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Tax Planning, Tax Evasion, Tax Avoidance, Tax Management

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-By Monica Pradyot

Assistant Prof
 Tax planning is a way to reduce tax liability by taking full advantages provided by the Act
through various exemptions, deductions, rebates & relief. In other words, it is a way to reduce tax
liability by applying script & moral of law. It is the scientific planning so as to attract minimum
tax liability or postponement of tax liability for the subsequent period by availing various
incentives, concessions, allowance, rebates and relief provided in the Act.
 Tax evasion is the illegal way to reduce tax liability by deliberately suppressing income or sale or
by increasing expenses, etc., which results in reduction of total income of the assessee. Tax
evasion is illegal, both in script & moral. It is the cancer of modern society and work as a clog in
the development of the nation.
 Tax avoidance is an exercise by which the assessee legally takes advantages of loopholes in the
Act. Tax avoidance is a practice of bending the law without breaking it. It is a way to reduce tax
liability by applying script of law only. Most of the amendments are aimed to curb such loopholes.
 There are two thoughts about tax avoidance –
a) As per first thought it is legal. Such thought is also supported by various judgments of
the Supreme Court, some of them are as follows-
 Helvering vs. Greggory (1934):
“Anyone may so arrange his affairs that his taxes shall be as low as possible. He is not
bound to choose that pattern which will best pay the Treasury; there is not even a patriotic
duty to increase one’s taxes.”
 IRC vs. Duke of Westminster (1936):
“Taxpayer is entitled to so arrange his affairs that the tax under the appropriate Act is
less than what otherwise it could be.”
 Inland Revenue Commissioners vs. Fishers Executors (1958):
“The highest in authority, have always recognized that the subject is entitled so to arrange
his affairs as not to attract taxes imposed by the Crown, so far he can do so within the law,
and that he may legitimately claim the advantage of any express terms or any omissions
that he can find in his favour in taxing Act. In doing so, he neither comes under liability,
nor incurs blame.
 CIT vs. Raman & Co. (1968):
“Avoidance of tax liability by so arranging commercial affairs that the charge of tax is distributed, is not
prohibited. A taxpayer may resort to a device to divert the income before it accrues or arises to him.
Effectiveness of the device depends not upon considerations of morality, but on the operation of the Income-
tax Act.”
 Smt. C. Kamala vs. CIT (1978):
“It is quite possible that when a transaction is entered into in one form known to law, the amount received
under that transaction may attract liability under the Act and if it is entered into in another form which is
equally lawful, it may not attract such tax liability. But when the assessee has adopted the latter one, it
would not be open to the court to hold him liable for tax.”
 CWT vs. Arvind Narotham (1988)
“It is true that tax avoidance in an underdeveloped or developing economy should not be encouraged
on practical as well as ideological grounds. One would wish….. that one could get the enthusiasm
….. that taxes are the price of civilization and one would like to pay that price to buy civilization.
But the question which many ordinary taxpayers very often, in a country of shortages with
ostentatious consumption and deprivation for the large masses, ask is, does he with taxes buy
civilization or does he facilitate the waste and ostentation of the few. Unless ostentation and waste in
Government spending are avoided or eschewed, no amount of moral sermons would change people’s
attitude to tax avoidance.”
b) As per second thought it is not a legal way to reduce tax burden and it should be prohibited.
 McDowell & Co. Ltd. vs Commercial Tax Officer (1985)
Supreme Court observed - “we think time has come for us to depart from Westminster
principle….tax planning may be legitimate provided it is within the framework of law. Colourable
devices cannot be part of tax planning and it is wrong to encourage or entertain the belief that it is
honourable to avoid the payment of tax by resorting to dubious methods. It is the obligation of
every citizen to pay the honestly without resorting to subterfuges.”
 CIT vs B.M. Kharwar (1969)
Supreme Court held – “the taxing authority is entitled and is indeed bound to determine the
true legal relation resulting from a transaction. If the parties have chosen to conceal by a
device the legal relation, it is open to the taxing authorities to unravel the device and to
determine the true character of relationship. But the legal effect of a transaction cannot be
displaced by probing into substance of the transaction.”
Points of Tax planning Tax Avoidance Tax Evasion Tax Management
Definition It is a way to reduce tax It is an exercise by which It is the illegal way to It is a procedure to
liability by taking full the assessee legally takes reduce tax liability by comply with the
advantages provided by the advantage of the loopholes deliberately suppressing provisions of the law.
Act through various in the Act. income or sale or by
exemptions, deductions, increasing expenses, etc.,
rebates & relief. which results in
reduction of total income of
the assessee.
Feature Tax planning is a practice to Tax avoidance is a practice Tax evasion is illegal, both It is implementation or
follow the provisions of law of bending the law without in script & moral. execution part of taxation
within the moral framework. breaking it. department of an
Object To reduce tax liability by To reduce the tax liability To reduce tax liability by To comply with the
applying script & moral of to the minimum by applying unfair means. provisions of laws.
law. applying script of law only

Approach It is futuristic and positive It is futuristic but short term It is concerned with past It is a continuous
in nature. The planning is in nature, as loophole of the and applied after the approach, which is
made today to avail benefits law will be corrected in liability of tax has arisen. It concerned with past
in future. future by amendments of is done with negative (rectification, revisions
the law. approach to avail benefits etc.), present (filing of
by killing the moral of law. return, etc.) & future
(corrective action).
Points of Tax planning Tax Avoidance Tax Evasion Tax Management
Benefit Generally, arises in long Generally, arises in short Generally, benefits do Penalty, interest &
run. run. not arise but it causes prosecution can be
penalty and prosecution. avoided.

Treatment of Law It uses benefits of the It uses loopholes in the It overrules the law. It implements the law.
law. law.

Practice It is tax saving. It is tax hedging. It is tax concealment. It is tax

Need It is desirable It is avoidable It is objectionable It is essential.

Morality It is moral in nature. It is immoral in nature It is illegal. It is duty.

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