Presntation. 1
Presntation. 1
Presntation. 1
Course Objectives
The objectives of this course are to impart knowledge to students to
enable them to;
1) Explain the development of marketing and the ways it can benefit
business and organizations
2) Explain the concept of marketing planning and budgeting
3) Explain the concept of segmentation and its application
4) Identify the tools of marketing mix
5) Identify the basic differences in application of the marketing mix
involved in marketing products and services with in different
marketing contexts
Course Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course the learners should be able to:
1) Explain the development of marketing and the ways it can benefit
business and organizations
2) Explain the concept of marketing planning and budgeting
3) Explain the concept of segmentation and its application
4) Identify the tools of marketing mix
5) Identify the basic differences in application of the marketing mix
involved in marketing products and services within different
marketing contexts.
Detailed Course Outline
Chapter 1: Marketing – An Overview / Introduction
Chapter 2: Marketing Environment
Chapter 3: Marketing Mix
Chapter 4: Marketing Planning and Strategies
Chapter 5: Product Related Decisions
Chapter 6: Introduction to Branding
Chapter 7: Pricing Decisions
Chapter 8: Distribution Strategy
Chapter 9: Promotion Mix
Chapter 10: Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
Chapter 11: Services Marketing
Chapter 12: Recent Trends in Marketing
Kotler, P. and Gary A.(2010) Principles of Marketing, 13th edition.
New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Publishing.
Kotler, P. and Keller, K.(2009) Marketing Management, 13th
Edition, Pearson
Tull, D. (2005) Research for Marketing Decisions
Kotler, P. (2001) Principles of Marketing
Chapter 1: Marketing – An Overview / Introduction
Chapter outline
1.1 Meaning and Definition of Marketing
1.2 Marketing Concepts/ Philosophies
1.3 Importance of Marketing, Functions of Marketing
1.4 Difference between Marketing and Selling
1.0.Introduction/ Overview
Today, Marketing is typically seen as the task of creating,
promoting, and delivering goods and services to consumers and
Marketers are skilled in stimulating demand for a company's
products, but this is too limited views of the tasks marketers
Just as production and logistics professionals are responsible for
supply management, marketers are responsible for demand
Marketing managers seek to influence the level, timing and
composition of demand to meet the organization's objectives.
NB. Both marketing and sales are important, but they serve different
Adopting a holistic approach that incorporates both functions will help
ensure success.