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 The process of naming plants based on international rules proposed by botanists to

ensure stable and universal system is called botanical nomenclature.
 It is an essential process to overcome the problems of common names. The botanists
agreed to lay down certain rules and conditions.
 The main suggestion was that language should be in Latin as it is not a
national language of any country and moreover it is dead language
 A lot of previous literature is written in Latin.
 The ICBN is an agreement between botanists around the world to follow Binomial
system of naming
 Based on binomial nomenclature by Linnaeus in 1751.
 Linneaus proposed elementary rules in his book named ‘Philosophia botanica’ in 1751.
 Detailed account of botanical nomenclature De Candolle in1813.
 It is the very basis for the first International congress in 1867,Paris.
 This law of botanical nomenclature is called Paris code, 1867 or De Candolle's rule.
 In 1930, the 5th International Botanical Congress(IBC) was held to frame rules and
regulations for naming plants

Carl Linneaus De Candolle

 The International Code of Botanical Nomenclature(ICBN) was changed to International
code of Nomenclature(ICN) for Algae, Fungi, and Plants at the International Botanical
Congress(IBC) in the 18th IBC congress at Melbourne in July 2011 as a part of the
Melbourne Code which replaces the Vienna Code of 2005.
 There is a separate code for Cultivated Plants as International code of
Nomenclature(ICN) for Cultivated Plants.
1. Botanical nomenclature is not dependent of Zoological nomenclature and is
2. The names of taxonomic groups are determined by nomenclatural types.
3. The nomenclature of taxonomic group is based on priority of publication.
4. Each taxonomic group with a particular position & rank can only hare first
correct scientific name
5. The names of taxonomic groups will be in Latin language only
6. Nomenclature rules is retroactive unless expressly limited.
 Rank of taxa: The ICBN provides the series of rank with names which are the
hierarchial catagories. The ranks, in descending sequence, provided by the Code are
shown in the following table:
 The Type Method (Typification)
 Names are established by reference to a
nomenclatural type. Taxonomists use the type  Syntype: In case holotype and original, plant is
method as a legal device to provide the correct name lost then many herbarium sheet prepared from
for a taxon. The nomenclatural type of a species, a many plants of same species is called syntype.
type specimen, is a single specimen or the plants on
a single herbarium sheet.
 Isotype: Duplicate of holotype - In presence of
holotype a second herbarium sheet prepared
 Type specimen (herbarium sheet) is of different type:
from the original plant is called isotype.
 Halotype: Herbarium sheet on which the first
description of plant is based.
 Paratype: Additional herbarium sheet used in
the first description of plant is called paratype.
 Lectotype: In case of holotype is lost, second It is prepared from some other plant of same
herbarium sheet prepared from the original plant is
species having some variations.
called lectotype.
 Neotype: In case holotype and original plant is lost
then herbarium sheet prepared from some other plant
of same species is called neotype.
 Several rules used in author citation
 Author name add in abbrevivative forms in botanical names like Linnaeus written as linn or L
 Bentham written as Benth
 Hooker written as hook
 But the author name never underline or italic

 If the scientist give name for any taxa then their name should be linked with ET or (s)
 Ex pinus merkusie jungh et dever
 More than two author involve then the name of first scientist or leader added and other
end with at all(at all the dude that there are more scientist to give name)

Name given by any scientist with his validly published but that name are not totally

correct have some error than second author corrected and names of second author joined
with ex by first• Genus Species first author name ex second author name

 If a taxon grow in garden they name are given by hort ex
 genus species hort ex author
The names of taxa must meet the requirement of the Code when it is published. It is
effective under this code only when the distribution of printed is performed properly.
 It should be effectively published i.e. in a journal commonly available to botanists and
not in a local news paper or in any other printed form.
 It should be published in a correct form i.e. Latinized with rank indicated and with Latin
description (may be in brief).
 More detailed description is given in vernacular language. For the taxa of the rank of
genus and below, nomenclature type must be indicated and location of the type also
 If the names are published effectively and validly using the rules of ICBN then the
names are legitimate otherwise they are illegitimate
The name of the newly described taxon is usually indicated by words sp.nov (species
nova); gen.nov. ( genus novum).

Preference will be given who will publish earlier and only a single name is accepted for a

6. Name of scientist (who proposed nomenclature)

1. According to binomial system name of any species consists of should be written in short after the specific name e.g.
two names i.e. generic and species name Mangifera indica Lin.
2. In plant nomenclature (ICBN), generic name and specific name 7. Name of scientist should be neither underlined nor
should not be same in plants e.g. Mangifera mangifera But for written in italics, but written in roman, letters (simple
animal nomenclature (ICZN-International Code of Zoological alphabets)
Nomenclature) & Najanaja (Indian cobra), Raitus rattus 8. If any scientist has proposed wrong name then his
(Rat). name should be written in bracket and the scientist who
corrected the name should be written after the bracket.
3. Length of generic name or specific name should not be less e.g Tsuga canadensis(Lin.) Salisbury Note: Linnaeus
than 3 letters and not more than 12 letters named this plant as Pinus canadensis
e.g Mangifera indica 9. Scientific names should be derived from Latin or
Greek languages because they are dead languages.
Exception: Riccia paihankotensis – More than 12 letters 10. Type specimen (Herbarium Sheet) of newly
According to ICBN this name is not valid but this name was discovered plant should be placed in herbarium (dry
proposed before 1961, so it is valid. garden).Standard size of herbarium sheet is 11.5 × 16.5
4. First letter of generic name should be in capital letter and first inches
letter of specific name should be in small letter. e.g Mangifera ICNB = International Code of Nomenclature 'for
indica. But if specific name is based on the name of some person, Bacteria
its first letter should be in capital letter e.g. lsoetespantii. ICVN = International Code of Viral Nomenclature
ICNCP = International Code of Nomenclature for
5. When written with free hand or typed, then generic name and Cultivated Plants
specific name should be separately underlined. But during
printing, name should be Italized.
the ICN provides a standardized system for the scientific naming of plants, ensuring
clarity, consistency, and stability in botanical nomenclature. The ICBN helps to ensure
that plants name are formulated, Applied, Cited in a standardized and reliable manner,
facilitating accurate communication, collaboration and classification among botanist
worldwide.the ICBN remains committed to its mission of promoting, collaboration,
and innovation in the naming and classification of plants, thereby contributing to our
understanding and conservation of the rich diversity of plant life on our planet.

 McNeill, J., Barrie, F. R., Buck, W. R., Demoulin, V., Greuter, W., Hawksworth, D. L.,
Herendeen, P. S., Knapp, S., Marhold, K., Prado, J., Prud'homme Van Reine, W. F., Smith,
G. F., Wiersema, J. H., & Turland, N. J., (2012).International Association for Plant
Taxonomy (IAPT). San Juan Chapter F. Page no 154-163


The data extracted on 10/03/2024


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