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Communication Skills May 12 2022

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May 12,2023

• Nothing in life is more important
than the ability to communicate
Gerald R. Ford,

• What is Communication
• Why is process of communication
• Forms of Communication
• Channels of Communication
• Effective Communication
• Barriers to Effective Communication
• What problems do we face in communication
• Why communicating effectively matters for you in NSCs
• Making a Presentation
Communication Defined

• Communication is the process of using

words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to
express or exchange information or to
express your ideas, thoughts, feelings,
etc., to someone else:
• a message that is given to someone
• a letter, telephone call, email etc.
Process of Communication

• The process of communication is what allows

us to interact with other people; without it,
we would be unable to share knowledge or
experiences with anything outside of
• Common forms of communication include
speaking, writing, gestures, touch and
broadcasting .
Process of Communication
• The Communication Process can be broken down into several
commonly accepted steps that are comprised of the following
Time spent on communicating
Channels of Communication
Channels of Communication

• Upwards Communication
• Downward
Formal Channels • Horizontal or Lateral Consensus
• Diagonal Communication

• Grapevine
• For compensating the formal
Informal Channels • Serve the needs of the
Channels of Communication

• Downwards
– Instructions about a specific task
– Information about the practices and procedures
followed by the organization
– Information which creates understanding of the
task in relation to other tasks of the organization
– Feedback about subordinates performance etc
Channels of Communication

• Upwards
– To give information to the management
– To enable the management to learn about and
– To understand the concerns of the subordinates
– To enable all employees to contribute ideas and
– To make suggestions performance etc
Channels of Communication

• Horizontal or Lateral Consensus

– To give information amongst similar type of people,
organizations, units etc
– Requires sufficient time management, conflict management
• Keeping an open mind and thinking creatively
• Unity of Purpose
• Co-operation Mutual Trust
• Common ownership of Ideas
• Feelings are valued
• Conflict is valued
• Equal Power
Channels of Communication

• Diagonal Communication
– crosses both levels and functions or departments
where staff members from different departments,
irrespective of their reporting relationship,
interact with one another within the organization.
– Diagonal communication routes are the straight
lines that speed communications directly to their
– Mixture of vertical and horizontal
Some Forms of Formal Communication in
• Letter orders, sanctions,
• Demi Official letter Personal attention
• Un official letter on file note
• Memorandum Senior office to juniors
• Office memorandum Between offices
• Notification orders, appointments, leave and
transfer of gazetted office
• Office order Instructions, appointments(non
gazetted) promotion , leave
Effective Communication
Definition of Effective Communication

“Effective communication is the communication

which produces intended or desired result”
Effective Communication
Effective Communication
• Effective Communication is a two way process –
sending the right message and to the right
• It is important to know:
– the psychology of the people you are interacting
with for communication to be effective.
– the circumstances of the counter entity.
– includes all the aspects of visual, auditory and
kinesthetic(physical) language to appeal the listener.
Effective Communication

• If some one achieve the desired level of

objective through communication , we
can say that it is “effective
e.g. If your communication get the proper
response from the receiver it means that
you effectively conveyed the message.
Uses of effective communication

• Helps to understand a person or situation in a

better way.
• Enables us to solve the differences, build trust
and respect in the organization.
• Effective communication helps us to resolve
problems with both’s point of view.
• Helps us to connect well with kids, spouse,
boss,colleagues, etc.
• It helps us in decision making.
Barriers to Effective Communication
Barriers to Effective Communication

• Encoding Barriers
– Lack of Sensitivity to receiver
– Lack of Communication Skills
– Lack of Knowledge
– Confidence deficit
– EQ deficit
Barriers to Effective Communication

• Transmitting Barriers
– Physical distractions
– Long communication channel
– Channel barrier
• Responding Barriers
– No feedback mechanism
– Insufficient feedback
Barriers to Effective Communication

• Decoding Barriers
– Lack of Interest
– Lack of Knowledge
– Lack of Communication Skills
– Overburdening information
– Perception selectivity
Barriers to effective communication
Ineffective Communication
Ineffective Communication in NSCs

• Portrayal of an indifferent person

• Look busy do nothing (customer perception)!!
• Use of NS Jargon
• Notice Board gone redundant
• NSS rates commitment: before it is published
• Amendments in instructions/rules/procedures
kept to your own self
of Ineffective Communication in NSCs
• A raged customer and a complaint
• Customer did not understand what you actually
wanted to convey
• The instructions which mattered were not on
Notice Board
• NSS rates might get notified not according to the
committed date or rate
• Rules get conveyed only when customer
confronts the problem,,,then it is already too late
A roadmap for Good Communication

Listen to

Repeat before

understandi Speak to be
ng before understood
Presentation Skills
We all don’t want this!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But How?


Attention is the currency of experience

Pay Attention:
The 4 Ps of Presentation

•Prepare What?

•Practice How?

Pay Attention:
The 4 Ps of Presentation

• Plan
– Why Reason for presentation
– Who Age, knowledge, cultural make up etc
• Prepare
– Research Books,Web, Articles, expertise etc
– Structure Intro, body, Summary
Pay Attention:
The 4 Ps of Presentation
• Practice
– How Get familiar Reduce nervousness, don’t over
practice, strong opinions, clear ,points, logical flow, strong
• Presentation
– Voice Articulation,Pronunciation,Vocalized
pauses,substandard grammar
– Body Language No to:
Lean on or grip the podium, standing immobile,
oscillation, a single gesture repeatedly, pen,pencil , cross
Pay Attention:
The 4 Ps of Presentation
– Body Language No to
Leaning on or grip the podium, standing
immobile, oscillation, a single gesture repeatedly,
pen,pencil , cross arms
– Eye Contact
Looking into eyes
Always in your eyes reach
Pay Attention:
Some more Essentials
1. Language
2. Knowledge
3. Competence
4. Style
5. Be authentic
6. Use humour
7. Diversity
Pay Attention:
Some more
1. Be authetic
2. Tell story
3. Creativity
4. Knowledge
5. Competence
6. Style
All are necessary but if required
Command over one of these may also compensate
for others
Thank you

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