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Digital 114219

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Understanding the Self
Prepared by:
Group 2

Francois de La Rochefoucauld
What is Digital Self?
Digital Self

• The digital self is the

aspect of the self that is
expressed or shared with
others through online
interaction on the
internet, specifically in
social networking sites.
Digital Self vs. Real Self
• Digital Self -It
how you present
yourself online.

• Real Self- It is
how you present
yourself in real-
Self Presentation and Impression
Self Presentation
• refers to an individual's attempts,
both conscious and unconscious, to
control how he or she project himself
or herself in social intereaction.
• the process of intentionally
presenting oneself in a particular way
to others. It involves managing the
impressions we create and the image
we project to others.
Impression management
• refers to the strategies and techniques
we use to control or influence the
When it comes to self-presentation and impression
management, there are several key factors to consider.
These include:
• 1. Self-image: Before presenting ourselves to others,
we need to have a clear understanding of our own self-
image. This involves knowing our strengths,
weaknesses, values, and goals. By having a strong
self-image, we can effectively communicate who we
are and what we stand for.
• 2. Audience analysis: It is important to consider
the specific audience we are trying to impress or
influence. Different people may have different
expectations, values, and preferences. By
understanding our audience, we can tailor our self-
presentation to meet their expectations and create a
positive impression.
• 3. Nonverbal communication: Nonverbal cues
such as body language, facial expressions, and tone of
voice play a crucial role in impression management.
These cues can convey confidence, sincerity, and
• 4. Verbal communication: The way
we speak and the words we choose also
impact how others perceive us. Effective
verbal communication involves being
clear, concise, and articulate. It is
important to choose our words carefully
and adapt our communication style to suit
the situation and audience.

• 5. Consistency: Consistency is key in

self-presentation. It is important to align
our actions, words, and appearance with
the image we want to project.
Inconsistencies can lead to confusion and
undermine our credibility.
Elements of the Digital Self
• 1. Digital Identity: This refers to the online
persona that an individual creates through their
digital presence. It includes elements such as
usernames, profiles, avatars, and biographical
information that represent who they are in the
digital realm.
• 2. Online Profiles: These are the digital
profiles individuals create on various platforms,
such as social media, professional networking
sites, or online forums. Online profiles often
include personal information, photos, interests,
and activities, providing a snapshot of an
individual's identity and online presence.
• 3. Digital Footprint: This refers to the trail of
digital information that individuals leave behind
as they engage in online activities. It includes
their online interactions, posts, comments, likes,
shares, and other digital actions. The digital
footprint contributes to shaping the perception of
• 4. Online Relationships: These are the connections
individuals form with others in the digital space. It
includes friendships, professional networks, online
communities, and social interactions. Online relationships
play a significant role in shaping the Digital Self and can
influence one's sense of belonging, support, and social
• 5. Digital Content Creation: This involves the
creation and sharing of digital content, such as blog posts,
videos, artwork, or podcasts. Digital content creation
allows individuals to express themselves, showcase their
skills and expertise, and contribute to online conversations
and communities.
• 6. Digital Literacy: This refers to the ability to
effectively navigate, evaluate, and engage with digital
technologies and online platforms. Digital literacy
empowers individuals to make informed decisions,
critically evaluate online information, protect their privacy
and security, and engage responsibly in the digital world.
• 7. Online Reputation: This is the
perception and image that others form
about an individual based on their online
activities, interactions, and digital
presence. Online reputation can influence
how others perceive and interact with an
individual in the digital space and can
have implications for personal and
professional opportunities.

• 8. Privacy and Security: These are

crucial aspects of the Digital Self,
involving the protection of personal
information, managing privacy settings,
and safeguarding against online threats.
Individuals need to be aware of privacy
9. Digital Well-being: This
encompasses the impact of digital
interactions and activities on an
individual's mental, emotional, and
physical well-being. It involves
maintaining a healthy balance between
online and offline life, managing screen
time, and fostering positive digital

10. Ethical Considerations: The

Digital Self also involves ethical
considerations, such as respecting
others' privacy, engaging in responsible
online behavior, and adhering to legal
Expression of Gender and
Sexuality Online
• Sexuality as the quality or state of being

• Gender is a psychological identification

of a person as masculine or feminine.
(Merriam Webster Dictionary)

• Expression of gender and sexuality

online refers to the ways in which
individuals communicate and present
their gender identity and sexual
orientation through various online
platforms and digital spaces.
Importance of Digital Technology
Impact of Online Interaction on
the Self
Philippines has the most fastest internet in South East Asia,
which majority of it's people are engaging in social media to
communicate and interteract with other people through online.
One of the significant factors that affect people in online world
or social media, are Self Presentation, Self esteem, Social
Comparison, Identity exploration, Emotional well-being.
Because people are influenced in the aspect of self individual's
identity, self esteem, and social behavior.
Data Privacy Act
-refers to the legal framework, which
aims to protect the people from
invasion of privacy, RA 10173,
otherwise known as the Data Privacy
Act of 2012 was passed in the

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