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Research report

• There are various formats of educational

research report a researcher must understand
its meaning and purpose.
Research proposal
• A research proposal deals with problem or
topic that is to be investigated.
• It has a variety of formats which vary in their
• Writing a research proposal or synopsis
includes as introductory section : problem
hypothesis objectives, assumptions, methods
of the study tools, justification and
implications of the study.
• It is written in present and future tense.
• It covers four to ten pages.
• It is submitted for the final approval before
starting the actual research work.
• It is planning phase of a research work which
is produced in the written form to judge its
Research report or thesis

A research report deals with results of

completed research work.
After completing a research work, it is
generally produced in the written form and is
called research report or thesis.
A research report includes usually the following

Review of the
related literature


Thesis Methodology

Data Analysis

Conclusion &

References &

• A research report or thesis is an organized

format of research work done. It is viewed in
three major categories.

A. Preliminaries
B. Textual Body, and
C. references
A. Preliminary Section
1. Title Page
2. Acknowledgement
3. Dedication
4. Declaration
5. Certificate by supervisor
6. Approval sheet
7. Table of Contents
8. List of Tables (if any)
9. List of figures (if any)
B. Main body of report or textual body

1. Introduction
(a) Statement of the problem
(b) Objectives of the study
(c) Hypothesis / Research Questions
(d) Significance of the Study
(e) Limitation of the study
(f) definitions of important terms used
2. Review of the relevant literature
3. Research Methodology
(a) Method and procedure use
(b) tools of research or sources of data
(c) Techniques of data collection
(d) description of technique use
4. Data analysis
(a) Analysis of data
(b) tables and interpretation
(c) figures and interpretation
5. Summery, Conclusions & Recommendations
(a) discussion of the results
(b) main findings / conclusion
(c) suggestions for future studies.
1. Title page
• This is first page of the thesis, it includes:
(a) Title of thesis
(b) Name of the candidate
(c) Purpose or relationship of the thesis to the
course or degree requirement
(d) College and or / department in which the
candidate has been admitted for the degree.
(e) Name of the university to which it is submitted
(f) Month and year of submission or acceptance
2. Acknowledgement
• It also includes the acknowledgement to the
persons and sources that have been helpful to
the investigator. Recognition for help by the
family members and others.
• The world ACKNOWLEDGEMENT should typed
in capital letters. It should be written in an
impressive way.
3. Table of contents
• This section lists all the main chapter headings
and the essential subheading in each with the
appropriate page numbers against each.
4. List of tables
• The table of contents is followed by the list of
tables on a separate page.
• This list of tables consists of the titles or
captions of the tables included in the thesis
along with the page numbers where these can
be located.
5. List of figures
• If any graphs are used in the thesis, a list of
figures on the separate page is prepared in the
same form as the list of tables.
Chapter 1. Introduction
• The main purpose of this chapter is to indicate
the need and scope of the study.
• It is reported in the past tense form of work
• The problem objectives, hypothesis/ research
questions, significance of the study, limitations
of the study are reported precisely.
Chapter 2. Review of the Relevant literature

• This chapter is essential in most of the research


• It presents the comprehensive development of

the problem background.

• It indicates what has already been studied by

others, which has a bearing upon the present
Chapter 3. Research Methodology
• This chapter indicates the line of approach of
the study.
• The first aspects deals with the method,
population and sample of the study and
second part provides the tools and techniques
employed in the research.
• It also presents the procedure of the study.
• The whole plan of the study is discussed in
detail under this chapter.
Sampling techniques
Sampling techniques

• Sampling in market action research is of two types – probability

sampling and non-probability sampling. Let’s take a closer look at
these two methods of sampling.
• Probability sampling: Probability samplingis a sampling technique
where a researcher selects a few criteria and chooses members of
a population randomly. All the members have an equal
opportunity to participate in the sample with this selection
• Non-probability sampling: In non-probabilitysampling, the
researcher randomly chooses members for research. This
sampling method is not a fixed or predefined selection process.
This makes it difficult for all population elements to have equal
opportunities to be included in a sample
Types of probability sampling
Types of non probability sampling
Hands on training
Sampling calculation example by population
proportion formula

The sample size will be calculated by the following formula

keeping the confidence level equal to 95% and the margin of

error equal to 8%.

〖𝑍 ^2 〗 _(1−𝛼/2)= for 95% confidence level =1.96
P = Anticipated value of nurses good adherence of standard
precautions=46.8%(Alice et al., 2013)

d = Margin of error = 8%
n = Sample Size =150
Data collection methods
Data Collection Procedure

 Approval of Institutional Review Board (IRB) UHS, Lahore.

 Administrative permission from relevant hospitals to be
 collect the data from Participants who met the inclusion
criteria who were selected.
 Pilot testing
Data analysis techniques
Ethical considerations in research project
Techniques for data analysis
It is essential to analyze raw data to understand
it. We must resort to various data analysis
techniques that depend on the type of
information collected, so it is crucial to define
the method before implementing it.
Qualitative data
Researchers collect qualitative datafrom the
underlying emotions, body language, and
expressions. Its foundation is the data
interpretation of verbal responses. The most
common ways of obtaining this information are
through open-ended interviews, focus groups,
and observation groups, where researchers
generally analyze patterns in observations
throughout the data collection phase.
Quantitative data:

Quantitative data presents itself in

numerical form. It focuses on tangible
Data analysis focuses on reaching a conclusion based
solely on the researcher’s current knowledge. How
you collect your data should relate to how you plan to
analyze and use it. You also need to collect accurate
and trustworthy information.
Many data collection techniques exist, but experts’
most commonly used method is online surveys. It
offers significant benefits, such as reducing time and
money compared to traditional data collection
Data Analysis Methods

The term data analysis technique has often been

used interchangeably by professional
researchers. Frequently people also throw out
the previous analysis type. We’re hoping for this
to be an important distinction between how and
when data analyses are done.
However, there are many different techniques
that allow for data analysis. Here are some of the
main common methods used for data analysis:
Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive statistics involves summarizing and

describing the main features of a dataset, such
as mean, median, mode, standard deviation,
range, and percentiles. It provides a basic
understanding of the data’s distribution and
Inferential Statistics

Inferential statistics are used to make inferences

and draw conclusions about a larger population
based on a sample of data. It includes
techniques like hypothesis testing, confidence
intervals, and regression analysis.
Data analysis
Qualitative Data Analysis
Qualitative data analysis involves interpreting non-
numeric data, such as text, images, audio, or video.
Techniques like content analysis, thematic analysis, and
grounded theory are used to analyze qualitative data.

Quantitative Data Analysis

Quantitative analysis focuses on analyzing numerical
data to discover relationships, trends, and patterns. This
analysis often involves statistical methods.
Steps of data analysis
Chapter 4. Data Analysis
• In this chapter analysis and results are
• The analysis of data are presented in tabular
form and in figures or pictorial presentation.
• The results are interpreted at length.
• This chapter provides the original work or
contribution by the researcher.
• The communicative accuracy is required in this
Statistical test to draw conclusion
Chapter 5 Discussion
• This is most important chapter of the thesis.
• It requires the creative and reflective aspect of
the researcher.
• The results are discussed to make them more
meaningful comparison of the results with the
• The findings of the study are summarized and
suggestions for further studies are also given.

Level of Adherence of Standard Precaution

Study result :Adherence is the extend up to which someone follows an
approved set of actions in accordance with a specified standard. In our study, the
results regarding level of adherence with standard precautions show that 127
(84.7%) nurses have adequate adherence with SPs, while only 23 (15.3%) nurses
have inadequate adherence (table no 2 ).

Other study references:These result of our study are parallel with the
research conducted by (Hessels et al., 2016) where most nurses (94%)
reported always or often adhering to SPs and SP adherence was observed
82%. On the other hand our results are dissimilar with the outcomes of a
research carried out in Italy by (Alhumaid et al., 2021) that showed low
level of adherence of standard precautions of nurses and documented a gap
among health care providers regarding adherence with standard
precautions. Frequent ongoing infection control training sessions on
standard precautions and proper equipment availability within the hospital
might have been the factors behind higher percentage of nurses having
Study result:Adherence with the hand hygiene, in case of more
likelihood of interaction with possibly contaminated biological
materials, is a key precaution to prevent the spread of infection. The
findings of this study reflects that 96% nurses have adhered with
standard precautions regarding hand hygiene,, 92% and 76%
respectively by removing gloves and after contact with biologically
contaminated material. (table 2)
Other study references:These Our results are congruent with
outcomes of a research conducted by Nasirudeen et al. regarding
students’ knowledge and practice in Singapore that indicated
that 66.3% showed positive scores regarding practice and 48.9%
had good knowledge about hand hygiene. (Nasirudeen et al.,
Chap 6.ref
Steps of end note use
• EndNote Learning Steps
• Why & How to Learn EndNote
• Step 1: Setup EndNote software
Step 2: Begin an EndNote Library
• Step 3: Checking Styles & References
• Step 4: Importing references
Step 4a: Importing from OneSearch
Step 4b: Importing from a Database
• Step 5: Managing your EndNote Library
• Step 6: Using Endnote with MS Word
Step 6a: Adding references in Word
Step 6b: Editing references in Word

Optional Learning Path Steps

Organising your references
• Working + full-text PDFs
• Other EndNote import methods
Endnote software
• Hands on training to put citation and
references in thesis
• References are listed on separate page
• Only citations that appear in the text should
appear on the reference page
• Everything cited in the text should appear on the
reference page.
• References are double-spaced, flush left with
subsequent lines indented 5 spaces
Won’t let it happen

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