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Generator, Ups and AC Manual

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Prepared By Melan Electromechanical Solu on PLC

Prepared By Melan Electromechanical Solu on PLC

Table of Contents

PART - I GENERATORS MANUAL..............................................................................

3. ALTERNATOR .......................................................................................................................................................2
MONITORING ...............................................................................................................26
MAINTENANCE ..........................................................................................................................38

PART II - UPS MANUAL...............................................................................................

9. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................
10.UPS SAFETY .......................................................................................................................................................51
11.UPS MACHINE HANDLING ....................................................................................................................................52
12.INSTALLATION ......................................................................................................................................................
13.OPERATION ..........................................................................................................................................................5
UPS ..........................................................................................................................................82
SHOOTING ............................................................................................................................................83

PART III - AC MANUAL................................................................................................

CONDITIONING .............................................................................................................................91
REFRIGERATION ..........................................................................................................................93
20.A STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE FOR INSTALLATION .........................................................................................96
REPAIR ................................................................................................................................98

Prepared By Melan Electromechanical Solu on PLC

Training on installation, operation, and

maintenance of Generators, UPS and Air
Conditioning Devices
The S.I.C. project has the objec ve to foster job-effec ve growth while improving social and
environmental sustainability in Ethiopia’s manufacturing sector. Through its implementa on, the
S.I.C. project will contribute to closing the gap between aspira ons and results of the industrial park
agenda by providing mul faceted support for improvements in the areas of worker welfare, effec ve
opera ons, and environmental sustainability of IPs, standards, and frameworks for environmental
and social sustainability, as wells as strengthening capaci es of local companies to improve their
integra on into interna onal value chains.
This document lays down the Terms of Reference (ToR) to provide prac cal training on installa on,
opera on, and maintenance of electromechanical components (i.e., Generators, UPS, and Air-
Condi oning devises) for the industrial parks.

Project Background
In 2019, Ethiopia embarked on an ambi ous path toward economic development. The home-grown
economic reform, which incorporates a strong industrializa on strategy, aims for Ethiopia to become
a middle-income country by 2030. A key aspect of Ethiopia’s industrializa on agenda is the
establishment of industrial parks (IPs), which aim to a ract foreign direct investment (FDI), increase
exports, create jobs for a young, growing popula on, and promote the country as a light
manufacturing hub on the African con nent.

In line with the Ethiopian transforma on agenda, the Bri sh and German governments are
suppor ng the country’s pathway towards industrializa on through the implementa on of a joint
project named Sustainable Industrial Clusters (S.I.C.). The project is implemented by the Deutsche
Gesellscha für Interna onale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH under a co-financing agreement
between the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) of the United Kingdom and the
German Federal Ministry for Economic Coopera on and Development (BMZ).

The S.I.C. project has the objec ve to foster job-effec ve growth while improving social and
environmental sustainability in Ethiopia’s manufacturing sector. Through its implementa on, the
S.I.C. project will contribute to closing the gap between aspira ons and results of the industrial park
agenda by providing mul faceted support for improvements in the areas of worker welfare, effec ve
opera ons, and environmental sustainability of IPs, standards, and frameworks for environmental
and social sustainability, as wells as strengthening capaci es of local companies to improve their
integra on into interna onal value chains.

Prepared By Melan Electromechanical Solu on PLC

Part - I
Generators Manual

Prepared By Melan Electromechanical Solu on PLC

1. Diesel Generators (Generalities)

DG Block Scheme:

Diesel Generator Set

2. Diesel Engine Main Components

DG Main Components:

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DG Engine

DG Engine Main Parts

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Engine Stroke -1

1. Intake: Also known as suc on. This stroke of the piston begins at top dead centre (T.D.C.) and ends
at bo om dead centre (B.D.C.). The intake valve must be in the open posi on while the piston pulls
into the cylinder, the piston is moving down as air is being sucked.

Engine Stroke - 2

2. Compression: This stroke begins at B.D.C, or just at the end of the suc on stroke, and ends at
T.D.C. In this stroke the piston compresses the air in prepara on for injec on during this stroke Both
the intake and exhaust valves are closed.

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Engine Stroke-3

3. Power: Also known as power or igni on. This is the start of the second revolu on. At this point the
cranksha has completed a full 360-degree revolu on. While the piston is at T.D.C. (the end of the
compression stroke) the compressed air-fuel mixture is ignited by heat generated by high
compression diesel engines, forcefully returning the piston to B.D.C. This stroke produces mechanical
work from the engine to turn the cranksha .

Engine Stroke-4

4. Exhaust: Also known as outlet. The piston, once again, returns from B.D.C. to T.D.C. while the
exhaust valve is open. This ac on expels the spent air-fuel mixture through the exhaust valve. The
stroke produces mechanical work from the engine to turn the cranksha .

DG Engine Auxiliary Systems

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1. Fuel System

The First part in the fuel system is the Fuel Water Separator (FWS).

This is a primary filtra on unit used to remove the water from the diesel fuel before it reaches to the
sensi ve parts of the engine. Water and contaminants have a direct impact on the service life and
performance of diesel engines.

To remove the water from the Fuel Water Separator, the operator should periodically check the
primary Filter and open the valve to drain the water. The FWS’s have different sizes and
configura ons based on the flow rate required by the engine fuel system

The use of a suitable filtra on system on diesel engines is a must to avoid damage to closely fi ed
injec on pump and injectors.

On diesel engines primary and secondary filters are used. The primary filter can remove dirt
par cles down to 30 microns and the secondary filter between 10 to 12 microns.

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Fuel System: Mechanical Governor

A classic example is the centrifugal governor, also known as fly-ball. (Flyweights) governor on a
reciproca ng Diesel engine, which uses the effect of iner al force on rota ng weights driven by the
machine output sha to regulate its speed by altering the input flow of Diesel.

Governors serve three basic purposes:

1. Maintain engine speed within the range of the governor.

Example 1500or 1800 RPM

2. Prevent over-speed which may cause engine damage.

3. Limit both high and low speeds.

Fuel System: Electrical Governor

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2. Lube Oil System

The lube oil system lubricates the rota ng and moving parts and gears of the engine to minimize the
effects of metal-to-metal contact that causes both sliding and rolling types of fric on, and to absorb
great amount generated heat to achieve smooth performance of the internal parts of the a

Oil system has three func ons:

 Cleaning
 Lubricating
 Cooling

Oil Pump is gear-driven pump. It pulls oil from the lube oil pan (sump) and supplies it to the engine
when the engine is running.

Typical oil pump consists of:

 Gear pump

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 Driving gear

 Pump housing.

Oil Filters

They receive the oil from the pump. The filters clean the oil and remove any metal par cle that the
oil has picked up, to remove it from the circuit before it goes to the engine bearings or inside the
cylinder block.

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3. Cooling System

Diesel engines are heat-genera ng sources. They are cooled by circula ng a water-based coolant
through a water jacket, which is part of the engine. The coolant is circula ng through pipes to the
radiator to remove the heat added to the coolant by the engine and then goes back to the engine.
Proper ven la on is required to cool the engine for achieving the op mal performances.


1. Water pumps

2. Heat removing device (radiator or heat exchanger)

3. Coolant expansion tanks (surge tanks)

4. Temperature control valves (thermosta c control valves)

5. Temperature and pressure switches and indicators

6. Manifold / Pipes

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Turbo Charger Engine

It is important to ensure that air temperature does not become excessive in modern boosted engines
as the Excessive air temperatures in the air intake manifold can reduce the charge-air density and
higher combus on temperatures which can affect efficiency and emissions.

That is the main reason to implement the Double Loop cooling system and Air to Air cooling system

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Radiator: The radiator is an air-cooled heat exchanger. It consists of an inlet box and a discharge box
connected by many small diameter tubes arranged so that the air flows through the tube. The tubes
have fins on the outside surfaces to enhance the heat transfer between the tube surface and the
cooling air.

• Fan: Standard gensets have engine-driven fans . The func on of the fan is to blow air at the
required flow density to cool the radiator



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The boiling point of water at atmospheric pressure (1 Bar) is 100oC, however the boiling point is
changing with pressure, this graph is showing the boiling point of water at different pressures.

At boiling point the temperature stops rising and water stops absorbing the heat. The temperature
will not rise further un l all the water has evaporated.

To increase the heat generated by the engine block, we have to increase the boiling point, this can be
achieved by increasing the cooling circuit pressure=> this is the role of the radiator cap.


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4 & 5. Air Intake & Exhaust System

• The turbo charger consists of two turbines on one sha . The first turbine is known as the hot
turbine is driven by the hot gases.

• The combus on gases have high pressure and high speed enough to produce enough
torque to drive the hot turbine to a very high speed. The high-speed rota on of the hot
turbine causes the other turbine to rotate at the same speed. The second turbine is called
the cold turbine It is completely isolated from the hot turbine and installed in different

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6. Star ng System

• It mainly consists of star ng ba eries sized enough to run an electrical starter motor to
Ini ate and achieve rapid engine rota on and reach fuel firing speed, the starter
motor is deac vated once engine self-rota on is being established due to the engine
internal firing / compression

The crank is disconnected if:

• Engine speed / frequency built up

• Oil pressure reached predefined value

• Voltage is built up

• Starter mer reached the limit

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3. Alternator
AC Generator and Excita on Control

Alternator is the component which converts the mechanical power provided by the engine to
electrical power

The alternator can be characterized by the following Data:

• Prime & Standby Capacity (KVA)

• Frequency

• Number of phases & Rated Voltage (127/220, 220/380, 230/400…)

• Power Factor: Typically, 0.8 For all alternators.

• Excita on method (Shunt, PMG. MAUX…).

• Winding & leads (6 or 12 Leads)

• Insula on and Temp rise class

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Star ng:


Over Voltage:

Normal Voltage:

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Excita on System


The MAUX uses the output voltage of the main stator as supply voltage and a single auxiliary winding
inserted in selected slots of the main stator for booster effect. The combina on of these two sources
is then used to power the regulator, thus combining the power of a tradi onal SHUNT system with
the reliability and control level of MAUX system. Under the same condi ons, more power is taken to
supply the regulator, which improves the excita on capabili es.


In SHUNT excita on systems, the AVR power supply and voltage reference are picked on the same
output terminals. The AVR generates and regulates the excita on current as a func on of the
alternator output voltage.

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The SHUNT system is extremely simple in its design and is ideal for standard applica ons.

Excita on System: PMG


The new AREP+ uses the output voltage of the main stator as supply voltage and a single auxiliary
winding inserted in selected slots of the main stator for booster effect. The combina on of these two
sources is then used to power the regulator, thus combining the power of a tradi onal SHUNT
system with the reliability and control level of an AREP system. Under the same condi ons, more
power is taken to supply the regulator, which improves the excita on capabili es

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Control System – PMG

Excita on System: PMG

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Alternator Main Component

Alternator AVR Component

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Alternator Leads

4. Engine Controller & Monitoring

AC03 Controller
• Single genset operating in standby or prime power modes
• Full gen-set monitoring and protection
• 3 phase power measurement of gen-set and mains incl. kWh
• Engine ECU support with diagnostic messages in plain text via J1939
• Detailed event and performance log with time and date
• Earth fault current protection*
• Alternative switchable configuration
• Automatic and manual GCB and MCB control
• Magnetic pickup input
• D+ pre-excitation terminal
• 3 configurable analog inputs
• 7 binary inputs
• 7 binary outputs

AC03 Controller

START button. Works in MAN mode

only. Press this button to initiate the
start sequence of the engine.

STOP button. Works in MAN mode

only. Press this button to initiate the
stop sequence of the gen-set.
Repeated pressing for direct stop
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FAULT RESET button. Use this

button to acknowledge alarms and
deactivate the horn output. Active
alarms will be changed to
"confirmed" so they will disappear as
soon as their reasons dismiss.

FUEL PUMP button. While this button is

pressed FUEL PUMP is activated until
Fuel Pump OFF level is reached.

MODE LEFT button. Use this button to

change the mode. The button works only
if the main screen is selected

MODE RIGHT button. Use this button to

change the mode. The button works only if
the main screen with the indicator of
currently selected mode is displayed.

GCB button. Works in MAN and TEST modes

only. to open or close the GCB manually.
Note that certain conditions must be valid
otherwise GCB closing is blocked.
MCB button. Works in MAN and TEST modes
only. Press this button to open or close the
MCB manually.

PAGE button. Use this button to switch over

display pages. See Display Screens and Pages
Structure chapter below this table for more
Gen-set failure. Red LED starts flashing when gen-set failure
occurs. After FAULT RESET button is pressed, goes to steady
light or off (if no alarm is active).
Gen-set voltage OK. Green LED is on if the generator
voltage is present and within limits.
GCB ON. Green LED is on, if MCB is closed.
MCB ON. Green LED is on, if MCB is closed.

Mains failure. Red LED starts blinking when the mains

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failure is detected and after the genset has started it
lights permanently until the mains failure disappears.
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5. Generator Control System

AC03 Controller

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Communication Port

1- Current measurements
2- Generator voltage

4- Binary inputs

3- Mains voltage Gen and Mains

5- CAN bus and RS485 6- Analog inputs

8- Binary Outputs
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7- Power Supply
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Plug in modules:



IL-NT RS232-485





Bridge modules:


Internet Bridge-NT

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Communication Port

To connect your PC to the AC03 unit you need the following RS232 Cross-Wired Cable (female- female)

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6. Trouble shooting
AC Alternator

 Voltmeter connected incorrectly, or faulty.

 Loose broken or corroded connections / Breaker.
 Very low insulation resistance to earth (ground), on exciter.
Alternator Not Rotating
(Broken Coupling Bolts.)

 Engine speed low. Under frequency protection (UFRO) circuit activated.

 AVR ’VOLTS’ adjust, or external hand trimmer control incorrectly set.
 Fault on power supply from main stator.
 Fault in AVR.

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 Sensing supply from Main Stator to AVR open circuit or too low.
 AVR ’VOLTS’ control or hand trimmer incorrectly set.
 AVR faulty.


 Engine speed ’hunting’ (unstable).

 AVR stability control incorrectly adjusted.
 Loose or corroded connections.
 Intermittent earth on machine

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 Single-phase load current unevenly distributed over the three phases.
 Main Stator winding insulation issues in one or more phases.

Diodes Testing – Digital Multimeter

A Diode has two resistance values, forward and reverse, these can be measured with a multimeter as
shown in the diagram. An arrow printed on the diode body identifies the positive side of a diode. The forward
resistance is being measured in Fig. A with the positive meter lead connected to the forward side of the diode.
In Figure ’B’ the meter leads have been reversed, and the reverse resistance is being measured.

A faulty diode will give a reading in both forward and reverse directions (short circuit), or no reading in either
direction, (open circuit).

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7. Health, Safety and Installation


General Hazard
1. Installation, repair and maintenance should always be in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations.

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2. Exhaust fumes emitted by generator sets contain poisonous gases like carbon
monoxide that can be life threatening and result in death. Exhaust systems must be
properly installed, adequate ventilation must be provided to ensure unobstructed flow of
cooling and ventilating air, and emissions must be directed away from inhabited zones.
3. The area around the generator must be clean and free of clutter and any combustible
material that can be hazardous.
4. The equipment must be regularly inspected and defective or damaged
parts must be replaced in a timely manner.
5. It is essential that the operating personnel always remains alert while working with the
6. The unit should not be opened or dismantled while it is functioning.
Moving or hot
parts should not be tampered with. Battery cables should be disconnected before
proceeding to work on the generator to eliminate any possibility of an accidental start up.


7. All power voltage supplies should be turned off at the source while installing or servicing the

8. All electrical connections, such as wires, cables and terminals must be properly insulated and covered,
and should not be touched with bare hands or while in contact with water. This is
essential to prevent the occurrence of an electric shock.

9. The frame of the generator and any external conducting parts should have proper grounding / earthing
wiring. This should never be disconnected.

10. Wiring, cable and cord sets must be of the recommended capacity.

Fire and Explosion Hazards

11. Smoking in the vicinity of the equipment can be fatal.

12. Fuel or oil spills around the generator, leakages from the unit’s fuel system and fuel supply lines
and presence of combustible materials around the generator will pose a risk of an

13. A fire extinguisher should be readily available. Use of extinguishers that operate on carbon tetra-
chloride is strictly prohibited since the fumes are toxic and can deteriorate the insulation on the
wiring of generators.


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Installation Procedures
1. Equipment should always be installed, serviced and repaired only by Authorized Service
Dealers, or competent, qualified and certified technicians.
2. Personal should have a thorough knowledge of and always comply with standard operating
procedures, applicable codes and regulations.
3. It is essential to check whether the generator and its accessories comply with the latest version
of any standards as applicable to the equipment.
4. Upon unpacking the generator from shipping cartons, first conduct a thorough inspection to detect
any damage that may have occurred during shipment.
5. Check whether the rated capacity of the unit is adequate to handle all the intended loads during a
power outage.
6. If required, the critical loads may be grouped together and wired independently into an
exclusive distribution panel.
7. The generator should be installed in close proximity to the location of the transfer switch and the fuel
supply, to reduce the required length of cabling and piping respectively.
8. You may be required to seek a permit if you intend to store a large fuel tank. The fuel pipe sizing,
construction and layout must comply for liquid propane applications.
9. A grounding lug is usually provided for grounding the frame and external conducting parts of
the equipment.
10. It is essential to consult a qualified electrician to determine grounding requirements and
follow procedures that meet local regulations.
11. All batteries must be completely charged before they are inserted into the generator.
12. Similar care must be ensured while unpacking and installing the transfer switch.
13. The switch should be wall-mounted or Stand alone and all the points must be in level with each
other to prevent distortion of the switch.
14. The unit should be connected to the electrical system supplied by the utility only by means of the
automatic transfer switch. This will ensure isolation between the generator’s electric system
and the utility distribution system.
15. Also, back-feed can occur wherein an improperly connected generator begins to feed
electricity back into the power lines which will damage the unit and cause injury or death to the
operating personnel.
16. In the absence of a transfer switch, the safest option is to plug the essential appliances directly
into the generator.

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8.Operation and Maintenance

Maintenance Interval

Note Should Be In Mind:

 A good maintenance program is the key to long all electro mechanical system.
 Records of maintenance work should be kept to aid in developing an efficient maintenance
 Generator set should be kept clean.
 Do not permit liquids such as fuel, or oil films to accumulate on an internal or external surface or on
under or around any acoustic material.
 Do not use flammable solvents for cleaning purpose.

Agency Representative:

Hour Meter:

Unit Mfg.

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S/N: :
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Engine Mfg:


S/N: :

Gen. Mfg.


SYSTEM (check one)
1. Engine coolant level
2. Radiator core/heat exchanger
3. Coolant lines/connections/hoses &
4. Water jacket heater(s)
SYSTEM (check one)
1. Battery(s) electrolyte level/specific gravity
2. Battery compartment/heater cooperation
3. Battery connections/cables/casing
4. Shutdown mechanisms
5. Electrical starter/alternator generator
6. Electrical system, accessories &

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(check one)
1. Engine oil level
2. Engine oil change
3. Engine oil filter change
4. Engine oil sample for analysis
5. Crankcase pressure
6. Crankcase breather
7. Oil leaks (hoses, connectors)
8. Engine governor oil level/linkage (UG8)
9. Fan drive bearings
10. Generator bearings
11. Engine starter oiler (air type only)
12. Gauges and safety mechanism
13. Accessory drives


SYSTEM (check one)
1. Fuel tank/day tank
2. Fuel filters-primary/secondary
3. Fuel system
4. Gauges and Safety mechanism
5. Condensation/water in fuel

 Check battery electrolyte level and top off.
 Never add undiluted sulphuric acid to a battery.
 The electrolyte level should be covering the plate (13mm) with the battery to
maximize full charging transfer
 Adding of extra acid destroy the grids
 Check and record battery voltage
 Check and record battery charger amperage
 Check battery connection terminals and clean as necessary
 Clean battery posts and terminals

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 Check battery charger and adjust float rate (if necessary

Lubrication System

 Check crankcase oil

level and top up, if necessary,

with the same type of oil.

 Visually inspect

 for contamination
by fuel water or

 Visual inspection of front & rear crankshaft seals and lubrication system
gaskets for leaks

 Check for excessive crankcase blow by with engine running

 Inspect engine belts for fraying and cracking
 Check jacket water heater(s) for proper operation and adjust thermostat
settings as needed
 Check and adjust belt tension if necessary
 Inspect hoses for cracking, leaking, and pliability
 Check and record engine coolant antifreeze protection


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 Check level of main storage tank

Test day tank pump for proper operation

and level
 Inspect fuel lines for leaks or cracking
 Drain water from fuel separator
 Check fuel injection and transfer pumps for
proper operation and leaks
 Drain water from water separator and fuel
 Check governor linkages, and oil level if
 Check and record level in main fuel tank


 Inspect air filter for deterioration and plugging
 Check inlet and discharge louvers for proper operation with engine
running and stopped
 Inspect air intake piping for leaks and possible dirt entry
 Inspect flexible exhaust couplings for cracks & excessive leakage
 Inspect exterior of exhaust manifolds for oil/fuel slobbering (signs of
wet stacking)
 Inspect exhaust silencer for deterioration

 Inspect generator set vibration isolators and adjust as needed

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 Operational check of warning and fault lamps
 Check proper operation of engine and generator monitoring displays
with engine running
 Adjust governor control for optimum performance and frequency
 Adjust voltage regulator for proper voltage
 Check remote annunciator for proper operation (if applicable


• Check Operation of Transfer Switch
• Transfer Building Load to Generator, Check Operation of Transfer

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Part - II
UPS Manual

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1. Introduction
What is a UPS?

A UPS is a device that Provides backup power when u lity power fails, either long enough for cri cal
equipment to shut down gracefully so that no data is lost, or long enough to keep required loads
opera onal un l a generator comes online.

What are the main types of UPS?

UPSs come in three major varie es, which are also known as topologies:

Single-conversion systems - In normal opera on, these feed incoming u lity AC power to IT
equipment. If the AC input supply falls out of predefined limits, the UPS u lizes its inverter to draw
current from the ba ery, and also disconnects the AC input supply to prevent back feed from the
inverter to the u lity. The UPS stays on ba ery power un l the AC input returns to normal tolerances
or the ba ery runs out of power, whichever happens first. Two of the most popular single-conversion
designs are standby and line-interac ve:

Standby UPSs allow IT equipment to run off u lity power un l the UPS detects a problem, at which
point it switches to ba ery power. Some standby UPS designs incorporate transformers or other
devices to provide limited power condi oning as well.

Line-interac ve UPSs regulate input u lity voltage up or down as necessary before allowing it to pass
through to protected equipment. However, like standby UPSs, they use their ba ery to guard against
frequency abnormali es.

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Line Interac ve UPS internal design

Double-conversion systems - As the name suggests, these devices convert power twice. First, an
input rec fier converts AC power into DC and feeds it to an output inverter. The output inverter then
processes the power back to AC before sending it on to IT equipment. This double-conversion
process isolates cri cal loads from raw u lity power completely, ensuring that IT equipment receives
only clean, reliable electricity. In normal opera on, a double-conversion UPS con nually processes
power twice. If the AC input supply falls out of predefined limits, however, the input rec fier shuts
off and the output inverter begins drawing power from the ba ery instead. The UPS con nues to
u lize ba ery power un l the AC input returns to normal tolerances or the ba ery runs out of
power, whichever occurs sooner. In case of a severe overload of the inverter, or a failure of the
rec fier or inverter, the sta c switch bypass path is turned on quickly, to support the output loads.
Adopts high-efficient IGBT power component, which thoroughly solves the electric system problems,
such as impulse and interference of power grid, and ensure the load works normally.

Precise mains synchronization system

The output and power grid realizes the accurate zero-phase synchroniza on, which
meets the high requirement for the synchroniza on of power supply and power grid and
enhances the performance and reliability of bypass switch.

Double Conversion UPS internal design

Mul -mode systems - These combine features of both single- and double-conversion technologies
while providing substan al improvements in both efficiency and reliability.

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Mul -mode UPS internal design

Ba eries for UPS

There are three main types of batteries used in uninterruptible power supplies: Nickel-
Cadmium, Lead-Acid, and Lithium-Ion.

Lead-Acid batteries have a proven track record for reliability when used in an uninterruptible
power supply system. In large power applications, where weight isn’t the overriding concern, they
provide the most economical choice.

This cost-effectiveness is combined with other performance qualities such as low internal
impedance and high tolerance.
Lead-Acid batteries come in two different types:

 Valve Regulated (VRLA)

Also known as Sealed Lead-Acid (SLA), this is the most common type found in modern UPS
systems. They typically come with a 5 or 10-year design life and are best stored in a dry, climate-
controlled room at a temperature of 20-25°C.
VRLA batteries are sealed inside a case which has a valve that vents to release gas if internal pressure
gets too much, hence the term “valve regulated”.

Because they are sealed, they can be mounted either vertically or horizontally, so are suitable for use
within battery compartments, rackmount trays or external cabinets. In addition, they don’t need
any direct maintenance such as being regularly topped up with water.

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There are two main types of electrolyte composition used in a VRLA UPS battery: Absorbed Glass
Mat (AGM), where the electrolyte is held in a porous microfiber glass separator; and Gel, which is made
from a mix of sulfuric acid and silica.

AGM technology is the norm for UPS batteries because of its lower cost, lower internal
resistance, and higher charge/discharge rates.

By comparison, Gel-filled VRLA has a higher internal resistance, which makes it less suitable for high-
rate discharging common with UPS applications. It does offer advantages in terms of a wider
operating temperature range (-40°C to +55°C) and extended design life.

 Open Vented (VLA)

Also known as Flooded, these batteries have plates that are flooded with electrolyte acid. They have a
long design life (up to 20 years) and are typically used in large installations needing a high ampere-
hour (Ah) rating.
Because they aren’t sealed, any hydrogen generated escapes directly into the environment. This means
installations using VLA batteries require more powerful ventilation systems and can pose a greater safety

To overcome these risks, VLA batteries must be placed in a dedicated room with wash-down facilities
in case of acid leaks. Because they are top-vented, they must also be kept upright, with the water levels
manually topped up.

They can’t be used in cabinets or racks, which means they aren’t suitable for
office environments or data center installations. VLA batteries are also more expensive than the
VRLA alternative.

Nickel-Cadmium UPS Ba eries

The ba ery electrodes are made up of nickel hydroxide on the posi ve plate and cadmium hydroxide
on the nega ve plate.

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NiCds offer the advantages of a 20-year design life, the ability to handle a wide ambient temperature
range (-20°C to +40°C), a high cycle life and tolerance to deep discharges.

On the other hand, NiCd UPS ba eries are far more expensive than the more tradi onal VRLA
variety. And because nickel and cadmium are toxic materials, this makes the disposal and recycling
processes at the end of service life prohibi vely expensive.

Lithium-Ion UPS Ba eries

The advantages of Li-Ion include higher reliability than tradi onal VRLA/SLA ba eries because of
built-in ba ery monitoring and management systems, which check every individual cell for any
change in performance.

Another benefit of Lithium-Ion UPS ba eries is that they are significantly smaller and lighter because
of their significantly higher power density. They also have faster charge mes, longer cycles, and at
least double the service life compared to VRLA/SLA.

Despite the cost of Li-Ion UPS ba eries decreasing over recent years, it is s ll a far more expensive
ini al choice than the other op ons.

However, the longer service life does balance out the higher upfront capital costs. Li-Ion generates
less heat and can operate at higher temperatures, meaning they don’t require as much air
condi oning, which can reduce cooling costs.

1.Personnel and Equipment safety

1. Personnel Safety
The related opera on and wiring for the UPS should be performed by qualified professionals and
ensure the electric installa on accords with the electricity installa on standards. Moun ng and
dismantling power cables is prohibited when the power is on. Please switch off the power switches
before moun ng or dismantling power cables. Before connec ng, make sure the cable connec on,
cable labels are in accordance with the actual installa on.

It is be er to measure the input, output and ba ery terminals by a voltmeter to ensure the input
power is disconnected and in a safe condi on.

Do not wear conduc ve objects, such as watches, bracelets, and rings during opera ng.

2. Batteries safety
Do not put the ba eries near to fire, Explosion hazard and the ba ery wiring must be ghtened.

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Do not touch the terminals of the ba eries (especially a er two or more ba eries connected each
other) there is electrical shock hazard.

Ba eries contain sulfuric acid, which can cause burns and other serious injuries. In the event of
contact with sulfuric acid, flush immediately and thoroughly with water.

All installa on tools should be adequately insulated / covered with vinyl electrical tape, or suitable
nonconduc ng material to minimize possibility of shor ng across connec ons.

Mul -ba ery systems a ain high voltages therefore extreme cau on must be exercised during
installa on of a ba ery system to prevent serious electrical burns or shock.

Disconnect the DC circuits from the charging equipment & load before working on ba eries. Ensure
that the personnel who stand the risk of working with ba eries are prepared and equipped to take
the necessary safety precau ons.

2. UPS safety

 The input and output of the UPS is dangerously high voltage, once operated improperly,
it may endanger human safety.
 The UPS must be transported with great care.

 While transpor ng, please move gently and avoid impac ng or dropping.

 If the UPS needs to be stored for long me a er unpacking, it is suggested to pack the UPS by
original plas c bag.

 During transporting, it is prohibited to tilting the UPS, or the inner components will bear
strong stress and even damage the UPS and affect its performance.
 While lifting the UPS, please keep stable and balanced.
 During moving, keep the UPS vertical. Avoid put down or put up the UPS suddenly.
 While transporting, pay attention to the corner, uphill and downhill, avoid collision.
 Do not reversely connect the grounding wire and neutral wire, live wire and neutral wire
to avoid short circuit.
 Please do not put finger or tool into rotating fans to avoid endangering human safety
or damaging the device.
 When installing, connect the grounding wire first; when dismantling, the grounding wire must be
removed at last.

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UPS machine handling

It can be unloaded from the vehicle and put into place by li ing the box or the wooden deck to
which the equipment is secured with a fork -li truck. A trans pallet or fork-li truck should be used
for the permanent posi oning of the equipment, in accordance with the instruc ons provided below.

Do not stack one ba ery over the others. Always keep ba eries on the floor on the racking without
the placing one over the other.

2.3. Inspection of the Batteries

Store the ba eries in covered area. Do not expose them to direct sun light, rain, dust, storm, etc.

Examine for possible damage caused in transit, damaged packing material could indicate rough

Any ba ery with post or seal damage or any kind of damage on the body it should be replaced.

4. Inspection of the UPS

Inspect to ensure that the UPS is whole and that it has not been crushed or dented. Any dents seen
mean that it has suffered knocks, which could compromise the normal opera on of the device.

5. Installation environment

 The place should not be beyond the specification (normal work temperature: -5℃
~ 40℃ , relative humidity: 0%-95%).

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 The place should not have direct sunshine and rain.

 The place should not have vibration or easy impacted.
 The place should not have dust, corrosive material, salty or flammable gas.
 The place should not have without good ventilation or closed.

6. Installation

check the
batteries arrangement in
their rack or battery cabinet.
Put the
opposite terminal of the
batteries closer to each other.
Batteries can
be connected in series
to achieve whatever voltage
is required (add the number
of 2 volt cells), and in
parallel to achieve the
capacity required (add the
capacities of each parallel
battery or string of
For larger systems,
a number of series
connected strings may be
connected in parallel with
each other. This achieves
both a higher voltage and
Batteries are
electrically live at all times, take
great care never to short circuit the
battery terminals.

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the Racking could be installed on the right posi on and if moving the racking is necessary it must be
done a er unplugging the UPS and the ba eries.

4.4.1 Installation of 1KVA – 10KVA UPS

Output connector of 1 to 10KVA type is configured with socket or terminal blocks.

A. Remove the terminal block cover on the real panel of UPS. The connect the wires according to the
following terminal block diagrams: Connect the earth wire first when making wire connec on.
Disconnect the earth wire last when making wire disconnec on!

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4.4.2 Installation of 10KVA – 160KVA


Step 1 Arranging the installation space (floor layout).

Keep at least 700mm from the front panel and rear panel of the UPS to the wall or adjacent device
for heat dissipa on and maintenance. Make sure the floor is water level.

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Step 2 Place the UPS and the batteries rack in their marked position.
Inspect the UPS and the ba eries for any damage before moving to the installa on place. If there is
any type of physical damage on the UPS or ba eries consult with the supplier.

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Step 3 Connect the batteries in series.

 The connec on of ba ery anode and cathode must be right and firm. The grounding wire
must be connected firmly.
 Recommended to use torque wrench.
 Do not make a short connection between batteries terminals.

Step 4 Electrical Connection between the input, Batteries and UPS.

Open the front door and dismantle the bottom wiring cover plate of the UPS.
Lead the protective grounding wire go through the bottom wiring holes and connect them to the grounding
terminal of the UPS.
Lead the input, output and battery cables go through the bottom wiring hole and connect them with
corresponding wiring terminal of the UPS.

Connect the communication wires.

Lead the wires of RS485, dry contact signal,

SNMP go through the bottom wiring hole,
and then insert them to the corresponding
ports on the communication board.
Install the wiring cover plates again.

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The 10KVA – 160KVA UPS are made up of input switch, filter, rectifier, inverter, static
switch, bypass switch, output transformer and batteries, etc. when the AC input is normal,
the AC power will be converted into DC power by rectifier to supply power for inverter,
and charge the batteries with enough power to supply pour power for load without
transfer time when mains disconnect.
The basic structure is as shown below.

Operating principle of single-unit

5.1 Work Mode

Mains mode
When mains normal, the rectifier will convert the AC power into DC power to charge
battery and supply power for inverter to provide pure AC for load.

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Battery mode
When mains abnormal or rectifier stops working, the batteries connected with DC.BUS
will supply power for inverter and the AC output will not interrupt.

Bypass mode
When the inverter abnormal (such as over-temperature, short circuit, output voltage
abnormal or overload and exceed the range that the inverter can withstand), the inverter
will shut down automatically to avoid damage. If the mains still normal at this
moment, bypass power will instead of mains power to supply power for load by static

Maintenance bypass mode

When the UPS needs to be maintained or the battery needs to be replaced and at the same
time, the power supply for load cannot be interrupted, shut down the UPS firstly, then
switch on the maintenance bypass switch and then switch off the switches of mains,
bypass, output and external battery cabinet. During switching to maintenance bypass
manually, AC power supplies power for load through maintenance bypass switch.
Meanwhile, there is no electricity inside UPS (except N), and maintainer can carry out
the maintenance safely.

Operation Panel

Operation panel of Three-Phase (10kVA -30kVA) series UPS

The operation panel of Three-Phase (40kVA -160kVA) series UPS as shown in Figure2-

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operation panel of Three-Phase (40kVA -160kVA) series UPS

No. Name

Display the operating parameters and status

1 Touch screen
(Such as voltage, current, load capacity, etc.)

Red indicator on: Rectifier works abnormally

2 AC/DC indicator Green indicator on: Rectifier works normally
Off: Rectifier does not work

Red indicator on: Inverter works abnormally

3 DC/AC indicator Green indicator on: Inverter works normally
Off: Inverter does not work

Red indicator on: Bypass abnormal

4 Bypass indicator Green indicator on: Bypass output
Off: Bypass has no output

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Red indicator on: Battery loop abnormal

5 Ba ery indicator (such as battery disconnected, low-voltage alarm)
Green indicator off: Battery loop normal

Red indicator on: Overload

6 Load alarm indicator
Off: Load is normal

7 ON bu on Press the two buttons simultaneously.

8 OFF bu on Press the two buttons simultaneously.

In emergency, press EPO button, the UPS will have no

9 EPO bu on output. It is prohibited to press the EPO button by the
untrained personnel.

5.2 Operation of 1KVA – 10KVA UPS

The Opera on simple, operators only need to read the manual and follow the opera on instruc on
listed in this manual without any special training.





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5.2.3 Turn ON/OFF operations.

Turn off the UPS

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5.3 Operation of 10KVA –


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Mark Signal Illustra on Remarks

Output port.
Inverter status LED4 on: inverter fault.
Pin1 and pin3 is normally opened, pin2
INV.F signal LED4 off: inverter works normally and pin3 is normal closed.

Output port.
LED5 on: ba ery circuit abnormal
Ba ery input status Pin1 and pin3 is normally opened, pin2
BATT. signal LED5 off: ba ery circuit normal and pin3 is normal closed.

Output port, programmable.

LED6 on: maintenance bypass on
Maintenance bypass Pin1 and pin3 is normally opened, pin2
AA.O signal LED6 off: maintenance bypass off and pin3 is normal closed.

Output port.
LED7 on: inverter works
Pin1 and pin3 is normally opened, pin2
INV. Inverter signal LED7 off: inverter stop working and pin3 is normal closed.

Output port.
LED1 on: output overload
Pin1 and pin3 is normally opened, pin2
O.L Load status signal LED1 off: output normal and pin3 is normal closed.

Output port.
LINE. LED2 on: mains abnormal
Pin1 and pin3 is normally opened, pin2
F Mains status signal LED2 off: mains normal and pin3 is normal closed.

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Mark Signal Illustra on Remarks

Output port.
Bypass status LED3 on: bypass output
Pin1 and pin3 is normally opened, pin2
BYP. signal LED3 off: not bypass output and pin3 is normal closed.

Output port.
LED8 on: fan fault
Pin1 and pin3 is normally opened, pin2
FAN.F Fan fault signal LED8 off: fan works normally and pin3 is normal closed.

The signal wire is connected to

pin1 and pin2, default is normally
When it needs to set to normally
EPO control signal closed, please short circuit CN7.
EPO Input port

The signal wire is connected to

External pin1 and pin2, default is normally
maintenance bypass opened.
When it needs to set to normally
signal closed, please short circuit CN3.
AA.I Input port

The signal wire is connected to

pin1 and pin2, default is normally
Ba ery opened.
BATT. cabinet breaker detec
on When it needs to set to normally
BAK closed, please short circuit CN11. Input port

The signal wire is connected to
pin1 and pin2, default is normally
When it needs to set to normally
closed, please short circuit CN15.
Re. Reserved Input port

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Menu Hierarchy

Icon Meaning

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In the monitoring page, it shows the topological structure of UPS. The icon meaning is as follows:

: Bypass input informa on. When bypass input voltage or frequency abnormal, the icon will be
on and show

: Mains input informa on. When mains input voltage or frequency abnormal, the icon will
be on
and show .

: Ba ery informa on. When ba ery abnormal, the icon will be on and show .

/ : Rec fier/inverter informa on. When rec fier/inverter abnormal, the icon will be on and /

: Output informa on. When output is overload or under-voltage, the icon will be on and show.

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: Informa on management.

: Se ng management.
Working Status
There are five main working statuses: without energy transmission status, mains inver ng status,
ba ery inver ng status, bypass output status and maintenance bypass output status. The
corresponding water lights in the monitoring page. Other statuses have corresponding water light,
such as when bypass outputs, rec fier charges ba ery.

Without energy transmission status

Mains inver ng status

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Ba ery inver ng status

Bypass output status

Touch Screen Opera on

Maintenance bypass output status

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Bypass Informa on

In the monitoring page, click icon and it will enter bypass informa on page. It shows phase
voltage, line voltage, frequency. If se ng the delayed start bypass, it will show "Delayed start bypass
in progress.

Bypass informa on page

Ba ery Informa on

In the monitoring page, click icon and it will enter ba ery informa on page. When ba ery is
discharging, it shows discharge current. When ba ery is equalizing charging or float charging, it will
show charge current. Besides, the page also shows ba ery temperature, ba ery remaining me and
ba ery status. If it exists ba ery under-voltage alarm and the ba ery remaining me is less than 10
minutes, the ba ery remaining me shows ba ery is going to run out and turn off.

Ba ery informa on page

Ba ery status shows current ba ery status. It includes discharging, equalizing charge, flow charge,
standard test, depth test and ba ery loop abnormal.

Output informa on

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In the monitoring page, click icon and it will enter output informa on page. It shows phase
voltage and load capacity, etc.,

Output informa on

Warning Informa on

When UPS is working, if UPS failure, it will pop up the abnormal informa on window. A er closing

the window, if you want to view the abnormal informa on again, click icon on the top right
corner of monitoring page.

There is buzzer icon on the top right corner of monitoring page. Press it will change the buzzer status,
silence or open, as shown in.

Buzzer status

Working Status

In the informa on management page, click Working Status icon and it will enter the working status
page. It shows mains status, bypass status, ba ery status, load status, fan status, AC/DC status, DC/A
status, etc.

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Working status page

Event Log

In the informa on management page, click Event Log icon and it will enter the event log page. It
shows history alarm, fault, bypass open, startup, etc.

Event log page

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Check Electrical Connection

No. Checking item

Check if mains switch, bypass switch, output switch, maintenance bypass switch and
1 external ba ery cabinet switch are all switched off.

2 Check if the total load capacity is in accordance with UPS capacity and load is off.

Check if there is no short-circuit between live wire and live wire, live wire and neutral wire,
3 live wire and ground wire in input, as well as in output.

Check if the AC voltage in the input terminal of mains is within the range of rated voltage by
4 mul meter.

Check if the DC voltage in the input terminal of ba ery cabinet switch meets requirement
5 and ba ery wiring is correct.

6 Check if the color of AC cables is in accordance with specifica on.

7 Check if the wiring is firm.

8 Check if the safe symbol of AC distribu on unit is complete.

9 Check if the cable connec on is firm.

10 Check if the cable mark is correct.

11 Check if the wiring is neat and the cable connec on is in accordance with specifica on.

No. Checking item

Check if the installa on and wiring are good for system reforma on, expansion and
12 maintenance in future.

UPS Announcements
Before star ng UPS, check whether load is proper. The load
capacity shouldn't exceed rated output capacity of UPS to avoid overload protec on.

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Don't regard ON/OFF bu on on the UPS panel as the power switch of

load. Don't start UPS frequently.

When UPS works steadily, it can turn on load. Some devices generate
large current when startup, and may lead to overload protec on. It is be er to start
them first. Start the high-power devices first and then the small-power devices. If you
want to close UPS, turn off the load first.

Before star ng UPS for the first me, perform checking before power on. If
it is ok, power on UPS. If UPS hasn’t been used for a long me, it need to
perform checking before power on.

Start UPS
Step 1 Switch on bypass switch.

Power board starts working and touch screen begins ini alizing. About 10s later, the
ini aliza on is finished, the panel and LED works normally.

Step 2 Switch on mains switch.

If mains input is normal, rec fier indicator will be on. About 15s later, the DC voltage has been
completely established

Step 3 Switch on external ba ery cabinet switch.

Before switching on external ba ery cabinet switch, the bus voltage should be higher than the rated
DC input voltage.

A er finishing star ng rec fier, ensure the float charging/ equalized charging voltage se ng match
with prac cal ba ery parameters.

Step 4 Start inverter system.

When power on, press and hold ON combina on bu on, the green
indicator is on. 30s later, finish star ng inverter. Check whether the output voltage is the required
voltage value.

Step 5 Switch on output switch.

Start Load
Step 1 Observe indicators on the panel to judge working status of UPS. If indicator shows UPS works
in the mains inver ng status or ba ery inver ng status, it can supply power for load.

Step 2 If UPS has worked without load for about 10 minutes, start load with the sequence that is
"high power device → small power device".

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Some devices (e.g. motor type load) generate large current when startup, and may lead to overload
protec on (or on bypass). It is be er to start them first.

Close UPS
Before closing UPS, close load first and keep UPS working without load for 10 minutes to exhaust

Step 1 Turn off inverter.

Press "OFF" combina on bu on to turn off inverter and the green indicator is off. The bypass
power instead of the inverter supplies power for load by sta c switch automa cally.

Step 2 Switch off external ba ery cabinet switch

If all power of UPS should be closed,

please switch off external ba ery cabinet
Step 3 Switch
switch. off mains switch.
A er switching off mains switch, the rec fier will not supply DC power for DC BUS from AC

The DC BUS will discharge slowly. 10 minutes later, it will discharge completely.

Step 4
Switch off bypass switch.

Before switching off bypass switch, it must ensure the output load aren't working. Otherwise,
the output will have no electricity, which will lead to the user device power down.

Step 5 When the touch screen and LED are off, switch off output switch (output), UPS will power down


The connected equipment is powered by the inverter, which receives the necessary energy from the
mains through the rec fier.

The RECTIFIER charges the ba ery at the same me. On the control panel the green LEDS MAINS and
OUTPUT is lit for normal opera on.

Transfer From UPS Status to Maintenance Bypass Status

Don't switch on output switch when UPS is on the maintenance bypass status.

Step 1 Transfer from UPS status to maintenance bypass status.

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Step 2
Press the "OFF" combination button, the green indicator is off and the green

Step 3 indicator is on. The UPS works on the bypass status.

Before switching on maintenance bypass switch, check whether inverter is turned off. If OK,
switch on the maintenance bypass switch. UPS will long buzz and touch screen will show
"maintenance bypass open".

Switch off mains switch, bypass switch, output switch and external battery cabinet switch.
When the

panel powers down about 10 minutes, it can do the maintenance.

Transfer From Maintenance Bypass Status to UPS Status

Step 1 Switch on bypass switch and output switch.

Switch on mains switch, the green indicator will be on. About 10s later, the rec fier
works normally.

Switch on external ba ery cabinet switch.

Before switching on external ba ery cabinet switch, the bus voltage should be higher than the
rated DC input voltage.

Step 2
When green indicator is on, switch off maintenance bypass switch. The " maintenance
Step 3 bypass is open " promp ng on the panel will disappear and the UPS will stop long buzzing.

Step 4
Press "ON" combina on bu on, the green light is on and the inverter starts. About 30s
Step 5 later,

finish star ng inverter and UPS works normally.

6.1. Preventive Maintenance

Action Check list Interval

Maintain The Temperature Of The Ups Room. Daily (every 24Hr)

Keep the ups room clean (dust free). Always

Keep watching the fans operation for proper function of ups Daily (every 24Hr)
Check on display if in and out light (led) are glowing. Both led should Always

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glow when ups is normal.

Check on display if batt and out light (led) are glowing. Both led Daily (every 24Hr)
should glow when UPS is on battery mode

If buzzer sounds in ups check the display of ups. Always

Ensure that the air intake slots (located on the front door and at the Weekly
back of the cabinet) and the output grilles located on the top of the
cabinet are clean;

Perform a battery test with the display panel. Weekly

Check if the wiring terminals in the input and output are connected Every three month

Clean battery shells with dry towel or cloth. Oil and organic solvents, weekly
such as petrol and diluents are prohibited.

Charge and discharge the battery once every four to six months, and Six months
the charging time should be no less than four hours.

Charge and discharge battery once every four to six months, and the Six months
charging time should be no less than four hours.

check whether battery cables are properly connected Six months

6.2. Corrective Maintenance

A er disconnec ng the power supply line and the ba ery cabinet, the trained personnel must wait
around ten minutes for the capacitors to discharge before working on the inside of the equipment.

Check the terminals for residual voltage and/or disconnected input line using voltmeter before
carrying out any maintenance work on the UPS.

name descrip on Typical applica on

Ba ery charge inhibi on Disables the recharging of the ba ery,

keeping the recharge current to a When there is a generator, this allows

minimum, independently of the load. its output power to be used only to
This is done with the contact kept closed; supply the load and not also to
if reopened, the command is cancelled. recharge the ba ery.

Inhibi on of Disables the use of the by-pass line and To be used when the frequency of the
synchroniza on with the synchroniza on of the inverter. In generator or of the backup mains is

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backup mains the event of an overload or fault, the highly unstable and it is thus preferred

UPS blocks and the load remains to inhibit the synchroniza on of the
unpowered. inverter.

This is done with the contact kept closed;

if reopened, the command is cancelled.

Ba ery disconnector Ac vates the ba ery discharging or Displays the status of the ba ery
contact disconnected alarm. To be used to disconnector.
indicate the opening of a ba ery switch
located external to the UPS.

A closed contact must be provided when

the external switch is opened.

To be used when the load may support

mains interference or frequency

Forces the selec on of the UPS Standby-
ON opera on. varia ons and it is thus preferred to
improve system efficiency. The load is
This is done with the contact kept closed;
Standby ON powered if there is a mains power
if reopened, the command is cancelled.

Ba ery test Starts the automa c ba ery test when

the UPS is in normal opera on. Any
automa c ba ery test underway is
Checks state of the ba ery.
terminated immediately. This is achieved
by switching the contact from open to

Starts the manual ba ery test that Checks state of the ba ery.

con nues un l a block command is

received or un l

Ba ery test the full discharge of ba ery. N.B.: During this test the rec fier
(with Terminates any manual ba ery test remains on with output voltage low in
rec fier on) underway. order to allow the supply of current

This is achieved by switching the contact by the ba ery and to prevent inverter

from open to closed. shutdown a er ba ery discharge.

Manual ba ery charging Starts the “single first me recharge”. Ac vates manual remote ba ery

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Terminates the first me charging charging


This is achieved by switching the contact

from open to closed.

Bypass command by means of blocking

the inverter as a result of switching onto
the Load unpowered in the event of a

by-pass line. mains outage.

N.B.: The command is only executed if To be used for non-cri cal loads,
Ac va on of block on
by-pass line is present with correct
values. the ba ery does not discharge

This is achieved by switching the contact

from open to closed.
during a mains power failure.

Inhibi on of block on Resets the bypass command. Cancels the previous ac on and
bypass disables the inverter block.
This is achieved by switching the contact
from open to closed.

UNCONDITIONAL inverter block

command (the command is executed

even if there is no by-pass line).
Load unpowered in the event of a

The UPS only switches onto by-pass if mains outage.

the by-pass line is present (otherwise To be used for non-cri cal loads,
Inverter ON/OFF
the ba ery does not discharge
the load remains unpowered).
during a mains power failure.
This is done with the contact kept closed;
if reopened, the command is cancelled.

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UNCONDITIONAL rec fier block

command. Shuts down the rec fier and discharges

the ba ery.
Rec fier off This is done with the contact kept closed;
if reopened, the command is cancelled.

Batteries for UPS

Ba ery - One or more cells

Float/Standby - Con nuous charging for use in an emergency or back-up situa on.

Cyclic - Con nual discharge/recharge applica on o en associated with UPS and trac on applica ons.

Ba ery string or bank - A number of ba eries connected in series will cons tute one string. Strings
can then be connected in parallel to achieve the required capacity.

Monobloc - A phrase used to describe a mul -celled TM single block, like the 12 V Amaron Quanta
ba eries.

Wet/Flooded - Open-vented lead acid cells which need topping up, i.e., Not maintenance free.

Sta onary - Applica ons using sta c placed ba eries.

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Top-charging - A service charge during or a er storage, usually at a level slightly higher than normal
float voltage

Trouble shooting
6.3. 1KVA –

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6.4. 10KVA – 160KVA UPS

No. Abnormal phenomena Fault diagnosis and checking items Solu on

Check if mains switch is switched on and

fuse is OK.

Check if the range of mains voltage is Check the input voltage by

1 red indicator is on.
normal. mul meter.

Change the phase sequence of

Check if the phase of AC input is wrong. mains input wire of rec fier.

The rec fier doesn't start completely. The

buzzer beeps con nuously and ba ery
low-voltage indicator is on. Ba ery input Wait the rec fier star ng and
The inverter can't output
switch is not switched on. buzzer beeping will be removed.
2 normally and the buzzer beeps
con nuously.

Output is overload. The

indicator is normal. Reduce load.

No. Abnormal phenomena Fault diagnosis and checking items Solu on

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When mains powers down, UPS Check if ba ery input switch is switched on
halts and has no output. and ba ery circuit is abnormal. Switch on ba ery switch.

Check whether bypass/ mains switch is

switched on and power board failure. Maintain by professionals.
4 Touch screen and LED are off.
Whether the power switches are on ON
status. Switch on the power switches.

Find the short-circuit point, turn off

red Check if load is short-circuited. inverter, and then restart inverter.
indicator is on, and buzzer beeps
con nuously. Check if the input mains is power down and When mains is normal, self-start
ba ery has under-voltage protec on. UPS.

6 indicator is on. Output is overload. Reduce load.

When UPS powers on normally, it Check if the SCR drive board

7 of
can't output normally. Maintain by professionals.
bypass/inverter failure.

The connec on posi on of Connect the communica on wire

communica on wire is wrong. correctly.

The communica on so ware isn't successful Install communica on so ware

installed. correctly.
8 Communica on abnormal

The computer communica on window se ng Properly set the communica on

is wrong. port.

Above problems are all eliminated, but it s ll

cannot communicate normally. Maintain by professionals.

Company Name -

85 | P a g e
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Power System) 10KVA – 160KVA Revision # 0

Revised on


86 | P a g e
Prepared By Melan Electromechanical Solu on PLC Frequency Comments

Division Ac vi es

6 months

Visually check for liquid contamina on from X
ba eries and capacitors

Inspec on of electronic circuits and control X


3 Check of output frequency X

4 Visual inspec on of grounding X

Inspec on and ghtening of ba eries’ X

5 interconnec ons, of DC circuit and of AC
input – output cables

Test UPS transfer switches, circuit breakers X

and maintenance bypasses.

Clean and vacuum UPS equipment X


Inspec on and monitoring of system’s X

alarms and LEDs

Check and measure of voltage reading of X


Check and measure of current reading of X


Inspec on of loads normal distribu on per X


Off-line load test the UPS system to ensure X


that the system is completely func onal.

Check HVAC equipment and performance X

related to temperature and humidity

Clean ba ery shells with dry towel or cloth. X

Oil and organic solvents, such as petrol and

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diluents are prohibited.

Charge and discharge ba ery once every X

15 four to six months, and the charging me
should be no less than four hours.

Check if the wiring terminals in the input X

and output are connected well

Perform a ba ery test with the display X


Ensure that the air intake slots (located on X

the front door and at the back of the
18 cabinet) and the output grilles located on
the top of the cabinet are clean;

Keep watching the fans opera on for X

proper func on of ups

Check on display if in and out light (led) are X

20 glowing. Both led should glow when ups is

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Part - III
AC Manual

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 Refrigeration and air conditioning is used to cool products or a building environment.
 AC is the process of alerting the properties of air (Primarily Temperature and Humidity) to
more favorable conditions
 The control of these conditions is desirable to maintain health and comfort of the occupants, or to
meet the requirement of industrial processes.

Systematic Diagram of AC operation

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2. Type of Air - Conditioning

3. Window AC system

4. Split AC system

5. Centralized AC system

6. Package AC system

1. Windows AC system

 The most used and cheapest type AC

 Units are reliable and simple to install solution to keep a room cool while avoiding costly
construction for central AC type
 Installation can be done by making a slot in the wall and there should also some opening space
behind the wall

2.1. Windows AC system

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 It comprises Two parts: the outdoor unit and the Indoor Unit
 The outdoor unit, fitted outside the room, component like compressor, condenser and
expansion valve
 The indoor unit comprises the evaporator or cooling coil and cooling fan. For this uni no need to make
any slot in the wall.
 Now a day split units have aesthetic looks and add to the beauty of the room. It can be used to cool
one or two rooms.

2.2. Split AC System

2.3. Centralized AC system

 Are used when large buildings, hotels, theaters, airports, shopping malls etc are to be air
conditioned completely.
 If the whole building is to be cooled and conditioned, it is not economical to put windows or
split Ac system.
 Small units might not satisfactorily cool the large halls, auditoriums, receptions areas etc.

2.3. Centralized AC system

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2.4. Packaged AC system

 Window and split type AC are usually used for small capacities up to 5tons.
 The centralized AC system is used for the cooling loads extended beyond 20 tons
 The packaged Ac are used for the cooling capacities in between these two extremes.
 This units are available in then fixed rate capacity ranged 3, 5,7,10, and 15 tons.
 Usually applied for restaurants, telephone exchanges, homes, small halls etc.…

2.4. Packaged AC system

AC system Major Components

3. Type of Air - Refrigeration

Refrigeration systems: most common one

 Vapor Compression Refrigeration (VCR): uses mechanical energy

 Vapor Absorption Refrigeration (VAR): uses thermal energy

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 Industrial Refrigeration: used in cold storage

1. Vapor Compression Refrigeration

 Highly compressed fluids tend to get colder when allowed to expand

 If pressure high enough
• Compressed air hotter than source of cooling
• Expanded gas cooler than desired cold temperature

3.1. Vapor Compression Refrigeration

Refrigeration cycle

3.2. Vapor Absorption Refrigeration

 The absorption system differs fundamentally from vapor compression system only in the method
of employed for compressing the refrigerant.
 In the absorption system, the compressor is replaced by an absorber, generator and a pump.

3.2. Vapor Absorption Refrigeration

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3.3. Industrial Refrigeration

 Industrial refrigeration systems for cold storage, process cooling, water chilling, individual
quick freezing.
 Up to 500 TR capacity using halocarbon or ammonia / environment friendly gas
 Complete with compressors, condensers, all vessels and electrical equipment required


 A ton of refrigeration (TR): 1 TR is a unit of heat extraction capacity of the refrigeration or

cooling equipment. Generally, TR is defined as the amount of heat transferred to freeze or
melt 1 short ton of ice at 0 deg. C in 24 hours.

 1 TR: 12000 BTU

 1 TR: 3024 Kcal/hr of energy/heat load.

: 50Kcal/Min

 A variety of refrigerants are used in vapor compression systems. The choice of fluid is
determined largely by the cooling temperature required.

 Commonly used refrigerants are in the family of chlorinated fluorocarbons, CFCs, also known as
freons: R-11, R-12, R-21, R-22 and R-502.

 Nowadays, the most efficient and environmentally friendly refrigeration technologies are those that use
natural refrigerants. CFCFs refrigerants

 Such as NH3 (ammonia or R717), CO2 (carbon dioxide or R744) and hydrocarbons. In the
case of hydrocarbons, the refrigerant par excellence due to its efficiency is R290, commonly known as

Industrial Refrigeration Cycle

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 Installing an air conditioning unit can be an uphill task, especially if you’re not a specialist in the

 You will need extensive knowledge of air conditioners and how to install them.

 Qualified HVAC technicians need to handle this task

 Various steps to the installation of a new air conditioner.

 Installing an air conditioning unit can be an uphill task, especially if you’re not a specialist in the

 You will need extensive knowledge of air conditioners and how to install them.

 Qualified HVAC technicians need to handle this task

 Various steps to the installation of a new air conditioner.

5. Inspection

 At this stage, the technicians will also identify where they will fit the intended AC system.

 The existing space and location for the selected AC to be decided and prepared in
accordance of installation manual.

2. Site Preparation

 Appropriate pad for outdoor units should be prepared on the right location which has good
access both for installation and maintenance

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 Arrangement for refrigerant line passage should also determine and to be ready.

3. Fix Indoor Unit

 Indoor unit should fix near to the outdoor unit which has been predetermined before

 Maintenance access also be in consideration

4. Setting Up the outside Unit

 The technicians will then set up the air conditioner condenser on the setup pad earlier.

 Inspect for any damages that may have occurred in transit and transportation.

 If it’s in perfect shape, then fit the line and service valve of the unit.

 Once fitted in the valve, then melt the copper line set, service rod, and a filler rod used to join the
two together, forming a leak-free connection.

5. Laying of Refrigerant Lines

 The refrigerant line comprises two copper lines through which the refrigerant travels to the
outside condenser and back into the evaporator coil.

 HVAC technicians should install hangers around the area the refrigerator lines pass through to
ensure they stay in place.

 They will then roll out the lines and push them close enough to reach the valve of the outside unit.

 They will also install a small low-voltage control wire connecting the thermostat to the room and
the outside unit.

 This will allow you to turn the air conditioner on and off.

6. Installation of Filter Dryer

 A filter dryer is installed in the air conditioner condenser as it absorbs moisture and provides
physical filtration.

 Many manufactures recommend that the filter dryer installation remains close to the
expansion valve at the indoor coil.

 This helps protect the filter dryer from bad weather that could cause it to rust.

7. Electrical Cable Installation

 Proper type and standard power cable with power controlling circuit should be installed.

 Controlling circuit can be fuse or ACB type for breaker or overcurrent protection listed by the air
conditioner manufacturers.

8. Condensat Drain Line Installation

 Moisture produced during the cooling process travels down a PVC pipe that connects to the
evaporator coil.

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 The evaporator has a primary and secondary drain, with the primary condensate drain
traveling from the coil to an appropriate drain or condensate pump.

 A condensate pump if the house does not have a floor drain.

9. Testing

• The final step involves testing the installed system.

• AC should Our turn on the air conditioner for 15 to 20 minutes. This is enough time for the
refrigerant to flow through the system and start the air conditioning process.

• Then commission will carry out and, it ensuring everything is in great shape.

•Commissioning the unit also ensures the manufacturer’s warranty is in full effect.


 Regular air conditioning maintenance pays off in two ways.

 While your AC runs smooth and keeps you cool without breaking down, it also saves you
money on energy bills.

 When an AC is put through regular maintenance, its efficiency is kept high and in turn, it uses lesser

Key Parts of an AC to be Maintained

5. Maintenance and Repair

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Safety Rules During AC Maintenance

1. Turn Power off

2. Wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

3. Follow lock out / Tag out procedures

4. Handel refrigerant correctly

5. Use Material Safety data sheets (MSDA sheets)

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6. Keep tools & Equipment in good working order

1.Turn of Power

2. Wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

HVAC personal protective equipment not only safeguards your health but preserves the senses so that your
eight hours on the job don’t rob you of a lifetime off of it. That’s why it is of paramount importance to plug your
ears, shield your eyes, cover your skin and otherwise protect yourself with the best HVAC PPE the market has to

3. Follow lock out / Tag out procedures

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4. Handel refrigerant correctly

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5. Use Material Safety data sheets (MSDA sheets)

Material safety data sheets (MSDS) are a type of document that provides information about the composition
and health hazards of a chemical. MSDS are used by manufacturers, distributors, and users of chemicals to
ensure safe handling practices. MSDS provide information about handling and storing chemicals safely, as well
as what first aid measures to take in case of exposure to hazardous chemicals.

6. Keep tools & Equipment in good working order

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Air Conditioner Maintenance Tips

1. Clear/Replace air filter

 One of the most important AC maintenance tasks is to keep the air filter clean or replace it
when necessary.

 Clean the filter if AC comes with the reusable kind and if not, just replace it altogether.

 The frequency with which you need to do this depends upon where you live.

2. Check all wiring

 Before you perform this step, make sure to cut power supply to the air conditioner.

 Now remove your condensing units access panel and check if there are any melted
insulations or burned and broken wires.

 Locate the contactor switch and see if it shows too much pitting. If so, replace it.

 Check for any loose electrical connections throughout.

Measure the Input Voltage

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3. Check the thermostat

 One of the most important items in any air conditioner maintenance checklist, the thermostat is
used to maintain an ideal temperature.

 In case you are using an old-style mechanical thermostat, know that investing in a
programmable thermostat is absolutely worth it.

4. Check the Condensers Fan

 The fan of the condenser unit is very important for its proper functioning.

 To check if it is working properly, turn off the power to your wall mounted air conditioner and
examine the fans blades for any signs of chips or cracks.

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5. Clean The outer Body

 Since a part of your air conditioner is left exposed to outside elements, it tends to accumulate a lot of
debris like dirt, leaves, dead insects and even grass clippings.

 If not paid attention to, this build-up can reduce the air conditioners capacity and decrease the air flow.

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