Econometrics II CH 2
Econometrics II CH 2
Econometrics II CH 2
Chapter two
Contents of the Chapter
Time series: Observations on income, consumption, interest rates,
etc over a number of time periods (years, quarters, months, …)
A set of random variables indexed by time (such as Yt) called a
stochastic process or random process or time series process.
When we collect time series data, we obtain only one possible
outcome of the stochastic process (called realization).
We can only see a single realization b/c we cannot go back in time &
start the process over again.
This is analogous to collecting one random sample in cross sectional
Realization in time series = sample in cross section
. The set of all possible realizations in time series is akin to
population in cross section.
Sample size in time series is the number of time periods over which
we observe the variables of interest (or see their realizations). 3
If we let Y denote a random variable, and if it is
continuous, we denote it as Y(t), but if it is discrete, we
denoted it as Yt.
An example of the former is an electrocardiogram, and an
example of the latter is GDP, PDI, etc.
Since most economic data are collected at discrete points
in time, for our purpose we will use the notation Yt rather
than Y(t).
If we let Y represent GDP, for our data we have Y1, Y2, Y3,
... , Y86, Y87, Y88 , where the subscript 1 denotes the first
observation (i.e., GDP for the first quarter of 1970) and the
subscript 88 denotes the last observation (i.e., GDP for the
fourth quarter of 1991).
Data generating process in time series
The main objective of time series modeling is to forecast,
interpret & test hypotheses concerning economic data.
In forecasting, we decompose a time series into four
Trend component - it is non-stochastic;
Seasonal component - it is non-stochastic;
Cyclical component - it is non-stochastic;
Irregular component - it is stochastic.
Since the irregular component is stochastic, the goal of the
econometrician is to model this component.
Data generating process in time series
Let Yt denotes data series at time t .
Suppose the difference equations used to construct
components of the Yt series are:
Trend: Tt = 1 + 0.1t
Seasonal: St = 1.6 Si n(tπ/8)
Irregular: It = 0.7It
where ut is white noise.
The generated series for t = 100 are presented as follows.
Data generating process in time series
Data generating process in time series
Data generating process in time series
White noise & Random walk processes
White noise & Random walk processes
Stationarity and nonstationarity of time series
Stationarity and nonstationarity of time series
Integrated time series
Integrated time series Theorem
Testing stationarity: Unit root tests