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Literature and Human Experience

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Literature And
The Human
Week 9
01. Introduction
Literature as human experience.

02. Short Story

Overview, History, Examples

03. Team Members

Week 9- Reporters

04. References
Table of contents Research Links

Literarure and the human

●It is used to portray the facets of life that we see, and

those that we would never dream of seeing.
●Literature comes from the Greek word “litera”,
meaning letter
●It shows experiences which communicate more than
a statement.
●Its function is not to tell us about experience but to
allow us through the imagination to participate in it.
 To bring us a sense and a perception of life.
 To widen and sharpen our contact with experience.
In short “Literature is Life itself”.
-a record of significant human experiences
written in words well-chosen and

The human experience in literature

contains themes about life and society
that are relatable to readers. 
Important facts

 Literature is any written works that deals

 Themes related to human experience
with man and his experiences expressed in
encompass any commentary on society or
artistic, imaginative, creative and
human nature, such as death, relationships,
meaningful languages which arouses a
human rights and conformity.
noble feeling of pleasure in its
interpretation and commentary on man’s
fate and destiny.
2 Types of Literature
Prose -Is a discourse which uses sentences and paragraphs to express ideas, feelings and
Poetry -refers to writing in verse, with rhythm and rhyme characterized by melodious tone.

Short Story
Short Story – Definition and
The History
 A short story is a type of fiction writing that is distinguished by
its briefness. A short story is generally between 3,000 and
7,000 words long, with the average length being about 5,000

 Short stories are generally used to capture a mood, covering

only a few occurrences with a small cast of people – in some
circumstances, they may even skip the narrative entirely.

 Ancient legends, mythology, folklore, and fables may all be

traced back to short-form storytelling in communities all over
the world. Although some of these tales were written down, the
majority were passed down through oral traditions.
 One Thousand and One Nights (Middle Eastern folk tales by numerous writers, subsequently known
as Arabian Nights) and Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer were among the most well-known
stories by the 14th century.

 Short story collections by individual authors did not become increasingly common in print until the
early nineteenth century.

 The Brothers Grimm fairy tales were first published, followed by Edgar Allen Poe’s Gothic fiction, and
finally, works by Anton Chekhov, who is widely recognized as the father of the contemporary short

 Short stories became more popular as the number of print publications and journals increased. Short,
plot-driven narratives with public appeal became popular once newspaper and magazine editors
began publishing stories as entertainment.

 The Atlantic Monthly, The New Yorker, and Harper’s Magazine were all paying good money for short
stories with greater literary skill in the early 1900s. The short story as we know it now originated
during that golden age of publication.
A short story has all the elements of a novel
 but in a condensed form and with fewer
details. These stories can be just as impactful
and moving as a 1,000-page novel, but they
can be read in one sitting.

Short stories still follow the traditional plot

structure most novels make use of. That is,
Freytag’s pyramid with exposition, 
rising action, climax, falling action, and
resolution (sometimes with denouement).
But, a short story doesn’t have to follow this
Five (5) Major Elements of a Short Story
Although there are several elements and it could depend on the writer what to include or what not to
include, these five are fundamental elements of a short story.

01. 02.
Character Setting
Setting is a literary device that
A character can be any person,
allows the writer of a narrative to
a figure, an inanimate object,
establish the time, location, and
or animal.
environment in which it takes place. 
03. 04.
Theme Plot
refers to the central, is a literary device that
deeper meaning of a writers use to structure
written work. what happens in a story.
05. Conflict
is a literary element that involves a struggle between two opposing
forces, usually a protagonist and an antagonist.
Examples of Short Stories 
“The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan
“The Tell-Tale Heart” is Poe’s best-known short story. It was
published in 1843 and follows another unnamed narrator. This
person tries to convince the listener (the reader) of their sanity as
they describe how and why they murdered someone. The victim, an
old man with a bad eye, was dismembered and put under the
floorboards. But, the killer continually hears the man’s heart
beating, a very evocative symbol of the killer’s guilt. Here are a
few lines from the story: 

“And have I not told you that what you mistake for madness
is but over-acuteness of the sense? –now, I say, there came to
my ears a low, dull, quick sound, such as a watch makes when
enveloped in cotton. I knew that sound well, too. It was the
beating of the old man’s heart. It increased my fury, as the
beating of a drum stimulates the soldier into courage.”
“The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman 
“The Yellow Wallpaper” is one of the most famous and commonly read
short stories today. It can be found on school syllabuses around the world.
The story was first published in 1892 in The New England Magazine. 

It uses a first-person narrator and journal entries to describe a woman

whose husband has confined her to the upstairs nursery. She’s forbidden to
write or work as a form of treatment for her nervous tendencies and

She has what Gilman describes as “a hysterical tendency,” an incredibly

common diagnosis for women during that time and one that often resulted
in treatments such as those described in this story. Here are a few lines
from this disturbing story: 
“I really have discovered something at last. Through watching
so much at night, when it changes so, I have finally found out.
The front pattern does move – and no wonder! The woman
behind shakes it! Sometimes I think there are a great many
women behind, and sometimes only one, and she crawls
around fast, and her crawling shakes it all over.”
“The Lottery” by Shirly Jackson

“The Lottery” is a popular short story published in

1948 in The New Yorker. It follows a small town in the
United States that takes place in an event known as “the
lottery.” It involves a member of the community being
picked at random and stoned to death by all the other
members, including their own family. Here is a quote:

Tessie Hutchinson was in the center of a

cleared space by now, and she held her hands
out desperately as the villagers moved in on
her. “It isn’t fair,” she said. A stone hit her on
the side of the head.
● A short story depicts one element of a character’s
Conclusion life. It might be a story, an event, a feeling
description, or even a simple act. A reader might
be influenced and even inspired by a short

● Those who are unable to read novels will like the

short stories. Furthermore, in a short story, the
characters disclose their deepest thoughts,
motives, sentiments, emotions, and other

● The theme is based on a subject, such as death,

hope, or the American dream, and how that
subject impacts the human condition, society, or
life. As a reader, concentrate on what the tale
reveals about the subject. The subject should be
stated in the form of a broad observation of
human nature.

Team Members
Our team

Dalloran, Joy D. Ortillano , Baby Girl


Lincod, Andy Tajaran, Clen

Mitchel Jatrick
Andy Mitchel Lincod Clen Jatrick Tajaran

Alternative resources
 What is a Short Story in Literature? - TrueEditors Blog - Writing –

 Short Story Examples and Definition of Short Story - Literary Devices

 Short Story - Definition and Examples - Poem Analysis

 Understanding the nature, function, and value of literature and how t… (

 Literature (

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