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Industry Solutions Presentation - ISS v1

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Omron at a glance
Omron at a glance
Industry Evolution …
Key challenges faced

To cope with the ever increasing product range diversity, machines and lines must be designed and configured to
match the required production demand. Changeover time is a key area that producers look to minimise, also
integration of the line into the overall manufacturing system, ensures even small batch sized production can be

Manufacturers are under increasing pressure to inspect, measure, store and analyse production data, and share it
within the supply chain where required. Automatic data collection can be employed to achieve accurate and reliable
monitoring and recording, providing detailed production information in the event of a recall being required, thereby
minimising financial losses and protecting brand reputation

Directly linking production to the client demand is a growing issue. As a result, pressure on line productivity is
increasing, meaning downtime must be constantly reduced, avoiding production disruption and potential penalties.
Visualisation plays an important role, both in an engineering support and production analysis role, and acts as a basis
for line improvement programs

Numerous drivers exist in this area, from new eco-friendly materials to new pack designs - everything to reduce waste
and resource usage to an absolute minimum. Reducing waste also includes minimising scrap at production start up and
following stoppages, but also ensuring quality is measured in line and issues solved quickly
Database connectivity

We can provide robust DBase connectivity via our Sysmac NJ series controller
Easier data gathering Flexibility
Either directly from the line or as a data Part of a complete line architecture system

Real time Scalable system

The NJ has SQL built-in, no external PC Connectivity provided to multiple SQL systems
or middleware required

Robust data gathering Cost effective

If communications is lost, data is No external PC; therefore no purchase,
automatically saved internally to CPU installation or maintenance costs
Database connectivity
Standard PC applications Traceability Specific analysis software
ie. Excel

No additional hardware or middleware means system is

more reliable and zero maintenance


Food & Beverage line example

Robot in-feed station Packaging process Inspection process Assortment process

• Work piece unique • Packaging date and • Inspection date and • Assortment date and
identifier time time time
• Delivery date and time • Packaging speed • Inspection • Workpiece position
• Workpiece position • Seal temperature criteria/result • Assortment BOX no
• Workpiece type • Film lot etc… etc..
• Conveyor speed • Motor speed/torque
etc. etc..

Line performance
Failure codes
Database connectivity & OEE - Overall Equipment Efficiency

Some OEE’s
Avalailability x Efficiency x Quality
Availability = Run Time / Total Run Time
Efficiency = Real Speed / Teoric Speed
Quality = OK Units / Total Units
Track & Trace through Serialization
We are reacting to greater demands for unique identifiers on products, termed serialisation

Centrally registered, serialized codes at product level, that a user can verify and
share as and when required

Improved supplier transparency

By showing precisely which supplier shipments were received and where raw
materials were used in processing, there is a dramatically reduced exposure to recalls

Identification of compromised products

Items can be withdrawn from the supply chain before they reach the market

Reduced waste
Track & Trace provides a system where only known affected products need recalling

Brand protection
Serialization provides a means of eliminating counterfeit goods

Customer engagement
Products can contain specific and targeted information
All leading to higher consumer confidence and knowledge

We have the technology, understanding and capability to assist

Expert: QUALITY (Vision, Laser, OF,…)

We have a diverse range of robotic solutions, able to cope with the vast majority of Food & Beverage and
Automotive applications…..
Flexible Automation
Safety Services

Be certain:
Safety of machines is not a snapshot. It is a
process that covers the whole machine
life cycle from planning to commissioning
and operation including modification and

At every level:
Buying a new machine is the start of
a journey.
During the machine life cycle there is a need
to keep machines up to date with regards
to performance and safety
Energy Management
We can help you identify inefficiencies at every area within your plant, from machine
to line to services.
Industria 4.0
The target of I4.0 is the intelligent manufacturing (Smart Factory)
through Cyber-Physical Systems - CPS How to do in Real Time
More Efficient

To adapt to Market
Everything More More Flexible needs in Real Time
Connected Information Production

From the sensor to IT Big Data | Analisis of all

Systems available data
Predictive Mantenantion
Produção Segura & Zero Stops
i Automation
Integrated, Intelligent, Interactive
Bringing Innovation to Manufacturing
i Automation
Integrated, Intelligent, Interactive
AI - Artificial Intelligence & i Automation
• Omron integrates Artificial Intelligence in Sysmac Controllers based in a Machine Learning Concept, to
automatically learn , predict and analyze the failures.

• This OMRON AI integrates production and machine data in real time and predict unusual behaviors of
the machine so that it can be assured a safety control at every moment.

FORPHEUS – the Ping Pong Robot!

State-of-the-art technology that embodies "the future
when mankind and machines are reconciled"

• By 2020, OMRON will have most of his Factory Automation products with AI and IoT to adapt our
solutions to the Factory of the Future / Smart Factory.
AI - Artificial Intelligence (short movie)
Sysmac platform

Sysmac is an integrated platform dedicated to providing control and management of your automation plant.
At the core of this platform, the Machine Controller series offers synchronous control of all machine devices and
advanced functionality such as motion, robotics and database connectivity. This multidisciplinary concept allows
you to simplify solution architecture, reduce programming and optimize productivity.
OMRON : Global Offer

Quality Logic,
Traceability, control Safety Motion Consumption
RFID Vision control, control, control,

Traceability Quality Temperature Robotics Solar contro

1D, 2D control control,
Smart Fatory / i Automation (short movie)
Global Consultation Desk

We are trading in a global market.

Local solutions / support are not valid
anymore for doing businesses across
the Globe.


After Sales - Global Consultation Desk

• A unique contact point able to give clear answers to your needs:
• On site cross border support: Skill Map in each country
• Product Availability: The products you need available in each Country
• What can you can expect from locations: Service Map in each country
After Sales – Level of Service
Level of Service
Level 1 - Level 2- Level 5 -
Level 0 - Product Basic Product Level 3 - Level 4 - Project Management
No Services Services Support Service Application Services Machine Control Services Services
Product Supply Training Application Expertise Expertise and proof of Complete Machine Automation
concept for the Machine Design
Automation Arquitecture
Standard Warrantee Hot-line Support Product Failure Analysis Software Programing and Competence and commitment
Modification on the total system
Delivery On-site Support Custom Training Inter-operability Support across all the machine
commitment with 3th party development stages from design
devices to startup to commissioning
Exchange or Repair On-line Services Consignment/Safety Stock Machine tuning and System maintenance
Functional Upgrade
Business Family Countries
Any country requested by
Robotics the customer
Level of
provided by
Robotics 3/4
OEX Safety 3/4
Automation 4
Motion 4
Robotics 4
Safety 4
Automation 4
Motion 4
After Sales – Specific Robot Services

Preventive Field
Warranty Repair Training Spare Parts Others
Maintenance Service
• Basic / Standard
• Extended Warranty • New Parts
Registration • Basic • In House • Used / • Robot
Warranty • Standard • On Site Repaired Rentals
• 6 Months Extension • Pro Parts • Transport
Labor • Used Robots Costs
• Custom
• 6 Months Extension • Bundles
Spare Parts
• Start Up
Video OKAO Technology
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