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Acute Coronary Syndrome - Manchester Students 23.11.2020

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Acute Coronary Syndrome

Pathophysiology, Investigations & Management

including Case Example

Presentation written and delivered by:

Dr Amalia V Stavropoulos, BA MBBS
Internal Medicine Trainee (Severn)
Presentation Outline

● Broad overview of acute coronary syndrome

■ Classification
■ Pathophysiology
■ Investigations
■ Management

● Case Example (interactive)

● Feedback
Definition and Classification

● ACS can be defined as a varying degree of coronary artery

luminal obstruction which results in
○ decreased blood flow and
○ subsequent ischaemia to the territory of the affected

● Classification:
1) Unstable Angina
2) Non-ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (NSTEMI)
3) ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI)
Classification explained

Unstable Angina NSTEMI STEMI

Can be: Myocardial necrosis that tends to Myocardial necrosis that tends to
• New exertional angina occur from coronary artery occur following plaque rupture and
• Angina that was previously stenosis rather than full occlusive thrombosis with full occlusion of a
stable but now occurs with less thrombosis. coronary artery.
physical exertion
• Angina that occurs at rest
• Cardiac markers negative • Positive/elevated cardiac • Positive/elevated cardiac
• ECG lacks ST segment markers markers
elevation • ECG lacks characteristic ST • ECG demonstrates ≥ 1 mm ST
segment elevation but other segment elevation in 2 or more
features may be present, such as contiguous leads or new LBBB
ST segment depression or T wave

• Most commonly due to thrombus formation over an

eroded, fissured, or ruptured atheromatous plaque
an atherosclerotic coronary artery.
• Partial or full occlusion the coronary artery.
Be aware: there are many non-atherosclerotic aetiologies of ACS. These
include coronary artery embolism, dissection, and spasm.
Relevant Anatomy

Circumflex Artery (Cx)

Right Coronary Artery • Posterolateral left
• Right atrium &
• SA and AV node Left Anterior
Descending (LAD)
• Left ventricle
Clinical features

• Chest pain or discomfort

• Described as heaviness, tightness, pressure, squeezing
• Pain radiating to arms, jaw, epigastrium
• Nausea and vomiting
• Diaphoresis
• Syncope or pre-syncope
• Shortness of breath
• Indigestion
Differential Diagnosis

• Arrhythmia • Aortic dissection

• Pericarditis • GORD
• Pneumonia • Oesophageal spasm
• Pulmonary Embolism • Costochondritis
• Pneumothorax • Chest trauma (ie, rib

• Primary investigations:
• Serial ECG’s
• Cardiac biomarkers
• Coronary angiography

• Investigations to consider:
• Chest Xray
• D-dimer
ECG territories
Normal ECG
Example of STEMI
Example of STEMI
Role of Troponin

• Troponin has three subunits - TnC, TnI, and TnT.

• Regulate cardiac contraction by blocking actin-myosin
crossbridge formation.
• Action potential causes release of
calcium ions from sarcoplasmic
reticulum. Calcium binds to the
troponin complex, changing its shape
and releasing it to allow for actin-
myosin crossbridge formation and
hence contraction.
Role of Troponin

• cTnI and cTnT are used as

markers of cardiac damage.

• Rise 3-6 hours after onset of

chest pain in NSTEMI/STEMI
and continue to increase to a
peak between 16-30 hours.
Case Example - History

History Observations
41-year-old gentleman, presented • HR: 88
with left-sided chest and jaw pain. • BP: 142/87 mmHg
• Recent dental infection treated • RR: 16
with 5-day course of antibiotics • SpO2: 98% on air
• Family History - No ischaemic • Temp: 36.8 degC
heart disease

Past Medical History Examination

• No cardiac murmur
• Type II Diabetes Mellitus
• Warm peripheries
• Hypertension
• Chest clear
• Obesity
• Abdomen soft
• Current smoker of 10-20
• No leg oedema
cigarettes daily
Case Example - ECG
Case Example - Troponin
Management (for STEMI)

• Immediate Management
• Dual anti-platelet therapy
- aspirin 300 mg + clopidogrel 300 mg STAT
• Subcutaneous anti-coagulant
- fondaparinux 2.5 mg
• Consider oxygen if Sats <94%
• Morphine, anti-emetics, and GTN
• Proceed to primary percutaneous coronary intervention (pPCI)
- Can be performed within 12 hours of symptom onset with must be within 120 mins of when
fibrinolysis could have been given
• Fibrinolysis if pPCI cannot be achieved within 120 minutes

• See NICE guidance Flow Chart (link provided in comment box below).
Primary PCI

• Performed by an interventional cardiologist in the

cardiac catheterisation lab (“cath lab”).
• Used to open up a blocked coronary artery to restore
blood flow.
• Access is obtained via the radial or femoral artery.
• Radio-opaque dyes and XRays are employed to
identify the culprit lesion.
• Once the lesion is identified, a balloon can be inflated
to open up the lesion and a stent can be implanted to
keep the vessel patent.
• Once a stent is deployed, the patient will require
lifelong aspirin treatment.
Case pPCI Outcome
Long term management

• If stent deployed, one-year of dual anti-platelet therapy

- Then, lifelong aspirin monotherapy
• Beta blocker (ie, bisoprolol)
• ACE inhibitor (ie, ramipril)
• HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitor (ie, atorvastatin)
• Consider aldosterone antagonist (ie, eplerenone) if EF <40%
• Nitrates (ie, GTN spray)
• Risk factor reduction and lifestyle changes (ie, BP and diabetes control)
Unstable Angina & NSTEMI Management

• Initially, offer loading dose aspirin + fondaparinux

• Then, assess risk of future adverse cardiovascular events using the GRACE
• If risk of 6-month mortality found to be at least 1.5%, load with
clopidogrel as well
• If found to be intermediate to high risk (>3%) perform coronary
angiography within 96 hours of admission

• See NICE guidance Flow Chart (link provided in comment box below).

• Cardiac arrest and death

• Myocardial rupture
• Heart failure
• Dressler’s syndrome
• Arrhythmias
Key Messages

• Substernal chest pain is the classical presenting feature of ACS

• Understand the differences among unstable angina vs NSTEMI vs STEMI
• Be able to identify the affected coronary vessel and corresponding cardiac
territory of STEMI
• For STEMI patients, “time is muscle” – aim pPCI within 120 minutes
• Patients who cannot have pPCI within 120 mins and have no
contraindications should proceed to fibrinolysis
• Know the pharmacological management of ACS
• Appreciate the role of the GRACE score

(1) NICE guidance on ACS

(2) BNF/NICE resource on ACS management

(3) Life in the Fast Lane resource on acute coronary syndromes

(4) Geeky Medics resources on ACS (great for OSCE practice)

(5) GRACE score calculator

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