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Mrs. Meera Ajit Khandekar

Department of Instrumentation & Control
College of Engineering, Pune
• Control room
• Field area
• Standard signals
• Signal conditioning
• Two wire transmitter
• Differential Pressure Transmitter
• SMART transmitter
• Converter
Instrumentation and control architecture
• Thousand number of sensor and control elements
are used in large process plant.
• I/O layer systems that use main frame plant
process computer.
• Maintenance layer represent any interface made
available to maintenance and engineering.
• Operation layer represents the device used by the
plant operator. These devices include trend
recorders, digital indicator, annunciator
• The enterprise layer illustrates the basic plant or
company enterprise where information technology
systems are deployed.
Control Room
Analog Vs Digital
Analog: speed, parallax error
Digital: resolution, instrument error
Hybrid display
Pneumatic signal
• Electrical signal or spark could ignite combustible
• Inflexible, bulky, and costly compared to electrical
signal lines
• Require an excessively long settling time
• Pneumatic transmission pressures were
standardized into two ranges, i.e., 3 to 15 psi (20 to
100 kPa) and 6 to 30 psi (40 to 200 kPa)
• Zero is not used for the minimum of the ranges as
low pressures do not transmit well
• Zero level can then be used to detect system failure.
Voltage signal
• Error in measurement-cable will drop small
amount of voltage
• Transmitter low output impedance
• Internal resistance R of the controller must be
very high
• Voltage signals are used in many application
because of their design simplicity.
• Common standard voltage signal 0-10 volts, 1-
5 volts
Voltage transmission drawback
• Transmitting voltages over long distances produces
correspondingly lower voltages at the receiving
end due to wiring and interconnect resistances
• High-impedance instruments can be sensitive to
noise pickup since the lengthy signal-carrying wires
often run in close proximity to other electrically
noisy system wiring
• Shielded wires can be used to minimize noise
pickup, but their high cost may be prohibitive when
long distances are involved.
Supply and signal connections are shown between
controller and transmitter using a twisted pair
Voltage Signal Transmission Current Signal Transmission
Current Signal
• Standardized signal ranges: 4 to 20 mA and 10
to 50 mA, where 0 mA is a fault condition
• Transmitter- high output impedance, so that
the output current does not vary with load,
temperature, offset drift, and low noise
• Controller- internal resistance is low for
current signals, i.e., a few hundred ohms
Analog Signal Conditioning
• Signal level change
• Linearization
• Conversion
• Signal transmission
• Digital interface
• Filtering and impedance matching
• Divider circuit
• Bridge circuit
• Lead compensation
• RC filters
• Operational amplifiers
Guidelines for analog signal conditioning design

• Define the measurement objective

• Select a sensor
• Design the analog signal conditioning
• If the input is a resistance change and a bridge or
divider must be used, be sure to consider the effect
of output voltage nonlinearity with resistance and
the effect of current through the resistive sensor
• Always consider any possible loading of voltage
sources by the signal conditioning
Digital signal conditioning
• Digital electronic
• Comparator
• Hysteresis comparator
• Digital-to-Analog convertor
• Analog-to-Digital convertor
Linear instruments Calibration:
The simplest calibration procedure for a linear instrument is the so-called
zero-and-span method The method is as follows:

1. Apply the lower-range value stimulus to the instrument, wait for it to


2. Move the “zero” adjustment until the instrument registers accurately at

this point

3. Apply the upper-range value stimulus to the instrument, wait for it to


4. Move the “span” adjustment until the instrument registers accurately at

this point

5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 as necessary to achieve good accuracy at both

ends of the range
A zero shift calibration error shifts the function vertically on the graph. This
error affects all calibration points equally, creating the same percentage of
error across the entire range
A span shift calibration error shifts the slope of the function. This error’s
effect is unequal at different points throughout the range:
A linearity calibration error causes the function to deviate from a straight line.
This type of error does not directly relate to a shift in either zero (b) or span
(m) because the slope-intercept equation only describes straight lines. If an
instrument does not provide a linearity adjustment, the best you can do for
this type of error is “split the error” between high and low extremes, so the
maximum absolute error at any point in the range is minimized:
A hysteresis calibration error occurs when the instrument
responds differently to an increasing input compared to a
decreasing input. The only way to detect this type of error is to
do an up-down calibration test, checking for instrument
response at the same calibration points going down as going up
What makes 4-20mA signal transmission so
• The accuracy of the signal is not affected by the voltage drop
in the interconnecting wiring, which will always have an
associated signal loss related voltage signal. This allows the
signal transmission to occur over long distances.
• The 4mA “Zero-Offset”, “Live Zero”, or “Positive-Zero” is
• A “Live Zero” of 4mA also permits the two-wire current loop to
power the transmitter, simplifying installation and reducing
• current loop’s low sensitivity to electrical noise : low
impedance system, it is much less sensitive to induced noise,
than perhaps the high impedance input of a voltage amplifier
Current loop component
• Sensor/transducer: Convert physical
parameter(RTD, T/C, Orifice with differencial
cell )
• Signal Conditioning: voltage-to-current
converter etc.
• Power Supply: +24V
• Receiver: Monitor, Data acquisition system,
Recorders, Controller, DMM
Loop Drop
• One of a process monitor’s most important
specifications—be it a loop-powered or locally
powered device—is the total resistance (or “burden”)
it presents to the transmitter’s output driver.
• Most transmitter’s data sheets specify the maximum
loop resistance the transmitter can drive while still
providing a full-scale 20mA output
• Every component through which the 4-20mA loop
current passes develops a maximum voltage drop
equal to that component’s resistance multiplied by
0.020 Amperes (20mA)
Transmitter Ratings
• Transmitters usually state both minimum and maximum
operating voltages
• The minimum voltage is that which is required to ensure proper
transmitter operation
• maximum voltage is determined by its maximum rated power-
dissipation, as well as by its semiconductors’ breakdown ratings
• A transmitter’s power dissipation can be determined by
multiplying its loop drop by the highest anticipated output
• if a transmitter drops 30V at an over range output level of
30mA, its power dissipation is:
For example
30V x 0.030A = 0.9 watts
Wiring resistance
• If a transmitter’s output is delivered to a
remote process monitor using 2000 feet (660
meters) of 26-guage, solid copper wire having
a resistance of 40.8ohm per 1000 feet, the
one-way voltage dropped by the wire when
the transmitter’s output is 20mA is equal to:
E = 0.020 Amperes x [2000 feet x (40.8 ohm /1000 feet)]
E = 0.020A x 81.6 ohm = 1.63V

The total voltage dropped over the 4000 feet of wiring is

Power supply

• It must be set to a level that is greater than

the sum of the minimum voltage required to
operate the Transmitter, plus the IR drop in
the Receiver, and for long transmission
distances, the IR drop in the wire
• ANSI/ISA standard 50.00.01 actually describes
three different current loop connection types
• The two-wire transmitter described here is a
Type 2 connection type, in which the
transmitter has a “floating” connection
relative to ground
• Type 3 connection type, or 3-wire transmitter
loop, where the Transmitter and Receiver
share a ground connection with power, and
the transmitter uses a third wire to connect to
power outside of the current loop
Type 4 refers to a 4-wire transmitter where the
transmitter and Receiver float, and separate power
leads power the transmitter outside of the current loop
• The obvious disadvantage of 4-wire scheme is the
requirement of two more conductors in the cable
• Cables with more conductors will require larger
electrical conduit to fit in to, and all field wiring panels
will have to contain more terminal blocks to marshal the
additional conductors
• A 2-wire transmitter’s circuitry is designed to act as a
current regulator, limiting current in the series loop to a
value representing the process measurement
• The current “source” in 2-wire loop-powered transmitter
actually behaves as an electrical load
• The current source in the 4-wire transmitter functions as
a true electrical source
A flow transmitter is ranged 0 to 350 gallons per minute, 4-20 mA output,
direct-responding. Calculate the current signal value at a flow rate of 204
• First, we convert the flow value of 204 GPM into a percentage of range. This is a
simple matter of division, since the flow measurement range is zero-based:

204 GPM/350 GPM = 0.583 = 58.3%

Next, we take this percentage value and translate it into a milliamp value using the
previously shown:

(16 mA)( x/100%)+ (4 mA) = current

(16 mA)(58.3%/100%) + (4 mA) = 13.3 mA

Therefore, the transmitter should output a PV signal of 13.3 mA at a flow rate of 204
A pH transmitter has a calibrated range of 4 pH to 10 pH, with a 4-20 mA
output signal. Calculate the pH sensed by the transmitter if its output signal is
11.3 mA
Thank You

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