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Intoduction To Embryology, Testis & Spermatogenesis - Nto, Nto Johnson

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Introduction to Embryology;

Testis and Spermatogenesis

Nto, Nto Johnson Ph.D.
Department of Anatomy
College of Medicine
University of Nigeria
2 Outline
 What is Embryology
 Prenatal Stages
 Embryological Terms
 Testis
 Spermatogenesis
3 What is Embryology
 A branch of biology and medicine concerned with the study of embryo/fetus and
their development.
 The study of developmental events that occur during the prenatal stage.
 Human development begins when an oocyte (ovum) is fertilized by a sperm
 The fertilized ovum becomes zygote, a tortipotent cell.
 A one-celled structure (zygote) undergoes cell divisions (cleavage), cell migration
(gastrulation) programmed cell death (apoptosis), differentiation, growth and
cell rearrangement.
 Develops into an organism having billions of cells
 The most spectacular developmental changes occur in the first two months

4 Prenatal stages
 266 days or 38weeks
 The pre-implantation period of embryonic development
 the time between fertilization and the beginning of 8 weeks
 The period is nearly 6 days
 Embryonic period–
 first 8 weeks Development of the
 three primary germ layers give rise to all structures and 38 weeks

 Basic body plan takes shape

 Fetal period –
 The remaining 30 weeks.
 Structures and organs continue to grow and develop.
5 Embryological terms
 Gonads –
 Primary reproductive gland that produces reproductive cells (gametes).
 In males the gonads are called testes
 the gonads in females are called ovaries.
 Gametes –
 Gametes are an organism's reproductive cells. They are also referred to as sex
 Female gametes are called ova or egg cells, and male gametes are called sperm.
 Gametes are haploid cells, and each cell carries only one copy of each
Embryological terms
 Gametogenesis –
 the process whereby a haploid cell (n) is formed from a diploid cell (2n)
through meiosis and cell differentiation.
 Gametogenesis in the male is known as spermatogenesis and produces
 Gametogenesis in the female is known as oogenesis and result in the formation
of ova.
 Spermatozoa - is a mature motile male sex cell, or moving form of the
haploid cell that is the male gamete.
 Ova - is a mature female reproductive cell
 Fertilization - is the fusion of gametes to give rise to a new individual
Embryological terms

 Zygote - a diploid cell resulting from the fusion of two haploid gametes; a
fertilized ovum.
 Cleavage - is the division of cells in the early embryo.
 The process follows fertilization, with the transfer being triggered by the
activation of a cyclin-dependent kinase complex.
 The zygotes of many species undergo rapid cell cycles with no significant overall
growth, producing a cluster of cells the same size as the original zygote.
 Morula (Latin, morus: mulberry) – is an early-stage embryo consisting of 16
cells (called blastomeres) in a solid ball contained within the zona pellucida.
 Blastomere – is a type of cell produced by cleavage (cell division) of the zygote
after fertilization and is an essential part of blastula formation.

Embryological terms
 Neurula- the embryo may be referred to as neurula at the stage of
neurulation or formation of the neural tube
 Embryo (Gr, embryon)
 This refers to early stage of developing human being which extends
to the end of the 8th week.
 At this stage the beginnings of all major structures are present
 Gastrula- a three layered or trilaminar embryonic disc. The three
germ layers differetiate into the tissues and organs of the embryo.
 Implantation – the process by which the blastocyst attaches to the
endometrium and embeds in it
Embryological terms
 Conceptus (L. concepto- derivatives of a zygote)
 Refers to embryo and all structures that develop from it
 placenta,amnion,chorionand yolk sac.
 Primordium (L.Primus, first + ovchor – to begin)
 Refers to first recognizable indication for development of an organ or
 Fetus (L. Unborn offspring)
 The developing human after embryonic period.
 The fetal period is from 9th week to birth.
 Tissues and organs formed during the embryonic stage differentiate and
Embryological terms
 Trimester – period of three calendar months during a pregnancy.
 The first trimester (12week, is most critical because embryonic and early fetal
development is occurring)
 Abortion –
 premature stoppage of development or premature expulsion of a conceptus
from the uterus or expulsion of an embryo or fetus before it is viable (capable of
living outside the uterus)
 Congenital anomalies/malformations - these are birth defects or abnormalities of
development present at birth
 Teratogen - an agent or factor which may cause birth defects or congenital
 Teratology –the study of congenital malformations

 The male reproductive system comprise

 The testis
 The ducts
 The auxiliary glands associated with them
 The penis
 Ducts: tubuli recti, rete testis, ductuli
efferents, ductus epididymis, ductus deferens
& ejaculatory duct
 Glands: Seminal vesicles, Prostate and
bulbourethral glands
 The testis like the ovary is a double gland.
 It is both an exocrine and an endocrine gland
 The testis is suspended in the scrotum by the
spermatic cord
 Left testis lower than the right
 2 poles, 2borders, 2surfaces
 Arterial supply- Testicular artery
 Venous drainage- Pampiniform plexus to IVC or left
renal vein
 Nerve supply- T10
 Lymphatic drainage- preaortic and paraortic group
lymph nodes

 It is surrounded by a capsule
 Testicular capsule is a dynamic membrane,
composed of three layers
 An outer layer – tunica vaginalis
 A middle layer – tunica albuginea
 An Inner layer – tunica vasculosa
 Tunica vaginalis
 Is made up of mesothelial cells
 Has two layers, Visceral and Parietal
 The serous cavity between the layers allows the testis to
move freely within it
 Tunica albuginea
 A thick dense fibroelastic connective tissue
 Contains smooth muscle cell
 It is thickened along the posterior border, mediastinum
 The mediastinum testis sends thin fibrous partitions,
septuli testis, that divide the interior of the testis into 250
 Each lobuli testis contains
 1-4 seminiferous tubules
 Embedded within a loose connective
tissue stroma
 Interstitial tissue contains vessels, nerves,
and cells
 *interstitial cells (leydig)
 Spermatogenesis by which haploid spermatozoa develop from germ cells in
the wall of the seminiferous tubule of the testis
 It takes about 64 days to form a mature sperm in humans
 The process begins with mitotic division (spermatocytogenesis) of stem cells
(Spermatogonia type A)
 Spermatogonia type A (44+X+Y) divides mitotically to give rise to more type
A and also to type B
 Spermatogonia type B (44+X+Y) grows and divides mitotically to form
primary spermatocyte

 Primary Spermatocytes (44+X+Y) undergoes first meiotic division,

producing two secondary spermatocytes, with chromosome number reduced
to half.
 Secondary Spermatocyte (22+X or 22+Y)- Undergoes the second meiotic
division to form two spermatids.
 Spermatids (22+X or 22+Y) – Transforms to a spermatozoa. The process if
known as spermiogenesis
 Spermiogenesis is the process by which spermatids are
transformed to spermatozoa.
 Consist of four phases
 Golgi phase
 Cap/Acrosomal phase
 Formation of tail
 Maturation phase

 Golgi phase
 Spermatids grow and become radially symmetrical, and begins to
develop polarity
 The head forms at one end, Golgi apparatus forms enzymes that
will become the acromosome
 The other end forms the middle piece, the mithochondria gather at
the distal centriole and begins to form the axoneme
 Spermatid DNA becomes highly condenced, forming chromatin

 Acrosomal phase
 Golgi apparatus surrounds the condenced nucleus, forming the acrosomal cap
 Acrosomal vesicle
 Acrosome – hydrolytic enzymes: Hyaluronidase, Neuraminidase, Acid
phosphatase, Acrosin (zonalysin)
 Formation of Tail
 One of the centrioles of the cell elongates to become the tail of the sperm
 Manchette (a temporary structure) assist in this elongation

 Maturation phase
 Residual bodies are shed
 Formation of spermatozoa
 Release of mature spermatoza > spermiation


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