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DWM - Te - Week-1

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Unit No:1

Faculty Name : Mr.Tushar Ghorpade

Ms. Saguna Ingle
Ms. Dhanashri A. Bhosale

Lecture 1: Introduction to Data Warehouse, Data warehouse architecture

Lecture 2: Data warehouse versus Data Marts, E-R Modelling versus Dimensional
Lecture 3: Information Package Diagram, Data Warehouse Schemas; Star Schema

Unit :1 Unit Name: Introduction to Data Warehousing

Lecture No: 1
Introduction to Data Warehouse,
Data warehouse architecture
What is Data Warehouse ?

Lecture no 1:Introduction to Data Warehouse, Data warehouse

Why do we need Data Warehouse ?

5 Lecture no 1:Introduction to Data Warehouse, Data warehouse architecture

Why is Data Warehouse so important?

Lecture no 1:Introduction to Data Warehouse, Data warehouse

Why is Data Warehouse so important? Cont..

Lecture no 1:Introduction to Data Warehouse, Data warehouse

Functional definition of Data Warehouse

The data warehouse is an informational environment that:

▪ Provides an integrated and total view of the enterprise
▪ Makes the enterprise’s current and historical information easily available
for decision making
▪ Makes decision-support transactions possible without hindering
operational systems
▪ Renders the organization’s information consistent
▪ Presents a flexible and interactive source of strategic information

Bill Inmon, considered to be the father of Data Warehousing provides the following
▪ “A Data Warehouse is a subject oriented, integrated, nonvolatile, and
time variant collection of data in support of management’s decisions.”

Lecture no 1:Introduction to Data Warehouse, Data warehouse

Features of Data Warehousing

▪ Sean Kelly, data warehouse practitioner, defines the data warehousing in

following way. The data in data warehousing is:
▪ Subject oriented
▪ Integrated
▪ Time stamped
▪ Non-volatile

Lecture no 1:Introduction to Data Warehouse, Data warehouse

Features of Data Warehousing – subject oriented data

Lecture no 1:Introduction to Data Warehouse, Data warehouse

Features of Data Warehousing – integrated data

Lecture no 1:Introduction to Data Warehouse, Data warehouse

Features of Data Warehousing – integrated data

▪ Before the data from various disparate sources can be usefully stored in a data
warehouse, you have to:
▪ remove the inconsistencies;
▪ standardize the various data elements;
▪ make sure of the meanings of data names in each source application

▪ Before moving the data into the data warehouse, you have to go through a process
of transformation, consolidation, and integration of the source data

▪ Here are some of the items that would need standardization:

▪ Naming conventions
▪ Codes
▪ Data attributes
▪ Measurements

Lecture no 1:Introduction to Data Warehouse, Data warehouse

Features of Data Warehousing – Time Variant

▪ For an operational system, the stored data contains the current values.

▪ The data in the data warehouse is meant for analysis and decision making.

▪ A data warehouse, because of the vary nature of its purpose, has to contain
historical data, not just current values
▪ Data is stored as snapshots over past and current periods
▪ Every data structure in the data warehouse contains the time element

▪ The time variant nature of data in a data warehouse

▪ Allows for analysis of the past
▪ Relates information to the present
▪ Enables forecast for the future

Lecture no 1:Introduction to Data Warehouse, Data warehouse

Features of Data Warehousing – non volatile data

Lecture no 1:Introduction to Data Warehouse, Data warehouse

Data Warehouse Architecture

Lecture no 1:Introduction to Data Warehouse, Data warehouse

Data Warehouse Architecture

There are 3 approaches for constructing Data Warehouse layers:

Single-tier architecture
The objective of a single layer is to minimize the amount of data stored. This goal is to
remove data redundancy. This architecture is not frequently used in practice.

Two-tier architecture
It separates physically available sources and data warehouse.
Not expandable and also not supporting a large number of end-users.
It also has connectivity problems because of network limitations.

Three-Tier Data Warehouse Architecture

This is the most widely used Architecture of Data Warehouse.

Lecture no 1:Introduction to Data Warehouse, Data warehouse

3 Tier Data Warehouse Architecture

Lecture no 1:Introduction to Data Warehouse, Data warehouse

3 Tier Data Warehouse Architecture

Generally a data warehouses adopts a three-tier architecture.

Bottom Tier − The bottom tier of the architecture is the data warehouse database server.
It is the relational database system. We use the back end tools and utilities to feed
data into the bottom tier. These back end tools and utilities perform the Extract, Clean,
Load, and refresh functions.

Middle Tier − In the middle tier, we have the OLAP Server that can be implemented in
either of the following ways.
● By Relational OLAP (ROLAP), which is an extended relational database management
system. The ROLAP maps the operations on multidimensional data to standard
relational operations.
● By Multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP) model, which directly implements the
multidimensional data and operations.

Top-Tier − This tier is the front-end client layer. This layer holds the query tools,
reporting tools, analysis tools and data mining tools.

Lecture no 1:Introduction to Data Warehouse, Data warehouse

Unit :1 Unit Name: Introduction to Data Warehousing

Lecture No: 2
Data warehouse versus Data Marts,
E-R Modelling versus Dimensional
Data Mart

Data mart contains a subset of organization-wide data. This subset of data is valuable
to specific groups of an organization.

In other words, we can claim that data marts contain data specific to a particular
group. For example, the marketing data mart may contain data related to items,
customers, and sales. Data marts are confined to subjects.

20 Lecture no 2:Data warehouse versus Data Marts, E-R Modelling versus Dimensional Modelling
Data Mart

Points to remember about data marts −

● Unix/Linux-based servers are used to implement data marts.

● They are implemented on low-cost servers.

● The implementation data mart cycles is measured in short periods of time, i.e., in
weeks rather than months or years.

● Data marts are small in size.

● Data marts are customized by department.

● The source of a data mart is departmentally structured data warehouse.

● Data mart are flexible.

Lecture no 2:Data warehouse versus Data Marts, E-R Modelling versus

Dimensional Modelling
Data warehouse vs Data Mart

● Data Mart is smaller version of Data Warehouse which deals with single subject
● Data marts are focused on one area, hence they draw data from limited number of
● Time taken to build data mart is very less compared to DWH

Lecture no 2:Data warehouse versus Data Marts, E-R Modelling versus Dimensional
Types of Data Mart

● Dependent Data Mart: Data comes

from OLTP source to Data
Warehouse and then from data
warehouse to Data Mart

● Independent Data Mart: Data

directly received from the source
system, This is suitable for small

● Hybrid Data Mart: Data fed from

both OLTP source and DWH

Lecture no 2:Data warehouse versus Data Marts, E-R Modelling versus

Dimensional Modelling
Data Warehouse Design Approaches:Top-Down and Bottom-Up

● Data Warehouse design approaches are very important aspect of building data

● Selection of right data warehouse design could save lot of time and project

● There are two different Data Warehouse Design Approaches normally

followed when designing a Data Warehouse solution and based on the
requirements of your project you can choose which one suits your particular

Lecture no 2:Data warehouse versus Data Marts, E-R Modelling versus Dimensional
Top-Down Approach for Data warehouse Design

● In the top-down approach, the data warehouse is

designed first and then data mart are built
● Below are the steps that are involved in top-down
● Data is extracted from the various source systems
using ETL tools, it is validated and pushed to the
data warehouse.
● You will apply various aggregation, summerization
techniques on extracted data from data warehouse
and loaded back to the data warehouse
● Once the aggregation and summerization is
completed, various data marts extract that data and
apply the some more transformation to make the
data structure as defined by the data marts.
● This is bill inmons methodology

Lecture no 2:Data warehouse versus Data Marts, E-R Modelling versus

Dimensional Modelling
Bottom-up Approach for Data warehouse Design

● Ralph Kimball proposed data warehouse

design approach is called dimensional
modelling or the Kimball methodology.
● This methodology follows the bottom-up
● As per this method, data marts are first
created to provide the reporting and analytics
capability for specific business process
● Later with these data marts, enterprise data
warehouse is created

Lecture no 2:Data warehouse versus Data Marts, E-R Modelling versus

Dimensional Modelling
Dimensional Modelling

What is Dimensional Model?

● A dimensional model is a data structure technique optimized for Data
warehousing tools.
● The concept of Dimensional Modelling was developed by Ralph Kimball and is
comprised of "fact" and "dimension" tables.
● A Dimensional model is designed to read, summarize, analyze numeric
information like values, balances, counts, weights, etc. in a data warehouse.
● In contrast, relational models are optimized for addition, updating and deletion
of data in a real-time Online Transaction System.
● ER modeling is for reducing redundancy of data, where as dimensional model
arranges data in such a way that it is easier to retrieve information and generate
● These dimensional and relational models have their unique way of data storage
that has specific advantages.
● Dimensional models are used in data warehouse systems and not a good fit for
relational systems

Lecture no 2:Data warehouse versus Data Marts, E-R Modelling versus

Dimensional Modelling
Elements of Dimensional Data Model

Facts are the measurements/metrics or facts from your business process. For a Sales
business process, a measurement would be quarterly sales number

Dimension provides the context surrounding a business process event. In simple terms,
they give who, what, where of a fact. In the Sales business process, for the fact quarterly
sales number, dimensions would be

∙Who – Customer Names

∙Where – Location
∙What – Product Name

In other words, a dimension is a window to view information in the facts.

Lecture no 2:Data warehouse versus Data Marts, E-R Modelling

versus Dimensional Modelling
Elements of Dimensional Data Model

The Attributes are the various characteristics of the dimension in dimensional data

In the Location dimension, the attributes can be

∙Zipcode etc.

Attributes are used to search, filter, or classify facts. Dimension Tables contain

Lecture no 2:Data warehouse versus Data Marts, E-R Modelling versus

Dimensional Modelling
What is Fact Table?

• A Fact table stores quantified data to measure the business performance.

• It is a measure that can be summed, averaged or manipulated.
• Fact table is a table surrounded by the dimension tables in the Star Schema of
Data Warehouse.

The Fact table consists of two types of column:

• A Dimension key (foreign key) – A foreign key that joins with dimension tables
• A Measure – where data is analyzed
• A dimension table is a table in a star schema of a data warehouse.
• A dimension table stores attributes, or dimensions, that describe the objects in a
fact table.

Lecture no 2:Data warehouse versus Data Marts, E-R Modelling versus

Dimensional Modelling
Fact and Dimensional Table

Lecture no 2:Data warehouse versus Data Marts, E-R Modelling versus

Dimensional Modelling
ER Modelling vs Dimensional Modelling

ER Modeling Dimensional Modeling

Data Stored in RDBMS Data Stored in RDBMS or Multidimensional
Tables are unit of storage Cubes are the unit of storage
Data is normalized and used for OLTP Data is de normalized and used for data
warehouse and data marts
Several tables and chain of relationship between Few facts tables are connected to several
them dimension tables
Volatile(frequent updates) Non volatile
Time variant Time invariant
Detailed level of transaction data Summary of bulky transaction data
(Aggregations and measures) are used in
business decisions
SQL is used to manipulate the data SQL or MDX are used to manipulate the data
Normal reports Interactive reports, user friendly, drag and drop
MD OLAP reports

Lecture no 2:Data warehouse versus Data Marts, E-R Modelling

versus Dimensional Modelling
Unit :1 Unit Name: Introduction to Data Warehousing

Lecture No: 3
Information Package Diagram, Data
Warehouse Schemas; Star Schema

• In several ways, building a data warehouse is very different from building an

operational system.

• This becomes notable especially in the requirements gathering phase.

• Because of this difference, the traditional methods of collecting requirements

that work well for operational systems cannot be applied to data warehouses.

Lecture no 3: Information Package Diagram, Data Warehouse Schemas; Star

Dimensional Nature of Business Data

• In data warehousing system, the users

are generally unable to define their
requirements clearly.
• Users cannot define precisely what
information they really want from the
data warehouse, nor can they express
how they would like to use the
information or process it.
• Managers think of the business in terms
of business dimensions.
• If your users of the data warehouse think
in terms of business dimensions for
decision making, you should also think
of business dimensions while collecting

Lecture no 3: Information Package Diagram, Data Warehouse Schemas;

Star Schema
Information Package Diagram

Information Packages –

•Novel idea for determining and recording information requirements for a data

•Determining requirements for a data warehouse is based on business dimensions

•The relevant dimension and measurements in that dimension are captured and
kept in a data warehouse

•This creates an information package for a specific subject

Lecture no 3: Information Package Diagram, Data Warehouse Schemas;

Star Schema
Information Package Diagram

Lecture no 3: Information Package Diagram, Data Warehouse Schemas;

Star Schema
Information Package Diagram

Business dimensions
•In requirements collection phase, the end users can provide the measurements
which are important to that department.
•They can also give insights of combining the various pieces of information for
strategic decision making.
•Managers think of business in terms of business dimensions
•The managers try to evaluate business in different dimensions.

Lecture no 3: Information Package Diagram, Data Warehouse

Schemas; Star Schema
Example :information package for analyzing sales for a certain business

• The subject here is sales.

• The measured facts or the measurements that are of interest for analysis are shown in the
bottom section of the package diagram. In this case, the measurements are actual sales,
forecast sales, and budget sales.
• The business dimensions along which these measurements are to be analyzed are shown at
the top of diagram as column headings.
• In our example, these dimensions are time, location, product, and demographic age
group. Each of these business dimensions contains a hierarchy or levels.
• For example, the time dimension has the hierarchy going from year down to the level of
individual day. The other intermediary levels in the time dimension could be quarter,
month, and week.
• These levels or hierarchical components are shown in the information package diagram.
The subject here is sales.

Lecture no 3: Information Package Diagram, Data Warehouse Schemas; Star

IPD enables you to….

• Define the common subject areas

• Design key business metrics
• Decide how data must be presented
• Determine how users will aggregate or roll up
• Decide the data quantity for user analysis or query
• Decide how data will be accessed
• Establish data granularity
• Estimate data warehouse size
• Determine the frequency for data refreshing
• Ascertain how information must be packaged

Lecture no 3: Information Package Diagram, Data Warehouse Schemas;

Star Schema
Dimension Hierarchies/Categories

• When a user analyzes the measurements along a business dimension, the user usually would
like to see the numbers first in summary and then at various levels of detail.
• What the user does here is to traverse the hierarchical levels of a business dimension for getting
the details at various levels.
• The hierarchy of the time dimension consists of the levels of year, quarter, and month.
• The dimension hierarchies are the paths for drilling down or rolling up in our analysis.
• Within each major business dimension there are categories of data elements that can also be
useful for analysis.
• Hierarchies and categories are included in the information packages for each dimension.

Lecture no 3: Information Package Diagram, Data Warehouse Schemas;

Star Schema
Dimensional Data Modeling

● Dimensional Data Modeling is one of the data modeling techniques used in data warehouse

● Goal: Improve the data retrieval

● The concept of Dimensional Modeling was developed by Ralph Kimball which is comprised
of facts and dimension tables

● Since the main goal of this modeling is to improve the data retrieval so it is optimized for

● The advantage of using this model is that we can store data in such a way that it is easier to
store and retrieve the data once stored in a data warehouse.

● Dimensional model is the data model used by many OLAP systems.

Lecture no 3: Information Package Diagram, Data Warehouse Schemas; Star

Dimensional Data Modeling

Steps to Create Dimensional Data Modeling:

Step-1: Identifying the business objective –

The first step is to identify the business objective. Sales, HR,
Marketing, etc. are some examples as per the need of the
Since it is the most important step of Data Modelling the
selection of business objective also depends on the quality of
data available for that process.

Step-2: Identifying Granularity –

Granularity is the lowest level of information stored in the table.
The level of detail for business problem and its solution is
described by Grain.

Lecture no 3: Information Package Diagram, Data Warehouse

Schemas; Star Schema
Dimensional Data Modeling

Step-3: Identifying Dimensions and its Attributes –

Dimensions are objects or things like table. Dimensions categorize and
describe data warehouse facts and measures in a way that support
meaningful answers to business questions.

A data warehouse organizes descriptive attributes as columns in

dimension tables. For Example, the data dimension may contain data
like a year, month and weekday.

Step-4: Identifying the Fact –

The measurable data is hold by the fact table. Most of the fact table
rows are numerical values like price or cost per unit, etc.

Step-5: Building of Schema –

We implement the Dimension Model in this step. A schema is a
database structure.
Popular schemes: Star Schema, Snowflake Schema, Fact constellation

Lecture no 3: Information Package Diagram, Data Warehouse

Schemas; Star Schema

End Users fires a queries on these tables which contains descriptive information

Lecture no 3: Information Package Diagram, Data Warehouse Schemas;

Star Schema
Facts and Measures

Lecture no 3: Information Package Diagram, Data Warehouse

Schemas; Star Schema

Lecture no 3: Information Package Diagram, Data Warehouse Schemas; Star

Star Schema in Data Warehouse modeling

Star schema is the fundamental schema among the

data mart schema and it is simplest.

This schema is widely used to develop or build a

data warehouse and dimensional data marts.

It includes one or more fact tables indexing any

number of dimensional tables.

The star schema is a necessary case of the snowflake

schema. It is also efficient for handling basic queries.

It is said to be star as its physical model resembles to

the star shape having a fact table at its center and
the dimension tables at its peripheral representing
the star’s points.

Lecture no 3: Information Package Diagram, Data Warehouse

Schemas; Star Schema
Star Schema in Data Warehouse modeling

In the above demonstration,

● SALES is a fact table having attributes i.e. (Product ID, Order ID, Customer ID, Employer ID,
Total, Quantity, Discount) which references to the dimension tables(first 4) and next 3 are

● Employee dimension table contains the attributes: Emp ID, Emp Name, Title, Department
and Region.

● Product dimension table contains the attributes: Product ID, Product Name, Product
Category, Unit Price.

● Customer dimension table contains the attributes: Customer ID, Customer Name, Address,
City, Zip.

● Time dimension table contains the attributes: Order ID, Order Date, Year, Quarter, Month.

Lecture no 3: Information Package Diagram, Data Warehouse Schemas; Star

Star Schema in Data Warehouse modeling

Model of Star Schema –

In Star Schema, Business process data, that holds the
quantitative data about a business is distributed in fact tables, and
dimensions which are descriptive characteristics related to fact data.

Sales price, sale quantity, distance, speed, weight, and weight measurements are few examples
of fact data in star schema.

Lecture no 3: Information Package Diagram, Data Warehouse Schemas; Star

Star Schema in Data Warehouse modeling

Advantages of Star Schema –

Simpler Queries:
Join logic of star schema is quite cinch in compare to other join logic which are needed to fetch
data from a transactional schema that is highly normalized.

Simplified Business Reporting Logic:

In compared to a transactional schema that is highly normalized, the star schema makes simpler
common business reporting logic, such as as-of reporting and period-over-period.

Feeding Cubes:
Star schema is widely used by all OLAP systems to design OLAP cubes efficiently. In fact, major
OLAP systems deliver a ROLAP mode of operation which can use a star schema as a source
without designing a cube structure.

Lecture no 3: Information Package Diagram, Data Warehouse

Schemas; Star Schema
Star Schema in Data Warehouse modeling

Disadvantages of Star Schema –

●Data integrity is not enforced well since in a highly de-normalized schema state.

●Not flexible in terms if analytical needs as a normalized data model.

●Star schemas don’t reinforce many-to-many relationships within business entities – at least
not frequently.

Lecture no 3: Information Package Diagram, Data Warehouse Schemas;

Star Schema
Thank You

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