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Chapter 8 - Recruitment, Selection and Training

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Selection and
Training of

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Internal and

What are the differences

between them?

LO - To understand the steps for a business in

hiring and training new employees
Internal When a copany
hires someone
who already
It is usually for
a more senior
position like a

works in the manager or a
company. head

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Benefits and limitations of Internal Recruitment

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
When employees are employed from outside the
business to fill a vacancy.

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Benefits and Limitations of External Recruitment

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Activity 2 – Using this template - prepare your
own CV

Invent the information – use your

laptops to help you and to give you

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Revision Activity



LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Stages in Recruitment and Selection of Employees

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Job Description

Once the business has identified the roles that the employee would be
expected to assume, it needs to produce a job description. This is a
document outlining the duties and responsibilities to be fulfilled by the

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Person Specification

This is a document showing all the skills, qualities, education, experience

and characteristics needed for the potential employee to complete the job.

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Stages in Recruitment and Selection of Employees

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Job Description

Once the business has identified the roles that the employee would be
expected to assume, it needs to produce a job description. This is a
document outlining the duties and responsibilities to be fulfilled by the

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Person Specification

This is a document showing all the skills, qualities, education, experience

and characteristics needed for the potential employee to complete the job.

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Class Project -Morna is looking for a new Business Teacher
In Group of 3 -

2. Draw up a
1. Draw up a job 3. Create an
description advertisement

5. Carry out
4. Go through THE BEST ONES
interviews with the
some sample WILL GET A MERIT
most appropriate
applications AND A TREAT

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
You must all work together on
each step, you can't move on
until , you’ve finished it and I´ve
checked it.

For example, one person can´t

Class Project be doing the job description and
another the person specification

Should be done in two classes

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Full Time and Part Time Employees
There is no set definition of what makes a full-time versus a part-
time employee as it varies from country to country. On average full-
time employees work 35 hours per week (or more)
Part-time employees work less than 35 hours per week.

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
New employees,
Training - All
types of Employees who are being promoted to a
employees new position in the company,

need to be When the company introduces new

technology the employees need to be
trained. trained in this

Why do they need to be trained?

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Why is Training Important

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Methods of Training -

• 1. Induction Training

• 2. On the job training

• 3. Off the job training

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Take 10 mins to read the 3 methods
in your books
I´ll pick people randomly to come up and explain the

Any questions, please let me know

When finished do activity 8.5

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Activity 8.4 page 115
Think – about it individually

Pair – In pairs, come up with some ideas

Share – With the rest of the class

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Thursday 9th March

Starter – page 116

Activity 8.5

Extension: Read ahead pages 118 - 120

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Stages in Recruitment and Selection of Employees

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Job Description

This is a document describing what the jobs involves, what the workers will need to do – their
roles and responsibilities

A job description needs to include the following:

Job title
The main duties of the job
Who the job holder reports to
LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Person Specification

This is a document showing all the skills, qualities, education, experience

and characteristics needed for the potential employee to complete the job.

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Class Project -Morna is looking for a new Business Teacher
In Group of 3 -

2. Draw up a
1. Draw up a job 3. Create an
description advertisement

5. Carry out
4. Go through THE BEST ONES
interviews with the
some sample WILL GET A MERIT
most appropriate
applications AND A TREAT

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Exam Tuesday 28th March

Chapter 8 and 9

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Reasons for Reducing the Size of the Workforce

What are some reasons you can think of, why the numbers of workers in a business might reduce??


Think about it on your own

Discuss with your partner for 1 minute and

Share with the rest of the class

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Reasons for Reducing the Size of the Workforce
There may come a time when a business needs to terminate (end) the employment of some of its workforce

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Dismissal and Redundancy
The difference between dismissal and redundancy

Both dismissal and redundancy involve the business asking an employee to leave.
However, there is a very important difference between them.

• Dismissal occurs when the employee is asked to leave the business because they are
not able to do the job or they have done something wrong. The job still exists and the
employee is replaced.

• Redundancy occurs when the business no longer needs the job and so the employee
doing that work is asked to leave. The job no longer exists after the employee leaves
and as a result the employee is paid some form of compensation (known as
redundancy pay). Usually done to save money

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
What have you learnt so far?
Write your answers in notebooks
Question 1

Where the employee is asked to leave because their behaviour is unreasonable (not acceptable
or fair) or because they cannot do the job.’ What is this sentence defining?

A) Resignation

B) Retirement


D) Dismissal

Correct with your green pen LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
The Cosy Café has decided that it needs to make one of its supervisors redundant to save
costs. There are three supervisors: Zhang, Anna and Lucie.

Zhang has worked for the Cosy Café since it opened eight years ago and has never had a
day off sick. However, because of his experience and excellent efficiency he does have
the highest salary.

Anna has been working for the café for just over one year, and she has taken around 25
sick days in that time. She has the lowest salary of all three employees.

Lucie has been working for the café for three years and has taken eight sick days. She
does have the middle salary but she is willing to take a pay cut. Lucie is not as efficient
as Zhang or Anna.

Which supervisor should be made redundant?

You must give reasons for your answer

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Answer -



It is illegal to dismiss an employee or make them redundant due to the number of sick
days they have had. As the cafe will be operating on a smaller scale it will be
important to have highly efficient workforce and Lucie is the least efficient staff
member on the team.

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Understanding the reasons for reducing a
There are many situations where a reduction in the size of the workforce might be necessary.

When a business decides to reduce the number of employees it has, this is known as downsizing

External Events Automation Closure of business Improve efficiency

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Understanding the reasons for reducing
a workforce
External Events: Changes in the external environment can force the
business to make people redundant, such as a downturn in the economy,
Automation : Managers decide to replace people with machinery to
reduce costs or improve efficiency
Closure: Either the whole business closes (due to bankruptcy, for example)
or the manager closes part of the business to save costs.
Improve Efficiency: Owners might want to reduce the number of layers of the
organisational hierarchy in order to increase the speed of decision making.
LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Deciding which employees should be made
There are several factors that need to be considered when deciding which employees
to make redundant.

• Will the employees volunteer to take redundancy? Some employees may be willing to
accept the redundancy payment and leave the business (for example, in order to take
early retirement or because they know they will easily get another job.

• How long have they worked for the company? Employees who have been with the
business for a long time will have learned the most skills, so are often retained.

• Do they have a good employment history? Employees with a bad record or high levels of
absenteeism are often made redundant.

• What is the reason for the redundancy? If the business is closing certain departments,
those employees would be made redundant.
LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Questions –
Pratash works as a dyer for a textile manufacturer in Udaipur, India. He has been told that he is being made
redundant. The factory is investing in new machinery, which can dye four times as much cloth as Pratash
can by hand.

What is the reason for Pratash’s redundancy? (Give a one-word answer.)

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
The Impact of Legal Controls on Employment
Legal controls are restrictions put onto a business because of changes in the law.

They vary from country to country but contain the following key areas.

• Employment contracts

• Unfair dismissal

• Discrimination

• Health and safety

• Minimum wages

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
1. Employment
This is the first legal control we will look at -

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Employment contracts-
Every employee has to be given a contract of employment

• Employer and employee names

A contract of employment is a
• Job title
document that sets out the
• Employment start date
terms and conditions of the
• Rate of pay
employee’s job.
• When the employee will be paid
The contract usually includes:
• Hours of work

• Holiday entitlement

• Sick pay, injury arrangements, pension and other benefits

• How the contract can be ended

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Create your own Contract – In Pairs

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Why do you think employees have to have a
contract according to the law?

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Contract of Employment -
Impact on Employees Impact on Employers
It provides job security because the working The improved job security lowers labour
conditions are set out in writing. turnover, reducing recruitment costs.

If the employer fails to deliver part of the If the employee does not fulfil part of their
contract, such as holiday benefits, the contract, the employer can legally dismiss
employee can sue the company them, so productivity is not negatively

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Unfair Dismissal

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Unfair Dismissal
Impact on employees Impact on employers
If an employee is dismissed unfairly, If an employer is taken to an
they can take their employer to an industrial tribunal, they can incur
industrial tribunal and may receive high compensation costs. It can also
compensation. damage their employer branding.
If employees do not need to worry Employers have to keep more
about unfair dismissal, they feel detailed and accurate records of
more secure and more motivated. employee performance, potentially
lowering managers’ efficiency.

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
STARTER - Activity – Case Study

Page 120

Read the Case Study and answer questions a, b and c

Extension – page 121 Q 2 a and b

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Exam Tuesday 28th March

Chapter 8 and 9

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Discrimination is the process of treating one individual, or group of individuals, less favourably than others
based on a characteristic or difference that is perceived as negative. Discrimination can take many forms
but the most common are shown in the figure below -

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Impact on employees Impact on employers
Employees must receive equal treatment and equal pay. Equal pay may mean that the employer has to increase
wages, resulting in higher costs.

Employees would be recruited based on their merits (the As employers recruit based on merit, employer branding
qualities and skills they have or have shown), not on increases.
discrimination, which increases motivation.

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Case Study – Discrimination
Case study - Miss M Kumulchew v Starbucks

In 2015, Meseret Kumulchew won a landmark court case against her employer, Starbucks, on the grounds of disability
discrimination. Meseret is dyslexic, which means that she has problems with written tasks and writing numbers, and she has to
be shown how to do tasks visually.

As a supervisor of a Starbucks in London, one of Meseret’s tasks was to take readings of the temperature of the refrigerators and
record them. However, because of her disability she mistakenly recorded the wrong information. Starbucks reviewed the
documents and accused her of fraud. Meseret, who had informed Starbucks of her dyslexia, said she was demoted (given a lower
position) from her role as supervisor and given duties to complete; a decision that led her to depression.

An employment tribunal (a UK court that hears employment cases) found that Starbucks had not taken reasonable steps to adjust
its working practices for Meseret’s disability and ruled in her favour. Meseret said that the decision was fair: ‘I’m not a fraud, I just
made a mistake’. Starbucks was forced to pay an amount in compensation and Meseret, who was still working for Starbucks as of
2016, was given additional support at work, including having someone check the information she recorded.


• Explain two ways in which Starbucks were affected by the ruling in this case. [6 marks]

• Do you think that the ruling against

LO -Starbucks wasforfair?
To understand the steps Justify
a business your
in hiring and traininganswer.
new employees[6 marks]
Health and Safety
Health and safety legislation is used by the government to make the workplace safer for
employees and customers. This usually covers four main areas:

• Providing safety equipment – Companies who require employees to work with anything

Hazardous must provide protective clothing or safety equipment

• Protection from dangerous machinery – Employees are required to have protection from
dangerous machinery with safety training and guidelines in place.

• Suitable hours of work – Working hours are very important as in some industries,
tiredness can be very dangerous, such as when working for an airline.

• Hygienic conditions – Employees must work in an area that is clean, safe and hygienic.

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Health and Safety
Impact on employees Impact on employers
A safe and clean environment can be A safe and clean workplace could
very motivating for employees. attract highly skilled employees.

Employees will require additional Extra safety equipment will require

training for any extra safety features additional capital investment and
they are expected to know about. increased costs.

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Minimum Wages
Minimum wages have been introduced in many countries to ensure that employees receive a wage that is
fair and protects their quality of life.

For example, in countries with very high unemployment and very low welfare support, businesses used to
offer low wages because the employees had no alternative. As a result, the government put protections
in place to make sure that these employees were paid a minimum wage that would allow them to afford
to live and make a decent salary

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
Minimum Wages

Impact on employees Impact on employers

Low-paid employees will earn more A set minimum wage will increase
money, meaning that they have the wage costs for the business,
more disposable income and a which forces the business to raise
higher standard of living. prices.
Some employees will earn more Businesses will try to retain staff to
than minimum wage. Employees minimise costs.
may campaign to close the
, leading to trade union activity.

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees
PAST EXAM PRACTISE 4 and 6 mark Qs

Give homework due – Tuesday

Page 121 Question 1 and 2

LO - To understand the steps for a business in hiring and training new employees

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