Expanded Definitions
Expanded Definitions
Expanded Definitions
Quarter 4 Week 4
Most Essential Learning Competency
• Give expanded definitions of words.
Enabling competencies
• Analyze how definitions are developed
• Identify the techniques used in expanding definitions
• Use the different techniques in expanding definitions
Activity 2: What Makes a Good Friend
Directions: Fill in
the semantic web
with your ideas on
“What makes/
unmakes a good
friend?” Use the
given template for
Then, write an
expanded definition
of Friend based on
the given ideas.
Read the paragraph below. Observe how a
definition is developed by taking note of the
numbered statements.
Expanded Definition
Journalism is the collection, preparation, and distribution of news and related
commentary and feature materials through such print and electronic media as
newspapers, magazines, books, blogs, webcasts, podcasts, social networking and social
media sites, and e-mail as well as through radio, motion pictures, and television.
Techniques in Expanding Definitions
How to do it
sharing a word’s origin
Journalism comes from the word 'journal'. 'Journal'
evolved from a late Latin word called 'diurnalis'
meaning belonging to a day.
Techniques in Expanding Definitions
Historical References or Background
How to do it
if relevant, discussing the history of the term/ its
use/controversies associated with it
The earliest known journalistic product was a news sheet circulated in
ancient Rome: the Acta Diurna, said to date from before 59 BCE. The
Acta Diurna recorded important daily events such as public speeches. It
was published daily and hung in prominent places.
Techniques in Expanding Definitions
Cause and Effect
How to do it
discussing how the situation came about
and what effects it may have
With the advent of radio, television, and the Internet in
the 20th century the use of the term journalism
broadened to include all printed and electronic
communication dealing with current affairs.
Techniques in Expanding Definitions
Principles of Operation
How to do it
- discussing how topic in question functions, including any special materials or
conditions required
There were four important factors in journalism: (1) the increasing
organization of working journalists, (2) specialized education for journalism,
(3) a growing literature dealing with the history, problems, and techniques of
mass communication, and (4) an increasing sense of social responsibility on the
part of journalists.
Techniques in Expanding Definitions
How to do it
- showing how the topic fits into a larger category
Journalism is the fourth estate that serves as the
watchdog of the executive, the judiciary, and the
legislative body of a state.
Techniques in Expanding Definitions
How to do it
- defining a term by explaining what the concept is not; showing
how the topic differs from others in the same class
Sensationalism over facts is not a legitimate process in
Techniques in Expanding Definitions
How to do it
- showing how the topic is similar to others in class
Yellow journalism may include exaggerations of news events,
scandal-mongering, or sensationalism. In legitimate journalism,
sense of social responsibility has made notable growth as a result of
specialized education and widespread discussion of press
responsibilities in books and periodicals and at the meetings of the
Techniques in Expanding Definitions
How to do it
- explaining by comparing two dissimilar topics, where the
second is familiar to the audience
Journalists are watchdogs that stand guard over the shaping of
news, and at other times calls for a
gentler nurturing role.
Techniques in Expanding Definitions
Examples or Anecdotes
How to do it
- telling a story or example that illustrates the term
Thomas Paine is rumored to have said long ago that journalism
helps us "see with other eyes, hear with other ears, and think with
other thoughts than those we formerly used." In thinking about
journalism, we might do well to heed his advice.
Techniques in Expanding Definitions
How to do it
- providing a picture or image that is used to clarify a text
What Can I Do
Identify the technique of expanding definition used for each item.
1.Gender equality is achieved when women and men enjoy the
same rights and opportunities across all sectors of society,
including economic participation and decision-making, and
when the different behaviors, aspirations and needs of women
and men are equally valued and favored.
a. description c. cause and effect
b. principle of operation d. history
What Can I Do
Identify the technique of expanding definition used for each item.