Subject: COA: Functional Units of Computer System
Subject: COA: Functional Units of Computer System
Subject: COA: Functional Units of Computer System
Prepared By:
Ms. Sheilly
Asstt . Prof.
Digital Computer
Digital Computer: A digital computer can be
defined as a programmable machine which
reads the binary data passed as instructions,
processes this binary data, and displays a
calculated digital output. Therefore, Digital
computers are those that work on the digital
Functional Components of
Input Unit
The input unit consists of input devices
that are attached to the computer.
Following are some of the important
input devices which are used in a
computer −
Joy Stick
Light pen
Track Ball
Graphic Tablet
Magnetic Ink Card Reader(MICR)
Optical Character Reader(OCR)
Bar Code Reader
Optical Mark Reader(OMR)
It is used to hold those parts of data and program which are most frequently used by the
The parts of data and programs are transferred from the disk to cache memory by the
operating system, from where the CPU can access them
It is the fastest memory in a computer, and is typically integrated onto the motherboard
and directly embedded in the processor or main random access memory (RAM).
Cache Memory
Advantages: Disadvantages:
Cache memory is faster Cache memory has
than main memory. limited capacity.
It consumes less access It is very expensive.
time as compared to main
It stores the program that
can be executed within a
short period of time.
It stores data for
temporary use.
Switched Mode Power Supply(SMPS)
Modem Port
Connects a PC's modem to the telephone network.
Ethernet Port
Connects to a network and high speed Internet.
Connects the network cable to a computer.
This port resides on an Ethernet Card.
Data travels at 10 megabits to 1000 megabits per seconds depending upon the network bandwidth.
Game Port
Connect a joystick to a PC
Now replaced by USB
Digital Video Interface, DVI port
Connects Flat panel LCD monitor to the computer's high-end video graphic cards.
Very popular among video card manufacturers.
Sockets connect the microphone and speakers to the sound card of the computer.
Universal Serial Bus (or USB) Port
VGA Port
Connects monitor to a computer's video card.
It has 15 holes.
Similar to the serial port connector. However,
serial port connector has pins, VGA port has holes.
Power Connector
Three-pronged plug.
Connects to the computer's power cable that plugs
into a power bar or wall socket.
Computer Interfaces
In computing, an interface is a There are five main types
shared boundary across which two
or more separate components of of user interface:
a computer system exchange command line (CLI)
information. The exchange can be graphical user interface
between software,
computer hardware, peripheral (GUI)
devices, humans, and menu driven (mdi)
combinations of these.
form based (fbi)
User interface - The features of a natural language (NLI)
computer system which allows the
user to interact with it.
Command Line Interface
It involves the computer
responding to commands
typed by the operator. This
type of interface has the
drawback that it requires the
operator to remember a
range of different commands
and is not ideal for novice
Graphical user interfaces
(GUI) are sometimes also
referred to as WIMP
because they
use Windows, Icons, Menus
and Pointers. Operators use
a pointing device (such as a
mouse, touchpad or
trackball) to control a
pointer on the screen which
then interacts with other on-
screen elements.
Menu Driven Interface
A menu driven interface is
commonly used on cash
machines (also known as
automated teller machines
(ATM's), ticket machines and
information kiosks (for example
in a museum).