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Chapter 1 - Introduction To Computer

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What You will learn
At the end of this chapter, students should be able to:
• Define what a computer is
• Classify computer by type, size and usage
• List the four functions of computing
• Describe the benefits of computing
• Understanding computer generations or history
• Identify the four phases of the cycle to process information
• Differentiate Data, Information & Instruction
• How computer understanding human language
What You will learn
At the end of this chapter, students should be able to:
• Describe the two main categories / components of computer
• Identify internal and external computer components
• Describe peripheral devices
• Distinguish between ports and connectors
• How to use keyboards and pointing devices
What’s a computer?
Computer is a device or system that includes hardware,
operating system software, application software, and peripheral
devices, which converts data into information.
Hardware system Peripherals Users
software software

Usually, Computer is an electronic machine which is use for

data processing. The output which comes after processing data
through computer is known as information.
It can take inputs data from the input devices, processed it,
stores, and produces output.
Why We Use Computers?
The Computer is the need for the digital era “today is a
world of computers”.
Computers are helping people to complete their tasks in
hours that were before taking several days or months. Or
The Uses of Computers: is reducing the number of tasks
human need to do.
Without a computer, it can be very difficult life to learn, start,
run and grow the businesses.
Why We Use Computers?
The most important uses of computer or the benefits of computer
systems including:
 Provide Enhanced data storage or can store important data.
 Can communicate with people around the world.
 Used for the educational such as teaching and learning.
 Used for office works like data entry, support and development.
 Used in banking, government sectors, press and publishing.
 Used in sports and entertainments, and
 Can be used to perform complex mathematical tasks, and faster
History of Computers
The evaluation of computer technology is often divided into
five generation:
Generation of computers Generations timeline Evolving hardware
First generation 1940s – 1950s Vacuum tube based

Second generation 1950s – 1960s Transistor based

Third generation 1960s – 1970s Integrated circuit based

Fourth generation 1970s – Present Microprocessor based

Fifth generation The present and the futures Artificial intelligence based
History of Computers - First Generation (1940s to
In 1946 first electronic computer is ENAIC (Electronic Numerical
Integrator and Calculator) was developed by Mr. Jay Presper Eckert and
Mr. John Mauchly at University of Pennsylvania.
The main characteristics of 1st generation computers (1940s –
 Main electronic component: vacuum tube.
 It uses 18,000 vacuum tubes and its cost was $500,000.
 Programming language: machine language
 Power: consume a lot of electricity and generate a lot of heat.
 Speed and size: very slow and very large in size.
 Its weight was 30 tons.
History of Computers - First Generation (1940s to
History of Computers - Second Generation (1950s to
The main characteristics of 2nd generation computers (1950s –
 Main electronic component: transistors.
 Programming language: assembly language
 Power and size: low power consumption, generated less heat,
and smaller in size (in comparison with the 1st generation
 Speed: improved of speed and reliability (in compared with the
1st generation computers)
The size, price, and heat produced reduced by using transistors.
History of Computers - Second Generation (1950s to
History of Computers - Third Generation (1960s to
The main characteristics of 3rd generation computers (1960s – 1970s)
 Main electronic component: integrated circuits (ICs).
 Programming language: high level language (fortran, C language,
Cobol, basic pascal, etc.)
 Size and price: smaller, cheaper ‘low cost’ and more efficient then
2nd generation computers (they were called minicomputers).
 Speed: improved of speed and reliability (in compared with the 2 st
generation computers)
 Input / output devices: keyboard, monitor, printer and magnetic tape
Examples of these computers: IBM 360, PDP-11, Univac 1108
History of Computers - Third Generation (1960s to
History of Computers - Fourth Generation (1970s up to
The main characteristics of 4th generation computers (1970s –
 Main electronic component: very large-scale integration (VLSI) and
 VLSI – thousands of transistors on a single microchip.
 Memory – semiconductor memory (such as RAM, ROM, etc.).
 Programming language: high level language (Python, C#, Java,
JavaScript, Kotlin etc.).
 Size, price and speed: small size, low cost and high performance (in
compared 3rd generation computers).
 Input / output devices: keyboard, monitor, pointing devices, printer.
Examples of these computers: IBM PC, STAR 1000, APPLE II
History of Computers - Fourth Generation (1970s up to
History of Computers – Fifth Generation (the present and future)
The main characteristics of 5th generation computers (1970s – Presents)
 Main electronic component: based on artificial intelligence, uses the
Ultra Large-Scale Integration “ULSI” technology and parallel processing
 ULSI – millions of transistors on a single microchip.
 Parallel processing method: use two or more microprocessors to run
tasks simultaneously.
 Programming language: understand natural language (Human
 Power – consume less power and generate less heat.
 Speed: improve performance (in compared 4th generation computers).
 Size: portable and small in size, and have a huge storage capacity.
 Input / output devices: touchscreen, pen, speech input (voice recognize).
Computer Classifications
Computers can be classified into three main categories:
There are basically three main ways
to classify computers based on their: By
1. By Type and Hardware Design
2. By Purposes / Usage or Work
3. By Size and Capacity
By Size Purpos
Computer Classifications
Classified by Type and Hardware design:
On the based of Type, Computers Based on
can be classified into three main Type / Work
types. They include:
1. Analog computers
2. Digital computers Analog Digital Hybrid
computers computers computers
3. Hybrid computers
Computer Classifications – By Type & Hardware Design
Analog Computers
These computers represent data or information in a
continuous form. An analog computers are used primarily
to measure physical units or quantities.
Examples of analog computers:
 Temperature, Electric Current Analog Signal Representation
 Voltage, Pressure, Thermometer
 Length and vehicle’s speedometers.
Analog Computers are mainly used in the fields of science and
engineering, it cannot store statistics.
Computer Classifications – By Type & Hardware Design
Digital Computers
These are computers represent data or information in a binary
form. That is they represent signals in just two states: 0s and 1s
(zero & ones).
Digital computers can be convert the data into digits (binary digit 0
and 1) and all operations are carried out at fast rates.
Examples of digital computers:
 Desktop and Laptop computers
 Mobile phones and iPhones, iPads
 Scientific calculators
Computer Classifications – By Type & Hardware Design
Hybrid Computers
These computer systems is the combination of analog and digital
computer systems. It used to solve too complex calculation or
problems, at same time.
Hybrid computers are extremely fast when driving equations,
even when those calculations are incredibly complex.
Examples of hybrid computers commonly used in:
 Vast industries, Manufacturing firms
 Research centers, organizations, CT Scan, Ultrasound
 For nation’s defense and ATM as well.
Computer Classifications – By Usage / Purpose
Computers can also be classified into two main categories
according to purpose or usage:
1. General purpose computers perform day-to-day user input
and output tasks.
2. Special purpose computers perform specific functions
Computer Classifications – By Usage / Purpose
General-purpose computers are designed to perform a
particular functions such as: creating documents, file
saving, working online, coding, and other multi-function
Even smartphones can be considered general-purpose
The size, storage capacity, and cost of such computers are
mainly less. The ability of these computers is limited in
performing specialized functions.
Computer Classifications – By Usage / Purpose
Special purpose computers are designed to perform a
specific / limited functions such as:
• Automatic teller machines (ATM)
• Alarm system, Wi-Fi-enebled appliances
• Washing machine
• Surveillance equipment
• and both Wired and Wireless gaming consoles.
Computer Classifications – By Size and Capacity
Computers can also be classified into four main categories
according to size and capacity or speed:
1. Supercomputer
2. Mainframe computers Classification of
computer by size

3. Mini computers 4. Micro 3. Mini 2. Mainframe 1.

Computers Computers Computers Supercomputer
4. Micro computer
Desktop Workstation Laptops / Netbook /
Tablets Smartphones Hand-held
Computers Computers Notebook
Computer Classifications – By Size and Capacity
1. Supercomputers are the fastest computers used for applications
that required complex mathematical calculations.
Supercomputers is the fastest, powerful, and expensive type of
computer for processing complex data.
 Very powerful and expensive
 Large memory size and storage
Supercomputer are used in following areas: weather forecasting,
medical research, oil and gas exploration, and cryptanalysis.
Computer Classifications – By Size and Capacity
2. Mainframe computers
Mainframe computers is a very powerful computer that
supports thousands of users connected to use compute power
such as: Storage, CPU, and memory.
These computers are generally used by departmental
and commercial organizations:
 Banking to process ATM
 Governments, Large businesses, Health care.
 and other public and private enterprises.
Computer Classifications – By Size and Capacity
3. Mini Computers is more powerful and larger
computer that support up to 200 users at one time.
Minicomputer is smaller, less expensive, and less
powerful than the mainframe or supercomputers but
more expensive and more powerful than a micro
computer or personal computers.
Formerly known as: Mid-range server, it enables
more than one person to access the same data.
Minicomputers are used by small organizations.
Computer Classifications – By Size and Capacity
4. Micro Computers is a small computer designed for use
by a single user or personal at a time. Or is the smallest
computers for personal use.
Microcomputers uses a single chip (microprocessor) for its
Central Processing Unit (CPU or brain of the computer).
“Microcomputers” is now primarily used to mean a PC
(Personal Computer), but it can refer to any kind of small
computer such as desktop computers, laptops, tablets,
smartphones, and wearable devices.
Personal Computers are smaller in size and less expensive.
Computer Classifications – By Size and Capacity
Types of Micro Computers or Personal Computers
Here are the six main types of personal computers we used today:
1. Desktop computers
2. Workstation computers
3. Laptop or Notebook computers
4. Tablet computers
5. Hand-held computers
6. Smartphones
There are all examples of Personal Computers, which refers
to any computer that is designed to use only single personal.
Computer Classifications – By Size and Capacity
Desktop computers is the one of personal computer that
designed to stay at one location, and sits on or under a desk
that’s why it’s called desktop computers.
Commonly used in workplaces,
universities, colleges, and homes.
The main components of a desktop
computers is the system unit.
Computer Classifications – By Size and Capacity
Workstation computers is a specialized personal computer.
It’s single user which has more power and features than a
standard PC.
These computers are popular used scientists, engineers, and
animators who need a greater speed power to perform
sophisticated tasks such as:
• Animation video editing
• 3D graphic & Game development
• Architectural or engineering design
Computer Classifications – By Size and Capacity
Laptop computers (or Notebook) are another type of
personal computer which is getting more popularity day by
 It’s small in size, portable and people
frequently set these devices on their lap.
 It includes a flip down screen and a keyboard
with touchpad.
 Usually more expensive than a desktop
computer with equal capabilities.
Computer Classifications – By Size and Capacity
Handheld computers is a small computer that can easily be
fit in your hand or placed in your pocket.
Most common example of handheld computers: is the
Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), allow users to write on
the screen using a pen.
PDAs is used for special applications such as:
• Taking Notes.
• Taking signatures for delivery business.
• Displaying telephone number and address.
Information Processing Cycle
Four phases of the cycle to process information:
1. Input
Input Computer receives data and instructions
2. Process
3. Storage Process Produce organized data.

4. Output
Storage Saving information for future use.

Sends information to people

in usable format.
Information Processing Cycle
Binary system
• Binary is the base system for computer 0
understand or “speak”. it’s standard for computer
programming in “bits” and “bytes”.

Binary uses only two numbers: 0 , and 1 , and
combinations of those two numbers. 1010

Binary notation 0 represents an “off” state and 1
represents an “on” state. 110101
Differentiate Data, and Information
Data is defined as a collection of unorganized facts or idea.
Data is represent of raw or unorganized facts or idea like word,
number, picture, sound or descriptions of things.
While Information is defined as data that has been organized
or presented in a meaningful.
Data Data

Information Processing Data

Differentiate Data, and Information
Data must be interpreted, by a human or machine, to derive
meaning information.
Information is data that has been processed or interpreted
Data vs Instruction
Data versus Instruction
A computer can be divided into two main categories

Every computer is composed of two basic parts or categories:

1. Hardware and
2. Software
Hardware is basically anything that you can touch with your
Software for computer hardware to work it must follow a set
of instructions that is supplied to it as software.
1. Hardware
Computer Hardware refers to the computer’s physical
components, includes:
• Computer Case
• CPU (Central Processing Unit…..”the brain of computer”)
• Monitor
• Keyboard & Mouse
• Disk Drive, DVD, CD-ROM
• Hard Disk Drive
• RAM (Random Access Memory) – “Memory”
• Speakers and Printer
2. Software
Computer Software is the collection of instruction that tells
the computer how to work. Or
Software – is a set of instructions or programs
that tells the computer what to do or how to
perform a specific task.
Computers software can also be classified into
two main types:
1. System Software
2. Application Software
2. Software – System Software's
1. System software – is designed to run a computer’s
hardware and application software, and make the computer
system available for use.
• It serves as the interface between hardware,
application, software and the user.
The Main types of systems software:
I. Operating System
II. Device Driver
III. Utility Software
2. Software – Operating System (OS)
Operating System (OS) – is a software that controls the
computer hardware devices and runs other software or
application on a computer.
• OS is the most important software that runs on a computer.
• It’s the main part of system software and without an OS, a
computer is useless.
The Three most common operating system for personal
 Microsoft Windows
 MacOS, and Linux
2. Software – Device drivers
Device Drivers – is a software program that is designed to
control a particular hardware device that is attached to a
• It translating the OS instructions into language that a device
can understand in order to perform the necessary task.
Examples of device drivers:
- Printer drivers
- Display drivers
- USB drivers
- Motherboard & Sound card drivers
2. Software – Utility Software
Utility software – is a type of system software that is used to
analyze, configure, strengthen, maintain a computer and
performs a very specific tasks.
• It performs various tasks like: virus detection, data backup,
installation, deletion of unwanted files, etc.
Types of utility software's:
- Antivirus
- Compression tools
- Disk cleanup tools
- Backup utility and Disk defragmentation
2. Software – Application Software
2. Application software – is a computer program that provides
users with tools to accomplish a specific function.
• Application software is used or designed for specific
purpose of the user.
Examples of Application Software:
• MS-Office
• Internet Browsers
• Games, Social Media Apps
• Business or Enterprise Software's, etc.
Hardware Components and Peripherals
What is a Computer Components?
• Computer components is the physical part needed for
computer functioning, also called “Hardware”.
• Each components performs a specific function or task.
• Components can be Internal or External Components.
• External components connect via ports and connectors.
• Without a given component, such as a CPU, a computer
system cannot work as desired.
Common Internal Computer Components
An Internal components any piece of hardware device that is
located inside the computer.
Examples of internal components include:
• RAM – Random Access Memory
• Hard drive – also called a “hard disc”
• CPU - central processing unit
• Power Supply
• Motherboard – also called the system board.
Common External Computer Components
An External components is the part of hardware connected outside
the computer. Or any hardware device that is located or connected
outside the computer.
Examples of external components include:
• Input device – is a piece of hardware device which is used to
enter information to a computer for processing.
Examples: keyboard, mouse, touchpad, microphone, & webcam.
• Output device – is a piece of hardware device that receives
information from a computer.
Examples: monitor, project, printer, scanner speaker, &
Storage Devices
A storage devices is a the system unit component, such as a
hard drive, that enable users to save data for reuse at a later
time, even after the personal computer is shutdown or restarted.
Types of Storage Devices
There are two types of storage devices used in personal
computers are:
1. Primary Storage Devices
2. Secondary Storage Devices
Storage Devices – secondary storage devices
Examples Magnetic Storage Devices
There are various types of magnetic storage drives
• Hard disk drive (HDD)
• Floppy disk drive (FDD)
• Magnetic Card
• Zip diskette / Zip drive
• Tape cassette
Storage Devices – secondary storage devices
Examples Optical Storage Devices
There are various types of optical storage drives
 Blu-ray disc
 CD-R
 CD-RW disc
 CD-ROM disc
 DVD-RW disc
Storage Devices – secondary storage devices
Solid-state storage (flash memory) has replaced most magnetic
and optical media as it becomes cheaper because it's the more
efficient and reliable solution.
• USB flash drive CF (CompactFlash)
• Memory card
• Sony Memory Stick
• SD card
• Peripherals is a device which connects to the computer to
provide extra functionality “or transfer data”.
• External devices easily removed and connected to a
• The type of connector varies with the peripheral, examples
include: mouse, printer, and keyboard.
Categories of Peripherals
There are three kinds of peripherals:
1. Input devices – send commands to the computer
2. Output devices – receive commands from the
3. Storage devices – which are a type of permanent
memory for files you want to keep indefinitely.

A Ports is a hardware
connection interface on a
personal computer that
enables devices to be
connected to the computer.
Computer Keyboard
Keyboard – is a portable wired or wireless device that contains all the
alphabets, number, symbols and special characters, which is used for
entering data into computer system. Or
• Keyboard is a device used to enter data into a computer.
Types of Computer Keyboards
There are various types of computer keyboard
typically used by users for different purposes are:
Qwerty keyboard, virtual keyboard, wireless
keyboard, gaming and multimedia keyboards.
The most common type of keyboards used in
today are: QWERTY Keyboard.
Watch this video:
Basic pointing device
Pointing device – is a device used to control the movement of the pointer
(cursor) on the screen.
The major pointing devices in use today are: mouse, trackpad or
touchpad (for laptops), touch screen (for tablets), etc.
• Point and Click – point an object on the screen and then press a
button on the mouse to select objects /command, open menus or
hyperlinks (links), or close windows.
• Double-click – quickly click the left mouse button twice on any folder,
file, or program to open it.

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