Unit 7 Paragraph
Unit 7 Paragraph
Unit 7 Paragraph
What is a paragraph?
Topic: Canada
Canada has four main attractions. First,
Canadian people are kind and friendly.
Second, Canada's cities are clean and
efficiently managed. Third, Canada has a
high standard of education. Finally, Canada
has an excellent health care system. As a
result, Canada is a desirable place to live.
❖A paragraph is a
The Topic Sentence
Supporting Sentences
Concluding Sentence
The Topic Sentence (Top Bun)
◻ The Very first
sentence of your Canada
Canada has four main
paragraph. attractions. First, Canadian
◻ Always needs to people are kind and friendly.
be indented. Second, Canada's cities are
clean and efficiently
◻ Tells what your managed. Third, Canada
paragraph is has a high standard of
going to be education. Finally, Canada
has an excellent health care
about. system. As a result, Canada
is a desirable place to live.
The First Supporting Sentence (Lettuce)
◻ Should not be the
most important Canada has four main
attractions. First, Canadian
detail. people are kind and
friendly. Second, Canada's
◻ Needs to follow cities are clean and
directly after the efficiently managed. Third,
topic sentence. Canada has a high standard
of education. Finally,
Canada has an excellent
◻ Needs to be full health care system. As a
of good “lettucy” result, Canada is a desirable
details! place to live.
The Second Supporting Sentence (Tomato)
- High reputation
- Good, strict regulation
- High qualified/well-trained teachers
- Appropriate facilities
- Friendly office staffs
Part 1- The Topic Sentence
◻ A single topic may have various different
controlling ideas depending on the
writer’s own view of the topic.
◻ So, despite the same topic, the
supporting details/sentences in the body
of the paragraphs may be different if
different controlling ideas.
Part 1- The Topic Sentence
◻ Internet has three main advantages.
- Easy communication
- Easy studying
- Easy entertainment
4. Smoking in restaurants should be prohibited for several reasons.
⮚(Why should smoking in restaurants be prohibited?)
- The first reason = The first major supporting sentence
- The second reason = The second major supporting sentence
- The last reason = The Last major supporting sentence
5. Swimming is beneficial for several reasons.
⮚(Why is swimming beneficial?/What are the benefits of swimming?)
- The first reason/benefit = The 1st major supporting sentence
- The second reason/benefit = The 2nd major supporting sentence
- The last reason/benefit = The Last major supporting sentence
Part 2 – Supporting Sentences
6. Tokyo is the most expensive city in the world.
B. (How do I prove that this is true?)
⮚You could prove or support this topic sentence by giving
examples of the cost of different activities in Tokyo such as
- Major1: High cost of a dinner at a medium-priced
- Major2: High cost of renting for an average two-bedroom
- Major3: High cost of a ride on public transportation
- Major4: High cost of a medium-priced hotel room.
Part 2 – Supporting Sentences
7. My Toyota Corolla is economical.
⮚(How do I prove that this is true?)
⮚You could prove or support this topic sentence by
showing the reader the saving benefits of your Toyota
- Major1: Consume less gasoline
- Major2: Pay less tax
- Major3: High quality
- Major4: Cheap spare parts.
Part 2 – Supporting Sentences (Cont.)
Paragraph Outline
Topic sentence (TS)
- Canada has four main attractions.
Major Supporting Sentence (SS)
- Canadian people are kind and friendly.
Major Supporting Sentence (SS)
- Canada's cities are clean and efficiently managed.
Minor Supporting Sentence (ss)
- Canadian cities have many parks and lots of space for people to live.
Major Supporting Sentence (SS)
- Canada has a high standard of education
Minor Supporting Sentence (ss)
- Students are taught by well-trained teachers.
Minor Supporting Sentence (ss)
- Many scholarships are given every year to encourage the students to
continue studying at university.
Major and Minor Supporting Details/Sentences
Topic sentence: ?
Controlling idea: ?
Topic sentence: ?
Controlling idea: ?
There are three reasons why I prefer jogging to other
sports. One reason is that jogging is a cheap sport. I can
practice it anywhere at any time with no need for a ball
or any other equipment. Another reason why I prefer
jogging is that it is friendly to my heart. I don’t have to
exhaust myself or do excessive efforts while jogging.
Finally, I prefer this sport because it is safe. It isn’t as
risky as other sports like gymnastics, racing or
horseback riding. For all these reasons, I consider
jogging the best sport of all.
Sample Paragraph
Studying Abroad
Studying abroad has two main benefits. Firstly, people
who study abroad can get a better job when they return to
their home country. This is because their qualifications
and experience mean that they tend to get jobs that are
higher paid, and they can also gain promotion quickly.
Another advantage of studying abroad is the
independence students can gain. For example, students
have to cope with the challenges of living alone and
meeting new people from different cultures.
Sample Paragraph