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Value Disciplines Model

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Value Disciplines Model

The Value Disciplines Model was developed by Michael Treacy and Fred Wiersema in their book The
Discipline of Market Leaders and suggests that in order to be viable a business must be successful in three
key areas: Customer Intimacy, Product Leadership, and Operational Excellence. If an organization wants to
become a market leader, it must excel in one of these areas.

• Product Leadership – The Product Leadership discipline is about leading the category in product
development. Often this discipline is a challenge for companies because it requires significant
investment in product research and development, as well as continued investment in order to stay a
step ahead of the competition. List how you will attain product leadership.
• Operational Excellence – This discipline centers around the principal of low price and hassle-free
service. Basically, the company aspires to be the market leader through a combination of price and
convenience. List how you will attain operational excellence.
• Customer Intimacy – This discipline is about not only understanding the customer’s needs and wants,
but rather going beyond that by providing a full range of services to help customers on demand. List
how you will attain customer intimacy.

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Review the definitions and questions for Product Leadership, Operational

Value Disciplines Model

Excellence and Customer Intimacy. Based on your business vision and mission,
outline how your organization will impact each of these elements as it delivers
value to the market and creates competitive differentiation.

Product Leadership Operational Excellence Customer Intimacy

How will you create product leadership How will you create How will you create
Product in your markets? operational excellence? customer intimacy?
• Enter product leadership impact here • Enter operational excellence impact • Enter customer intimacy impact here
• here •
• • •

Operational Customer
Excellence Intimacy

• Product Leadership – Leading the category in product

development. Often this discipline is a challenge for
companies because it requires significant investment in
product research and development, as well as continued
investment in order to stay a step ahead of the
competition. List how you will attain product leadership.
• Operational Excellence – Low price and hassle-free
service. Basically, the company aspires to be the market
leader through a combination of price and convenience.
List how you will attain operational excellence.
• Customer Intimacy – Understanding the customer’s needs
and wants and going beyond that by providing a full range
of services to help customers on demand. List how you will
attain customer intimacy.

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Value Disciplines Model
List your company name and the names of your competitors across the top of the
chart. Enter data to describe each dimension of the Value Disciplines Model. Identify
opportunities for greater competitive differentiation based on your analysis.

Enter my company Enter competitor Enter competitor Enter competitor Enter competitor

• Describe your company’s • Describe your competitor’s • Describe your competitor’s • Describe your competitor’s • Describe your competitor’s
approach and strategy approach and strategy approach and strategy approach and strategy approach and strategy

• • • • •


• • • • •


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Based on your Value Disciplines Model analysis, create an action plan to address your top opportunities, leverage your strengths and
address any weaknesses. Also add actions tied to integrating your value disciplines into your business and implementation plans.

Actions Owner Due Date

Enter action here Enter owner Enter due date

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