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To understand why the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was

a major cause of the First World War.
The First World War
● The First World War began in July 1914.

● It ended on 11th November 1918.

● Today, we hold Remembrance Day on 11th November to remember all

those that have fought in wars across the world and all those who have
lost their lives.
Let’s Recap
What are the countries that took part in the Battle of Somme?

Where did the battle take place?

What was the effect of the Plan created by General Doglus?

What is the effect of creating the Pal Battalions?

Who is Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

The Ottoman Empire
The Balkans
What were the first and second Balkan
• By the early 20th century, ottoman empire was considered as “sick man of Europe”

• Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro and Serbia had achieved independence from the
ottoman empire, but large elements of their ethnic populations remained under the
ottoman rule.

• In 1912 these countries formed a Balkan league to drive the ottomans from

• In 1913 the members of the league had a war over the division of the conquered
territory, especially Macedonia. Bulgaria lost.

• Britain and Germany wrote a peace treaty to end the conflict.

Alliances Between Countries
● In the 1900s, many countries began to
set up alliances with each other. This
meant that the countries would support
one another and defend each other in
case of war.

● There were two main alliances:

The Triple Entente - This was an
agreement between Britain, France
and Russia.
The Central Powers - This was an
agreement between Germany and
The Assassination Of Archduke
Franz Ferdinand
● The assassination of the Austrian,
Archduke Franz Ferdinand, caused a
series of events to occur.

● These events led to the outbreak of the

First World War in June 1914.

● But why was this event so important?

Who Was Archduke Franz
● Franz Ferdinand was born in a
city called Graz in Austria.

● He was born on 18th

December 1863.

● He became heir to the throne

of Austria-Hungary after the
death of his father and cousin.
The Assassination Plan
● Serbia and Bosnia were both regions south of Austria-Hungary.

● They were not ruled by their own king or queen, but by the leader of

● Some of the Serbian and Bosnian people did not want to be ruled by
another country and wanted their own leader.
The Assassination Plan
● A group of Serbian men called ‘The Black Hand’ decided to attempt to
assassinate Franz Ferdinand while he was visiting Sarajevo in Bosnia
and Herzegovina.

● They recruited a Bosnian assassin called Gavrilo Princip.

● He was the man who eventually killed Franz Ferdinand.

The Assassination
● On 28th June 1914, Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie, were
visiting Serbia.

● They were travelling within a group of vehicles called a motorcade.

● There were lots of people along the route who all wanted to see the
future king and queen.
The Assassination
● The Black Hand had several people set up along the route to try and
kill the Archduke.

● While they were on the way to the town hall, a man threw a bomb at
the car.

● However, the bomb bounced off the car and the Archduke and his wife
were at that point unharmed.
The Assassination
● After this attempt, it was decided that the Archduke’s convoy should
change their route in case there were other people trying to kill him.

● Unfortunately though, on the return route, the motorcade took a wrong

turn and Gavrilo Princip was able to take a clear shot at the Archduke.
Franz Ferdinand and his wife were both tragically killed.
Why Did This Lead to the First
World War?
● The Austria-Hungary government
threatened to go to war with
Serbia as it was people from their
country that had killed their future

● Russia were on the side of


● Austria-Hungary placed demands

on Serbia. When these were not
met, they declared war.
Why Did This Lead to the First
World War?
● Due to the alliances between countries, this meant that Germany
defended Austria-Hungary.

● Germany then declared war on Russia to support Austria-Hungary.

● Consequently, France joined the conflict to help their ally Russia.

● Subsequently, Germany declared war on France.

Why Did This Lead to the First
World War?
● On 4th August 1914,
Britain then entered the
war to help their allies
Russia and France.

● The First World War

had officially begun.

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