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Unit-3 PPT Notes

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Object Oriented Programming Design


Object Oriented
Analysis and
Object Oriented

Overview of object design

 Object-oriented analysis, design and programming are related but distinct.

 OOA is concerned with developing an object model of the application domain.
 OOD is concerned with developing an object-oriented system model to implement
 OOP is concerned with realizing an OOD using an OO programming language such
as Java or C++.

Characteristics of OOD

 Objects are abstractions of real-world or system entities and manage

 Objects are independent and encapsulate state and representation information.
 System functionality is expressed in terms of object services.
 Shared data areas are eliminated.
 Objects communicate by message passing.
 Objects may be distributed and may execute sequentially or in parallel.

Advantages of OOD

 Easier maintenance.
 Objects may be understood as stand-alone entities.
 Objects are potentially reusable components.
 For some systems, there may be an obvious mapping from real world entities to
system objects.

Steps of Design
During object design, the designer must perform the following steps:
1. Combining the three models to obtain operations on classes.
2. Design algorithms to implement operations.
3. Optimize access paths to data.
4. Implement control for external interactions
5. Adjust class structure to increase inheritance.
6. Design associations.
7. Determine object representation.
8. Package classes and associations into modules.

Combining the three models to obtain operations on
 After analysis, we have object, dynamic and functional model, but the object model
is the main framework around which the design is constructed.
 Object Model: An object model consists of the following important features:
a. Object
b Reference
 Dynamic Model: The dynamic model is used to express and model the behavior of the
system over time. It includes support for activity diagrams, state diagrams, sequence
diagrams and extensions including business process modeling.
 Functional Model: A function model or functional model in systems engineering and
software engineering is a structured representation of the functions (activities, actions,
processes, operations) within the modeled system or subject area.
A function model, also called an activity model or process model, is a graphical
representation of an enterprise's function within a defined scope. The purposes of the
function model are to describe the functions and processes, assist with discovery of
information needs, help identify opportunities, and establish a basis for determining
product and service costs. 9
 The object model from analysis may not show operations. The designer must convert the
actions and activities of the dynamic model and the processes of the functional model
into operations attached to classes in the object model.
 Each state diagram describes the life history of an object. A transition is a change of
state of the object and maps into an operation on the object. In the state diagram, the
action performed by a transition depends on both the event and the state of the object.
Therefore, the algorithm implementing an operation depends on the state of the object.
 An event sent by an object may represent an operation on another object .Events often
occur in pairs , with the first event triggering an action and the second event returning
the result on indicating the completion of the action.
Designing algorithms
 Each operation specified in the functional model must be formulated as an algorithm.
The analysis specification tells what the operation does from the view point of its
clients, but the algorithm shows how it is done.
 An algorithm may be subdivided into calls on simpler operations, and so on
recursively, until the lowest-level operations are simple enough to implement directly
without refinement .
 The algorithm designer must decide on the following:
i. Choosing algorithms
ii. Choosing Data Structures
iii.Defining Internal Classes and Operations
Assigning Responsibility for Operations 12
i. Choosing algorithms
Considerations in choosing among alternative algorithm include:
a) Computational Complexity: It is essential to think about complexity i.e. how the
execution time (memory) grows with the number of input values.
b) Ease of implementation and understandability: It is worth giving up some
performance on non critical operations if they can be implemented quickly with a
simple algorithm.
c) Flexibility: Most programs will be extended sooner or later. A highly optimized
algorithm often sacrifices readability and ease of change. One possibility is to
provide two implementations of critical applications, a simple but inefficient
algorithm that can be implemented, quickly and used to validate the system, and a
complicated but efficient algorithm whose correct implementation can be checked
against the simple one.
d) Fine Timing the Object Model: We have to think, whether there would be any
alternatives, if the object model were structured differently.

iii) Defining Internal Classes and Operations
 During the expansion of algorithms, new classes of objects may be needed to
intermediate results.
 New, low level operations may be invented during the decomposition of high
level operations.
 A complex operation can be defined in terms of lower level operations on simpler objects.
 These lower level operations must be defined during object design because most of them are
not externally visible.
 There is a need to add new internal operations as we expand high –level functions. When you
reach this point during the design phase, you may have to add new classes that were not
mentioned directly in the client‟s description of the problem. These low-level classes are
implementation elements out of which the application classes are 15
ii) Choosing Data Structures

 Choosing algorithms involves choosing the data structures they work on.
 We must choose the form of data structures that will permit efficient algorithms.
 The data structures do not add information to the analysis model, but they organize
it in a form convenient for the algorithms that use it.

iv) Assigning Responsibility for
 Many operations have obvious target objects, but some operations can be performed at
several places in an algorithm, by one of the several places, as long as they eventually get
 Such operations are often part of a complex high-level operation with many
 When a class is meaningful in the real world, then the operations on it are usually clear.
During implementation, internal classes are introduced.

Design Optimization
 The basic design model uses the analysis model as the framework for implementation .
 The analysis model captures the logical information about the system, while the design
model must add details to support efficient information access.
 The inefficient but semantically correct analysis model can be optimized to make the
implementation more efficient, but an optimized system is more obscure and less likely
to be reusable in another context.
 The designer must strike an appropriate balance between efficiency and clarity.
 During design optimization, the designer must
I. Add Redundant Associations for Efficient Access
II. Rearranging Execution Order for Efficiency
III. Saving Derived Attributes to Avoid Re-computation:
Implementation of Control
 The designer must refine the strategy for implementing the state – event models
present in the dynamic model. There are three basic approaches to implementing the
dynamic model:
 State as Location within a Program:
This is the traditional approach to representing control within a program. The location
of control within a program implicitly defines the program state. Any finite state
machine can be implemented as a program. Each state transition corresponds to an
input statement. After input is read, the program branches depending on the input
event received. Each input statement need to handle any input value that could be
received at that point.
 State machine engine:
The most direct approach to control is to have some way of explicitly representing
and executing state machine. This approach allows you to quickly progress from
analysis model to skeleton prototype of the system by defining classes from object
model state machine and from dynamic model and creating ―stubs‖ of action routines.
A stub is a minimal definition of function /subroutine without any internal code.
 Control as Concurrent Tasks:
An object can be implemented as task in programming language /operating system. It
preserves inherent concurrency of real objects. Events are implemented as inter task
calls using facilities of language/operating system. Concurrent C++/Concurrent Pascal
support concurrency. Major Object Oriented languages do not support concurrency.
Adjustment of Inheritance
The definitions of classes and operations can often be adjusted to increase the amount of inheritance.
The designer should:
 Rearrange classes and operations: Sometimes the same operation is defined across several
classes and can easily be inherited from a common ancestor, but more often operations in different
classes are similar but not identical. By slightly modifying the definitions of the operations or the
classes , the operations can often be made to match so that they can be covered by a single
inherited operation.
 Abstracting Out Common Behavior: Reexamine the object model looking for commonality
between classes. New classes and operations are often added during design. If a set of operations /
attributes seems to be repeated in two classes , it is possible that the two classes are specialized
variations of the sane thing. When common behavior has been recognized , a common super class
can be created that implements the shared features , specialized features in subclass. This
transformation of the object model is called abstracting out a common super class / common
behavior .
 Use Delegation to Share Implementation: Sometimes programmers use inheritance as an
implementation technique with no intention of guaranteeing the same behavior. Sometimes an
existing class implements some of the behavior that we want to provide in a newly defined class,
although in other respects the two classes are different. The designer may inherit from the existing
class to achieve part of the implementation of the new class. This can lead to problems –unwanted
behavior. 20
Design of Associations
During object design phase, we must formulate a strategy for implementing all
associations in the object model.
 Analyzing Association Traversal: Associations are inherently bidirectional. If
association in your application is traversed in one direction, their implementation can
be simplified.
 One-way association: If an association is only traversed in one direction it may be
implemented as pointer.
 Two-way associations: Many associations are traversed in both directions, although
not usually with equal frequency.
 Link Attributes: Its implementation depends on multiplicity. If it is a one-one
association , link attribute is stored in any one of the classes involved. If it is a many-
one association, the link attribute can be stored as attributes of many object ,since
― many object appears only once in the association. If it is a many-many association,
the link attribute can‟t be associated with either object; implement association
as distinct class where each instance is one link and its attributes.
Object Representation
 Implementing objects is mostly straight forward, but the designer must choose when to
use primitive types in representing objects and when to combine groups of related
 Classes can be defined in terms of other classes, but eventually everything must be
implemented in terms of built-in-primitive data types, such as integer strings, and
enumerated types.
 For example, consider the implementation of a social security number within an
employee object. It can be implemented as an attribute or a separate class.
 Defining a new class is more flexible but often introduces unnecessary indirection. In a
similar vein, the designer must often choose whether to combine groups of related
objects. 22
Physical Packaging
Programs are made of discrete physical units that can be edited, compiled, imported, or
manipulated. In C and Fortran the units are source files; In object oriented languages,
there are various degrees of packaging. Packaging involves the following issues:
 Hiding internal information from outside view: Hiding internal information permits
implementation of a class to be changed without requiring any clients of the class to
modify code.
 Coherence of entities: One important design principle is coherence of entities. An entity
,such as a class , an operation , or a module , is coherent if it is organized on a consistent
plan and all its parts fit together toward a common goal.
 Constructing physical modules: During analysis and system design phases we
partitioned the object model into modules. 23
• Design Document = Detailed Object Model +
Detailed Dynamic Model +
Detailed Functional

Documenting Design Decisions
 The design decisions must be documented when they are made, or you will become confused. This
is especially true if you are working with other developers. It is impossible to remember design
details for any non trivial software system, and documentation is the best way of transmitting the
design to others and recording it for reference during maintenance.
 The design document is an extension of the Requirements Analysis Document.
 The design document includes revised and much more detailed description of the object model-
both graphical and textual.
 Functional model will also be extended which specifies all operation interfaces by giving their
arguments, results, input-output mappings and side effects.
 From analysis to design, it is probably a good idea to keep the Design Document distinct from the
Analysis Document. Because of the shift in viewpoint from an external user’s view to an internal
implementer’s view, the design document includes many optimizations and
implementation 24
Structured analysis and structured design
Jackson Structured Development (JSD)

 Object oriented design is a method where developers think in terms of objects
instead of procedures or functions.
 SA/SD approach is based on the data flow Diagram.
 JSD approach is action-oriented.
 SA/SD is easy to understand but it focuses on well defined system boundary
whereas JSD approach is too complex and does not have any graphical
 SA/SD is diagrammatic notation which is design to help people understand the
 The basic goal of SA/SD is to improve quality and reduce the risk of System
 It establishes concrete management specification and documentation. It
focuses on reliability, flexibility and maintainability of system.
 In this system it involves 2 phases.
1. Analysis Phase: It uses DFD, Data Dictionary, State Transition diagram and ER
2. Design Phase: Structure Chart, Pseudo Code
Analysis Phase:
 Data Flow Diagram: In a DFD model describe how the data flows through the
 Data Dictionary: The content that is missing from DFD is described in the data
dictionary. Data Dictionary defines the Data store and there relevant meaning.
 State Transition Diagrams is similar to Dynamic model .It specifies how much
time function will take to execute and data access triggered by events.
 ER Diagram: It specifies the relationship between data store
Design Phase: Structure Chart, Pseudo Code
 Structure Chart: It is created by the DFD. Structure Chart specifies how DFD‟s
processes are grouped in to task and allocate to CPU‟s.
 Pseudo Code: Actual implementation of the System.
Jackson Structured Development (JSD)
 JSD was introduced by Michael Jackson in 1983.
 The fundamental principle of JSD is that it focuses on describing the real world by
the system i.e. its main focus is to map the progress in the real world rather than
specifying the functions performed by the system.
 Jackson System Development (JSD) is a method of system development that
covers the software life cycle either directly or by providing a framework into
which more specialized techniques can fit.
 JSD can start from the stage in a project when there is only a general statement of
Phases of (JSD)
 JSD has 3 phases:
Modeling Phase:
In the modeling phase of JSD the designer creates a collection of entity structure
diagrams and identifies the entities in the system, the actions they perform, the
attributes of the actions and time ordering of the actions in the life of the entities.
Specification Phase:
This phase focuses on actually what is to be done? Previous phase provides the basic
for this phase. An sufficient model of a time-ordered world must itself be time-ordered.
Major goal is to map progress in the real world on progress in the system that models
Jackson Structured Development (JSD)
Implementation Phase:
In the implementation phase JSD determines how to obtain the required
functionality. Implementation way of the system is based on transformation of
specification into efficient set of processes. The processes involved in it should be
designed in such a manner that it would be possible to run them on available
software and hardware.
JSD Steps

Initially there were six steps when it was originally presented by Jackson:
1. Entity/action step:
2. Initial model step:
3. Interactive function step
4. Information function step
5. System timing step
6. System implementation step
JSD Steps
1. Entity/action step: The entities perform actions in time. The action is atomic and
cannot be decomposed further.
2. Initial model step: we concentrate on state vector and data stream communication.
3. Interactive function step: consist of pseudo code to the output of action generated
from states. In this step the developer requires a complete specification of the system.
4. Information function step: consist of pseudo code to the output of action generated
from states. In this step the developer requires a complete specification of the system.
5. System timing step: relates with the performance constraints of the system.
6. System implementation step: focuses on process scheduling and allocates the number
of processors required. The process may be different form the processors
Jackson Structured Development (JSD)
Later some steps were combined to create method with only three steps:

1. Modeling Step: This Stage comprises of Entity Action and Entity

2. Network Step: Initial model step, Function Step, and System Timing Step.
3. Implementation Step: Implementation Stage
Merits of JSD
 It is designed to solve real time problem.
 JSD modeling focuses on time.
 It considers simultaneous processing and timing.
 It is a better approach for micro code application.
Demerits of JSD
 It is a poor methodology for high level analysis and data base
 JSD is a complex methodology due to pseudo code representation.
 It is less graphically oriented as compared to SA/SD or OMT.
 It is a bit complex and difficult to understand.
Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
Data flow diagram (DFD)
 A process model used to depict the flow of data through a system and the work or
processing performed by the system. Synonyms are bubble chart, transformation
graph, and process model.
 The DFD has also become a popular tool for business process redesign.
 A graphical tool, useful for communicating with users, managers, and other personnel.
 Used to perform structured analysis to determine logical requirements.
 Useful for analyzing existing as well as proposed systems.
 Focus on the movement of data between external entities and processes, and between
processes and data stores.
Differences Between DFDs and Flowcharts

 Processes on DFDs can operate in parallel (at-the-same-time)

-Processes on flowcharts execute one at a time
 DFDs show the flow of data through a system
-Flowcharts show the flow of control (sequence and transfer of control)
 Processes on a DFD can have dramatically different timing (daily, weekly, on
-Processes on flowcharts are part of a single program with consistent timing

Why DFD ?

 Provides an overview of-

o What data a system processes
o What transformations are performed
o What data are stored
o What results are produced and where they flow

 Graphical nature makes it a good communication tool

o User and analyst
o Analyst and System designer
DFD elements

 Source/Sinks (External entity)

 Processes
 Data Stores
 Data flows
DFD Symbols
 External Entity - People or organizations that send data into the system or receive
data from the system.
 Process - models what happens to the data
i.e. transforms incoming data into outgoing data.
 Data Store - represents permanent data that is used by the system.
 Data Flow - models the actual flow of the data between the other elements.
Symbol naming

 External Entity
 Data Flow Names of
 Processverbphrase

 Data Store Noun



Grade Detail Grade Report


 The work or actions performed on

data so that they are transformed,
stored, or
 Process labels should be verb phrases!
Data Flow

Payment Detail

D1 Accounts
Post Invoice Detail Receivable

 A path for data to move from one part of the system to

 Data in motion!
 Arrows depict the movement of data.
Data Store

D1 Students

 Used in a DFD to represent data that the system stores

 Data at rest!
 Labels should be noun phrases
External Entity Source/Sink



 The origin or destination of data! – This represents things outside of the

 Source – Entity that supplies data to the system.
 Sink – Entity that receives data from the system.
Advantages of DFDs
 Simple graphical techniques which are easy to understand
 Helps define the boundaries of the system
 Useful for communicating current system knowledge to users
 Explains the logic behind the data flow within the system
 Used as the part of system documentation file
Decomposition Of DFD

Levels Description Explanation

Level 0 Context diagram

Contains only one process

Level 1 Overview diagram

Utilizes all four elements
A breakdown of a level
Detailed diagram 2
Level 2 process

Note: There is no rule as to how many levels of DFD that can be used.
Creating Data Flow Diagrams
Creating DFDs is a highly iterative process of gradual refinement.
General steps:
1. Create a preliminary Context Diagram
2. Identify Use Cases, i.e. the ways in which users most commonly use the system
3. Create DFD fragments for each use case
4. Create a Level 0 diagram from fragments
5. Decompose to Level 1,2,…
6. Go to step 1 and revise as necessary
7. Validate DFDs with users.
Types of Diagrams
• Context Diagram
• A data flow diagram (DFD) of the scope of an organizational system that
shows the system boundaries, external entities that interact with the system
and the major information flows between the entities and the system

• Level-O Diagram
• A data flow diagram (DFD) that represents a system’s major processes, data
flows and data stores at a high level of detail

Context diagram of Burger’s Food ordering system

Level-0 DFD of food ordering system

A Context Diagram (Level
 The major information flows between the entities and the
 A Context Diagram addresses only one process.
Rules for Level 0 Diagram
 1 process represents the entire system
 Data arrows show input and output
 Data Stores NOT shown. They are within the system.
Rules for Level 1 Diagram

 Level 1 DFD, must balance with the context diagram it describes.

 Input going into a process are different from outputs leaving the process.
 Data stores are first shown at this level.
Rules for Level 2 Diagram
 Level 2 DFD must balance with the Level 1 it describes.
 Input going into a process are different from outputs leaving the process.
 Continue to show data stores.
Object oriented programming style:

Reusability (Write Once and Run any where)

• Java is a programming language originally developed by Sun Microsystems that is
well known for its heavily object-oriented design and nearly complete cross-platform
• Software reusability stems from the idea that a programming problem should only be
solved once and, from then on, the code for the solution simply copied into a project
that needs it.
• Reusability in Java means that once you write some code, you can use it over and
over again - if you write it so that it can be reused.

Object oriented programming style:
• In software engineering, extensibility is a system design where the
implementation takes into consideration future growth.
• It is a systemic measure of the ability to extend a system and the level of effort
required to implement the extension.
• Extensions can be through the addition of new functionality or through modification
of existing functionality.
• The central theme is to provide for change – typically enhancements – while
minimizing impact to existing system functions

Object oriented programming style:
• Robustness
consider two of the main reasons for program failure: memory management mistakes
and mishandled exceptional conditions.
• Memory management : de allocation is completely automatic, because
provides garbage collection for unused objects.
• Mishandled exceptional: Java program, all run-time errors can—and should— be
managed by your program.



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