Sonnet 43
Sonnet 43
Sonnet 43
• LO1: Understand the context of the poem Sonnet 43.
Love is compared to weighty, important concepts like "Being and ideal Grace", "Right" and "Praise". Browning's use
of capital letters emphasises these words.
The opening rhetorical question implies a conversation between lovers, and the exclamation mark at the end of the
first line makes the poem seem lighthearted and playful. The speaker is responding enthusiastically to the challenge
of listing the ways in which she experiences love.
Lines become frequently broken up by punctuation by the end of the poem, another suggestion that the speaker is
excited. "I love thee with the breath,/ Smiles, tears, of all my life!". She is passionate in her explanation.
Structure and form
Sonnet form – often used to write about love Iambic Pentameter
Petrarchan sonnet – 14 lines, the first 8 lines introduce the problem, the last 6
offer a solution
The turning point in the poem where it shifts from the problem to the solution is known
as the Volta
Regular rhyme scheme – different pattern before and after the volta
First 8 lines – ABBA rhyme scheme
Last 6 lines, every other line rhymes
Constant repetition of ‘thee’ – her thoughts go back to him again and again
As well as the use of lists to imply the comprehension of her love, "feeling out of sight" tells us that the speaker sees her love not as
something tangible but instinctive or even spiritual.
The poem is autobiographical: it refers to "my old griefs". (Browning had strong disagreements with her parents and was eventually
disinherited.) The passion she applied to these "griefs" has been applied more positively to her love, demonstrating that she sees love as a
positive, powerful and life-changing force.
Barrett Browning mentions her loss of religious faith in this sonnet: "I love thee with a love I seemed to lose/With my lost Saints!" Her
lover becomes a spiritual saviour. She is not totally without faith, however: "if God choose,/I shall but love thee better after death". Here
she asserts the idea that if God controls her future then she hopes to be reunited with her lover in the afterlife.
Quote Explode
2. What is the effect of the
rhyme here? What is Challe
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1. What is the overall significant about the word contex an you mak
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effect of the quote? ‘depth’- how does it show levanc any
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