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 A phrase: a group of words which functions as a unit and, with

the exception of the verb phrases itself, does not contain a

finite verb.
 A finite verb is one that can take as its subject a pronoun such
as “I, we, he, she, it, they”.
Example : I see ; He sees ; They saw
But not : I seeing ; He to see ; We seen
- see, sees, saw  finite verbs
- seeing, to see, seen  non-finite verbs
Only non-finite verbs can occur in phrases:
Example: Bending low, he walked awkwardly into the small room.
Seen from this angle, the mountains look blue.
 high building
 is writing
 beautiful lady
 big house
 the old black scary Indonesian wooden statue
 Written by JK Rowling, HP was one of the most
famous book
A man (N phrase)
An old man (N phrase)
An old scary man (N phrase)
An old scary indonesian man (N phrase)

Is standing (Verb Phrase)

Have been standing (verb phrase)

A man sits (sentence)

1) A Noun Phrase
a group of words with a noun as its headword.
The young man threw the old dog a bone.
That rich man will build his eldest daughter a fine house.
An old scary black Indonesian wooden statue.
2) An Adjective Phrase
a group of words which modifies a noun.
- attributive (preceding/following a noun)
Example: The child , laughing happily, ran out of the house.
That utterly fascinating novel has been banned.
- predicative (following a verb)
Example: The letter was unbelievably rude.
Adj Phr = adv + adj He seemed extremely pleasant.
The man, talking too loudly, is my uncle
The man, talks too loudly, is my uncle XXX

The cake, cooked by my mother, is very delicious.

The woman standing there is very pretty.

The terminally ill patient is very sad.

The woman who is standing there is beautiful

The woman standing there ....

The children, wearing uniform, can come into the

The children wearing uniform can come into the class.
My friend
Smart person
Closed friend
Water closet
Cold water
Dany’s book

The old lady is very sad because of her son’s

The man standing in front of the door is my uncle.
The book written by JK Rowling is HP.

1.Istill remember the day when i first met you (ADJ

2.Please tell me when you want to leave me (ADV CL)
3.When the sun rises, we will escape (ADV CL)
4.When you want to leave me is not a big matter for
me. (N CL)
5.She studies where i study
6.After i meet you, i miss you
7.When he heard the result, he went home
3) A Verb Phrase
- a group of words with a verb as its headword.
- verb phrases can be either finite (He has been singing) or non-
finite ( to have sung).
- a simple sentence can have only one finite verb phrase.
Example: He may be following us.
- a complex sentence may have several finite verb phrases.
Example: When he was invited to give a lecture, he was told that all
reasonable expenses would be refunded.
The car has been being fixed by my father
4) An Adverb Phrase
a group of words which functions like an adverb; plays the role
of telling us when, where, why, or how an event occurred.
Example: We are expecting him to come next year.
He almost always arrives on time.
He ran very quickly. I almost never visit my GM
 am eating
 has been raining
 Was standing
 is washed
5) A Preposition Phrase
a group of words that begins with a preposition.
Example: He arrived by plane.
Do you know that man with the scar?
We are on very good terms.
We are expecting him to come next year.

 A clause: a group of words which contains a finite verb but

which cannot occur in isolation, that is, a clause constitutes
only part of a sentence.
 In each complex sentence, we have at least two clauses:
main/independent clause (i.e., a clause that is most like simple
sentence) and subordinate/dependent clause.
Example : He believed (mc) that earth was round. (sc)
He arrived (mc) as the clock was striking. (sc)
1. This is the table (MC) which was bought by my mom last
month (SC)
2. The girl who is wearing glasses is very beautiful

3. I dont know how you came here.
MC Sub c
4. The way which you take is too dangerous.
1. Please tell me where you saw him (N CL)

2. Where you saw him is not important to me. (N CL )

3. What you saw is not true (N CL)

4. I dont know how to bake a cake (N CL)

5. The place where I stand is very high. (ADJ CL)

6. Can you tell me where i can find those books? (N CL)

7. Put it where i can see it (ADV CL)

1) A Noun Clause
a group of words containing a finite verb and functioning like
a noun.
He said that he was tired.
What you said was not true What you said (N CL)
Sub 1 V S2 V2
How you did it is not important. Please tell me how you did it
Sub Obj
I dont know where i put my money
I know that he is very handsome
That he is very handsome is not a secret anymore.
 The person whom i like has a pair of blue eyes.
 The man who looks like my uncle is standing in front
of my house

 He didnt explain why she left the group.(it)

 I remember what he said last night.
 What you take is mine.
 Whether she can drive the car doesnt concern me.

 The reason why i left the group is a my own secret.

 The city where he lives offers many attractions. (adj cl)
 Where you went last year is my hometown. (n cl)
 I can remember the time when cell phone exists.(adj S)
 I can remember when cell phone exixts. (n cl)
 The book which is written by JK Rowling is HP.
 The book written by JK Rowling is HP.

 The girl who is standing there is beautiful.

 The girl standing there is beautiful.

 The girl who stands there is beautiful.

 The girl standing there is beautiful.

 The person whom i like has a pair of blue

2) An Adjective Clause
- a group of words which relates back to a
noun whose meaning it modifies (or relative
The dog which won the competition is an alsatian.
The man who taught my brother French is now the
The girl whom we met in holiday is coming to see
us next week.
The man whose wife is very beautiful is very
- when an adjective/relative clause begins with
‘that/which/whom’ and is followed by a subject, the
subordinator can be omitted.
The book (that) John bought is missing.
The coat (which) she wore is red.
The man (whom) we met was my uncle.

3) An Adverbial Clause
functions like an adverb in giving information about when,
where, why, how or if an action occurred.
When he arrived we were all sleeping.
Put it where we can all see it.
They won the match because they were the best players.
He put it away as quietly as he could.
If you want any more you’ll have to get it yourself.
 A sentence: linguistics unit which begins with a capital letter and ends
with a full stop.
 Sentences can be divided into four (4) sub-types:

1) Declarative sentences: make statements or assertions

Example: I shall arrive at three.
2) Imperative sentences: give orders, make requests and usually have no
overt subject
Example: Come here ; Don’t do that ; Try to help
3) Interrogative sentences: asks questions
Example: Did you see your brother yesterday? (yes/no)
When did he arrive? (with question word)
4) Exclamatory sentences: express surprise, strong opinion, etc.
Example: Out of sight, out of mind . (proverbial utterances)
Just a minute!
The cheapest and best. (advertising)
A) Simple sentences: contain only one finite verb.
Example: Water boils at 100o centigrade.
You must not say such things.
- the finite verb may be composed of up to four (4) auxiliaries
plus a head-verb: He may have been being followed all the time.
- the verb may be interrupted by a negative or an adverb:
He was never seen again. ; We can hardly ask them for any more.

B) Compound sentences: consist of two or more simple sentences

linked by the coordinating conjunctions (and, but, so, either…or,
neither….nor, or, then, and yet)
Example: He ran out and (he) fell over the suitcase.
He could neither eat nor sleep.
C) Complex sentences: consist of one simple sentences and one or
more subordinate (or dependent) clauses.
She became queen when her father died because she was the eldest child who has to
be responsible for her family which lives in city where.....
- one main clause: She became queen
- two subordinate clauses: when her father died
because she was the eldest child.
D) Compound-complex sentences: a combination of complex sentences
joined by coordinating conjunctions.
Example: I saw him when he arrived the first time but I didn’t see him
when he came again. (ADV CL but ADV CL)
- two main clauses: I saw him ; I didn’t see him
- coordinating conjunction: but
- two subordinate clauses: when he arrived the first time
when he came again
 I know where she lives but I dont know where she goes
to school. (noun clause but noun clause).
 Although Saturday is holyday for most of people, it is
a very busy day for me because I still have to teach on
Saturday and I also have to prepare everything for my
child who has some extracuricullar activities on
 When I went to the store my parents want me to pick
up some milk (adv cl) but i didnt have enough money
(simple sentence).
 I am enjoying my birthday party this year with my
friends but some body who knows something
happened to my family gave me support.
 My kid who studies in an international school can
speak English fluently (Adj cl) so he makes friends
with people who are from English speaking country
(Adj cl)
I hate the girl standing there (ADJ CL) but I adore
her fashion because it is so fancy (ADV CL).

know where she goes to school (N CL) but i dont
know where she lives (N CL)

1.Iknow that Saturday is the day for my family (N

CL) but i still have to study on that day because I
am a university student (ADV CL) so i really thank
my husband who has given me a chance to study
2.What he said was true.
Subjek P
1. I can start a conversation that makes people
interested (Adj Cl) but it is hard to keep it going
because i often run out of things to say (Adv cl).
2. When I went to the store my parents want me to
pick up some milk (adv cl) but I didnt have
enough money to buy it.

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