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24 기초나노화학 Ch2

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Introduction to Miniatur-
2.1. Background: the Smaller, the Better
Products do more with less

Miniaturization comes multifunctionality

Molecular-scale electronics
• space
• material cost
• speed
• low perturbation
• exactness and stability
• low energy needed
• power density
2.2. Scaling Laws
• Simple concept that can help orient us to unfamiliar scales and highlight the ways a smaller
design might improve or inhibit performance

2.2.1 The Elephant and the Flea

D : characteristic dimension

• Surface to volume ratio

Back-of-the-Envelope 2.1

- 코끼리와 flea 중 힘이 더 센 것은 ?
- 코끼리와 flea 중 단위무게당 힘이 더 센 것은 ?
Naim Suleymanoglu
2.2.2 Scaling in Mechanics
classical mechanical systems

• mass ( 𝑀 =r 𝑉 )

(𝑒𝑥 ) 작 은 먼지 ( 𝑑 ≈ 10 𝜇 𝑚 ) 는돌 ( 𝑑 ≈ 10 𝑐 𝑚 ) 에비 해 ?
• force of gravity
1 1
( 𝐹 𝑔= 3
= 12 배)
10,000 10
• friction
coefficient of friction

• striction force (adhesion 과 friction 의 combination)

• wear life (Ex) 수 cm 크기의 부품이 10 년의 wear life 를 갖는다면 , 수 nm 부품의 wear
life 는 ?

Back-of-the-Envelope 2.2

- 엔진 크기를 줄여서 1,000 개의 엔진이 원래 1 개의 엔진 volume 을 차지하게

한다면 , more powerful 할까 ? less powerful 할까 ?
• spring force

• oscillating frequency
=2 𝜋 𝑓

• period of oscillation
∴ 𝑓=

1 𝑘
2𝜋 𝑚
• kinetic energy

• gravitational potential energy

• potential energy of spring

2.2.3 Scaling in Electricity and Electromagnetism - Electricity 는 small sys-
tem 을 control 할 수
있는 기본 power
• electrostatic field strength at constant voltage
resistivity - electrostatic/piezoelec-
tric actuation, thermal re-
• resistance (Ex) 한 변이 1cm 인 gold cube 의 저항이 2mW
sistance heating, electro-
일 때 , 한 변이 10nm 인 gold cube 의 저항은 ?
dynamic pumping,
electromechanical trans-
• current duction 등에 이용

• electrical power

• capacitance

• electrostatic force between capacitive plates

• magnetic force
(Electromagnetic force)

Back-of-the-Envelope 2.5
- Electromagnetic forces are not large enough for meaningful application at the nanoscale
- 10 nA 가 흐르는 길이 10 nm 의 두 wire 가 1 nm 만큼 떨어져 있을 때 magnetic
force 는 ?
• for nanowires,
2.2.4 Scaling in Optics

• divergence angle

• photolithography spot size spot ¿ 𝐷 ¿= ∝l
𝜋 ( 𝑁𝐴 )

• resolution of optical elements

• focal length

(Lens-maker’s formula)
𝐹𝐿 (
= (𝑛 − 1 )

𝑅 𝑓 𝑅𝑏 )
2.2.5 Scaling in Heat Transfer

• energy needed to heat a system to a given temperature

• heat capacity of a system (cf) molar heat capacity, specific heat capacity

• heat can be transferred by conduction, convection and radiation

• rate of heat conduction

• rate of heat convection

2.2.6 Scaling in Fluids

v: average velocity of the fluid

m: dynamic viscosity of the fluid
• volumetric flow
l: pipe length
DP: pipe 양단의 pressure 차이

• pressure gradient (at const. v)

• new electrodynamic pumping techniques based on surface pumping force such as electro-
osmotic pumping and electrophoretic pumping needed
2.2.7 Scaling in Biology <average LS>
쥐 2~3 년
다람쥐 5 년
• life span 고양이 11 년
양 13 년
quarter-power 개 19 년
scaling 원숭이 15~20 년
• heart rate 말 20 년
소 30 년
타조 35 년
• metabolic rate 코끼리 60 년
고래 120 년
거북이 150 년

< 고양이 vs 쥐 >

2.3. Accuracy of the Scaling Laws

• Simple means of estimating phenomena at small scales, but sometimes inaccurate

• Summary : (Table 2.1)

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