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Motor System Spinal Cord2

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Motor system

Spinal cord
Components of spinal motor control

• Spinal neurons
• Motor unit
• Muscle spindles
• Golgi tendon organs
Upper motor neuron
of extrapyramidal tract Upper motor
Dorsal root neuron of
ganglion cell corticospinal tract

α-motor neuron in
the spinal cord

Neuro muscular

α-mn is directly
Muscle responsible for
spindle generation of
force by muscle muscle
Golgi Tendon organ
50 muscles of the

Figure 5.28
arm innervated
from spinal
segments C3-T1
Page 173
Cervical Cervical
cord nerves Vertebrae
Muscles of the leg
innervated from
spinal segments
Thoracic nerves

Lumbar nerves Cauda
cord equina

Sacral nerves
Cell body of White matter Gray matter
efferent neuron

Cell body of
afferent neuron Dorsal root

Dorsal root
Efferent fiber ganglion

From receptors

To effectors

Ventral root

Spinal nerve
Figure 5.29
Page 174
Figure 5.31 Page 176

Dorsal horn (cell bodies of interneurons

on which afferent neurons terminate)

Central Lateral horn (cell bodies of autonomic

canal efferent nerve fibers)

Ventral horn (cell bodies of somatic

efferent neurons)
Motor neuron pool of a muscle.
• Those motor neurons innervating a single
• The motor neuron pools are segregated into
longitudinal columns extending through two to
four spinal segments.
• The longitudinal orientation of motor neurons
and their dendrites matches that of primary
afferent terminals in that zone.
• Thus impulses in a given afferent axon tend to
be distributed to motor neurons innervating the
same muscle or muscles with similar function.
Figure 8.15
Page 269

Spinal cord

= Motor unit 1
A motor unit is one motor
= Motor unit 2
neuron and the muscle
= Motor unit 3 fibers it innervates
The size principle: the orderly
recruitment of motor units
• The first motor units to be activated are those
with smallest motor axons;
– these motor units generate the smallest contractile
– and allow the initial contraction to be finely graded.
• As more motor units are recruited,
– the alpha motor neurons with progressively larger
axons become involved
– and generate progressively larger amounts of tension
Motor unit and motor neuron pool
Dorsal root

Dorsal root

Ventral root

Figure 5.29
Page 174
Whole muscle tension depends on 
• the size of the muscle, 
• the extent of motor unit recruitment,
• the size of each motor unit.

• The number of muscle fibers varies among 
different motor units.
– Muscles performing refined, delicate movements 
have few muscle fibers per motor unit. 
– Muscles performing coarse, controlled movements 
have a large number of fibers per motor unit.
– The asynchronous recruitment of motor units 
delays or prevents muscle fatigue.
• One group of motor neuron pools is
located in the medial part of the ventral
horn, and the other much larger group lies
more laterally.
Somatotopic organization of spinal cord motor neuron

trunk extremities

α-mn: the flexors

final common

The ventral root s
Functional rule
• The motor neurons located medially project to
axial muscles (muscles of the neck and back):
those located more laterally project to limb
muscles (arms and legs).
• Within the lateral group the most medial motor
neuron pools tend to innervate the muscles of
the shoulder and pelvic girdles, while motor
neurons located more laterally project to distal
muscles of the extremities and digits.
• In addition the motor neurons innervating the
extensor muscles tend to lie ventral to those
innervating flexors.
Descending tracts

Dorsal surface

Lateral corticospinal

Gray matter Rubrospinal

Ventral corticospinal

Ventral surface

Figure 5.30 (1)

Page 174
Motor neurons
• Alpha motor neuron
– Thick myelinated fast conducting axons
– Motor end plate of extrafusal skeletal muscle
• Gamma motor neuron
– Thin myelinated slower conducting axons
– Supply the intrafusal fibers of Muscle spindles
in skeletal muscles
Spinal interneurons
• Points of convergence for
– most of the input of the brain descending
– Sensory afferents & collaterals of LMN axons
• Intersegmental; same side of spinal cord
• Commissural: cross midline
Spinal reflexes
• Contribute to
• Muscle tone
• Body posture
• Locomotion
Muscle spindles
• Lie parallel to regular muscle fibers
• contain nuclear bag and nuclear chain
intrafusal muscle fibers.

Alpha motor
neuron axon Intrafusal (spindle)
muscle fibers

Gamma motor
neuron axon Contractile end portions
of intrafusal fiber

Secondary (flower-spray) central portion
endings of afferent of intrafusal
fibers fiber

Primary (annulospiral)
Extrafusal (“ordinary”) endings of afferent fibers
muscle fibers
Muscle spindles
• Can be stimulated by 2 ways
• Stretching the entire muscle
• Causing contraction of intrafusal fibers
while extrafusal fibers remain at the same
Muscle spindles
• Group Ia afferent fibers form primary
endings on nuclear bag and chain fibers,
• Group II fibers form secondary endings on
nuclear chain fibers.
• Dynamic motor axons end on nuclear bag
fibers and static motor axons on nuclear
chain fibers.
Muscle spindles
• Primary endings demonstrate both static
and dynamic responses, which signal
muscle length and rate of change in
muscle length.
• Secondary endings demonstrate only
static responses and signal only muscle
• Motor neurons cause muscle spindles to
shorten, which prevents the unloading
effect of muscle contraction.
Golgi tendon organs
• Located in the tendons of muscles and are
arranged in series.
• They are supplied by group Ib afferent
fibers and are excited both by stretch and
by contraction of the muscle (very
sensitive to changes in muscle tension)
muscle fiber

spindle fiber

Afferent input from sensory endings of muscle spindle fiber

Alpha motor neuron output to regular skeletal-muscle fiber
Stretch reflex pathway
γ motor-neuron output to contractile end portions of spindle fiber
Descending pathways coactivating α and γ motor neurons

Figure 8.26 (1)

Page 287
Relaxed muscle; spindle Contracted muscle in Contracted muscle in
fiber sensitive to stretch hypothetical situation of normal situation of
of muscle no spindle coactivation; spindle coactivation;
slackened spindle fiber contracted spindle fiber
not sensitive to stretch sensitive to stretch of
of muscle muscle
• Nuclear bag fibers • Nuclear chain fibers
• Ia fibers • Ia fibers
• Show a dynamic • Show a Static
response: response
– Discharge most rapidly – Discharge at an
while the muscle is increased rate
being stretched & less throughout the period
rapidly during when a muscle is
sustained contraction stretched
• Signal the amount of

Primary endings Signal Velocity and

amount of change in muscle length
Alpha-gamma linkage
 Enhancement of voluntary muscle
contraction by co-activation of gamma and
alpha motor neurons
The stretch reflex includes
• a monosynaptic excitatory pathway from
group Ia (and II) muscle spindle afferent
fibers to a motor neurons that supply the
same and synergistic muscles and
• a disynaptic inhibitory pathway to
antagonistic motor neurons.
Myotatic stretch reflex
• The simplest reflex
• Monosynaptic
• Physiological significance:
– Resting muscle tone and thus A key reflex in
maintenance of posture
The tonic stretch reflex
• Physiological significance: Resting muscle
– Judged by the resistance that a joint offers to
– Receptors: Ia & II from muscle spindle
– Triggered by the static responses of group Ia
and II afferents.
– Any slight extension or flexion (during
standing) will elicit a tonic stretch reflex in
muscles required to oppose the movement,
thus helping an individual to stand upright.
Phasic stretch reflex
• Physiological significance:
• Receptors: Ia from muscle spindle
• Triggered by the dynamic responses of
group Ia fibers

• Enhancement of voluntary muscle

contraction by co-activation of gamma and
alpha motor neurons
Myotatic stretch reflex
• Clinical significance in diagnosis of
– tendon jerks
– muscle tone
Muscle stretch reflex
Extensor muscle of knee Muscle
(quadriceps femoris) spindle

Alpha motor

Figure 8.27
Page 288
Inverse stretch reflex
• Disynaptic (inhibitory interneuron+ α-mn )
• Inhibition of α-mn of same muscle
• Receptor: Golgi tendon organ (in series with
muscle fibers)
• Stimulus: increase in muscle tension by
– excessive stretch
– excessive active muscle contraction
• Result: relaxation (sudden stop in contraction)
• Safety:
– regulates muscle tension
– protects the tendon from tearing
Withdrawal reflex
• Polysynaptic
• Protective
• Painful stimulation of skin, subcutaneous
tissue or muscle
• Stimulation of flexorscontraction
• Reciprocal innervation
• Simultaneous inhibition of antagonists
= Inhibitory interneuron Components of a

Figure 5.33 = Excitatory interneuron

= Synapse
reflex arc

= Inhibits
Page 178 = Stimulates Afferent pathway
Integrating center
Efferent pathway
Effector organs
pain receptor
in finger
Ascending pathway
to brain


Biceps Efferent pathway

(flexor) Integrating center
contracts Triceps (spinal cord)
Hand relaxes
Crossed extensor reflex
• Supporting reflex, serves to maintain
• Polysynaptic
• Irradiation of stimulation
• Reciprocal innervation

• Flexion and withdrawal of the painfully

stimulated limb
• + extension of the other limb
Figure 5.34
Page 179

pathway Efferent
pathway Integrating center
Flexor (spinal cord)
Extensor Extensor
muscle Flexor
muscle muscle
contracts muscle
relaxes contracts
Injured extremity
(effector organ)
in heel
Opposite extremity
(effector organ)
Upper motor
Dorsal root neuron of
ganglion cell Interneuron in corticospinal tract
the spinal cord

S Y α-motor neuron in
the spinal cord



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