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Smallpt Cline Slides

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Global Illumination in 99 lines of C++

a ray tracer by Kevin Beason
Presentation by
Dr. David Cline
Oklahoma State University
Global Illumination
• Global Illumination = “virtual photography”
– Given a scene description that specifies the
location of surfaces in a scene, the location of
lights, and the location of a camera, take a virtual
“photograph” of that scene.
• “Headlight” rendering of a simple scene
• Adding surface details
• Direct lighting with hard shadows
• “Ambient occlusion” = direct lighting of a cloudy
• Ambient Occlusion and depth of field
• Global illumination showing different surface types,
glass surfaces, caustics (light concentrations), and depth
of field.
Another Example
• Ad-hoc Lighting vs. Global Illumination
How to form a GI image?
The Rendering Equation
The Rendering Equation

The radiance (intensity of light)

Coming from surface point P
In direction Dv. This is what we
Have to calculate.
The Rendering Equation

The self-emitted radiance from P

In direction Dv (0 unless point P
Is a light source) This can be looked
Up as part of the scene description.
The Rendering Equation

The reflected light term. Here we must add

Up (integrate) all of the light coming in to
point P from all directions, modulated by the
Chance that it scatters in direction Dv
(based on the BRDF function, Fs)
Path Tracing Approximation

Replace the ray integral with a Monte Carlo

(random) Sample that has the same Expected
(average) Value. Then average a bunch of
samples for each pixel to create a smooth image.
Path Tracing Algorithm
• A 99 line Path Tracer by Kevin Beason
• (Expanded Version has 218 lines)
• Major Parts:
Vec: a vector class, used for points, normals, colors
Ray: a ray class (origin and direction)
Refl_t: the surface reflection type
Sphere: SmallPT only supports sphere objects
spheres: the hard coded scene (some # of spheres)
intersect: a routine to intersect rays with the scene of spheres
radiance: recursive routine that solves the rendering equation
main: program start and main loop that goes over each pixel
Code 1:
Code 2:
Expanded version (1)
Expanded version (2)
Vec (Points, Vectors, Colors)
• “Normalize” a vector = divide by its length
Dot Product
Cross Product
Ray Structure
• A ray is a parametric line with an origin (o) and a
direction (d). A point along the ray can be defined
using a parameter, t:
• In code we have:

• The core routines of the ray tracer intersect rays with

geometric objects (spheres in our case)
• SmallPT supports sphere objects only
• We can define a sphere based on
– a center point, C
– Radius, r
• The equation of the sphere:

• In vector form:
Sphere Start with vector equation of sphere

Intersection Routine
Full Sphere Code
The Scene
The Scene Description
Convert Colors to Displayable Range
• The output of the “radiance” function is a set of unbounded
colors. This has to be converted to be between 0 and 255 for
display purposes. The following functions do this. The “toInt”
function applies a gamma correction of 2.2.
Intersect Ray with Scene
• Check each sphere, one at a time. Keep the closest
End Part 1
The main Function
• Set up camera coordinates
• Initialize image array
• Parallel directive
• For each pixel
– Do 2x2 subpixels
– Average a number of radiance samples
– Set value in image
• Write out image file
main (1)
main (1a: set up image)
main (1b: set up camera)
Camera Setup
• Look from and gaze direction:

• Horizontal (x) camera direction

(assumes upright camera)

(0.5135 defines field of view angle)

• Vertical (vup) vector of the camera

(cross product gets vector perpendicular to both cx and gaze direction)

Camera Setup

cy gaze

main (2: Create Image)
main (2a: OpenMP directive)

States that each loop iteration should be run

in its own thread.
main (2b: Loop over image pixels)

Loop over all pixels in the image.

main (2c: Subpixels & samples)

Pixels composed of 2x2 subpixels.

The subpixel colors will be averaged.
main (2d: Pixel Index)

Calculate array index for pixel(x,y)

main (2e: Tent Filter)

r1 and r2 are random values of a tent filter

(Determine location of sample within pixel)
Tent Filter
• From Realistic Ray Tracing (Shirley and
Tent Filter
• From Realistic Ray Tracing (Shirley and Morley)
main (2f: Ray direction & radiance)

Compute ray direction using cam.d, cx, cy

Use radiance function to estimate radiance
main (2g: Add subpixel estimate)

Add the gamma-corrected subpixel color

estimate to the Pixel color c[i]
main (3: Write PPM image)

PPM Format:

radiance (1: do intersection)

return value Vec the radiance estimate

r the ray we are casting
depth the ray depth
Xi random number seed
E whether to include emissive color
radiance (2: surface properties)

Surface properties include:

intersection point (x)
Normal (n)
Oriented normal (n1)
Object color (f)
Orienting Normal
• When a ray hits a glass surface, the ray tracer must determine
if it is entering or exiting glass to compute the refraction ray.

• The dot product of the normal and ray direction tells this:
Russian Roulette
• Stop the recursion randomly based on the surface
– Use the maximum component (r,g,b) of the surface color.
– Don’t do Russian Roulette until after depth 5
Diffuse Reflection
• For diffuse (not shiny) reflection
– Sample all lights (non-recursive)
– Send out additional random sample (recursive)
Diffuse Reflection

• Construct random ray:

– Get random angle (r1)
– Get random distance from center (r2s)
– Use normal to create orthonormal coordinate
frame (w,u,v)
Sampling Unit Disk
• From Realistic Ray Tracing (Shirley and
Sampling Unit Hemisphere

Sampling Lights
Sampling Sphere by Solid Angle

• Create coordinate system for sampling: sw, su, sv

Sampling Sphere by Solid Angle

• Determine max angle

Sampling Sphere by Solid Angle

• Calculate sample direction based on random numbers

according to equation from Realistic Ray Tracing:
Shadow Ray

• 145: Check for occlusion with shadow ray

• 146: Compute 1/probability with respect to solid angle

• 147: Calculate lighting and add to current value

Diffuse Recursive Call
• Make recursive call with random ray direction
computed earlier:

– Note that the 0 parameter at the end turns off the

emissive term at the next recursion level.
Ideal Specular (Mirror) Reflection
Ideal Specular (Mirror) Reflection

• Reflected Ray:
– Angle of incidence =
Angle of reflection
Glass (Dielectric)
Reflected Ray & Orientation

• 159: Glass is both reflective and refractive, so we compute

the reflected ray here.

• 160: Determine if ray is entering or exiting glass

• 161: IOR for glass is 1.5.

nnt is either 1.5 or 1/1.5
Total Internal Reflection

• Total internal reflection occurs when the light ray

attempts to leave glass at too shallow an angle.

• If the angle is too shallow, all the light is reflected.

Reflect or Refract using Fresnel Term

• Compute the refracted ray

Refraction Ray
Refractive Index
• Refractive index gives the speed of light
within a medium compared to the speed
of light within a vacuum:

Water: 1.33
Plastic: 1.5
Glass: 1.5 – 1.7
Diamond: 2.5

Note that this does not account for

dispersion (prisms). To account for
these, vary index by wavelength.
Fresnel Reflectance
• Percentage of light is reflected (and
what refracted) from a glass surface
based on incident angle (ϴa)

• Reflectance at “normal incidence”,

where (n=na/nb)

• Reflectance at other angles:

Reflect or Refract using Fresnel Term

• Fresnel Reflectance
– R0 = reflectance at normal incidence based on IOR
– c = 1-cos(theta)
– Re = fresnel reflectance
Reflect or Refract using Fresnel Term

• P = probability of reflecting
• Finally, make 1 or 2 recursive calls
– Make 2 if depth is <= 2
– Make 1 randomly if depth > 2


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