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Lecture Presentation


James F. Kirby
Quinnipiac University
Hamden, CT
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Characteristics of Gases
• Physical properties of gases are all similar.
• Composed mainly of nonmetallic elements with
simple formulas and low molar masses.
• Unlike liquids and solids, gases
 expand to fill their containers.
 are highly compressible.
 have extremely low densities.
• Two or more gases form a homogeneous mixture.


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Properties Which Define the
State of a Gas Sample
1) Temperature
2) Pressure
3) Volume
4) Amount of gas, usually expressed as
number of moles

 Having already discussed three of

these, we need to define pressure.

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• Pressure is the
amount of force
applied to an area:
• Atmospheric
pressure is the
weight of air per
unit of area.


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Units of Pressure
• Pascals: 1 Pa = 1 N/m2 (SI unit
of pressure)
• Bar: 1 bar = 105 Pa = 100 kPa
• mm Hg or torr: These units
are literally the difference in
the heights measured in mm
of two connected columns of
mercury, as in the barometer
in the figure.
• Atmosphere:
1.00 atm = 760 torr = 760 mm Hg
= 101.325 kPa Gases

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The manometer is used
to measure the difference
in pressure between
atmospheric pressure and
that of a gas in a vessel.
(The barometer seen on
the last slide is used to
measure the pressure in
the atmosphere at any
given time.)


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Standard Pressure
• Normal atmospheric pressure at sea
level is referred to as standard
atmospheric pressure.
• It is equal to
 1.00 atm.
 760 torr (760 mmHg).
 101.325 kPa.


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Boyle’s Law
The volume of a fixed quantity of gas at
constant temperature is inversely proportional
to the pressure.


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Mathematical Relationships of
Boyle’s Law
 PV = a constant
 This means, if we compare two conditions:
P1V1 = P2V2.
 Also, if we make a graph of V vs. P, it will not
be linear. However, a graph of V vs. 1/P will
result in a linear relationship!


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Sample Problem 1

• A sample of oxygen gas has a volume

of 8.0L and a pressure of 1.0atm, what
is the new pressure in torr if the
volume is decreased to 2.0L?


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Sample Problem 2

• A sample of oxygen gas has a volume

of 20L at 740mmHg. What will be the
volume of gas at 2.00atm if the
temperature is constant?


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Charles’s Law

• The volume of a fixed

amount of gas at
constant pressure is
directly proportional to
its absolute temperature.


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Mathematical Relationships of
Charles’s Law
• V = constant  T
• This means, if we
compare two conditions:
V1/T1 = V2/T2.
• Also, if we make a
graph of V vs. T, it will
be linear.

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Sample Problem 3

• A sample of neon gas at 760 mmHg

has a volume of 10.0L and a
temperature of 34 degree C, find the
new volume of the gas after the
temperature has been increased to 75
degree C at 760 Torr.


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Sample Problem 4

• At 30 degree C, the volume of a

sample of air was 5.8L. What would be
the volume of the air sample if it is
heated at 60 degree C at the same


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Avogadro’s Law
• The volume of a gas at constant temperature and
pressure is directly proportional to the number of
moles of the gas.
• Also, at STP, one mole of gas occupies 22.4 L.
• Mathematically: V = constant  n, or V1/n1 = V2/n2


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Sample Problem 5
• 5.00 L of a gas is known to
contain 0.965 mol. If the amount of
gas is increased to 1.80 mol, what
new volume will result( at an
unchanged temperature and


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Gay- Lussac’s Law

• States that the pressure of a given mass of

gas varies directly with the absolute
temperature of the gas, when the volume is
kept constant.
• P1/T1= P2/T2


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Sample Problem 6

• The pressure of a gas in a

cylinder when it is heated to a
temperature of 250K is 1.5 atm.
What was the initial
temperature of the gas if its
initial pressure was 1 atm?

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Sample Problem 7

• At a temperature of 300 K,
the pressure of the gas in a
deodorant can is 3 atm.
Calculate the pressure of the
gas when it is heated to 900

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Combined Gas Law

• Combines the three laws: Boyle’s Law,

Charles’ Law and Gay- Lussac’s Law.
• It states that the ratio of the product of
pressure and volume and the absolute
temperature of a gas is equal to a
• P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2

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Sample Problem 8

• A 30mL bubble is released from a divers

air tank at a pressure of 4.50 atm and
temperature of 15 degree C, what is the
volume of the bubble when it reaches the
ocean surface? Where the pressure is 1
atm and the temperature is 20 degree C.


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Ideal-Gas Equation
• So far we’ve seen that
V  1/P (Boyle’s law).
V  T (Charles’s law).
V  n (Avogadro’s law).
• Combining these, we get
• Finally, to make it an equality, we use
a constant of proportionality (R) and
reorganize; this gives the Ideal-Gas
Equation: PV = nRT. Gases

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Sample Problem 9 (Ideal Gas)

• Calculate the pressure exerted by

0.300 mole of gas contained in an 8L
vessel at 18 degree C.


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Sample Problem 10

• A sample of CO2 gas has a

volume of 575 cm3 at 752
torr and 72°F. What is the
mass of carbon dioxide in
this sample?

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Density of Gases
If we divide both sides of the ideal-gas
equation by V and by RT, we get
n/V = P/RT.
Also: moles  molecular mass = mass
n  M = m.
If we multiply both sides by M, we get
m/V = MP/RT
and m/V is density, d; the result is:
d = MP/RT. Gases

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Density & Molar Mass of a Gas
• To recap:
• One needs to know only the molecular
mass, the pressure, and the temperature
to calculate the density of a gas.
• d = MP/RT
• Also, if we know the mass, volume, and
temperature of a gas, we can find its molar
• M = mRT/PV


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Volume and Chemical Reactions
• The balanced equation tells us relative
amounts of moles in a reaction, whether the
compared materials are products or reactants.
• PV = nRT
• So, we can relate volume for gases, as well.
• For example: use (PV = nRT) for substance A
to get moles A; use the mole ratio from the
balanced equation to get moles B; and (PV =
nRT) for substance B to get volume of B.

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Sample Problem 11

• When an experiment required a source

of carbon dioxide, a student combined
1.4 g of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)
with excess hydrochloric acid. If the
CO2 produced is collected at 722 torr
and 17°C, what volume will the gas

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Dalton’s Law of
Partial Pressures
• If two gases that don’t react are combined in
a container, they act as if they are alone in
the container.
• The total pressure of a mixture of gases
equals the sum of the pressures that each
would exert if it were present alone.
• In other words,
Ptotal = p1 + p2 + p3 + …

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Mole Fraction
• Because each gas in a mixture acts as if it is
alone, we can relate amount in a mixture to
partial pressures:

• That ratio of moles of a substance to total

moles is called the mole fraction, χ.


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Pressure and Mole Fraction

• The end result is


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Sample Problem 12-Mole Fraction

• In a gas mixture composed of nitrogen

gas, neon and helium the partial pressures
are the following nitrogen is 0.50atm, neon
is 1.1atm, helium is 0.80 atm. Calculate
the mole fractions.


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Sample Problem 13-Partial
• A mixture of 40g oxygen and 40g helium
has a total pressure of 0.900atm, what is
the partial pressure of oxygen?
• (MM oxygen=31.98g/mol, MM helium=4


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Gas Stoichiometry

• Gas stoichiometry is dealing with gaseous

substances where we have given volume data or
we are asked to determine the volume of some
component in a chemical reaction.


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Sample Problem 14 (STP)

• The reaction involves the explosive combustion

of acetylene is
• 2C2H2 + 4O2  4CO2 + 2H2
• How many liters of carbon dioxide gas at STP
will be formed during the combustion of 50L
C2H2 ?
• MM CO2 =44.01 g/mol


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Sample Problem 15 (STP)

• Calcium metal Ca reacts with water to yield H2

and Ca(OH)2, how many grams of Ca is
required to prepare 3L H2 at STP?
• Ca + 2H2O  H2 + Ca(OH)2
• MM Ca=40.08 g/mol


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Sample Problem 16
(Mole-Volume Stoich)
• Given the Haber Process N2 + 3H2 
2NH3 How many L of NH3 can be
produced at a temperature of 27 degree C
and a pressure of 720 torr if 20 moles on
Nitrogen gas are consumed?


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Kinetic-Molecular Theory
 Laws tell us what happens
in nature. Each of the gas
laws we have discussed
tell us what is observed
under certain conditions.
 Why are these laws
observed? We will discuss
a theory to explain our


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Main Tenets of Kinetic-Molecular
1) Gases consist of large numbers of
molecules that are in continuous, random
2) The combined volume of all the molecules of
the gas is negligible relative to the total
volume in which the gas is contained.
3) Attractive and repulsive forces between gas
molecules are negligible.

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Main Tenets of Kinetic-Molecular
4) Energy can be transferred
between molecules during
collisions, but the average
kinetic energy of the
molecules does not
change with time, as long
as the temperature of the
gas remains constant.
5) The average kinetic
energy of the molecules is
proportional to the
absolute temperature.

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How Fast Do Gas Molecules Move?
• Temperature is related to their
average kinetic.
• Individual molecules can have
different speeds of motion.
• The figure shows three
different speeds:
 ump is the most probable speed
(most molecules are this fast).
 uav is the average speed of the
 urms, the root-mean-square
speed, is the one associated with Gases
their average kinetic energy.
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urms and
Molecular Mass
• At any given temperature, the average kinetic
energy of molecules is the same.
• So, ½ m (urms)2 is the same for two gases at the
same temperature.
• If a gas has a low mass, its speed will be greater
than for a heavier molecule.


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Effusion & Diffusion
Effusion is the escape Diffusion is the spread of
of gas molecules one substance
through a tiny hole into throughout a space or a
an evacuated space. second substance.


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Graham’s Law Describes
Diffusion & Effusion

• Graham’s Law relates the molar mass

of two gases to their rate of speed of
• The “lighter” gas always has a faster
rate of speed.


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Sample Problem 17

• Gas X has a molar mass of 72 g/mol

and Gas Y has a molar mass of 2 g/mol.
How much faster or slower does Gas Y
effuse from a small opening than Gas X
at the same temperature?


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Real Gases
 In the real world, the behavior of gases only
conforms to the ideal-gas equation at relatively high
temperature and low pressure.
 Even the same gas will show wildly different
behavior under high pressure at different


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Deviations from Ideal Behavior

The assumptions made in the kinetic-molecular

model (negligible volume of gas molecules
themselves, no attractive forces between gas
molecules, etc.) break down at high pressure
and/or low temperature. Gases

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Corrections for Nonideal Behavior
• The ideal-gas equation can be adjusted to
take these deviations from ideal behavior
into account.
• The corrected ideal-gas equation is known
as the van der Waals equation.
• The pressure adjustment is due to the fact
that molecules attract and repel each other.
• The volume adjustment is due to the fact
that molecules occupy some space on
their own.

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The van der Waals Equation


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• Not all pollution is due to human activity.
Natural sources, including volcanoes, also
contribute to air pollution. A scientist tries to
generate a mixture of gases similar to those
found in a volcano by introducing 15.0 g of
water vapor, 3.5 g of SO2 and 1.0 g of CO2
into a 40.0-L vessel held at 120.0°C.
Calculate the partial pressure of each gas
and the total pressure.


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N2O5 is an unstable gas that decomposes
according to the following reaction:
2 N2O5(g) 4 NO2(g) + O2(g)
What would be the total pressure of
gases present if a 10.0-L container at
22.0°C begins with 0.400 atm of N2O5 and
the gas completely decomposes?

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• In an experiment, a mixture of gases
occupies a volume of 3.00 L at a
temperature of 22.5°C. The mixture
contains 14.0 g of water, 11.5 g of oxygen,
and 37.3 g of nitrogen. Calculate the total
pressure and the partial pressure of each


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