rising Energy Demand Finite Fossil Fuel Reserves Climate Change Concerns
The Future of Energy

Renewable Efficiency Energy Storage Nuclear Fusion

Expansion Improvements Advancements Potential
Continued growth Advancements in Breakthroughs in The development of
and improvements energy-efficient energy storage viable nuclear fusion
in renewable energy technologies and solutions to support technology could
technologies to meet conservation the integration of revolutionize the
increasing demand. practices to reduce renewable energy energy landscape.
overall energy sources.
Thank You
This presentation has provided an overview of the diverse energy
resources available, the challenges and opportunities we face, and the
promising developments shaping the future of energy. I hope this
information has been valuable and informative.

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