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Public Speaking Course PPT and Report Saniya Lanjekar

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Saylor Academy

Name – Saniya Lanjekar
Div – D
PRN NO - 2021016401289365
Key Learning Outcomes:
Throughout the course, I achieved the following learning outcomes:

• Understanding effective public speaking principles.

• Developing speech preparation and organization skills.
• Enhancing delivery through nonverbal communication.
• Applying persuasive speaking techniques
Certificate of Public Speaking course
Proof of
Course Done
How important is public speaking in an individual’s life?

• Public speaking is not the end of the world! Nor is it the beginning!! But as we are born, our communication starts – every cell
communicates with each other so effectively, beautifully to ensure that life has life in it!! The day communication stops,
everything ends…life ends! Speaking is oral communication and it is extremely important that we learn, master and apply it. It
has the power to move, inspire and influence people. It has the power to make one a colossus in a crowd.
• With the power of speaking, you can make people cry, dance, laugh and wise say that you can even kill people without actually
killing them and that too without shedding even a drop of blood!!
• Public speaking skill is very important for individual growth, key element for developing leadership. Public speaking is nothing
more than convincing group of people about your vision ,viewpoint and converting masses to take strong action. As you move up
in life every individual needs to intereact with the group of people and effective way is Public speaking . Even for sharing you
viewpoint , sharing passion, music and knowledge person has to develop public speaking skills.
• Public speaking presents you with an opportunity to sell yourself, market yourself, create an image for yourself and do branding
for self. It allows you to connect with a lot of people at a time and influence them. It helps you get attention and creates a positive
impression of you.
• So It is very important. Public speaking can easily put you ahead of many in the race of life and career.
What are the Benefits of Public Speaking?

• Career advancement
• Effective public speaking skills can help with career advancement, as they
indicate creativity, critical thinking skills, leadership abilities, poise, and
professionalism, qualities which are very valuable for the job market.
• Speaking at events and conferences is a good way of building credibility. The
more well known the event the better, as you can add these speaking
achievements to your resume.
• Public speaking can also help you stand out at work. You'll learn to speak up in
meetings, to promote your ideas, and to present yourself as a professional.
Speaking skills can also help you excel in job interviews.
• After speaking at a few events, people will remember you and begin to see you
as an authoritative figure on your area of expertise. You’ll find yourself getting
new client and business from people who watched you speak. All sorts of new
business and speaking opportunities will open up for you
What are the Benefits of Public Speaking?

Boost confidence
Public speaking can significantly boost your confidence. Overcoming the fears
and insecurities that accompany public speaking is empowering. Furthermore,
connecting with audiences can be a strong reminder that you have valuable
insights and opinions to share with the world.
Your confidence levels will grow as you go from speaking to small groups of
people up to large audiences. This will benefit you not just on stage, but in
everyday life as well, whether it be in a meeting or on a date.
A study by North Carolina Cooperative Extension of people aged 9 to 18 who
participated in a public speaking program found that public speaking increased
confidence. The study found that meeting a goal was an important factor when it
came to increasing the students confidence.
While the nervousness that comes with speaking in front of a crowd won’t
entirely disappear, it will teach you how to deal with your fears and turn your
weakness into strength.
What are the Benefits of Public Speaking?

Make new social connections

Public speaking engagements are good places to meet other people who
share your interests. You’ll find that people approach you after your
presentation to engage in conversation. It makes it much easier to make 
new social connections. Try to mingle with the audience for as long as
you can after your speech, answering questions and seeking fresh
perspectives on your topic.
Give audience members the option of getting in touch with you at a later
date by listing contact information on handouts or slides. If you have a
website, direct audience members to find more information there.
If you are part of a speaking line-up, reach out to your fellow presenters.
Congratulate them or, if you miss a talk, ask how it went. There are lots of
opportunities for networking in the realm of public speaking, so plan
ahead and make use of them.
The Importance Of listening

Listening plays an integral part of communicating and

the differences from actively listening can be seen in
multiple facets of our lives and development. Active
listening helps to:
• Learn and understand things better in a social and
professional environment
• Become better at socialising
• Better sympathise with friends and family
• Build stronger relationships by making people feel
• Improve problem solving skills
• Absorb information better
Researching Your Speech

You need to research your topic, even if you know it well, so

that the details are fresh in your mind. Fresh research can help
give you this confidence. It can also supply you with up-to-
date intel that gives your speech credibility and authenticness.
 Presentation or speech should be delivered with confidence.
Delivery must be with clarity and precision. A good speaker
always pauses on punctuation marks. Researching your topic
and providing strong evidence for your claims can make
your presentation more interesting, increase your credibility as
a speaker, and help you achieve your goals.
Body Speech

In communication words play only 7% of the role, 38%

is the voice quality I.e. tone, pitch, tempo etc and the
biggest share is taken up by the body language. If your
body language or non-verbal communication is
incongruent with the spoken words and the quality of
voice, the message you pass with your non-verbal
communication is accepted by others.
For example, with a very lethargic body posture if you
say that “I am full of energy”, people won't agree to
your words as your non-verbal communication says
that you are drained
Importance Of Language
Language has to also be used accurately. Using language accurately is as vital to a speaker as using
numbers accurately to an accountant. Every word has shades of meaning that distinguish it from every
other word.
Language must also be used clearly. People are different. What makes perfect sense to someone else
may be confusing to others. A speaker must never assume that what is perfectly clear to him is clear to
his audience. Listeners, unlike readers, cannot turn to a dictionary or reread an author’s words to
discover their meaning.
A speaker’s meaning must be immediately comprehensible; it must be so clear that there is no chance
of misunderstanding. One can ensure this by using familiar words, by choosing concrete words over
abstract words, and by eliminating verbal clutter.
One of the biggest barriers to clear speech is using big, bloated words where short, sharp ones will do
the job better. This is especially true when it comes to technical language that may be familiar to the
speaker but not to the audience.
Other than being accurate and clear a speaker must always choose concrete words for his speech.
Concrete words refer to tangible objects such as people, places, and things
About this course
This course systematically examines the elements of an effective speech and
goes through an element-by-element examination of the essentials of public
speaking, while also identifying traits of the individual speaker and how they
affect preparation and presentation. This course also demonstrates specific,
performance-oriented aspects of public speaking. The themes of information
and ethics tie these elements together and are emphasized in every part of
the course because they are vitally important to all communicators. Since
modern societies have ever-increasing access to information, there are
increased demands on the individual to use information effectively and
The "Public Speaking" course offered by has
significantly enhanced my public speaking skills. Through this
course, I have learned valuable techniques and strategies to
overcome nervousness, deliver impactful speeches, and engage
with audiences effectively. I am now equipped with the confidence
and skills necessary to deliver persuasive presentations, articulate
ideas clearly, and communicate with impact. This course has been
instrumental in developing my professional communication skills
and has prepared me to excel in various public speaking
The "Public Speaking" course is offered by,
a reputable online learning platform. provides a variety of courses and resources
on communication, leadership, and professional
development, offering opportunities for continuous
learning and skill enhancement.
Completion of the "Public Speaking" course can be
highlighted on resumes or professional profiles,
showcasing the commitment to effective communication
and public speaking expertise. offers a supportive learning community and
resources for ongoing practice and improvement of
public speaking skills.

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