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Final Defense

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Social media platforms like Facebook allow small
businesses to communicate their brand to consumers in an easy and
inexpensive way (Garner, 2022). The development of social media
platforms has changed the dynamics of the online market by creating
the formation of networks among customers, influencers, vloggers.
Kumar et al. (2020) illustrated that social media helps to influence the
view of customers about the products. Social Media offers businesses
to create their own brand of the product. For instance, Facebook
boosting helps you advertise your products, and helps you recognize
the problem/need of promoting your product (Mason, et al 2021).
Businesses can use social media to influence consumer decisions by
providing information and addressing concerns. This way of
communication allows customers to comment or message for more
details, and businesses can respond promptly, creating a direct
interaction to sellers.
The impact of businesses with social media was
assessed as the most effective and profitable way to
promote products. A study conducted in Batangas,
Philippines, by Sumague & Briones (2022) emphasizes the
significance of the right use of social media in promoting
products. This includes the consistency and timing in
advertising posts. In Metro Manila, customers heavily rely on
online reviews and feedback, significantly influencing
customers' purchasing decisions, making it a substantial
impact on sales. Dalangin et al. (2021) found that creating a
sense of connection online with the audience positively
impacts customers' intentions to make purchases.
The study is anchored in Marshall McLuhan's 1995 Media Theory,
emphasizing the transformative impact of media on individual behavior,
culture, and social consequences. In today's tech-dominated era, the
evolving relationship between businesses and consumers has led to
new communication patterns and increased interactivity.
Understanding the target market's perceptions, demands, and behavior
through social media informs businesses in developing effective
marketing strategies. Pan and Crotts (2012) further highlight
McLuhan's theory's relevance, emphasizing the significant influence of
social media on customer persuasion. Businesses leverage social
media to gather feedback, gaining insights for consumer evaluation
and shaping marketing strategies. Social media users' interactions and
shared experiences influence purchase intentions, reflecting
perceptions and attitudes (Jacinto et al., 2021).
Considering the literature mentioned
above, the researchers might be the first to
conduct a developmental research design,
especially in the context of the indigenous
people in Bansalan, Davao del Sur. The
researchers' goal is to develop and evaluate the
products made by the local artisans in Bansalan.
The main purpose of this study was to develop and assess a
Facebook page named Xabukid, dedicated to selling local handicrafts
from Bansalan, Davao del Sur. The goal was to enhance the recognition
of their products both locally and globally, by taking pride in their
craftsmanship, promoting entrepreneurship, and preserving their cultural
heritage. The researchers conducted a needs analysis assessment of
local artisans in Bansalan, leading to the development of the Facebook
Page. With the collaboration between UM Bansalan and Wilmer
Philippines, the researchers successfully created the XABUKID: A
Linumo Treasures Online Hub. They presented the project proposal to the
panels, and the operation of the Facebook Page XABUKID commenced
in October 2023. Finally, the project underwent evaluation by both UMBC
students and buyers.
Presented in this section are the
discussions on the research design, the
research respondents, the research
materials, the research procedure, the data
analysis, and ethical considerations.
Research Design. We employed a descriptive developmental
research design to evaluate the needs and challenges in promoting local
products. Utilizing a descriptive research method, we conducted a needs
assessment survey, which includes questionnaires, personal interviews,
and normative surveys (Koh & Owen, 2000). The needs assessment
questionnaire was prepared in both Bisaya and English, and data were
collected through interviews with eleven (11) respondents, consisting of
indigenous weavers and local artisans from Bansalan, Davao del Sur.
Developmental research is inherently descriptive. These interviews
guided us in developing online marketing strategies that could
significantly impact the promotion of their products. Particularly, these
products are not only attracting local buyers but also garnering interest
from foreign buyers who view them as souvenirs.
Research Respondents. This study aimed to observe whether social media
in any way can help local artisans to promote products online.

Phase 1. Needs assessment. We had eleven (8) respondents, who were

Indigenous weavers from Bitaug, Bansalan, two (2) soap makers from
Kinuskusan, and one (1) sewer from Altavista, Bansalan.

Phase 7. Evaluation of the Facebook Page, XABUKID. We have gathered

feedback from twenty-six (26) respondents, comprising followers/buyers of
XABUKID and students from the University of Mindanao Bansalan. They
assessed the Facebook page XABUKID in terms of its content, auto-
messaging/response time, cultural benefits, and overall performance
through a Google Form.
Research Materials. This study used of the following materials:
Phase 1. The needs assessment questionnaire. The researchers adopted the
questionnaire from the Community Extension of UM Bansalan, Training
Needs Assessment (2018). In-depth interviews were conducted to provide a
deeper understanding of the needs in promoting local/indigenous products.
Phase 2. The project proposal. Alongside the research adviser, the researchers
have proposed a project aimed at promoting local products more effectively.
Project proposal is provided in Appendix H.
Phase 3. Addendum. With the existing Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) from
UM and Wimler Foundation Philippines, an addendum was made to allow
the researchers to access the registered local business XABUKID's
Facebook page.
Phase 4. Facebook Page. The development of the Facebook Page platform
serves as a tool for promoting products through social media.
Phase 7. Evaluation. The Google Form was employed as a tool to evaluate the
Facebook page. It consists of 26 items randomly arranged and subdivided
into four sub-scales. Respondents provided feedback using 5-point Likert-
type scales, which were scaled as follows:
5 - Always The statements are manifested at all times.
Described as very high level.
4 – Often The statements are oftentimes manifested.
Described as high level.
3 - Sometimes The statements are sometimes manifested.
Described as moderate
2 - Seldom The statements are seldom manifested.
Described as low level.
1 - Never The statements are never manifested.
Described as very low.
Research Procedure. The study encompasses different phases in line with
the project.

Phase 1. The researchers utilized a needs assessment questionnaire

adopted from the Community Extension of UM Bansalan (2022). A letter
of permission was requested to the UM Bansalan College School
Director, seeking approval to conduct surveys through interviews with
artisans and weavers in Bansalan, Davao del Sur. Approved copies of the
permission are provided in Appendix D.
Phase 2. The researchers along with their adviser proposed a
project that will help in promoting the local products in Bansalan.

Phase 3. With the existing partnership between UM Bansalan

College and Wimler Foundation Philippines, an addendum was
made to allow the researchers to use the registered business
Facebook Page, XABUKID as a tool in promoting local products
made in Bansalan, Davao del Sur.
Phase 4. The development of the social media hub through
the Facebook page includes unique features such as auto-
messaging for efficient inquiries. Additionally, marketing
strategies were crafted to broaden the audience reach.
Phase 5. The researchers presented a simulation of the XABUKID Facebook
Page to the technical panels of the UMBC.
Phase 6. The operation of the Facebook Page commenced with tasks divided
among the researchers. One researcher managed auto-messaging on the
Facebook Page, overseeing product delivery and handling financial
transactions. The second researcher was responsible for preparing the
products, managing the inventory, and handling documentation. Lastly,
one team member was tasked with capturing pictures/videos of the
products and posting content on the page.
Phase 7. The XABUKID Facebook page was evaluated using a Google
Form, with feedback collected from students of UM Bansalan and buyers
from XABUKID including those who had simply engaged with the
facebook page. This assessment aimed to measure and analyze areas
for improvement in posting and the effectiveness of cultural promotion.
Mean and standard deviation were employed as statistical measures in
the evaluation process.
Data Analysis. Phase 1. During the needs assessment interview, we
employed thematic analysis to analyze the data. This approach allowed
us to identify key themes and patterns that emerged from the discussion
on promoting indigenous products in social media. Utilizing thematic
analysis provides insights into the attitudes and perceptions of the
respondents, helping us identify opportunities and challenges associated
with promoting indigenous products on social media.
Thematic analysis is a method for understanding experiences or ideas
within a dataset by actively crafting patterns from the research process. It
involves defining, analyzing, and reporting themes within data. It goes
beyond simple categorization, allowing for a psychological interpretation
of the information. This approach is valuable for uncovering the depth
and richness of human experiences and perspectives within qualitative
data (Onat 2021).
Phase 7. Evaluation of the Facebook page. Statistical tools employed in
the analysis of the data were the following:
Mean. This was used to determine the average response or
rating provided by respondents for each item. It provides a quantitative
measure that indicates the typical or central level of agreement or
manifestation for each aspect evaluated, such as content, auto-
messaging/response time, cultural benefits, and overall performance of
the Facebook page XABUKID.
Standard Deviation. This was used to measure the variability or
spread of responses around the mean. A higher standard deviation
indicates more dispersed opinions, while a lower one suggests greater
agreement among respondents.
Presented in this section are the results and
discussion from the findings of the research
through interviews and surveys.
This section presents the qualitative and
quantitative results of the study on the
development and evaluation of the online hub.
Demographic Profile of the artisans/craftsmen in Bansalan
The first objective of this study was to determine the demographic profile

Table 1
Demographic Profile of Needs Assessment Respondents

Characteristics n (%)

Gender Male 0 (0)

Female 11 (100)

Age 20-30 years old 2 (18.18)

41-50 years old 4 (36.36)
51-60yearsol 3 (27.27)
61-70 years old 2 (18.18)

Status Single 0 (0)

Married 8 (72.73)
Widowed 1 (9.09)
Separated 2 (18.18)

Educational Level Elementary 3 (27.27)

Secondary 8 (72.73)
College 0 (0)
Home Address Kinuskusan 1 (9.09)
Bitaug 9 (81.82)
Altavista 1 (9.09)
Current Job Soapmaker 2 (18.18)
Weaver 8 (72.73)
Sewer 1 (9.09)

Years in the Job 1-5 years 1 (9.09)

6-10 years 2 (18.18)
11-15 years 3 (27.27)
16-20 years 4 (36.36)
40 years above 1 (9.09)

Number of Children 1 3 (27.27)

2 1 (9.09)
3 3 (27.27)
4 2 (18.18)
5 1 (9.09)
7 1 (9.09)

of the craftsmen in Bansalan. The demographic profile of these craftsmen consists of gender, age, status, educational
level, home address, current job, years in the industry and number of children.
A total of 11 Bansalan craftsmen were the respondents of the study.
Respondents were well-informed about the purpose of the study, and consent was obtained. Among the 11
Bansalan craftsmen who answered the survey questionnaire, there were no male, and 11 (100%) were female. In
terms of age distribution, the majority fell within the 41-50 age range (4 or 36.36%), followed by 51 to 60 (3 or27.27%).
Regarding marital status, majority of the craftsmen were married (8 or 72.73%), followed by separated (2 or 18.18%),
then widowed (1 or 9.09%), and lastly none of the respondents were single. The number of children varied among
respondents, with 3 having 1 child (27.27%), another 3 having 3 children (27.27%), 2 with 4 children (18.18%), and 1
each with 2 children (9.09%), 5 children (9.09%), and 7 children (9.09%).
Educational attainment revealed that 8 were Secondary Graduates (72.73%), 3
were Elementary Graduates (27.27%), none had attained a college degree. In
terms of home address, mostly were from Bitaug (9 or 81.82%), and one
respondent each from Kinuskusan (1 or 9.09%) and Altavista (9.09%).
Occupationally, 8 respondents were weavers (72.73%), 2 were soapmakers
(18.18%), and 1 was a sewer (9.09%). Experience in the craft industry varied, with
the majority having 16-20 years of experience (4 or 36.36%), followed by 11-15
years (3 or 27.27%), 6-10 years (2 or 18.18%), and one respondent each with 1-5
years (9.09%) and 40 years above (9.09%).
Responses of the craftsmen in Bansalan towards the Needs for Selling Products Online
It is presented in Table 2 the respondent responses, a checklist composed of 4 items was developed regarding the needs for selling
Table 2
Needs Assessment: Needs for Selling Products
Characteristic n (%)

1. If you sell your products through social media, will this Yes 11 (100.0%)
be beneficial? No 0 (0.0%)

2. Do you use social media for selling? Yes 6 (54.5%)

No 5 (45.5%)

3. Please check which social media platform you are using. Facebook 8 (72.7%)
Instagram 0 (0.0%)
Twitter 0 (0.0%)
None 3 (27.3%)

4. In your opinion, which is the most beneficial for Online 3 (27.3%)

promoting your product? Traditional 2 (18.2%)
Both 6 (54.5%)
products online. The data reveals that among all 11 respondents
(100%) who expressed agreement (YES) when asked about the
benefits with marketing and selling their locally crafted products through
social media. Majority of respondents (6 or 54.5%) are presently
engaged in using social media for selling. Furthermore, Facebook
emerges as the primary platform of choice among those using social
media (8 or 72.7%), followed by three respondents (27.3%) who
reported not using any social media for selling. Lastly, the craftsmen
were asked about their opinions on the most effective method for
promoting their products, whether through online, traditional avenues, or
a combination of both. Six (54.5%) of the respondents advocated for a
balanced approach, incorporating both online and traditional
promotional strategies,
three (27.3%) prefer online marketing and two (18.2%) who prefer
traditional promotion.
Table 3.1
Themes and core ideas on craftsmen views on the needs for selling local products

Retaining Business Customer or customer loyalty It is important to have permanent buyers in maintaining the product’s profitability.

For customers to be attracted, they need to innovate their product.

More buyers of their products means more income for them.

Physical store or Physical store advantage If they find an area to display their products, many buyers will have easy access to their products.

It is needed to arrange and display the indigenous products in order to sell it out directly.

Exhibiting the products to different places is an advantage to promote and sell it.

Digitalization in Marketing It is crucial to have basic digital paraphernalia to sell the products such as cellphone and wifi.

Facebook plays a huge role in selling since there are many users of the said social media platform
which can be an ideal platform for product promotion.

Keeping in touch with their valued customers requires technology involvement.

Business connecting passion Presence of willingness throughout the process of promotion to selling of products with the intention
to come up to that certain level of product.

Patience should get along with hardwork in product making because business is not easy money.

In business, the process will never be easy; it requires a lot of effort.

Table 3.2
Themes and core ideas on craftsmen views on the additional considerations that need attention in selling
Quality product development Quality improvement of the products
should be considered.

Creativity in selling products has to also be

given attention.

Packaging, labeling, propaganda and

product description are the basic
requirements in promoting the products.

Sales communication Good sales talk builds trust towards the

competence product as well as to the seller.

Propaganda helps the product to be

known in the market and captivate
potential buyers.

If you know how to persuade and be

creative overall, customers will follow.
Table 3.3
Themes and core ideas on craftsmen recommendations or suggestions on what other trainings/programs you would
like to receive from UM and other agencies


Strategic Business Training Selling online is evidently making profit,
and Development therefore, having training on effective online
marketing strategy would be helpful.

Training for the youth of making indigenous

products such as inabal to preserve the tradition
inherited by their elders.

Sales talk is one of the fundamental necessities

of business; it would be greatly beneficial for
them to be trained and develop this skill.

Product quality development training for them to

have knowledge on how to innovate and
improve their products.
Table 3.4
Themes and core ideas on what would be the benefits for them in selling their crafts online


Product Familiarity Make products more known and valued even
Influences Consumer more as it signifies their rich culture.
Product Purchases
Buyers will increase if the products become
more known and familiar.

Providing product information can be a factor to

convince the customers to purchase.

Income Earning Potential Promoting their products also helps promote

their culture.

Promoting products online will benefit them in

earning more because selling crafted products is
their main source of income.

The product itself is the product of their culture

and the one that sustains their needs.
Table 4
Demographic Profile of XABUKID, Facebook Page Respondents
Profile Characteristic n (%)
Female 15 (57.7%
Gender Male 9 (34.6%)
LGBTQ 2 (7.7%)

18 below 0 (0%)
18 - 25 18 (69.2%)
26 - 35 4 (15.4%)
Age 36 - 45 0 (0%)
46 - 55 4 (15.4%)
56 - 60 0 (0%)
60 above 0 (0%)

Cebuano 18 (69.2%)
Bagobo 4 (15.4%)
Manobo 0 (0%)
Ethnicity B'laan 0 (0%)
Tagalog 3 (11.5%)
Tagacaolos 0 (0%)
Other 1 (3.9%)

Employed 7 (26.9%)
Employment Status Self-Employed 4 (15.4%)
Unemployed 15 (57.7%)
Table 5
Customers’ Acceptability Level of the Linumo Treasures Online Hub
(XABUKID Facebook Page)
Indicators/Items SD Mean Descriptive Level
XABUKID Facebook Page Content 0.68 4.56 Very Highly Acceptable
1. I find the content on XABUKID Facebook Page engaging and 0.90 4.62 Very Highly Acceptable
2. XABUKID offers a variety of product choices. 0.84 4.69 Very Highly Acceptable

3. The posts on XABUKID Facebook Page align with my interests 0.86 4.54 Very Highly Acceptable
and expectations.
4. I often see XABUKID posts on Facebook while scrolling. 1.20 3.92 Highly Acceptable

5. I’ve been influenced by their Facebook status to buy the 0.98 4.38 Very Highly Acceptable

6. The logos (profile picture/cover photo) of XABUKID Facebook 0.86 4.54 Very Highly Acceptable
Page maintain a consistent and recognizable brand image.
7. XABUKID is responsive and interactive in engaging with 0.95 4.50 Very Highly Acceptable
comments, messages, and feedback on their Facebook Page.
8. XABUKID FB Page shared new ideas about the local products. 0.84 4.69 Very Highly Acceptable
9. XABUKID FB Page helped to create Tribe’s social identity. 0.27 4.92 Very Highly Acceptable
10. Overall quality of written and visual content on the XABUKID 0.49 4.81 Very Highly Acceptable
Facebook Page.
XABUKID Facebook Page Messaging 0.75 4.58 Very Highly Acceptable
1. XABUKID Facebook Page responds to my messages and 0.99 4.42 Very Highly Acceptable
inquiries quickly.
2. I find the auto-messages from XABUKID Facebook Page clear 1.03 4.50 Very Highly Acceptable
and informative.
3. The auto-messages from XABUKID Facebook Page are 0.90 4.58 Very Highly Acceptable
personalized to my specific needs or queries.
4. The auto-messages from XABUKID makes the ordering faster 0.90 4.58 Very Highly Acceptable
and efficient.
5. I find the messages, especially auto-messages effective, in 0.90 4.58 Very Highly Acceptable
addressing my concerns or inquiries on XABUKID's Facebook
6. Rate the overall helpfulness of the auto-messages in providing 0.34 4.85 Very Highly Acceptable
relevant information or assistance on the XABUKID Facebook
XABUKID Facebook Page in Cultural Identity and Cultural
0.36 4.77 Very Highly Acceptable
Products Promotion
1. XABUKID facebook page helps showcase the cultural materials 0.51 4.77 Very Highly Acceptable
and products of the Bagobo-Tagabawa tribe or the IP people.
2. It maintains the cultural pride of the Bagobo-Tagabawa 0.43 4.77 Very Highly Acceptable
especially to younger generations.
3. The XABUKID facebook page helps the community to patronize 0.40 4.81 Very Highly Acceptable
the indigenous local products such as the Bagobo-Tagabawa
linumo products.
4. The XABUKID displays the historical motivation of the 0.45 4.73 Very Highly Acceptable
indigenous products.
5. It effectively exhibits cultural products while adopting the 0.43 4.77 Very Highly Acceptable
modern trends.
Very Highly
XABUKID Facebook Page in General 0.59 4.69
1. I am likely to recommend XABUKID's Facebook Page to 0.90 4.58 Very Highly
others based on my experience. Acceptable

2. I find the XABUKID Facebook page useful based on 0.43 4.77 Very Highly
customers' needs. Acceptable
0.43 4.77 Very Highly
3. I find the XABUKID Facebook Page easily accessible. Acceptable
0.85 4.62 Very Highly
4. I am satisfied with the response time of XABUKID's Acceptable
Facebook Page, including both posts and messages.

5. I am satisfied with the XABUKID Facebook Page in 0.83 4.73 Very Highly
general. Acceptable

OVERALL Very Highly

0.52 4.65
Based on the results of the data gathered by the researchers, the following
conclusions were drawn:
In the demographic profile, the researchers found out that most of the artisans in
Bansalan, Davao del Sur were from Barangay Bitaug. Majority of them were female
weavers, with 16-20 years of experience in the industry.
The majority of artisans used social media, specifically Facebook, however, some of
them were not utilizing it for selling activities. While Facebook serves as a primary means
of communication for many, not everyone knows how to leverage this online platform to
generate income. Notably, most respondents prefer a combination of both online and
traditional methods for promoting their products, while few of them trust the process of
promoting their products in a traditional way.
During the needs assessment, most artisans expressed the desire to improve their
communication skills for selling and enhance the quality of their products. Specifically, the
weavers expressed a wish to align their products with current accessory trends.
The results of the needs assessment for selling products led to developing a
Facebook page to resell the crafted products (refer to Appendix A for project proposal).
The results of the evaluation of the Facebook Page XABUKID led the
researchers to conclude that overall, the Facebook Page was helpful in
promoting crafted indigenous products. It not only reached the local
community in Bansalan but also extended beyond Philippines boundaries,
thereby increasing the visibility of the native products.
When it comes to the level of acceptability among consumers of the
XABUKID Facebook page, the content has helped revitalize the tribe's
social identity. However, the XABUKID posts were not consistently
promoted through Facebook Page ads or boosting, resulting in them
being less likely to be seen while scrolling.
In terms of the overall result of the Facebook page evaluation, when
it comes to selling products through Facebook, it is important to be more
creative in posting. XABUKID has been solely focused on selling in the
posts, and had less entertainment value for followers.
The study sought to understand the needs of local craftsmen when
selling their products and to evaluate the effectiveness of promoting these
products online, particularly through Facebook. Based on the results of the
study, the researchers propose the following recommendation:
The Municipality of Bansalan, Davao del Sur or any involved
agency should organize training/seminars for local entrepreneurs or artisans
to improve their marketing strategies including sales promotion,
communication skills and product quality. Many artisans are eager to learn the
proper and professional way of communicating with customers, whether online
or in person. This initiative will have a positive impact on sustaining buyers
and customers for local craftsmen in the future.
If craftsmen prefer to sell on Facebook, it is advisable to also add
some entertainment value into their posts rather than solely focusing on
selling and prices. Consistently posting only about selling products can make
the page less engaging for followers.
Future researchers could explore other online platforms, not just
Facebook, which is primarily focused on social media. Platforms like TikTok,
for example, could reach a wider audience and provide insights into e-

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