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NDS-SURMI Project Progress Final

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Surmi Project

"Advancing the leadership of Women and Girls

Towards Better Health and climate change resilience"
Geographical area : District Kamber Shahdadkot
Implemented by: NGOs Development Society (NDS)
Collaboration by: Pathfinder International
Supported by: Takeda
• NGO Development Society (NDS) is a
distinguished non-profit organization
NGOs that has been operating since 2000,
Development making considerable strides in the
provision of humanitarian and
Society development services across Pakistan.
(NDS): While our reach is national, we have
an intimate understanding of the
Introduction Sindh province, given its distinct
socio-cultural and economic aspects.
Climate Vulnerability: Pakistan ranks among top 10
Climate countries most affected by climate change (Global Climate
Risk Index 2018).

Change & Population Growth: 216.6M people, increasing 2% yearly,

exacerbating resource scarcity.
its Socio- Poverty & Food Security: 54M food-deficient, higher
Economic poverty rates worsen climate impact.

Impact in Health Risks: Annually, 1,500 children die due to

malnutrition and lack of medical facilities.
Pakistan Crisis in Sindh: Increased extreme weather events over the
last 20-30 years, with acute impact on women and
Key Impacts on SRHR:
• Resource Scarcity: Direct impact on food
& water access, affecting reproductive
Climate • Gender Inequality: Socio-cultural factors
Change & limit women's resource access.
Women's • Deteriorating MNCH (Maternal,
Reproductiv Newborn, Child Health) indicators.
• Rise in gender-based violence.
e Health in • Spike in early-age marriages.
Pakistan • Loss of livelihoods & shelter.
• Heightened domestic & mental health
• Increase in preventable diseases &
“Advancing the Empower Women and Girls in low resource
leadership of communities with the tools, knowledge,
networks and resources to survive and thrive
Women and Girls through today and tomorrow's health needs
Towards Better and crisis
Health and Focus Areas:
• Climate Change Adaptation
climate change
• Community Education and Participation
• Family Planning / SRHR
by NDS & • MCH and Nutrition
Pathfinder Approach:
(supported by • Multisectoral & community-driven solutions.
Takeda) Duration & Location:
• 3-Year Project in District Kamber
The purpose of this project is to:

Empower women and girls in low resource communities with the

tools, knowledge, connections, and resources to survive and thrive
through today and tomorrow’s health needs and crises.

Build resilient, adaptable health systems able to meet the health needs
of low-resource communities and withstand emergency shocks.

Develop an integrated collaboration, learning and adaptation system to

provide evidence for decision making and lessons for advocacy and
social good.
Government and Health Department:
District Health Officer, Civil Surgeon/Medical
Superintendent, District Manager PPHI, Focal
Major Person National Program for LHWs, office of
the Deputy Commissioner-Kamber and other
stakeholders such programs relevant to the project.
of the
project Targeted Communities:
Different low resource communities almost
from all talukas of the district Kamber-
Climate Change Champions:
• Identified 120 individuals to act as climate change advocates.
Training and Roles:
• Champions trained on diverse themes and responsibilities within the project.

Community Engagement:
• Activists facilitate community awareness and discussions on climate change.
Technical Support:

Highlights • Provided to communities for effective information dissemination.

Multisectoral Group Formation:

and • Government Departments, NGOs, and CBOs.

• Focuses on sharing progress, challenges, and community linkages.

Milestones Engagement with DC Office:

• Two meetings held regarding the Multisectoral Committee.
• Official letter sent to DC for committee approval.
International Day Celebrations:
• March 8: International Women's Day
• June 5: World Environment Day
Radio Spots and Talk Shows (FM Radio)
• Messages focused on reproductive health and
climate change issues.
• Talk Shows content development currently in
Communication Community Engagement
and Outreach • Conducted 60 community meetings.
Activities Training Workshops
Upcoming Seminars
• Scheduled for October 2023.
Public Awareness/Rallies
• Organized walk/ Rally for community awareness
June 5: World Environment Day
Proposed Topics:
• Women's Empowerment in a Rapidly Changing
• Environmental Impact on Rural Communities
• Girls' Activism for Women's Empowerment
Key Topics for • Health Rights for Vulnerable Communities
Discussion • Government Accountability for Climate Change
(During • Spotlight on Health Department Initiatives for
activities): Women
Note: Topics are tentative and may be modified after consulting key stakeholders.

Key Stakeholders:
• Health Department
• District Government
• Community Leaders
S# Milestones Completion Date Status

1 1st Milestone Jan 2023 Completed

2 2nd Milestone Feb 2023 Completed

3 3rd Milestone March 2023 Completed

4 4th Milestone June 2023 Processes

5 5th Milestone June 2023 Processes

News Papers
TV Coverage
Social Media
and Concerns

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