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Chorus Call

Video Services Division

Chorus Call Corporate profile

• Chorus Call is a leading global conferencing service provider with State-of-the-art equipment
and an exceptional workforce.
• With over four decades of international experience, Chorus Call India provides world class
solutions for organizations looking to enhance communications while reducing their carbon
• Chorus Call is the first and currently the only ISO 9001 certified teleconferencing service
provider in India.
• Our sister company Compunetix Inc. is the most trusted and advanced manufacturing
provider of audio and video teleconferencing systems.
• We have a technical edge over competitors and are able to provide cost-effective and
customized services depending on your business requirement.
• Chorus Call is a truly customer centric service provider who specializes in customizing
teleconferencing and streaming solutions to cater to each client’s discerning requirements
when they need it.
Video Systems Division (VSD) History

Compunetix has been in the video conferencing market

for 20 years (video started in June of 1993)

VSD was spun out of the Communications Systems

Division (CSD) in 2000

VSD’s early history centered primarily around MCUs for


In 2008, VSD started developing products suitable for the

enterprise market as well
Compunetix Video MCU Product Review
Cedar Sequoia

3U, 2-Slot
Up to 43 HD 720p or 86 SD
Small Enterprise Model


13U, 14-Slot
Up to 324 HD or 649 SD
5U, 6-Slot Large Enterprise/Service
Up to 140 HD 720p or 280 SD Provider Model
Medium Enterprise Model
EVERGREEN Environment
Strengths of EVERGREEN™

Innovative Architecture
Massively parallel, high performance processors
High bandwidth, richly interconnected switch fabric
Optimal Scalability
Scalable from 10’s to 1000’s of video ports with unique
bridge linking
Functional Flexibility
Dynamic, on-the-fly conference control
Reliability and Security
Multiple layers of redundancy, system security and
multi-network isolation
Lowest Total Cost of Ownership
Innovative Architecture

Built on ATCA/AMC platform with custom Compunetix processing


High bandwidth, richly interconnected internal switch fabric for

investment protection allows for fully symmetric endpoint connectivity

AMC processing modules allow for technology evolution without

forklift upgrade

RTMs provide multiple network connectivity

Multifunctional platform in the same box

Functional Flexibility

Multi-lingual, secure, web portal for maintenance, global

operator control, and client-level conference management

Dedicated Windows-based application for highest

performance service provider needs

Personal conference management with Compunetix’s

Companion™ desktop client

API available for custom I/F development

Redundancy, Reliability, & Security

EVERGREEN takes advantage of all ATCA redundancy features:

power, control, switch fabric, etc.

EVERGREEN supports Compunetix’ patent pending Reliable

Compute Engine (RCE) – superior to Master/Slave
Encrypted database access and strong passwords support
multiple tenants
Strong Passwords: Length and makeup, auto generated,
expiration, # failed attempts, disable inactive accounts
Reliability and Security

EVERGREEN MCUs built to the same

manufacturing constraints as Compunetix government and DoD
customer products
Dual redundancy of ATCA architecture enhanced through custom,
proprietary module design that supports distributed system level
control for multiple failure tolerance
Multiple network connectivity allows connections to various public
and private networks with VLAN isolation
Multi-tenant capability with separate conference and user directories,
multiple levels of administrative control, and strong passwords
EVERGREEN™ Cloud Enablement

Unlimited Support
Based Virtual
No Ports
Multi-Point Support Any
or Standards-
Concurrent Based Video
Calls Endpoints
About the Chorus Call conferencing cloud service
It is an outsourcing service of various conferences held by customers, connections of events, and operation
We provide worldwide service.
We contribute to the reduction of management and operation costs as customers do not need to invest in

On Premise Systems Communication cloud service use

お客様施設 Communication cloud/ data center
Smart phone Video MCU
Video conferencing endpoint Connection gateway
Recording distribution
Operation software server
Customer network audio MCU Internet, etc., various
Smart phone/
Smart phone Recording distribution tablet Customer A Customer B Customer C
LifeSize Polycom
connection server
Video MCU Video endpoint Video endpoint
gateway Smart phone/ tablet
PHS(audio) telephone(audio) (video/ audio)
Location of device/ owner Customer Infrastructure: data center, endpoint: customer
Things to be paid for Device and maintenance Pay by the hour service
No procedures required (advanced reservation is
Extension method Increase or replace MCU recommended for large scale conferences)
Device maintenance Customer Operator/ technical staff
Devices do not have to be purchased,
All necessary devices need to be
and can flexibly make various
purchased connections
Service menu
We provide various services apart from audio/ video conferences as well, such as mixed
conferences, smart phone connection, web broadcasting and so on.
All menus correspond with the pay-per use system where there is charge only for each time
it is actually used, and so there is no basic bee.   (We can correspond if you wish a monthly fee system.)
Name Outline
Use a given passcode to freely hold a conference whenever you like.
Attended Conferencing specialists will assist with holding of important conferences.
Multi-point Video Conference (A service generally for audio conferences)
Multi-point Audio Unassisted The customer can hold conferences from the web software.
Conferencing Conference (A service generally for video conferences)
Dedicated conferencing specialists will offer full support in connecting, running, and
Events monitoring your conference. Information of conference participants can be easily
Join in video conferencing from your smart phone or tablet ( iOS, Android).
Mobile Video Conferencing Even if there is no video conferencing endpoint, it is possible to hold video
conferences with you PC by installing a special software (free of charge).
Recording We offer conference audio/video recording with web distribution and/or optical media.
Web Conferencing It is possible to combine PC data with video conferences and telephone conferences.
It is possible to broadcast live/ recordings of the video conferencing/ audio
Web Broadcasting/ Media Frame conferencing/ PC data. No special endpoints are required, and it is possible to view
on web browsers.
Video Endpoint Rental We offer rental of dedicated endpoints for video conferencing when it is necessary.
Chorus Call Video On Cloud Platform
Reaching Into the Cloud

With the Virtual MCU, you can harness the power of the cloud to fulfill all of your videoconferencing

• Accessing Virtual Ports: The Virtual MCU provides you with your own dedicated system
resources, or virtual ports, without requiring an investment in system hardware. Virtual
ports are able to facilitate both point-to-point and multipoint video conferencing.

• Per Port Flexibility: With the Virtual MCU, you employ virtual ports on a subscription
basis. Even as your organization grows and conferencing needs change, you can effortlessly
increase the number of ports at your disposal. Featuring no restrictions on multi-point or
concurrent calls, the Virtual MCU lets you choose how your ports are deployed.

• Unlimited Availability: Every virtual port is available on-demand – providing you with
limitless access to your conferencing resources. At any moment, you have the freedom to
start your next call. No reservation? No problem.

• Endpoint Agnostic: Featuring robust interconnectivity, Virtual MCU ports support any
stand-alone, H.323 standards-based video conferencing endpoints. If you can connect to the
cloud, you can connect to the conference.
Chorus Call Video On Cloud Platform
Simplifying the Experience

• Allow Expert Innovations: As industry technologies evolve, allow our experts to

introduce the latest innovations to your organization and save you from the
overwhelming task of chasing technology trends.

• Streamline Your Focus: By relying on the Virtual MCU, you can instantly eliminate
concerns over hardware maintenance and controlling the cost of video conferencing.
With the Virtual MCU, you can finally get back to focusing on what is most important
in your organization.

• Single Source Security: Limiting account access to only yourself and your trusted
service provider, the Virtual MCU can provide peace of mind as you venture into the
widespread cloud.

• Specialized Support: The Virtual MCU is fortified by 24 x 7 help desk support. Should
you ever need them, someone is always ready and waiting to assist.
Chorus Call Video On Cloud Platform
Navigating the Layers

The Virtual MCU has been tailored to support multiple tiers of users - enabling anyone from the novice to the seasoned professional to
coordinate their next video conference. Each user layer features specific control capabilities.

There is only one question to ask: which level best suits you?

• Members have limited control over their video conferences. This level is ideal for those who are looking to streamline video
conferencing setup.
• Member conferences are configured by default settings (or controlled by users with Manager or Administrator privileges).
• A Member needs only dial-in and enter their passcode to start their next call. It’s just that simple.
• Managers are able to assert basic control over any of their video conferences via a dedicated web interface.
• After logging in to the web interface, Managers can dial-out to participants, mute/unmute parties, disconnect callers, and even
change the layout (or Continuous Presence (CP) mode) of the conference video feed.
• Managers may also use this interface to set up a conference, generate user passcodes, and maintain a list of contacts.
• At the highest level, Administrators are awarded master control over each video conference in their account.
• As with the previous tier, Administrators use a dynamic web interface to oversee these conferences.
• Administrators have the flexibility to grant specific access rights to Members and Managers, including managing levels of
control for video conferences.
• Administrators may also partition use by groups and subgroups of users within an organization.
• The functionality available to Administrators incorporates all of that granted to Managers and more.

At Your Service: Additional Expertise

We are dedicated to using our expertise to provide you with the right conferencing solution for your organization. From the versatility of
the Virtual MCU to operator assisted conferencing, large event call coordination, and more, we are here to fulfill any and all of your
conferencing needs.
Virtual MCU Fact Sheet
• Cloud based, on-demand, unassisted video bridging service

• Flat rate, monthly or annual subscription pricing with unlimited conferencing minutes

• IP only via dial-in or dial-out from or to any H.323 endpoint

• SD (CIF, 4CIF) and HD (720p) connections are allowed up to 1024kbps

• Number of conference participants is limited only by the number of purchased ports

• Conferences are accessed via Host and Guest passcodes

• Concurrent conferences are allowed

• Help desk support is provided

• Conference defaults (can be changed upon request)

 Automatic view
 H.239/Presentation sharing -- on
 o Site captions – on
 o Automatic disconnect at 240 minutes
 o Guests are disconnected after 4 minutes if Host does not join conference

• Site testing, additional support, & advanced troubleshooting are available for an additional cost

• ISDN bridging connections are available for an additional cost

Key Customer Benefits
Cost Reduction
4 benefits that consider the concerns of Existing Equipment
Outsourcing Scalability

Cost Reduction Initial cost, fixed costs are unnecessary and

1 uses a pay-per use system
Reduction of total cost with operation outsourcing

Use existing Possible to continue using existing equipment

2 equipment Easy to change to cloud-type service

Correspondence of call center with conferencing

3 Outsourcing
specialist and operation outsourcing

Provision of various and

4 Scalability
highly extensive the latest services
Cost reduction
(1)Pay-per use charges, fixed charges Cost Reduction
Existing Equipment
• This is a pay-per use system where the initial cost
Outsourcing Scalability
  and monthly basic fee is not necessary.
• No waste of cost with the setting of a monthly upper fee.

Approximately 30% cost reduction

benefit with collective outsourcing
Use existing equipment
Cost Reduction Use
Existing Equipment
Outsourcing Scalability

(1)Possible to continue use with current types of equipment

• Existing video conferencing endpoints, audio devices can continue to be used

(2)New investments for endpoints not necessary

•We provide HD video endpoint software that are compatible with IOS, Android, Windows, Mac,
Kindle without charge
   These can be used just with service use charge
Operation outsourcing
Cost Reduction
One-stop correspondence with the Call center
Outsourcing Scalability

• The endpoint and service do not need to be isolated

• Expedite response after having the user directly contact through free dialing
• We will not cause inconveniences to those in charge of information system
Users in the conference room (NO skilled ITS people required)

Contact/ Inquiry correspondence/

contact regarding malfunction online support  
Maintenance support
Chorus Call Operation Center

Contact regarding operation

Contact regarding Escalation

malfunctions Device maintenance
<Reception> Primary, secondary isolation
Time: 24 hours 365 days
Language: English/Japanese Device malfunction

Network failure Network vendor

Operation outsourcing
Cost Reduction Use
Existing Equipment
Outsourcing Scalability
(2)Global Backup thru the Internet
Even in the event the customer’s network cannot be used due to the occurrence of
disasters and so on, with Chorus Call Asia it is possible to use by utilizing the
equipment of each Chorus Call offices around the world through the Internet
Cost Reduction Use
Existing Equipment
Outsourcing Scalability
(1)Flexible scale expansion
• Can flexibly correspond with increasing locations due to the opening of new stores etc.
Initial costs are not necessary each time.
• There are no limits to connections such as system purchase.

(2)Various functions/ provision of conference styles

• Compatible with mobile devices(iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, Kindle Fire).
• Flexibly holding conferences with audio/ web conferencing, and backup of video conferencing.
• Plan to correspond with connections to free applications (Skype, Google Talk, Web RTC etc.).
• Web broadcasting.
• Correspond with IR Events.

(3)External connections
• Possible to connect to the Internet.
• Can flexibly hold conferences with group companies, overseas, and external
• Possible to use free software endpoints in the event there are no endpoints
where you wish to connect with.
Use cases
Type of industry Use Services Why Chorus Call?

Insurance sales 1   Sales meeting 1   Multi-point Video 1   Pay-per use charge

agency Sales strategy discussions between executives Conferencing Previous services are fixed charges
and in store sales representatives 2   Recording Possible to reduce costs in periods when the frequency of
2   Training Up to 250 locations use is low since there is charge only for when used
Real time and playback training sessions for simultaneous connection
financial products
3   Other meetings
Manufacturer 1   Meeting with overseas offices
1   Multi-point Video 1   Device-free
Meetings with overseas and/or other companies
Conferencing No dedicated video endpoint required
that do not have video endpoints
2   Backup for in-house video conferencing 2   Mobile video 2   Free distribution of software endpoints
conferencing Possible to use just with pay-per use charges
Backup when company owned systems’ resource Up to 150 locations 3   No fixed costs required/ no contract period
shortage simultaneous connection Pay just for use when necessary

International 1   A global report conference every 1   Multi-point Video 1   No fixed costs required/ no contract period
organization quarter Conferencing Payment only for events
Overseas business trip cost reduction 2   Multi-point audio 2   Backup measures
Conferencing Use telephones when overseas lines are not functioning
3   Operator monitoring well
Up to 10 locations 3   Operator event support
simultaneous connection Constant observation of state of important conferences

Insurance 1   Sales meeting 1   Multi-point audio 1   Pay-per use charge

company Sales strategy discussions between executives Conferencing 2   Device-free
and in store sales representatives 2   IR Events
2   Tools for insurance sales Up to 230 locations
Conditions confirmation when signing contracts simultaneous connection
for insurance products. Possible to view and
listen on a later day with recording.
Event use case 1 –An International Organization-
International event conference support
Connecting locations around the world and full support of the management of the conference

Concerns: Chorus Call Asia

We thought of managing the event with our own MCU but… 【 Operator support 】
・ We cannot afford to fail as it is an important conference ・ Connection support with each location
・ Operation of multiple location conferencing is difficult ・ Monitoring of connection status
・ Locations with no video conferencing cannot participate MCU ・ Operation contact, reception,
・ Emergency connection when conference
connection is severed
Through the IR Events of Chorus Call
we provide complete support from
preparing Korea
to the actual conferencing
United States Tokyo
India Pakistan China
Use mobile connection service since Dispatch technical staff to the site
there is no video conferencing Support conference from the site

Why Chorus Call?:

  1. Full connection support with overseas as well as domestic locations
  2. Backup measures that can immediately recover when trouble occurs
  3. Possible to participate in conferences even in locations that do not have
   conferencing endpoints 25
Events use case 2 –A Manufacturer-  
Entire group lecture
More than 2,000 participation from 50 locations with video conferencing and live video streaming

We want to send video and PC images to multiple locations but… Through the IR Events of Chorus Call
・ Not confident with operation since it is the most important
we provide complete support from preparing
conference held once a year
・ It is difficult to send PC images with high resolution to the actual conferencing
・ It is necessary to purchase/ prepare large scale systems

Within the company PC for receiving video distribution

(Within Japan, China 、
countries of
Southeast Asia) Video conferencing

Internal   Network
Streaming data
Video gateway
Video conferencing data
External meeting room
(main room) Group companies,
Internet overseas locations
PC for receiving video distribution
Chorus Call
Dispatch technical staff to the site Communication cloud 【 Chorus Call Operator support 】
・ Connection support with each location
Support conference from the site ・ Monitoring of connection status
・ Operation contact, reception, correspondence.
Why Chorus Call?: ・ Emergency connection when conference connection is severed

1. Full conference operation support in the main room

2. Simultaneous video conferencing and live video distribution with cloud service
3. Display clear presentation materials through streaming
Network for PEPSICO India
(1) Network (Public Internet only)

Video Conference Recording


ClearSea Control PC Sequoia(MCU) Video Center

Chorus Call Asia Data Center

No initial cost and Public Internet

no running cost
except for Internet.

No Security.

Only charge video PEPSICO PEPSICO

PEPSICO Singapore
conference service. India Others
Network for PEPSICO India
(2) Network (PEPSICO Private and Public Internet)

Video Conference Recording


ClearSea Control PC Sequoia(MCU) Video Center

Chorus Call Asia Data Center

Private network Public Internet PEPSICO Private

between PEPSICO and

Security network and

use Public and Private.
PEPSICO Singapore
India Others
Network for PEPSICO India
(3) Network (Particular Internet VPN and Public Internet)

Video Conference Recording


ClearSea Control PC Sequoia(MCU) Video Center

IP-WARP - GW HA(HomeAgent) Chorus Call Asia Data Center


Public Internet
Make a particular Security Tunnel
Private network
between PEPSICO and
(*depend on location
and number of FA FA FA FA
( Foreign Agent))

Security network and PEPSICO PEPSICO

PEPSICO Singapore
India Others
use Public and Private.
Video Display Modes

44 Continuous Presence (CP) layouts

Up to 20 video panels

Unique CP layout per participant

Voice – Activated mode
Lecture mode

Automatic roll call / conference scan

Operator select mode

Automatic select mode

Operations Clients

xOC real-time conference control and monitoring client

Operator-attended operation (similar to audio)

Conference configuration and control

Add/remove parties

Simultaneously monitor multiple conferences

Create and manage stored conferences

xWOC web-based client for user conference control

Allows users to monitor and control their own conference

eWOC is simplified version of xWOC

Compunetix Video Companion™
Companion seamlessly interfaces with the EVERGREEN MCU to allow users to connect to
and manage conferences without the help of an operator. In an instant, you can initiate your
conference and immediately participate in face-to-face collaboration .

Companion is specially designed for Indian Market where conducting Video Conference on Higher

Bandwidth is been always a challenge

Companion works on a very low bandwidth, it can go down to 128kbps.

Soft video client that is locked to a single MCU service

Provides immediate and secure access to existing conference meeting rooms

Contact directory provides means to make point to point calls (thru MCU) and add additional parties as


Still picture and slideshow options

Supports both SD and HD connections

Provides ability to share desktop

Allows you to custom manage your own video view

Separate video window, self-view, and full screen mode options

Ability to view call statistics

Companion Features
Flexible View Options: Companion features a separate video view and a full screen view option
with either SD or HD video (depending on your network connectivity). As additional parties join a
call, the video window splits into as many panels as there are participants. Each user is able to
manage their personal video layout.

Instant Conference Initiation: Users can build their own progressive conferences at any time.
Convenient Audio Controls: Users are able to swiftly adjust volume and toggle their audio line
(Mute/Unmute) right from the Companion interface.

Dynamic Self-View: This option displays the user’s own webcam video output.

Real-Time Statistics: Users are able to instantly view call

statistics within the Companion interface.

Individual Configuration: Set connection parameters,

including display name, hold image, connection rate, encoding, etc.

Image Viewer: This feature enables a user to send a slideshow of

captured images in lieu of live video feed.

Desktop Sharing: Companion enables desktop sharing with

conference participants
Alternative Companion Views

Limited Access Companion Attended-Only Companion

Video On-Demand Service
Expand your reach into the Cloud
by harnessing the power of the Virtual MCU:
Cloud based, on-demand, unassisted video bridging service

Flat rate, monthly or annual subscription pricing with unlimited conferencing minutes

IP only via dial-in or dial-out from or to any H.323 endpoint

SD (CIF, 4CIF) and HD (720p) connections are allowed up to 2048kbps

Number of conference participants up to the number of purchased ports

Conferences are accessed via Host and Guest passcodes

Concurrent conferences are allowed

Help desk support is provided

Desktop and Mobility
Companion desktop applications available today
Prototype WebRTC version of Companion
Video On The Fly mobile application
available today
New Mobility options in progress
Multi-Vendor Multi-Protocol Video Support
Interoperability with all the popular and
legacy video endpoints (Cisco, Polycom,
Sony, LifeSize, Aethra, AVer, Mirial,
Tandberg, etc) provides the lowest TCO

Multi-protocol gateway services for

connection to WebRTC (Chrome and
Firefox), Google Talk (XMPP), Skype, and
MicroSoft Lync (Lync SIP)

Multi-protocol gateway equipment for

connection to PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, and
Android devices
Thank You

For Any queries please contact

Vandana Sardana
Mobile: +91-9999185554
Office: +91-124-4994547

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