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Internship Report and Projet PPT 1

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Internship report and project Ppt

By Enkusilas Orsa
Deber Tabor University Gafat
Institute of Technology
Department of Mechanical
Advisor Mr. Desu Eshetie(Msc.)
Part One
Internship Report
History of SHBG
• Mr. David Röschli, a Swiss Engineer resigned his job and came to
Ethiopia with his wife, Mrs. Marie-Luise Röschli in 1989.
• He began his job as a lecturer at Addis Ababa University,
Technology Faculty. But,he couldn’t satisfy in working at the
university despite his bulky experiences.
• Mr. David and Ethiopian adopted daughter, W/ro. Tsehay Röschli
decided to open Selam Children Village Center in Addis Ababa.
• Children who were in Selam Children Village getting young and
completed their secondary school, Selam David Röschli Technical
and Vocational College Addis Ababa established in the intention of
helping those children by his managing directorship
 Selam Hawassa Business Group PLC at the
end of 2006 G.C.
 The founders, the Roschli family brought
their knowledge, experience and money on
the investment to make something special
by taking all the risks.
 To see economically and
technologically advanced farmers and
visionary youth through manufacturing
appropriate agricultural equipments and
trained youth with employable skills.
 Providing training to youth so as to fill
the need gap of best fitted professional
 To insure social and economical
development of Ethiopian farming
communities and urban dwellers youth
by producing appropriate technology
through trained and skilled man power
Core Value
 We provide hope for the poorest of the poor
through education and love.
 We care about the environment
 Dedication to and respect the work Main
Product of Company
 Pre-harvesting machineries
 Post harvesting Machineries:
 Construction Equipment:
 Water Lifting Equipment
 Renewable Energy: Bee Keeping: Kenya
Top Bar beehive & Modern Beehive
 Children play Ground
 Dairy Farm Equipment
Main Product of Company
 Pre-harvesting machineries
 Post harvesting Machineries:
 Construction Equipment:
 Water Lifting Equipment
 Renewable Energy: Bee Keeping: Kenya
Top Bar beehive & Modern Beehive
 Children play Ground
 Dairy Farm Equipment
Other Service/ Restaurant
 The community enjoys hotel services with
the delicious meal as European dining
culture ready by experienced chefs.
 Our frequent customers, mostly foreigners
and European
Other Service/ Restaurant
 community a hotel services
 The community enjoys the delicious
meal as European dining culture ready
by experienced chefs.
 Our frequent customers, mostly
foreigners and European
What Make Selam Hawassa TVET
 Delivering basic knowledge, skill and
attitude training to the disadvantageous
youth to be competent.
 Have well-equipped workshops to deliver
the skill training.
 Offering upgrading courses for former
 Having trust from governmental and non-
governmental agencies
 Ethiopia Institute of Agricultural
Research, Melkasa Agricultural
Research Center
 Hawassa university
 Arbamich university
 Hawassa Tegbare'ed Industrial and
Construction College
 S/N/N/P/R/S/ Mine & Energy Agency
Regional Biogas Coordination Unit
 Oromiya Water; Mineral & Energy
Bureau Regional Biogas Coordination
 SNNPRS Bureau of Livestock and
Fishery Development
 Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation
Agency (ATA)
 Ethiopian Center for Disability
Development Association (ECDD)
 International Livestock Research
Institute (ILRI)l
 International Rescues committee /IRC
 Selam Charity Switzerland
 Hawassa Vocational Training College
 Save the children
 International Rescues Committee (IRC)
 Netherland Development Organization
Ethiopia (SNV)
 World Vision
 Haile Hotel Management
 Awassa textile
 Tabor Ceramic
 Arvind Enviso Limited
 Ontex Hygienic Disposable plc
 Jass Garment
 Midroc constriction
 Saba constriction
 Awassa Pepsi
 Yirgalem constriction
How I Get Into The Company
 There are two option to engage in to
different company ,the first one is searching
interested company by own ,then the second
one is university will assign an any where
they related with our specific field of study
 I start to search better company to
understanding mechanical engineering
science in to practical world. After ending of
third acadamic year I appiled to selam
hawassa business group, they
accepted ,finally I started my intern program
in March 15,2015 morning.
General objectives
The general objective of an internship is
support student in connecting with a practical
world of engineering related knowledge which
students learnt in theoretical approach in past
Specific Objectives
 It develop my theoretical
 It consolidate a practical skill
 It strength team work spirt
 It enables to know a company
management system
 It helps to know disciplne and
ethics of company
 It helps to develop
enterpreneurship skill
Shops in the company
There are different shops in the company
Machine shop
This shop equipped with different important
machine like , lath machine, milling machine,
drilling machine and hydraulic press machine
They consist spare part store and work shop
class. Turning,facing.boring,milling,driling are
some fuction performed within this shop.
 Sheet metal shop
 It it is most important shop in the
compound. they consist rolling, shearing ,
bending, band saw and punching machines .
different function like cutting , rolling ,
bending are performed in it.
 Construction equipment shop
 This shop also called as welding shop , it
consist TIG,MAG AND ARC welding .
most product of company was assembled in
this shop.
Construction equipement shop
This shop also colled as welding shop,it consist
TIG,MAG AND ARC weldings. most product
of company was assembled in this shop.
Painting shop
Some product of the company are polished
based on the interest of customers . the process
involved in painting shop are, grinding and
polishing , puttying/primary coating ,
preparation for painting such as covering of
areas painting, drying and inspection and
Painting shop
Some product of the company are polished
based on the interest of customers . the process
involved in painting shop are, grinding and
polishing , puttying/primary coating ,
preparation for painting such as covering of
areas painting, drying and inspection and
The shop that I have been
Lath machine
A lath machine is multi -functional machine
tool that rotate a work piece about an axis of
rotation to perform various operation such as
cutting , drilling , facing , grooving and
turning with tool that are applied to the work
piece to create an object with symmetry about
that axis.
Drilling machine
Drilling machine is a machine that used to
make a hole by changing the driller with
diameter arranged . It works with principle of
hydraulic system that an operator manage the
speed of drilling manually whether to
clockwise or anti clock wise. An oil is added to
machine for purpose of lubrication.
Milling machine
Milling machine has got cutter installed up
on it which helps in removing the material
from the surface of work piece . The cutter
made from highly resistant material that
are durable and less friction . There are two
type of milling machine such as vertical
and horizontal milling machine.
Shearing machine
Shearing machine perform most cutting
operation in this shop . It performed by the
action of two blades , one fixed in the shear
bed and the other moving vertically with
little or no clearance. this shop we used
hydraulic shearing machine for cutting
sheet metal up 6mm thick.
Rolling machine
Rolling machine is machine which uses to roll
different type sheet metal in to round ,semi
round or conical shape . The rolls then begin to
rotate pulling material through the pinched
rolls and past the pushing rolls forcing an arc
in to material .The machine which is used in
this workshop is mainly works with the
principle of mechanical gear system . It can roll
up to 6mm, 3m thick and width respectively
Bending machine
This type of machine used to bend sheet metal
that already cut down by the shearing machine ,
it using high pressurized hydraulic lifting
system .Mostly this machine is used in this
shop for bending sheet metal have thickness up
to 6mm.
My Performance In
The Work Shop
 I was trying to be active when everything
going on each days.
 I was performing different task with fellow
employee of company.
 At beginning , its not easy to introduce
various manual and automated machine.
 If today machine operator perform some
task , next time I will operate partially that
machine .
 I passed most time by assisting , asking
question that not clear to understood
 I did to expect to solve at least one
challenge that exist in the company.
Problem that I faced
in the company
 The main problem that I have faced during
my practice time was the lack of repeatedly
task in machine and other shop.
 In those shop there are different challenges
like safety problem , noisy working shop
 Although I decide to focus on my plane to
achieve my goal by changing various
mechanism like asking employee about
their task , following each safety rules and
using soft, eye goggle and hand gauntlet to
reduce injury.
 Developing Practical Skills
 Developing Theoretical Knowledge
 Developing Work Ethics Skill
 Developing Interpersonal Communication
 Developing Leadership Skills
 Developing Team Work Approaches
 Developing Entrepreneurship Skills
 During my training time in SHBG is
fruitful, because I was able to expand and
develop my skill in many aspects.
Even though the company is well organized ,
there would be some recommendation
 They should be focus on satisfaction of
 The company provide safety materials.
 The other appreciable part of company
punctuality should be continued.
Part Two
Design of Modified Trolley
 Hydraulic cylinder is a part of
a machine’s hydraulic system.
Is a hydraulic actuator which
creates linear movement by
converting the hydraulic
energy back to a mechanical
 A rack and pinion is a type of
linear actuator that comprises a
circular gear (the pinion)
engaging a linear gear (the
rack). Together, they convert
between rotational motion and
linear motion. Rotating the
pinion causes the rack to be
driven in a line. Conversely,
moving the rack linearly will
cause the pinion to rotate.
Hydraulic cylinder
Hydraulic Cylinders come as either Single or Double
Acting. If only one chamber is pressurized by the
hydraulic fluid, it is a single acting, otherwise it‘s
double acting.
Rack pinion
Rack and pinion gears are available in three variations
such straight teeth , helical teeth , roller pinion.
Application area
Hydraulic cylinder
 Construction
 Waste Management
 Infrastructure Repairs
 Metal Production
 Food Industry
 Mining
 Agriculture
Rack pinion
 Rack steering in an automobile
 Rack railway
 Actuators
 Pneumatic rack-and-pinion actuators
Hydraulic cylinder
Hydraulic cylinders haven’t changed much since
their introduction in 1795 due to the simplicity of
their design. Read about the 7 basic components
that make up hydraulic cylinders
 Hydraulic Cylinder Barrel
 Cylinder Head (End Cap)
 Hydraulic Cylinder Base or Gland
 Piston
 Piston rod.
 Seal gland
 Seals
Rack pinion
The main components of a rack and pinion system
 Rack
 Pinion Gear
 Tie rods
 Steering shaft
 Mounting brackets and bushings
 Power steering components (optional)
Literature Review
 The study of hydraulics advanced with Simon
Stevin’s discovery of the hydrostatic paradox
and the study of non-moving water, and Galileo
Galilei’s observations on gravity.
 The Frenchman Blaise Pascal started work on
mechanical calculators and became one of the
first two inventors of the device.
 Joseph Bramah patented the hydraulic press in
1795. In this invention, he used Pascal’s
discovery to multiply a small amount of force
and create large amounts of pressure capable of
powering machinery and lifting very heavy
 The 19th century led to many advancements in
 Hemmings Motor News reports that in the
1930s, BMW produced the first rack and pinion
 The first American automotive manufacturer to
use rack and pinion steering in production was
Ford, which used it for the 1974 Mustang II and
the 1974 Pinto.
Problem statement
 Trolley is most important equipment in many
manufacturing factory. During my internship
time I saw some defects on existing trolley in
the shop , these are;
 Height of trolley is difficult to load work
piece on saddle.
 The saddle was welded on top of trolley and
fixed type.
 Man labor needed to load work piece on top
of trolley.
 It moves place to place by external push.
 Mostly I focused on saddle body defects
and reduction man labor during loading or
landing different work piece.
Objectives of Modified
Trolley Machine Project
Main Objectives of the Project
The general objective of this project is modifying
trolley by changing and modifying its parts , like
hydraulic cylinder ,rack pinion and magnetic
Specific Objective of the Project
To design each part of the modified trolley , like
hydraulic cylinder and rack pinion.
To understand the property and application of
different material.
Scope and Significance
of the Project
Scope of the Project
This project mainly focused on modify the
existing trolley . In order to design I use
hydraulic cylinder , rack pinion and
magnetic holder.
Significance of the Project
 It used to transport sheet metal in sheet
metal machine shop.
 It used to loading and landing work piece in
automotive(auto shop) and
 It also used to transport different weighted
load in th SHBG compound.
Material Selections
The selection of material to design a
hydraulic cylinder and rack pinion must be
approved. Here are some key criteria to
 Strength and Durability
 Corrosion Resistance
 Wear Resistance
 Machinability
 Heat Resistance
 Cost
 Weight
 Compatibility with Hydraulic Fluids
 Ease of Welding and Assembly
Availability and Sourcing

Working Enviroment
 Working Temperature
 Working Pressure
 Hydraulic Fluid
 Magnetic Holder
Design of Hydraulic Cylinder
Part Design Assumption
The following assumptions were taken into the
consideration of the design of the cylinder, piston, piston
rod and
seals in the hydraulic cylinder.
 Working fluid is mineral oil
 Available pressured Pa =300bar= 300* 105pa
 Atmospheric pressure = 1.0135 * 105pa
 Stroke length= 60cm = 0.6m = 600mm
 Cylinder output force =10KN = 1000N
 Cutting stroke=1.5m/s
 Material for cylinder calculation low carbon steel
BS970 070M20
 Tensile stress of material is = 430mPa
 Yield stress of material is = 215mPa
 Factor of safety = 3
 Young modulus of the material used is = 210GPa, for
BS 970 070M20 (low carbon steel)
 End fixing factor = K = 0.7 is chosen because of
maintenance purpose, in a case of adjustment i.e. in the
case of increasing stroke length.
Design of Rack Pinion
Part Design Assumption
The following assumptions were taken into the
consideration of the design of Rack Pinion

 Module – 1.5
 Pressure Angle – 20 deg.
 Reference diameter – 50mm
 Number of Pinion Teeth – 34
 Material is Cast Iron

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