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Unit 7 Paragraph

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Unit 7: Paragraph

1 Subject: Writing Skills

- Mr. Sang Sambor
- Master of Arts in English (MA)
- Bachelor of English Literature (TEFL)
2 Paragraphs

What is a paragraph?

❖A paragraph is a group of related

sentences that we write about a topic.
❖A Paragraph is a group of related
sentences that develops one main idea,
which is the topic of the paragraph.
❖The number of sentences in a paragraph
depends on the topic that you are writing.
Normally, there are from 8 to 15 sentences
in a paragraph.

Topic: Canada
Canada has four main attractions. First,
Canadian people are kind and friendly.
Second, Canada's cities are clean and
efficiently managed. Third, Canada has a
high standard of education. Finally, Canada
has an excellent health care system. As a
result, Canada is a desirable place to live.

❖A paragraph is a

The Topic Sentence

Supporting Sentences

Concluding Sentence
The Topic Sentence (Top Bun)
◻ The Very first
sentence of your Canada
Canada has four main
paragraph. attractions. First, Canadian
◻ Always needs to people are kind and friendly.
be indented. Second, Canada's cities are
clean and efficiently
◻ Tells what your managed. Third, Canada
paragraph is has a high standard of
going to be education. Finally, Canada
has an excellent health care
about. system. As a result, Canada
is a desirable place to live.
The First Supporting Sentence (Lettuce)
◻ Should not be the
most important Canada has four main
attractions. First, Canadian
detail. people are kind and
friendly. Second, Canada's
◻ Needs to follow cities are clean and
directly after the efficiently managed. Third,
topic sentence. Canada has a high standard
of education. Finally,
Canada has an excellent
◻ Needs to be full health care system. As a
of good “lettucy” result, Canada is a desirable
details! place to live.
The Second Supporting Sentence (Tomato)

◻ Still should not Canada has four main

attractions. First, Canadian
be the most people are kind and
important detail. friendly. Second, Canada's
◻ Needs to follow cities are clean and
efficiently managed.
directly after Third, Canada has a high
the lettuce standard of education.
sentence. Finally, Canada has an
excellent health care
◻ Needs to be full system. As a result,
of good “juicy” Canada is a desirable
details! place to live.
The Third Supporting Sentence (Cheese)
◻ Still should not
be the most Canada has four main
important detail. attractions. First, Canadian
people are kind and friendly.
◻ Needs to start Second, Canada's cities are
differently than clean and efficiently
other sentences. managed. Third, Canada
has a high standard of
◻ Needs to be full education. Finally, Canada
of good “cheesy” has an excellent health care
details! system. As a result, Canada
is a desirable place to live.
The Last Supporting Sentence (Meat)

◻ Finally!! The most

Canada has four main
important detail. attractions. First, Canadian
people are kind and friendly.
◻ Should start more Second, Canada's cities are
differently than clean and efficiently
most of the other managed. Third, Canada has
sentences. a high standard of education.
Finally, Canada has an
◻ Needs to be full excellent health care
of good “meaty” system. As a result, Canada
details! is a desirable place to live.
The Closing SentenceSentence
The Concluding
(Bottom Bun)(Bottom Bun)
◻•Should look
look a lota like
lot There are many reasons
that I love hasFirst
to teach. four main
of all, I
the thesentence.
topic love to teach because
attractions. First, I Canadian
love being
sentence. . Another
at schoolare
people kind reason I love
and friendly.
teaching isCanada's
Second, that the days go byare
◻•Needs to to
summarize quickly. A third reason I love to
clean and efficiently
the topic. the teach is because I love seeing a
managed. Third, Canada
student understand somethinghas
topic. anew.
I love of education.
to teach
◻•Needs to to
be an Finally, Canada
because I love has an
to be around
Needs be an excellent
kids. These health care
are just system.
a few
to the
to reasons
As I love toCanada
a result, teach. is a
the sentence. desirable place to live.
Parts of Paragraph (Detailed)

1. The Topic Sentence

2. Supporting Sentences / Details
3. The Concluding Sentence
Part 1- The Topic Sentence

What is the topic sentence?

Part 1- The Topic Sentence (Cont.)

❖The topic sentence is the most

important sentence in a paragraph
because it contains the main idea of
the paragraph.
❖The topic sentence is the key
sentence of the paragraph which tell
readers what the whole paragraph is
about or what they are going to know
or learn after reading the paragraph.
Part 1- The Topic Sentence
Topic: Canada
Canada has four main attractions. First, Canadian
people are kind and friendly. Second, Canada's cities are
clean and efficiently managed. Canadian cities have
many parks and lots of space for people to live. Third,
Canada has a high standard of education. Students are
taught by well-trained teachers. Moreover, Many
scholarships are given every year to encourage the
students to continue studying at university. Finally,
Canada has an excellent health care system. All
Canadians have access to medical services at a reasonable
price. As a result, Canada is a desirable place to live.
Part 1- The Topic Sentence
◻ Parts of the topic sentence
The Topic Sentence = Topic + Controlling
1. Topic :
- is usually the subject of your paragraph.
- is what you want to write about in the paragraph.
2. Controlling Idea:
- is the writer’s view of the topic.
- is what you want to write about the chosen topic in the
- limits the topic of your paragraph to the aspect of
the topic that you want to explore in your paragraph.
Part 1- The Topic Sentence
◻ Key questions for the topic sentence
1. What do I want to write about in this paragraph?
- Canada (Topic)
2. What do I want to write about the topic, Canada, in
this paragraph?
- Four main attractions (Controlling Idea)
Topic Sentence: Canada has four main attractions.
- Kind, friendly people
- Clean, efficiently managed cities
- High standard of education
- Excellent health care system
Part 1- The Topic Sentence
◻ Key questions for the topic sentence
1. What do I want to write about in this paragraph?
- Norton University (Topic)
2. What do I want to write about the topic, Norton University, in
this paragraph?
- Five main advantages (Controlling Idea)
Topic Sentence: Norton University has five main advantages.

- High reputation
- Good, strict regulation
- High qualified/well-trained teachers
- Appropriate facilities
- Friendly office staffs
Part 1- The Topic Sentence
◻ A single topic may have various different
controlling ideas depending on the
writer’s own view of the topic.
◻ So, despite the same topic, the
supporting details/sentences in the body
of the paragraphs may be different if
different controlling ideas.
Part 1- The Topic Sentence
◻ Internet has three main advantages.
- Easy communication
- Easy studying
- Easy entertainment

◻ Internet has three main disadvantages.

- Waste time and money
- Virus threat
- Pornography
Part 1- The Topic Sentence
◻ Domestic violence is caused by three main
- ???
- ???
- ???
◻ Domestic violence has three main negative
- ???
- ???
- ???
Part 1- The Topic Sentence
◻ Domestic violence is caused by three main
- Gambling
- Financial problem
- Alcoholic
◻ Domestic violence has three main negative
- Waste time and money
- Lose reputation
- Affect the children’s feeling and attitude
Part 1- The Topic Sentence
◻ Remember that a good topic sentence must leave
the reader questions that make him/her want to
find the answer in the supporting sentences.
1. There are several advantages of growing up in a small town. (What are the
advantages of growing up in a small town?)
2. Fixing a flat tire on a bicycle is easy if you follow these steps. (What are the
steps of fixing a flat tire?)
3. Air pollution in Phnom Penh is caused by a number of factors. (What are the
factors causing air pollution in Phnom Penh?)
4. There are special requirements for mountain climbing.
(What are the special requirements for mountain climbing?)
Part 1- The Topic Sentence
5. Smoking in restaurants should be prohibited for several reasons.
(Why should smoking in restaurants be prohibited?)
6. It is difficult to quit smoking for these reasons.
(Why is it difficult to quit smoking?/What are the difficulties in
quitting smoking?)
7. Students should not use Facebook.
(Why shouldn’t students use Facebook?)
8. Swimming is beneficial for several reasons.
(Why is swimming beneficial?/What are the benefits of
9. Going out at night is dangerous for three reasons.
(Why is going out at night dangerous?/What is the danger of
going out at night?)
Part 1- The Topic Sentence
10. Tokyo is the most expensive city in the world.
(Is it true that Tokyo is the most expensive city in the world?)
11. My Toyota Corolla is economical.
(Is it true that your Toyota Corolla is economical?)
12. Internet offers people magic ears and eyes.
(Is it true that internet offers magic ears and eyes to people?)
13. Hong Kong is a shopper’s paradise.
(Is it true that Hong Kong is a shopper’s paradise?)
14. My older brother is a perfectionist.
(Is it true that your older brother is a perfectionist?)
Part 1- The Topic Sentence

Techniques for Writing Effective

Topic Sentences
Techniques for Writing Effective Topic

1. Make sure that your topic sentence is a

complete sentence.
- Importance of reading books.
(not a topic sentence)
⮚Reading books has some importance.
- Disadvantages of smoking.
(not a topic sentence)
⮚Smoking has some disadvantages.
Techniques for Writing Effective Topic Sentences

2. Your topic should be specific.

- Sport:
⮚Football: Specific.
- My family: General.
⮚My mother: Specific.
- Technology: General.
⮚Internet: Specific.
Techniques for Writing Effective Topic Sentences

3. Be Careful of Vague (unclear) Words.

- Smoking is bad. (Not good)
⮚Smoking has some disadvantages.
(Good topic sentence)
- My writing teacher is good. (Not good)
⮚My writing teacher has some good characteristics.
(Good topic sentence)
- Angkor Wat is famous. (Not good)
⮚Angkor Wat is famous for several reasons.
(Good topic sentence)
Techniques for Writing Effective Topic Sentences

4. Avoid statements of fact.

- Education is very important to me. (Not good)
⮚ Education has several advantages. (Good)
5. Avoid very broad statements.
- Economic crisis in the world is caused by many
⮚ The financial problem in my family is caused by
three main factors.
Techniques for Writing Effective Topic Sentences

6. Avoid formal announcements.

- This paragraph will discuss how to interview for a job.
(Not good)
⮚ There are several effective ways to pass a job
interview. (Good)
7. Avoid using a pronoun to refer to something in the
- It is needed for a variety of reasons. (Not good)
⮚ Facebook is needed for a variety of reasons. (Good)
8. Place the Topic Sentence First.
Part 2 – Supporting Sentences

What are supporting sentences?

Part 2 – Supporting Sentences (Cont.)

❖Supporting sentences are the

sentences in the body of the
paragraph which develop or
support the topic sentence.
❖Supporting sentences are the
details of the topic sentence.
❖Supporting sentences can be
facts, statistics, or examples.
Part 2 – Supporting Sentences
Topic: Canada
Canada has four main attractions. First, Canadian people
are kind and friendly. Second, Canada's cities are clean
and efficiently managed. Canadian cities have many
parks and lots of space for people to live. Third, Canada
has a high standard of education. Students are taught by
well-trained teachers. Moreover, many scholarships are
given every year to encourage the students to continue
studying at university. Finally, Canada has an excellent
health care system. All Canadians have access to medical
services at a reasonable price. As a result, Canada is a
desirable place to live.
Part 2 – Supporting Sentences
◻ A. In order to write supporting sentences more
easily, convert the topic sentence to a question
and ask the question to yourself. The answers of
the question are your supporting sentences.
1. There are several advantages of growing up in a small town.
⮚ (What are the advantages of growing up in a small town?)
- The first advantage = The first major supporting sentence

- The second advantage = The second major supporting sentence

- The last advantage = The Last major supporting sentence

Part 2 – Supporting Sentences
2. Fixing a flat tire on a bicycle is easy if you follow these steps.
⮚(What are the steps of fixing a flat tire?)
- The first step = The first major supporting sentence
- The second step = The second major supporting sentence
- The last step = The Last major supporting sentence
3. Air pollution in Phnom Penh is caused by a number of factors.
⮚(What are the factors causing air pollution in Phnom Penh?)
- The first factor = The first major supporting sentence
- The second factor = The second major supporting sentence
- The last factor = The Last major supporting sentence
Part 2 – Supporting Sentences

4. Smoking in restaurants should be prohibited for several reasons.
⮚(Why should smoking in restaurants be prohibited?)
- The first reason = The first major supporting sentence
- The second reason = The second major supporting sentence
- The last reason = The Last major supporting sentence
5. Swimming is beneficial for several reasons.
⮚(Why is swimming beneficial?/What are the benefits of swimming?)
- The first reason/benefit = The 1st major supporting sentence
- The second reason/benefit = The 2nd major supporting sentence
- The last reason/benefit = The Last major supporting sentence
Part 2 – Supporting Sentences
6. Tokyo is the most expensive city in the world.
B. (How do I prove that this is true?)
⮚You could prove or support this topic sentence by giving
examples of the cost of different activities in Tokyo such as
- Major1: High cost of a dinner at a medium-priced
- Major2: High cost of renting for an average two-bedroom
- Major3: High cost of a ride on public transportation
- Major4: High cost of a medium-priced hotel room.
Part 2 – Supporting Sentences
7. My Toyota Corolla is economical.
⮚(How do I prove that this is true?)
⮚You could prove or support this topic sentence by
showing the reader the saving benefits of your Toyota
- Major1: Consume less gasoline
- Major2: Pay less tax
- Major3: High quality
- Major4: Cheap spare parts.
Part 2 – Supporting Sentences (Cont.)

Types of Supporting Details/Sentences

Types of Supporting Details/Sentences

1. The major supporting sentences

are the main details that tell or
explain readers about the topic

2. The minor supporting sentences

tell or explain the reader more about
the major supporting sentences.
Major and Minor Supporting Details/Sentences

Paragraph Outline
Topic sentence (TS)
- Canada has four main attractions.
Major Supporting Sentence (SS)
- Canadian people are kind and friendly.
Major Supporting Sentence (SS)
- Canada's cities are clean and efficiently managed.
Minor Supporting Sentence (ss)
- Canadian cities have many parks and lots of space for people to live.
Major Supporting Sentence (SS)
- Canada has a high standard of education
Minor Supporting Sentence (ss)
- Students are taught by well-trained teachers.
Minor Supporting Sentence (ss)
- Many scholarships are given every year to encourage the students to
continue studying at university.
Major and Minor Supporting Details/Sentences

Major Supporting Sentence (SS)

- Canada has an excellent health care system.
Minor Supporting Sentence (ss)
- All Canadians have access to medical
services at a reasonable price.
Concluding Sentence (CS)
- As a result, Canada is a desirable place to
Paragraph Analysis

Smoking is harmful for four reasons. Firstly, it is a

very expensive habit. Frequently, the price of cigarette
rises. Secondly, it is bad for the respiratory system.
Smokers get cold which last for a long time. As well, they
get bronchitis and pneumonia more easily than non-
smokers. Thirdly, everyone knows that there is connection
between lung-cancer and smoking. Finally, smoking gives
you bad breath. Most non-smokers hate the smell of
tobacco and they do not want to sit near someone who
will puff smoke all over them. In my opinion, it is better
not to start smoking.
Paragraph Analysis (Cont.)

Topic sentence: ?
Controlling idea: ?

Write down the four reasons:

1 ???
2 ???
3 ???
4 ???
Paragraph Analysis (Cont.)

Topic sentence: Smoking is harmful for four reasons

Controlling idea: harmful for four reasons
Write down the four reasons:
1. It is a very expensive habit.
2. It is bad for the respiratory system.
3. Everyone knows that there is connection between
lung- cancer and smoking.
4. Smoking gives you bad breath.
Paragraph Analysis

People in the United States celebrate New Year’s Eve in many

ways. The most common way may be going to a big party with lots
of friends, music, and dancing. At the stroke of midnight, people at
these parties grab their sweetheart and spend the first seconds of
the New Year kissing them. Another way to spend New Year’s Eve
is with the significant other in your life. The New Year is greeted
with a champagne toast to the relationship. Sometimes, families
with children like to spend the evening together, letting the “kids”
stay up until midnight. Finally, some people like to spend the
evening by themselves. They use this time to evaluate the past year
and to make resolutions and plans for the coming year. It is a time
of reflection that can only happen when one is alone. In short, New
Year’s Eve is a special time that can be spent with friends, with
families or even alone.
Paragraph Analysis (Cont.)

Topic sentence: ?
Controlling idea: ?

Write down the three ways:

1 ???
2 ???
3 ???
Paragraph Analysis (Cont.)

Topic Sentences: People in United States

celebrate New Year’s Eve in many ways.
Controlling idea: Many ways to celebrate
Write down the three ways:
1. The most common way may be going to a
big party with lots of friends, music, and
2. Another way to spend New Year’s Eve is
with the significant other in your life.
3. Some people like to spend the evening by
Part 3 – The Concluding

What is the concluding sentence?

Part 3 – The Concluding
❖The concluding sentence is the last
sentence which brings the paragraph to a
satisfying finish.
❖It tells the reader that it is the end of
the paragraph.
❖You may begin the concluding sentence
with the concluding transition signals or
All in all, … In brief, …. In other words,...
In short, …. In conclusion,…. In any event,....
Part 3 – The Concluding Sentence (Cont.)

❖There are two common ways of writing

the concluding sentence.
1. Paraphrase or restate the topic sentence.
2. Summarize the main points in the body of
the paragraph.
+ Use your own opinion to conclude a paragraph.
Part 3 – The Concluding Sentence (Cont.)

1. Paraphrase or restate the topic

sentence in different words.
Part1: The topic sentence
- Internet has three main advantages.
Part2: The concluding sentence
+ People get a few main benefits from
Part 3 – The Concluding Sentence (Cont.)

2. Summarize the main points in the body of the

Part1: The topic sentence
- Internet has three main advantages.
Part2: Supporting sentences
- Major: Internet helps people to communicate easily.
-Major: Students consider internet their second teacher.
- Major: People use internet for entertainment in many
Part3: The concluding sentence
+ Using internet, people are easy to communicate with
each other, study with variety of sources, and entertain
ourselves with many options.
The Concluding Comment / The Final

❖After the concluding sentence of a paragraph,

you may add the concluding comment.

❖This sentence is the writer’s final comment or

thought about the subject of the paragraph.

❖It is the food for thought.

The Concluding Comment / The Final Thought (Cont.)


Part1: The topic sentence

- Internet has three main advantages.

Part2: Supporting sentences

- Major: Internet helps people to communicate easily.
- Major: Students consider internet their second teacher.
- Major: People use internet for entertainment in many ways.

Part3: The concluding sentence

+ Using internet, people are easy to communicate with each other,
study with variety of sources, and entertain ourselves with many

Extra Part: The concluding comment

+ Therefore, the government should help reduce the price of internet
to encourage all citizens to use it beneficially.
Sample Paragraph

There are three reasons why I prefer jogging to other
sports. One reason is that jogging is a cheap sport. I can
practice it anywhere at any time with no need for a ball
or any other equipment. Another reason why I prefer
jogging is that it is friendly to my heart. I don’t have to
exhaust myself or do excessive efforts while jogging.
Finally, I prefer this sport because it is safe. It isn’t as
risky as other sports like gymnastics, racing or
horseback riding. For all these reasons, I consider
jogging the best sport of all.
Sample Paragraph

Studying Abroad
Studying abroad has two main benefits. Firstly, people
who study abroad can get a better job when they return to
their home country. This is because their qualifications
and experience mean that they tend to get jobs that are
higher paid, and they can also gain promotion quickly.
Another advantage of studying abroad is the
independence students can gain. For example, students
have to cope with the challenges of living alone and
meeting new people from different cultures.
Sample Paragraph

As a consequence, they will become more confident in

their life and in their relationships with others. All in all,
it is clear that studying abroad is a beneficial experience.

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