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Definition of Communicative Competence

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Definition of

- Is a term coined by Dell hymes in 1966
in reaction to Noam Chomsky (1965)
notion of “linguistic competence”.
Communicative competence is the
intuitive functional knowledge and
control of the principle of language
A competent communicator will engage in turn taking
when in conversations instead of interrupting. A
competent communicator would know when it is
appropriate to ask questions to further the
conversation, and read nonverbal cues/feedback from
the receiver to know when the conversation is over.
~"We have then to account for the fact that a normal child
acquires knowledge of sentence not only as grammatical but also
as appropriate. In short a child becomes able to accomplish a
repertoire of speech acts, to take part in speech events and to
evaluate their accomplishment by others. This competence,
moreover, is integral with attitude, values and motivation
concerning language, its features and uses, and integral with
competence for, and attitudes toward, the interrelation of
languages with other code of communicative conduct".

~In "theoretical bases of

communicative approaches to
second language teaching and
testing" (applied linguistics, 1980)
educators who respect diversity and are
culturally competent: have an
understanding of, and honor, the histories,
cultures, languages, traditions, child
rearing practices.
Michael Canale and Merrill Swain
identified the four components of
communicative competence:

20XX presentation title 7

knowledge phonology,
orthography, vocabulary,
word formation and sentence
includes knowledge of sociocultural rules of use.
It concerned with the learners ability to handle for
example settings, topics and communicative
functions in different sociolinguistic context. Also,
it deals with the use of appropriate grammatical
forms for different communicative functions in
different sociolinguistic context.
related to the learners mastery of
understanding and producing text in the
modes of listening, speaking, reading and
writing. It deals with cohesion and
coherence in different type of text.
compensatory strategies in case of
grammatical or sociolinguistic or discourse
difficulties, such as the use of reference
source, grammatical and lexical paraphrase,
request for repetition, clarification, slower
speech or problem in addressing strangers
when unsure of their social status or finding
the right cohesion devices.

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