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Picture Analysis

8b. Strategies of overcome speech
tension, platform nervousness
& stage fright
This help people interact with one
another and convey messages. In a
professional setting, individuals use
speaking skills when giving
presentations, meeting with clients,
collaborating with coworkers or
when asking questions to superiors.
How to speak with
How to speak with confidence

This means being okay with

making mistakes and learning
from them. By doing this, you
can ease your concerns and Embrace your
slowly improve your confidence weaknesses
when speaking in the
How to speak with confidence

Whether you have to give a

presentation, or you want to
present an idea to a superior,
Give yourself time to giving yourself adequate
prepare what to say time to practice and think
about your message can
help you gain more
How to speak with confidence
When speaking in front of large
groups at meetings or events,
make eye contact with a few
different people to show your
focus on the entire audience. Maintain eye contact
You can also focus on the wall
directly behind your audience to
help you concentrate.
How to speak with confidence

When presenting an idea or

delivering a presentation,
you can convey confidence
Limit the amount of by refraining from turning
questions you ask definitive statements into
How to speak with confidence
During conversations, you may
feel the need to speak during
silent moments. However, this Allow the other
can cause you to say something person to initiate
unrelated to your original the conversation
message or idea. in silent moments
How to speak with confidence

Allowing your personality to

show is an important part of
being confident when you
Be yourself speak. It also helps
conversations flow naturally,
and it can help your
audience connect with you as
you give presentations.
How can I
overcome my
fear of public
1.Know your topic.
The better you understand what
you're talking about — and the
more you care about the topic
— the less likely you'll make a
mistake or get off track.
Get organized
Use an outline on a small card to
stay on track. If possible, visit
the place where you'll be
speaking and review available
equipment before your
Practice, and then practice
some more.
Practice your complete
presentation several times. Do it
for some people you're
comfortable with and ask for
Challenge specific worries.
List your specific worries. Then
directly challenge them by identifying
probable and alternative outcomes and
any objective evidence that supports
each worry or the likelihood that your
feared outcomes will happen.
Visualize your success.
Imagine that your presentation will
go well. Positive thoughts can help
decrease some of your negativity
about your social performance and
relieve some anxiety.
Do some deep breathing.
•This can be very calming. Take two
or more deep, slow breaths before
you get up to the podium and
during your speech.
Focus on your material, not
on your audience.
•People mainly pay attention to
new information — not how it's
presented. They may not notice
your nervousness.
Don't fear a moment of
•If you lose track of what you're
saying or start to feel nervous and
your mind goes blank, Even if it's
longer, it's likely your audience won't
mind a pause to consider what you've
been saying. Just take a few slow,
deep breaths.
Recognize your success.
•After your speech or presentation,
give yourself a pat on the back. It may
not have been perfect, but chances
are you're far more critical of yourself
than your audience is.
Picture Analysis
Using Presentation
Aids in
Presentation Aids
the resources beyond the speech
words and delivery that a speaker
uses to enhance the message
conveyed to the audience.
Types of Presentation Aids

The most common visual aid used

in presentations, slide decks, may
be developed using software such
Slide Decks as PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi, or
Google Slides.
Types of Presentation Aids
commonly defined as a graphical
representation of data (often
numerical) or a sketch
representing an ordered process.
Whether you create your charts or Charts
do research to find charts that
already exist, it is important for
them to exactly match the specific
purpose in your speech
Types of Presentation Aids
used that we will discuss them
separately. A graph is a pictorial
representation of the relationships
of quantitative data using dots,
Graphs lines, bars, pie slices, and the
like. Graphs show how one factor
(such as size, weight, number of
items) varies in comparison to
other items.
Types of Presentation Aids
drawings or sketches that outline
and explain the parts of an object,
process, or phenomenon that
cannot be readily seen. Like
graphs, diagrams can be Diagram
considered a type of chart, as in
the case of organizational charts
and process-flow charts.
Types of Presentation Aids

If it will be helpful for your audience

to refer to the information you’re
sharing at a later date, they’ll
Handouts appreciate it if you leave them with a
handout. Decide whether it is better
to give handouts to the audience at
the beginning or end of your speech.
Types of Presentation Aids
Maps are extremely useful if
the information is clear and
limited. There are all kinds of
maps, including population,
Maps weather, ocean current,
political, and economic maps,
so you should find the right
kind for the purpose of your
Types of Presentation Aids
It is common to put stock
photographs on PowerPoint slides
as “clip art,” but they should be
relevant and not detract from the Photographs
message of the slide.
& Drawings
Types of Presentation Aids
Another very useful type of
presentation aid is a video or
audio recording choice to
Video or Audio enhance your speech.
Types of Presentation Aids

Another form of presentation aid

that can be very helpful in getting Objects
your audience to understand your
Types of Presentation Aids
Another very useful type of
presentation aid is a video or
audio recording choice to
Video or Audio enhance your speech.
Your visual aids should meet
the following criteria:
•Big. Make it legible for everyone, even the back row.
•Clear. The audience should “get it” the first time they see it.
•Simple. Simplify concepts rather than complicating them.
•Consistent. Use the same visual style throughout.
To be a communicative competence in
our field we must be aware with the
methods of speaking.
Insight Specifically, in terms on how will you
face your audience, how prepare are
you in delivering your speech. Use of
presentational aids in delivering
speech is very useful for the audience
to easily grasp and understand the
message or the topic you are
discussing to attain successful
communicative process.
References Craig N. Sawchuk, Ph.D., L.P. How can I
overcome my fear of public speaking?

•eCore Public Speaking Textbook (COMM 1113)

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