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Lesson 7 Estate Tax

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• TRAIN will lower personal income tax (PIT) for all taxpayers
except the richest.

• Those with taxable income below P250,000 will be exempt

from paying PIT, while the rest of taxpayers, except the
richest, will see lower tax rates ranging from 15% to 25% by
• It is defined as taxable income arising
from an employer/employee relationship
that includes the following:
Salaries, wages, compensation,
commissions,honoraria, bonuses
exceeding P90,000.00 allowances for
transportation, representation,
entertainment and other similar items.
• Is direct tax levied on a person.
• Tax paid on one's personal income as separate from the tax
paid on the firm’s earnings.
• In an incorporated firm , the owners(shareholders) pay taxes
on both their income (salary or diVidend from the firm) firm’s
income (profits).
• In partnerships and sole ownership, the tax is paid only once
on the firm’s profits.
• Is a tax on the right of the
deceased person to transmit
his/her estate to his/her lawful
heirs and beneficiaries at the
time of death and or certain
transfers, which are made by
law as equivalent to
testamentary disposition. It is
not a tax on property.
• Instead of having a
complicated tax schedule
with different rates, TRAIN
reduces and restructures
the estate tax to a low and
single tax rate of 6% based
on the net value of the
Estate Tax Rate under Train Law
• Before the implementation • The estate tax train law makes the
of the train law, the estate tax rate fixed regardless of the
tax rate is progressive rates. type of the decedent.
Progressive rate means that • New estate tax rate is six percent
the tax rate is getting higher (6%) whether resident or non-
resident of the Philippines based
as the taxable estate is on the net estate of the decedent.
What is Included in the Estate Tax Train

• The gross estate of the decedent shall compose of

all properties and interests or fruits acquired
before or within the death of the decedent. It
includes revocable transfers and transfers for
insufficient considerations.
• However, if a decedent is a non-resident alien the gross estate is
composed of properties located within the Philippines.

• The intangible properties of the non-resident alien will be

subjected to rule of reciprocity. Any amounts withdrawn from the
bank accounts or deposits that were subjected to a 6% final
withholding tax will be excluded from the gross estate.
What is the Valuation of Estate Tax Train

General rule: Every property of the decedent

is valued according to their fair market value
at the time of his death.
Real Property

• Any real property is to be valued

at the fair market value as
determined by the
Commissioner or the fair market
value (appraise value) by an
assessor whichever is higher.
Shares of Stocks
• The market value of the stocks will depend on
whether listed or non-listed in the stock
exchanges. If the stocks are listed, the fair
market value is equal to the mean between the
highest and lowest value at the date of death,
unless otherwise market value at the date of
his death.
What are the Allowed Deductions Estate
Tax Train Law?

Standard Deductions
• Under this TRAIN Law, the decedent can claim a standard
deduction of 5,000,000.00 without any requirements
and requisites. This amount is allowed as a deduction for
the benefit of the decedent. This deduction is part of the
special deductions.
Claims Against the Estate

• These are the debts or • All unpaid obligations or

obligations of the debts can be claimed as
decedent still unpaid at a deduction from the
the time of his death. The gross estate provided
nature of the obligations that the following
must be enforceable documents or
against the estate of the requirements are
decedent . complied
Property Previously Taxed

• Any properties received by the decedent either by donation of two

living parties (inter vivos) or transfer of properties by a decedent
(Mortis causa) within five years (5 years) prior to his death. These
deductions shall be allowed only if the donor’s tax or the estate tax
was paid.
Properties Transferred for Public Use
(TPU) or Donated to Government
All properties transferred for the use of the Government of
the Republic of the Philippines or any political subdivision for
public purposes only will be allowed as deductions from a
gross estate of the decedent.
Family Home
• The family home is a
dwelling place where the
husband, wife, and
members of the family
reside. The family home
includes the land on which it
is situated.
• Certified by the Barangay
Captain of the locality as an
actual residential home of the
• The decedent can deduct decedent.
Ten Million Pesos Only • The fair market value must be
(10,000,000.00) from his gross part of the gross estate of the
estate and the excess shall be decedent.
subject to estate tax. This • The allowed deduction must be
deducted is allowed provided the the fair market value at the time
following conditions are met: of his death but not exceeding
the allowed amount of
10,000,000.00 whether exclusive
or conjugal properties.
Amounts Received by Heirs under R.A. no.
• These are the amounts received • ½ Share of the Surviving Spouse
by the heirs due to the death of • The surviving spouse is entitled
the decedent under R.A. 4917. by the law the ½ share from the
The amount received by the conjugal or community
heirs can be claimed as a properties of the decedent. This
deduction if it was previously net share of the surviving spouse
included as part of the gross will be excluded from the gross
estate of the decedent. estate to ensure that only the
decedent’s share will be taxed.
When and how to File Estate Tax Train Law?

• The estate tax shall be filed within

one (1) year from the death of the
decedent. The Commissioner or
any Revenue Officer may extend of
time to file an estate tax return in a
meritorious case, a reasonable
extension, not exceeding thirty (30)
days, for filing the return. Estate tax
return shall be paid at the time the
return is filed by the executor,
administrator or the heirs.

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