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Unit 9 The World of Work

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The world of work

A. Jobs and work



Contents 3. LISTENING

1. Warm-up: Brain-storming

The jobs that

you know
2. Vocabulary

Task 1: Label the photos with six of the words below.

6. nurse
1…………… 2…………

3………… 4…………… 5……………… 6………………

2. Vocabulary

Task 1: Label the photos with

six of the words below.

1.farmer 2.hairdresser

3.Engineer 4.journalist 5. nurse 6.teacher
2. Vocabulary: Taking notes

• secretary
• plumber
• electrician
• programmer
• Task 2: Listen, repeat and check
3. Listening

• Listen to 6 different people on the phone and

identify the jobs they do. Choose jobs from
exercise 1.
1. ________
2. _________
3. _________
4. _________
5. _________
6. __________
3. Listening

• Listen to 6 different people on the phone and

identify the jobs they do. Choose jobs from
exercise 1.
1. farmer
2. architect
3. secretary
4. Builder
5. Shop assistant
6. vet
3. Listening

• Task 6: Listen again. Complete the sentences with

musician, hairdresser or lawyer.
1.The_______works long hours.
2.The_______is his/her own boss.
3.The_______had a nine- to- five job in the past.
4.The_______ doesn’t use a computer.
5. The_______ has to deal with the public.
6.The_______ is a part of a team.
7.The_______doesn’t earn a lot of money.
8.The_______travel a lot with work.
3. Listening

• Task 6: Complete the sentences with musician,

hairdresser or lawyer.
1.The hairdresser works long hours.
2.The hairdresser is his/her own boss.
3.The lawyer had a nine- to- five job in the past.
4.The musician doesn’t use a computer.
5. The hairdresser has to deal with the public.
6.The musician is a part of a team.
7.The lawyer doesn’t earn a lot of money.
8.The musician travel a lot with work.

• Task 7: Read the sectences about jobs below.

Do you think they are negative or positive
1.You work with your hands.
2.You spend a lot of time driving.
3.Every day is different.
4.You work in an office every day
5. The job is somtimesdangerous.
6.You spend a lot of time on the phone.
4. Speaking

• Task 8: Look at the jobs in Ex 1.Decribe which

you think is the best job and which is worst
job.Write sentences about the reasons for
your choices. Use phrases from Ex 6 and 7 and
your own ideas.
The best jobs is an artist, because it isn’t
a nine- to- five job and you don’t have to
deal with the public.
4. Speaking

• Task 9: . Work in pairs.Ask and answer

questions about whatyou think are the
bestand the worst job.Give your reasons:
What’s the best job, in your opinion?
An artist.

Why? Because it isn’t a nine-

to- five job and you don’t
have to deal with the
5. Wrap up

• Vocabulary: jobs
• Listening: job descriptions
• Topic: work
• Homework: - Vocabulary builder (p139)
- write about your friends and family
and the jobs they do.
Thank You!

2. The world of work
B: Grammar: “ going to”





1. Warm up
• What are you going to do when you graduate
from university?

Work in a Come back to

company hometown

Travel around
the world

Be a
get married
2. Reading

• Task 1: Read and listen to the dialogue. Are

the sentences true or false
1. She’s going to work in the shop. T
2. She’s going to spend all the money. F
3. She’s going to save all the money. F

Task 3: Listen to the conversation. Tick the

things that Amber and Zak are going to do this
Amber Zak

go shopping


play tennis

visit family

look at photos

have a barbecue
4. Practice

Task 4: Write sentences. Use the affirmative or

negative form of going to.
1. Amber / go shopping
Amber isn’t going to go shopping.
2. Zak / go shopping
Zak is going to go shopping
3. Amber and Zak / study
Amber and Zak are going to study
4. Amber / play tennis
Amber is going to play tennis
4. Practice

5. Amber and Zak / visit family

Amber and Zak are going to visit family
6. Zak / look at photos
Zak is going to look at photos
7. Amber / have a barbecue.
Amber is going to have a barbecue
5. Speaking

• Task 5: Work in pairs. Ask and answer

questions about Amber and Zak’s plan for the
• Grammar builder: page 126

Is Amber going to go shopping?

No, She isn’t.

5. Wrap up
• Grammar: going to
• Speaking: talking about future plans
• Homework:
- Task 6, p.89, SB
- Grammar builder, p.126
Thank You!

9. The world of work
C. Culture





1. Warm up
• Do you have any part-time jobs now?
• What is it?
• Why did you choose that kind of job?
• In your opinion, what are advantages &
disadvantages of doing part-time jobs?
2. Reading

• What are the people doing?

• Where are they?
• Which job look the most interesting? Why?
2. Reading

• Read the text and find the answers:

- How old are they?
- Where do they live?
 Sienna is seventeen years old. She lives in
Imogen is fifteen years old. He lives In the UK
Blake is sixteen years old. He lives in the USA
2. Reading
• Complete the sentences with Sienna, Imogen
or Blake.
1. When they are adults ________and ________
2. ________ want to do similar work to the work they
do now.
3. ________ works in lots of different places.
4. ________ is going to study at university.
5. ________ wants to work more, but can’t.
6. ________ did an exam before starting work.
7. ________ and ________ work outdoors.
2. Reading
• Complete the sentences with Sienna, Imogen
or Blake.
1. When they are adults Imogen and Blake want to do
similar work to the work they do now.
2. Blake works in lots of different places.
3. Sienna is going to study at university.
4. Imogen wants to work more, but can’t.
5. Sienna did an exam before starting work.
6. Sienna and Imogen work outdoors.
2. Reading
Match the highlighted words in the text with the
definitions below.
1. a job that you train for and
1. Career
do as an adult
2. something that you really 2. Ambition
want to do
3. a course of study at 3. Degree
4. things that you can do well 4. Skills
5. work that you only do a few 5. Part-time jobs
hours a week
6. the rules of a country 6. Law
7. something you get when
7. Qualification
you pass an exam
3. Listening

• Listen to three people discussing part-time

jobs for teenagers.
• Which speakers think part-time jobs are a
good idea? Tick or cross.
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
Speaker 3
3. Listening: Matching

• Listen again. Match each speaker (1-3) with

two opinions about part-time jobs (a-h).
• There are two opinions that you do not need.
6. Listening: Matching
a They are a good way to learn useful skills,
b They stop teenagers asking their parents for
Speaker 1 money
c They can help you decide on your career,
d They make teenagers too tired to study
e They teach teenagers how to be responsible,
Speaker 2 f Companies employ teenagers to get cheap
g They teach teenagers how to work in a team
Speaker 3
h They aren't as useful as studying for a
4. Speaking: Pair-work
• What do you think about part-time jobs?
• Express your opinion and listen to your
partner’s idea.
• Say if you agree or disagree.
 I agree (with that/you).
 I don’t agree (with that/you).
 That's a good point. That's true. I don’t think
that’s true.
5. Wrap up

• Topic: work
• Reading: part-time jobs for teenagers
• Listening: opinions or part-time jobs
• Speaking: discussing part time jobs
• Homework: exercise 1, 4, p,82, WB
9. The world of work
D. Grammar


2. Reading

Contents 3. Grammar

4. Practice
1. Warm up

• Let’s imagine!

schools in
next 100 years
2. Reading

• Read the text to find the answer:

Will all teachers be ROBOTS in the FUTURE?
Teachers will probably not be robots in the
Learn this!
3. Grammar: Simple future

1. Form
(+) S + will + V
(-) S + won’t + V
(?) Will + S + V ?
Yes, S + will
No, S + won’t
2. Usage
• We use will:
- To talk about the future
- To make prediction
3. Grammar: Simple future

• We use the short form ‘ll after pronouns (/,

you. he. they. etc.) and there.
• We don't use the short form after names or
other nouns, or in short answers.
- There’ll be twenty people at the party.
- Jack will be there.
- Will you be there? Yes. I will.
4. Practice

• Complete predictions 1-5. Use the affirmative

or negative form of will and the verbs in
1. Robots _________ our cars. (repair)
2. Robots _________ computer programmes
3. Robots planes _________ (fly)
4. Robots _________
5. Robots _________ as doctors, (work)
6. students at school, (teach)
4. Practice

• Complete predictions 1-5. Use the affirmative

or negative form of will and the verbs in
1. Robots will repair our cars.
2. Robots will write computer programmes
3. Robots planes will fly
4. Robots won’t work as doctors
5. Robots won’t teach students at school.
4. Practice
• Complete the sentences about the future with
will and the verbs below.
be finish leave not open not see take place
1. It’s my dad’s birthday next week. He _____forty.
2. My sister is at university. She ______her degree
next June.
3. The new sports center ______ until next year.
4. The coach ______ the hotel at 8 a.m tomorrow -
please be on time.
5. Hailey's Comet passes Earth every 75 years. We
______ it again until 2061.
6. The next surfing World Championship in Hawaii.
4. Practice
• Complete the sentences about the future with will and
the verbs below.
be finish leave not open not see take place
1. It’s my dad’s birthday next week. He ‘ll be forty.
2. My sister is at university. She’ll finish her degree next
3. The new sports center won’t open until next year.
4. The coach will leave the hotel at 8 a.m tomorrow -
please be on time.
5. Hailey's Comet passes Earth every 75 years. We won’t
see it again until 2061.
6. The next surfing World Championship will take place in
5. Wrap up

• Grammar: will
• Speaking: personal predictions
9. The world of work
E: Reading



Contents 3. READING

1. Warm up

• Do you know this term?

• What is it?
• What do you do if you have a gap year?
2. Speaking

• What are the advantages of taking a year off

after school?
• What are the disadvantages?
• Do you want to take a gap year?
3. Reading
Reading strategy:
• When you read a text for the first time:
 Don’t stop to look up unknown words, just
underline them.
 Read the text again & try to guess meaning of
the words based on words around them.
 Catch the general idea
 Look up in a dictionary or in wordlists finally.
3. Reading
• Read the text to answer the questions without using
your dictionary.
1. What’s Emma going to do in Rio?
2. How will Phoebe help to protect some animals?
3. Why will Rob only earn money for about half the time
he is away?

 1. Emma's going to do voluntary work for a charity In Rio.

 2. Phoebe will help build nests for turtles, watch them at
night to make sure they are safe, and clean the beach.
 3. Rob’s going to be training for eleven weeks before he
starts working.
3. Reading: True or false?

1. All three
Emma teenagers
Is going are going
to South America to work
& Phoebe in to
is going Europe.
Africa. F
2. Emma won’t She'll earn any money
do part-time during
jobs as she's her gap year. F

3. Phoebe will work with a group of people. T

4. All three teenagers arewhich
is notto do something
Phoebe is going
connected Europeans
to be a lawyer,
with their future
called careers.
the rock
Ayers Rock.
to skiing.
5. Emma will go to more than one country. T
6. All three teenagers are planning to go to university. T
7. Rob and isn't
Phoebe Phoebegoingare going to give lessons. F
to give
8. Rob needs to get a qualification before he can earn
money. T
3. Reading: Vocabulary
• Match the two halves of the compound nouns. Then
check your answers in the text

voluntary work tourist industry

part-time jobs conservation project
French Alps ski instructor
3. Reading: Vocabulary
• Use the compound nouns to complete the sentences below.
voluntary work tourist industry part-time jobs
conservation project French Alps ski
1. They’re working on a ______to protect tigers.
2. I’m doing three different _______to pay for my university
3. Languages are useful for people who work in the _______
4. My grandmother doesn’t work for money, but she does
_______at our local school.
5. In the winter, he’s a _______ but in the summer, he teaches
6. Chamonix is a famous ski resort in the _______
3. Reading: Vocabulary
• Use the compound nouns to complete the sentences below.
1. They’re working on a conservation project to protect
2. I’m doing three different part-time jobs to pay for my
university studies.
3. Languages are useful for people who work in the tourist
4. My grandmother doesn’t work for money, but she does
voluntary work at our local school.
5. In the winter, he’s a ski instructor but in the summer, he
teaches surfing.
6. Chamonix is a famous ski resort in the French Alps
3. Reading: Vocabulary

4. Writing

• What do you think about gap year? Write a

short paragraph to show your own idea.
5. Wrap up

• Topic: work, travel and tourism

• Reading: gap years
• Speaking: discussing types of jobs
• Vocabulary: compound nouns
9. The world of work
F: Everyday English



Contents 3. LISTENING

1. Warm up: Doing a quiz
1. Warm up: Doing a quiz
2. Reading

• Read the dialogue.

• Is it formal or informal?
• How do you know that?
2. Reading: Learn this!

• Offers
₋ We use I’ll and the base form to make an offer.

I’ll tell you the answer.

I’ll call you back.
3. Listening
• Listen to two phone call. Do the callers speak to the
people they want to?
• Listen again. Tick the phrases you hear.
₋ Can I speak to... ?
₋ Hello. Is that... ? I'd like to speak to…
₋ Yes, speaking
₋ I'm afraid ... is on the phone.
₋ Can l leave a message?
₋ Can I take a message?
₋ Can I give…. a message?
₋ And the name is?
₋ What's your name?
₋ Can he/she call me back, please?
3. Listening: LOOK OUT!

Saying phone numbers

• In English we say each individual number.
O = oh 66 - double six 111 - treble one
07754 550111 - oh double seven five four,
double five oh treble one
3. Listening: Pronunciation

Listen and repeat the phone numbers

1. 01197 435778
2. 3 01755 888140
3. 05544 128966
4. 01629 700322
4. Speaking: Pair-work

• Prepare a dialogue
like the dialogue in
exercise 1.
• Use phrases from
exercise 5 and the
prompts below.
5. Wrap up

• Topic: work
• Function: making phone calls
• Listening: phone calls
• Speaking: saying telephone numbers; making
a phone call
• Homework: exercise 1,2,3 p.85, WB
9. The world of work
G: Writing



Contents 3. WRITING

1. Warm up

• Work in pairs
• Suggest for your partner an ideal job he/she
would do.
• Explain the reasons
2. Reading

• Read the letter & find:

- Who is the sender?
- What is the aim of the letter?
2. Reading

• Read the text again. Number the parts of the

letter in the order they appear.
a. The date 2
b. The sender’s name 5
c. The sender’s address 1
d. The address the letter is going to do 3
e. The sender’s signature 4
3. Writing: Make an outline

• How many parts are there in the letter in ex.1?

• What is the content of each part?
• How many paragraph are there in its content
• What is the main idea of each part?
3. Writing: Make an outline
• Paragraph 1: Which point is not included in Joel’s letter?
- what the job is
- where you saw the advertisement
• Paragraph 2
- what you are doing at the moment
- your recent experience and the skills you learned
• Paragraph 3
- why you want the job
- why you are the right person for the job
• Paragraph 4
- when you can start work
- what you are enclosing with the letter
3. Writing strategy

• When you write a formal letter:

• Start with Dear (Mr Jones) if you know the
name of the person or Dear Sir or Madam if
you don’t.
• Do not use colloquial language (e.g. mates.
OK) or short forms {I'm, there's, etc.).
• Finish with Yours sincerely if you used the
person’s name at the start or Yours faithfully if
you didn't.
3. Writing: Useful languages

• I would like to apply for...

• I saw your advertisement online.
• I am very interested in this job because ...
• I am sending you my CV.
• I hope to hear from you soon.
3. Writing: find the idea

• Think about the reasons why you would be

right for this job.
• Make notes
3. Writing: the first draft

• Write an application letter (90-120 words)

applying for a job at the theme park in
exercise 6.
- Use your notes from exercise and phrases
from exercise 4.
- Follow the plan in exercise 3, inventing
information where necessary.
4. Checking
• Have you:
₋ included all the information in the task in
exercise 7?
₋ followed the plan in exercise 3?
₋ followed the advice in the writing strategy and
₋ phrases from exercise 4?
₋ checked your spelling and grammar?
• Check for your partner
5. Wrap up

• Reading: a formal letter

• Writing: a formal letter: applying for a job
• Topic: work

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