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Constellations & Stars

I. Constellations
• Group of stars that
appear to form a
pattern in the sky.

• 88 recognized by
Astronomy Union
A. Zodiac
• Band of 12 constellations along
the ecliptic.
B. Ecliptic
• the plane of the Earth’s orbit
around the sun

• The apparent path that the sun

(and planets) appear to move
along against the star background.
Aries: the Ram
There is some reason to believe that
the Greeks just took over a much
older horned animal at this time of
the year; the horn being a symbol for
fecundity, renewal, and so on. As the
Sun came into this constellation, at
the vernal equinox, the year itself
was being renewed.
Aquarius: The Water Bearer

In Greek mythology
Aquarius was
Ganymede, "cup-
bearer to the gods".
Cancer: The Crab
The name comes from the
Latin; cancer means crab. The
crab in question is the one sent
by Hydra to attack Heracles.
Gemini: The Twins
Gemini, the Twins, are really only
half-brothers. They share the same
mother (Leda) but have different
fathers. CASTOR- Tyndareus
Leo: The Lion
The first on the list of Heracles' labors was the task
of killing the Nemean Lion, a giant beast that
roamed the hills and the streets of the
Peloponnesian villages, devouring whomever it
met. The animal's skin was impervious to iron,
bronze, and stone. Heracles' arrows harmlessly
bounced off the lion; his sword bent in two; his
wooden club smashed to pieces. So Heracles
wrestled with the beast, finally choking it to death.
He then wrapped the lion's pelt about him; it would
protect him from the next labor: killing the
poisonous Hydra.
Libra: The Scales
so named because when the zodiac was still
in its infancy, some four thousand years
ago, the sun passed through this
constellation at the autumnal equinox (21
September). At the two equinoxes (Spring
and Autumn) the hours of daylight and
darkness are equal. As a symbol for
equality, the constellation came to represent
Justice in several middle Eastern cultures.
Pisces: The Fish

Pisces is an ancient
constellation derived, some
say, from the story of the
terrible Greek god Typhon.

It was the Romans who

named the constellation
Sagittarius ("sagitta" is
Latin for `arrow')
Scorpius: The Scorpion
As mentioned regarding Orion,
Gaia may have sent the
scorpion to kill the mighty
hunter, as he had vowed to rid
the earth of all wild animals.
Taurus: The Bull
The horn was a symbol of fertility and
bountiful riches in many cultures for
thousands of years, and it is probably
the case here, for the constellation
would have announced the Vernal
Equinox at around 4000 BC.
Virgo: The Virgin
Virgo is the second largest constellation (after
Hydra). As a member of the Zodiac, Virgo has a
number of ancient myths and tales. The Sun passes
through Virgo in mid-September, and is therefore
the constellation that announces the harvest. Virgo
is often represented as a "maiden" (as its name
indicates). In antiquity, she may have been Isis, the
Egyptian protectress of the living and the dead and
the principal mother goddess.
C. Circumpolar Constellations
• Can be seen all year long

• Never fully set below the horizon

• Appear to move counter clockwise

around Polaris

• Caused by Earth’s Rotation

D. Ursa Major

• Best known constellation

• Common name is Big Dipper
• Pointer stars- front 2 stars of the Big
Dipper which point to Polaris (North
Ursa Minor
• The true figure represented by the stars is
the Little Bear.
• There are several mythological stories
behind these famous constellations. In
Greek myth, Zeus was having an affair
with the lovely Callisto. When his wife,
Hera, found out she changed Callisto
into a bear. Zeus put the bear in the sky
along with the Little Bear, which is
Callisto's son, Arcas.
• Draco the dragon, is only present in the Northern
Hemisphere, so those living in the Southern
Hemisphere will never see this long constellation.
• The easiest way to spot Draco is by finding his
head. It consists of four stars in a trapezoid,
burning brightly just north of Hercules. From
there, the tail slithers through the sky, eventually
ending between the Big and Little Dippers. It can
be difficult to trace Draco in the night sky..
IV. Most Famous Winter Contellation
• Orion Contains:
1. Betelgeuse (Bet el jooz)
a bright red super giant
star found forming
Orion’s right shoulder
2. Rigel – a blue super
giant: 7th brightest star
in the nighttime sky
3 Stars of Orion’s Belt
• Can be used to find 2 other
constellations & a star
1. Canis Major- (Big Dog)
follow the line made by
the 3 stars of Orion’s belt
down to the left
–Sirius- the brightest star in the
nighttime sky is found in Canis Major
2. Taurus (the Bull)
• Follow the line made by Orion’s belt up
& to the right
• Aldebaran- Red star that is the eye of
the bull is the 13th brightest in the
nighttime sky
III. Summer Constellations
• 1st 3 bright stars that rise form the
Summer Triangle

1. Vega- in Lyra the Harp

2. Altair- in Aquilla the Eagle
3. Deneb – in Cygnus the Swan
(Northern Cross)
3. Pleiades Star Cluster (7 sisters)
• Follow the line made by Orion’s belt
up to the right, go through Taurus to
a clump of stars to the right.
• Called Subaru in Japan – means
V. Kinds of Stars

A. Red Giant - large red star

at least 10x diameter of
the sun
• Old Stars
• Ex. Aldebaran
• The sun will swell into
a Red Giant when it is
B. Super Giant
• Largest of all stars 100x more luminous
• Explode as a Super Nova
• Can form Black Holes
• Ex. Betelgeuse, Rigel, Polaris
C. Dwarf Stars 
1. Less luminous
2. Tightly packed nuclei
3. Remains of a red giant that ran out of fuel
4. 1 cup full of star =20 tons or 5 elephants. 
5. Most are red/orange/yellow
6. White dwarf is the exception to the color
7. Sun is a yellow dwarf
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

"Twinkling Stars" are due

to Earth's atmosphere
E. Light year
• The distance light has traveled in a

• 9.5 x 1012 Km/yr

• Speed of light 300,000 Km /sec

B. Color of star depends on surface temp.
1. Blue - hottest stars
Ex. Rigel in Orion; Vega in Lyra;
Sirius in Canis Major

2. Yellow - medium stars ex. Sun

3. Red - coolest stars

Ex. Betelgeuse in Orion, Antares the
heart of Scorpio, Aldebaran in
D. The Sun
• is an average star

• yellow in color

• 300,000 x the
mass of Earth

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