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Developing Learner-Centered Assessment Tools and Assignments

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lesson 5

Developing Learner-Centered
Assessment Tools and
unit learning
01 Apply the different principles of designing a learner-
centred assessment tools and assignments.

02 Create a learner-centred assessment tools and

What is an assessment?
Refers to the different components and activities of different schools. It
can be use to determine the student's learning capacity and in comparing
student earning with learning goals of an academic program.

It is also defined as an act or process of collecting and interpreting

information about student learning.
different types of learner-centered
self-assessment peer assessment
Self-assessment is simply a Peer assessment consists of
matter of having students students giving informed
identify strengths and feedback to one another on an
weaknesses in their own work assignment.
and revise accordingly.
different types of learner-centered
process portfolio exhibition
A process portfolio is a An exhibition is a high-stakes
purposeful collection of demonstration of mastery that
student work that documents occurs at a culminating
student growth from novice to academic moment, such as the
master. end of a school year or at
roles of assessment in classroom
Assessment in instructional processes focuses on student
01 learning progress and teacher effectiveness.

Feedback from assessments benefits both students and

02 teachers, aiding in the evaluation of teaching methods.

Assessment results are crucial for making informed

03 teaching decisions and diagnosing student learning
Planning assessment should align with instructional
04 planning, beginning with setting learning outcomes.

Three key assessments: placement at the beginning,

05 formative/diagnostic during teaching, and summative at the
process in planning assessment

beginning during end

”Formative Assessment" is an assessment

procedure used to determine the learner’s "Summative Assessment" is an
"Placement Assessment" learning progress, provides feedback to assessment procedure used to
determines learners' prerequisite reinforce learning, and correct learning errors. determine the end-of-course
skills, mastery of course goals, achievement for assigning grades
"Diagnostic Assessment" is an assessment
and optimal learning modes. or certifying mastery of
procedure used to determine the causes of
learner’s persistent learning difficulties such as
intellectual, physical, emotional, and
environmental difficulties.
process in planning
traditional alternative
Alternative assessment in education involves students providing
Traditional assessment involves students choosing answers
unique responses to specific questions, such as short-answer
from set options, like multiple-choice or true/false tests. It's
queries, essays, oral presentations, exhibitions, demonstrations,
efficient, objective, and standardized, making grading easier
performance assessments, and portfolios. This approach
and giving timely feedback, especially in large classes. The
emphasizes critical thinking, creativity, and real-world
clear-cut correct answers help compare students' performance
application of concepts, moving beyond rote memorization. It
objectively. While useful, educators also value a mix of
also considers diverse learning styles through teacher
assessment methods for a holistic view of students' abilities.
observation and student self-assessment, ensuring a meaningful
and personalized learning experience for students.
components of
traditional alternative
Objective-Based Assessment: Focuses on choosing Assessment is based on authentic tasks that
01 correct answers for factual knowledge. 01 demonstrate students’ ability to accomplish
communication goals.

Focus on Right and Wrong Answers: Emphasizes The teacher and students focus on communication, not
02 determining accuracy based on predefined correct 02 on right and wrong answers.

Teacher-Determined Criteria: Criteria for successful Students help the teacher to set the criteria for
03 completion are set by the teacher. 03 successful completion of communication tasks.

Limited Self and Peer Assessment: Primarily involves Students have opportunities to assess themselves and
04 teacher evaluation, with minimal student and peer 04 their peers.
What are rubrics?
Rubrics are scoring guides or frameworks that establish clear criteria for
evaluating and assessing a performance, task, or project. They provide a
structured and standardized way to assess and communicate
expectations, enabling consistency in evaluation.
What are rubrics?
Rubrics are essential in education for clear and structured assessment.
They ensure transparency, consistency, and provide constructive
feedback. Rubrics align student efforts with learning objectives,
promoting fairness and enabling self-assessment. They streamline
evaluations and support goal-setting, contributing to a growth mindset.
Rubrics are versatile and improve the assessment experience across
what is performance-based
Performance assessment is an assessment in which students are asked to perform
real-world tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge and
what is portfolio assessment?

Portfolio assessment is the systematic, longitudinal collection of student work

created in response to specific, known instructional objectives and evaluation in
relation to the same criteria.
guidelines for effective
students assessment

Improvement of student learning is the main purpose of

classroom assessment. This can be done if assessment is
integrated with good instruction and is guided by certain
principles. Gronlund (1998) provided the general guidelines
for using student assessment effectively.
guidelines for effective
students assessment
Effective assessment requires a clear concept of all intended
01 learning outcomes.

Effective assessment requires that a variety of assessment

02 procedures should be used.

Effective assessment requires that the instructional

03 relevance of the procedure should be considered.

Effective assessment requires an adequate sample of student

04 performance.
guidelines for effective
students assessment
Effective assessment requires that the procedures must be
05 fair to everyone.

Effective assessment requires specification of criteria for

06 judging successful performance.

Effective performance requires feedback to students

07 emphasizing strengths of performance and weaknesses to be
Effective assessment must be supported by a comprehensive
08 grading and reporting system.
what is a
It is defined as tasks assigned to students by school
teachers that are intended to be carried out during non-
school hours. This definition excludes in-school guided
study (although homework is often worked on during
school), home-study courses, and extracurricular activities
such as sports teams and clubs.
functions of a homework

pre-learning checking for

The homework is a preparation for an in-
Through homework, teachers gain insight
depth discussion of the next lesson by
into student learning. Asking students to
getting an introduction or a background. It
identify literary devices in a short story
is also a way of finding out what students
shows whether students understood the
already know about ta topic or what they
lesson on literary devices in a short story
are interested to learn more about the
shows whether students understood the
topic by asking the students to write own
lesson on literary devices.
questions about what they were assigned
to read.
functions of a homework

practice processing
Homework is an opportunity for practice
Homework is used when teachers want
of rote skills such as multiplication tables,
students to reflect on concepts discussed
spelling words, or facts that need to be
in class, integrate and apply learned
memorized for internalization and
concepts and skills in real life, and think
mastery. For homework to yield positive
of new questions.
results, practice must be correct and must
be distributed.
what makes a good
A good homework is differentiated in terms of level and purpose, enhances the
facilitative role of parents, observes school policy on homework, has a relevant
purpose understood by all, is evaluated and commented on and requires
commitments that are fed back to the learners and parents.
what makes a good homework?
The purpose of homework and outcome of
01 homework should be identified and
05 Move from grading to checking.

Homework tasks should be differentiated by
02 a.) difficulty or amount of work, b) the amount
06 Establish and communicate a homework
of scaffolding provided and c) learners’
learning style or interest.
07 Establish a homework support program.
Parent involvement in homework should be
03 kept to a minimum.

If homework is assigned, it should be

04 commented on.
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