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Food Preservation

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EPP 6 Quarter 3

Food Preservation
Food Food Preservation - is generally defined as any act
or addition that inhibits undesired bacterial growth
Preservation or chemical changes. You likely practice it daily
without even knowing it. Among the oldest
methods of food preservation are drying, salting,
freezing, and processing.

It is the science of extending the shelf life of food

while maintaining as much as possible of its
nutritional quality and avoiding the growth of
unwanted micro-organisms.
Different ways of Food Preservation

 Food preservation is known “as the science which deals

with the process of prevention of decay or spoilage of food thus
allowing it to be stored in a fit condition for future use”.
Preservation ensures that the quality, edibility, and the nutritive
value of the food remains intact. Preservation involves preventing
the growth of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms as well as
retarding oxidation of fats to reduce rancidity. Correct food
preservation techniques can prevent spoilage and retain the
nutritive value, natural color, and texture of the food.
Drying –
is the oldest method of food
preservation. This method reduces
water activity which prevents
bacterial growth.

Drying reduces weight so foods can

be carried easily.
Sun and wind are both used for
drying as well as modern
applications like Bed dryers,
Fluidized bed dryers, Freeze
Drying, Shelf dryers, Spray drying
and commercial food dehydrators
and Household oven.
Meat and fruits like apples, apricots
and grapes are some examples of
drying with this method.
 Freezing - is keeping
prepared food stuffs in cold
storages. Potatoes can be
stored in dark rooms, but
potato preparations need to be
Smoking - is the
process that cooks,
flavors and preserves
food exposing it to the
smoke from burning
wood. Smoke is
antimicrobial and
antioxidant and most
often meats and fish are
smoked. Various
methods of smoking are
used like hot smoking,
cold smoking, smoke
roasting and smoke
baking. Smoking as a
preservative enhances
the risk of cancer.
Vacuum packing
- creates a vacuum
by making bags and
bottles airtight.
Since there is no
oxygen in the
created vacuum
bacteria die. Usually
used for dry fruit.
 Salting and Pickling: Salting also
known as curing removes moisture
from foods like meat. Pickling means
preserving food in brine (salt solution)
or marinating in vinegar (acetic acid)
and in Asia, oil is used to preserve
foods. Salt kills and inhibits growth of
microorganisms at 20% of
concentration. There are various
methods of pickling like chemical
pickling and fermentation pickling.
Canning and bottling

Means sealing cooked food in

sterile bottles and cans. The
container is boiled, and this kill
or weakens bacteria. Foods are
cooked for various lengths or
time. Once the can or bottle is
opened the food is again at risk
of spoilage.

Is preserving food by cooking in a

material that solidifies to form a
gel. Fruits are generally preserved
as jelly, marmalade, or fruit
preserves and the jellying agent is
pectin that is naturally found in
fruit. Sugar is also added
Benefits of Food Preservation

1. It contributes to better nutrition for the family by preventing scarcity of food. Balanced
meals may be attained only if there is a year-round supply of fruits and vegetable.
2. It is a means of increasing the family income. When harvest is abundant and the food
supply is more than enough for the family, the excess products can be preserved and sold
in the market.
3. It helps in the economic development of the country since the excess foods can be
preserved and sold in the market.
4. Foods are made available throughout the year. They may be preserved in preparation for
the coming event like the town fiesta, Christmas, and other special occasions.
5. Food preservation makes food or harvest available in places where they are not prepared
or grown.
6. It is profitable as a hobby as well as means of livelihood.
Here are the Tools and Equipment used for Food Preservation:

Knife- is a cutting tool used in paring, peeling, and cutting food.

Mixing bowl- is used for placing and mixing ingredients.
Tray- is a rectangular, shallow container where ingredients are placed
during preparation.
Chopping board – is where food is placed when cut.
Colander - is where vegetables and fruits are drained in.
Glass measuring cup- is used in measuring liquid ingredients.
Preserving bottles- it is where food to be preserved are placed
Grater – used for grating fruits or vegetables.
Funnel- is used for placing liquid in containers with small opening.
Strainer- is used in straining food to remove lumps or drain food in
small quantity.
Weighing scale- is used to weigh required ingredients.
Hand towel-is used for wiping bottles and hands while working.
Plastic measuring cup-is used for measuring dry ingredients.
Spoons- It is used for stirring and spooning (wooden spoons for
stirring and packing; slotted spoons for lifting)
Food Brushes- used to wash food to be canned.
Saucepans- It is needed to heat lids.
Jelly Bags- used to strain juice from softened fruit and pulp.
Tongs- It is used to remove canning lids from hot water and putting
the lids onto filled jars.
Timer- used to measure processing times accurately.
Pressure Canner- used to can low acid food. Can be purchased
with weighted or dial gauges. Available in many sizes. Purchase a
canner that can hold four-quart jars or more.
Boiling Water Bath Canner- used to can acid foods. Adequate
height is important.
Crock- used to ferment food in pickling; should be clean and free of
Jar funnel- used to avoid getting food on sealing surfaces of jars
and helps
Appropriate Head Space Jar Lifter- used to remove jars from
canner. Wooden handles protect user’s hands from heat and the plastic
coating prevents jars from slipping.
Plastic Spatula- used to run down sides of filled jars to release air
bubbles without damaging the jar. Made of plastic.
Jars- For best results, use only canning jars. Jars come in a variety of
sizes; select sizes that fit the needs of the household.
Lids- Only standard lids should be used.
EPP 6 Quarter 3

Food Preservation
Food Preservation Guidelines
1. Use food in season.
2. Use properly sanitized and appropriate equipment.
3. Be clean and wear clean kitchen outfit.
4. Have all the needed ingredients and equipment on hand before
starting to work.
5. Select the best process and method for your product.
6. Be well organized, systematic, and quick while working.
7. Follow the recommended time and temperature in the recipe.
8. Seal the jars tightly, put proper labels, and store in a cool, dry place.
Guides in the Proper Selection for Good Food Preservation

Fruits - smooth, natural smell, heavy and firm, good shape, right degree
needed for recipe, have a pleasing aroma, free from bruises and decays.

Vegetables - bright in color, free from insect bites, bruises, and worms, heavy
and firm, leaves, and stems are crisp, has well attached stem.
Fish - no foul odor, clear and bright eyes, bright red gills, shiny and
light scales, firm flesh.

Egg - sinks in water, clear when placed before the light, yolks
stands firm, shell is slightly rough

Meats - firm and fine texture, no foul odor, fats are well distributed, beef meat is red in
color, pork meat is pinkish in color, beef fat is yellowish, meat fat is white, skin have a
stamp of bureau of animal industry.
Food Preservation Can Be Done Safely and Sanitarily if the
following Steps are Done Correctly
1. Prepare the necessary tools, equipment, and ingredients before
starting the task.
2. Wash hands thoroughly before handling food and ingredients.
3. Concentrate on the task to avoid accidents in the work area.
4. As much as possible, sit down while doing the task to avoid getting
tired easily.
5. Be sure to know how to use the different tools and equipment in
food preservation.
6. Keep the work area clean.
7. Try to work as fast as possible to avoid air exposing
the food for so long.
8. Be sure to add labels to all ingredients to be used to
avoid the mistake of mixing the wrong ingredients.
9. Return everything to their respective storage once you
are done with the task

Preserved Langka
% kilo langka fruit
2 cups sugar
1 cup water
1. Remove seeds of langka fruit.
2. Boil 2 cups sugar and 1 cup water until thick.
3. Add langka.
4. Cook for few minutes until done and transparent.

Note: You can use saba banana, camote using the same measurements .
Pineapple Jam
2 cups chopped pineapple
2 cups refined sugar
1. Cook 2 cups chopped pineapple and 2 cups sugar until
slightly thick.
2. Put in sterilized jar.

Note: You can use mango using the same measurement.

Pickled Ampalaya
1 kilo ampalaya
2 cups vinegar
3 cups sugar
½ cup sliced ginger
2 ½ tbsps. salt
1.Wash and cut ampalaya into strips, ½ in thick and ½ inches long.
2.Boil 2 cups vinegar, 3 cups sugar, salt and ginger for five minutes.
3.Add ampalaya and let the boil for five minutes
4.Separate ampalaya from the boiled mixtures and let cool.
5.Mix and pack in sterilized bottles.

Note: You can use eggplant, papaya, using the same measurement.
Pickled Papaya
2 medium sized green papaya
1 pc carrot
2 pcs bell pepper
1 large pc ginger
2 cups vinegar
3 cups sugar
1 cup salt
1. Peel, slice papaya and remove seeds
2. Grate papaya using a small held grater.
3. Mashed with 2 tablespoon salt.
4. Squeeze with the use of a fishnet or unbleached musklin (katsa). Do not wash.
5. Flake and spread on a tray.
6. Slice carrots, bell pepper, ginger into strips.
7. Boil 2 cups vinegar, 3 cups sugar, 2 tbsps. salt and ginger for five minutes.
8. Add carrots, bell pepper, onion, garlic, and boil for 3 minutes.
9. Remove from stove.
10. Separate vegetable from vinegar and let cool.
11. Mix together when cold and add ampalaya.
12. Taste, add sugar or salt if necessary. If you want to add more vinegar, boil it first.
1 kilo sliced pork or chicken
1 cup sugar 1 tbsp. salt
1.Wash pork.
2.Sprinkle sugar and salt.
3.Mashed thoroughly until the sugar and salt dissolve.
4.Pack and refrigerate.
Salted Eggs
12 pcs eggs
6 cups salt
6 cups water Jar
1.Wash eggs.
2. Boil salt and water for 10 minutes and stir continuously.
3. Let it cool.
4. Place in a jar, bottle or plastic container.
5. Soak the eggs for two weeks.
6. Cover tightly.
Tinapang Tilapia
1 kilo tilapia
1 tbsp. salt
5 cups water
1.Clean the tilapia
2.Boil 5 cups of water, 1 tbsp. salt and tilapia in a frying pan until done.
3.Sundry for 15 minutes.
4.Prepare an improvised oven (big biscuit can) with sawdust metal grill and cover.
5.Open one side of the can from top halfway. Light up sawdust. Place the tilapia on the
6.Cover the opening of the can to contain smoke inside.
7.Removed from the improvised oven when the scales of tilapia turn brownish.
8. Pack in place zip. Remove air using a straw.

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