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Requirements Specification 1

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Software Engineering

Software Requirements

Software Engineering Software Requirements 1


 To introduce the concepts of user and system


 To describe functional and non-functional


 To explain how software requirements may be

organised in a requirements document

Software Engineering Software Requirements 2


When you have read the chapter, you will

 Understand the concepts of user requirements

 Understand the concepts of system requirements

 Understand why these requirements should be written in different


 Understand the differences between functional and non-functional

software requirements

 Understand how requirements may be organized in a software

requirements document.

Software Engineering Software Requirements 3

Requirements engineering

 The process of establishing the services that the

customer requires from a system and the
constraints under which it operates and is

 The requirements themselves are the

descriptions of the system services and
constraints that are generated during the
requirements engineering process.

Software Engineering Software Requirements 4

What is a requirement?
Requirements Analysis and Definition

 It may range from a high-level abstract statement of a

service or of a system constraint to a detailed
mathematical functional specification.

 The requirements analysis and definition establish the

system's services, constraints and goals by consultation
with users. They are then defined in a manner that is
understandable by both users and development staff.

Requirements define the function of the system FROM


Software Engineering Software Requirements 5

Types of requirement

 User requirements

• Statements in natural language plus diagrams of what services

the system is expected to provide and its operational
constraints. Written for customers.

 System requirements

• A structured document setting out detailed descriptions of the

system’s functions, services and operational constraints.
Defines what should be implemented so may be part of a
contract between client and contractor.

Software Engineering Software Requirements 6

Types of requirement

User Requirement:
Let us assume that we have a word-processing system that does
not have a spell checker. In order to be able to sell the product, it is
determined that it must have a spell checker. Hence the business
requirement could be stated as:

user will be able to correct spelling errors in a document


Hence, the Spell checker will be included as a feature in the


Software Engineering Software Requirements 7

Types of requirement

System Requirement:
After documenting the user’s perspective in the form of user
requirements, the system’s perspective: what is the functionality
provided by the system and how will it help the user to accomplish
these tasks. Viewed from this angle, the functional requirement for
the same user requirement could be written as follows:
The spell checker will find and highlight misspelled words. Right
clicking a misspelled word, will then display a dialog box with
suggested replacements. The user will be allowed to select from the
list of suggested replacements. Upon selection it will replace the
misspelled word with the selected word. It will also allow the user to
make global replacements.

Software Engineering Software Requirements 8

Definitions and specifications

User requirement definition

Library System (LIBSYS) shall keep track of all data required by copyright licensing

System requirements specification

- On making a request for a document from LIBSYS, the requestor shall be

presented with a form that records details of the user and the request made.

- LIBSYS request forms shall be stored on the system for five years from
the date of the request.

- All LIBSYS request forms must be indexed by user, by the name of the
material requested and by the supplier of the request.

- LIBSYS shall maintain a log of all requests that have been made to the

- For material where authors’ lending rights apply, loan details shall be sent
monthly to copyright agencies that have registered with LIBSYS

Software Engineering Software Requirements 9

Functional and non-functional requirements

Software system requirements are often classified as functional

requirements, non-functional requirements:

 Functional requirements
• Statements of services the system should provide, how the system should
react to particular inputs and how the system should behave in particular

 Non-functional requirements (Quality Requirements)

• Constraints on the services or functions offered by the system such as timing
constraints, constraints on the development process, standards, etc.

Software Engineering Software Requirements 10

Functional requirements

 Describe functionality or system services.

 Depend on the type of software, expected users of the

software and the general approach taken by the
organisation when writing requirements.

 Functional user requirements may be high-level

statements of what the system should do but functional
system requirements should describe the system
services in detail.

Software Engineering Software Requirements 11

Example: The LIBSYS system

Functional requirements may be expressed in a number of way.

Example: LIBSYS used by students and faculty to order books and documents
from other libraries.
 A library system that provides a single interface to a number of databases of
articles in different libraries.

 Users can search for, download and print these articles for personal study.

 The user shall be able to search either all of the initial set of databases or
select a subset from it.

 The system shall provide appropriate viewers for the user to read documents
in the document store.

Software Engineering Software Requirements 12

Non-functional requirements

 These define system properties and constraints e.g. reliability,

response time and storage requirements.

 They may define constraints on the system such as the capabilities

of I/O devices and the data representations used in system

 Process requirements may also be specified mandating a particular

CASE system, programming language or development method.

 Non-functional requirements may be more critical than functional

requirements. If these are not met, the system is useless.

Software Engineering Software Requirements 13

Non-functional classifications

 Product requirements
• Requirements which specify that the delivered product must
behave in a particular way e.g. execution speed, reliability, etc.

 Organisational requirements
• Requirements which are a consequence of organisational
policies and procedures e.g. process standards used,
implementation requirements, etc.

 External requirements
• Requirements which arise from factors which are external to
the system and its development process e.g. interoperability
requirements, legislative requirements, etc.

Software Engineering Software Requirements 14

User requirements

 Should describe functional and non-functional

requirements in such a way that they are
understandable by system users who don’t have
detailed technical knowledge.

 User requirements are defined using natural

language, tables and diagrams as these can be
understood by all users.

Software Engineering Software Requirements 15

Problems with natural language

Various problems can arise when requirements are written in

natural language sentences in a text document:

 Lack of clarity
• Precision is difficult without making the document difficult to read.

 Requirements confusion
• Functional and non-functional requirements tend to be mixed-up.

 Requirements amalgamation
• Several different requirements may be expressed together as a single

Software Engineering Software Requirements 16

Guidelines for writing requirements

To minimise misunderstandings when writing user requirements, It is

recommended that you follow some simple guidelines:

 Invent a standard format and use it for all requirements.

 Use language in a consistent way. You should always distinguish

between mandatory and desirable requirements.

 Use text highlighting to identify key parts of the requirement.

 Avoid the use of computer jargon.

Software Engineering Software Requirements 17

System requirements

 More detailed specifications of system functions, services and

constraints than user requirements.

 They are intended to be a basis for designing the system.

 They add detail and explain how the user requirements should be
provided by the system.

 The system requirements should simply describe the external

behaviour of the system and its operational constraints.

 They should not be concerned with how the system should be

designed or implemented.

Software Engineering Software Requirements 18

Requirements and design

 In principle, requirements should state what the system should do

and the design should describe how it does this.

 In practice, requirements and design are inseparable

• A system architecture may be designed to structure the


• In most cases, systems must interoperate with other existing

systems. These constrain the design, and these constraints
impose requirements on the new system;

Software Engineering Software Requirements 19

Problems with Natural Language (NL) specification

 Ambiguity
• The readers and writers of the requirement must interpret the same
words in the same way. NL is naturally ambiguous so this is very

 Over-flexibility
• The same thing may be said in a number of different ways in the

 Lack of modularisation
• NL structures are inadequate to structure system requirements.

Because of these problems, requirements specification written in

natural language are prone to misunderstandings.

Software Engineering Software Requirements 20

Alternatives to NL specification

Notation Description
Structured natural This approach depends on defining standard forms or templates to express the
language requirements specification.
Design This approach uses a language like a programming language but with more abstract
description features to specify the requirements by defining an operational model of the system.
languages This approach is not now widely used although it can be useful for interface
Graphical A graphical language, supplemented by text annotations is used to define the
notations functional requirements for the system. An early example of such a graphical
language was SADT. Now, use-case descriptions and sequence diagrams are
commonly used .
Mathematical These are notations based on mathematical concepts such as finite-state machines or
specifications sets. These unambiguous specifications reduce the arguments between customer and
contractor about system functionality. However, most customers don’t understand
formal specifications and are reluctant to accept it as a system contract.

Software Engineering Software Requirements 21

Structured language specifications

 The freedom of the requirements writer is limited by a predefined

template for requirements.

 All requirements are written in a standard way.

 The terminology used in the description may be limited.

 The advantage is that the most of the expressiveness of natural

language is maintained but a degree of uniformity is imposed on the

 Structured language notations limit the terminology that can be used

and use templates to specify system requirements.

Software Engineering Software Requirements 22

Form-based specifications

 Definition of the function or entity.

 Description of inputs and where they come from.

 Description of outputs and where they go to.

 Indication of other entities required.

 Pre and post conditions (if appropriate).

 The side effects (if any) of the function.

Software Engineering Software Requirements 23

Graphical models

 Graphical models are most useful when you

need to show how state changes or where you
need to describe a sequence of actions.

 Different graphical models are explained in next


Software Engineering Software Requirements 24

The requirements document

 The requirements document is the official statement of

what is required of the system developers (SRS).

 Should include both a definition of user requirements and

a specification of the system requirements.

 It is NOT a design document. As far as possible, it should

set of WHAT the system should do rather than HOW it
should do it

Software Engineering Software Requirements 25

Key points

 Requirements set out what the system should do and

define constraints on its operation and implementation.

 Functional requirements set out services the system

should provide.

 Non-functional requirements constrain the system being

developed or the development process.

 User requirements are high-level statements of what the

system should do. User requirements should be written
using natural language, tables and diagrams.

Software Engineering Software Requirements 26

Key points

 System requirements are intended to communicate the

functions that the system should provide.

 A software requirements document is an agreed

statement of the system requirements.

 The IEEE standard is a useful starting point for defining

more detailed specific requirements standards.

Software Engineering Software Requirements 27

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