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Assignment Problem

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• The assignment problem is a special case of Transportation

problem in which the number of sources and destinations are
the same.
• The objective is to assign the given job (tasks) to most
appropriate machine (person) so as to optimize the objective
function like minimizing cost or maximizing profit.
• The problem of assignment arise because available resources
such as men, machine etc. have varying degree of efficiency for
performing different activities. Therefore, cost, profit, or time of
performing the different activities is different.
• Thus, the problem is: ‘How the assignment is made so as to
optimize the given objective’.

 Number of jobs is equal to number of machines or persons

 Each man or machine is loaded with one and only one job

 Each man or machine is independently capable of handling any of the job being presented

 Loading criteria must be clearly stated such as “minimizing operating time”, or

“maximizing profit”, or “minimizing production costs” or “minimizing production cycle
time” etc.

 The data matrix of the assignment model is similar to transportation model except that the
supply of each resource and demand at each of the destinations is taken to be one i.e.
assignment is made on the bases of 1:1
Solution Method for Assignment Problem

Usually the solution of assignment problem is calculated based on

the principles of reducing the given cost matrix to a matrix of
opportunity costs. Opportunity cost shows the relative penalties
associated with assigning resources to an activity as opposed to
making the best (or least assignment).
The Hungarian method can be summarized in the following steps.
Step1. Develop the table from the given problem
If the numbers of rows are not equal to the number of columns
and vise-versa, a dummy row or dummy column must be added.
The assignment costs for dummy cells are always zero.
Step2. Find the opportunity cost table using row reduction and column reduction.

a) Procedures for row reduction:

- Identify the minimum value in each row

- Subtract the minimum value in each row from all the values in that row

- Use the resulting values to develop the new table

a) Procedure for column reduction

- identify the lowest cost in each column

- subtract the lowest cost value in each column from each of the values in that column

- use the resulting values to form a new table


Step3. Determine whether an optimal assignment can be made.

•The technique for determining whether an optimal assignment is possible at this stage
consists of drawing straight lines (vertically and horizontally) through the opportunity
cost table in such a way as to minimize the number of lines necessary to cover all zero
entries (i.e. draw a line through a column or row which has the largest number of zeros)

•If the number of lines equals the number of either the number of rows or columns, an
optimal assignment is made. If the number of lines less than the number of rows or
column, an optimal assignment cannot be determined, and the opportunity cost table must
be revised.
Step4. Develop the new revised the opportunity cost table

If it is not possible to determine an optimal assignment in step 2, the opportunity cost table must
be modified. This can be accomplished as follows:

 From among the cells not covered by any line, chose the smallest elements. Call this value ‘k’.

 Subtract k from every element in the cell not covered by a line

 Add k to every element in the cell covered by the two lines i.e. intersection of two lines.

 Element in cells covered by one line remain unchanged.

•Step5. You should repeat the process of finding the minimum number of covering lines. Repeat
steps 3 and 4 until number of lines equal number of rows or column.
Step6. Make an assignment

•If number of line is equal with either number of columns or rows, the optimum
assignment is possible. Here, the question is “how to assign?”

•To avoid confusion in making the assignments, begin by identifying a row or

column that has only one zero, and make an assignment to that cell (box that cell).
Since no other assignments can be made in this row or column (row or column
which contain the assigned cell), we cross them off. With crossed off column and
row, look for a row or column in which there is only one zero and assigned it.
Continue until all zeros are either crossed or assigned.
The district court assigns four judges (A, B, C, and D) to four court dockets (i, ii, iii, and iv). Estimated
time (in days) each court will take to clear each docket are given below. The objective of the
assignment is to minimize the total time required to complete all of the cases on the four dockets.
Based on the given data, determine the number of days each judge would take to clear each docket.
Estimated days to clear docket
judge i ii iii iv
A 14 13 17 14
B 16 15 16 15
C 18 14 20 17
D 20 13 15 18

Required: Make optimal assign of Judge A, B, C and D on docket I, ii, iii, iv.
• Step1. Develop the assignment table

 The number of rows = number of column=4. so no need of adding dummy row or column

• Step2. Find the opportunity time.

•Row reduction: the minimum time (day) in row A, B, C, and D are: 13, 15 14, and 13
respectively. Subtract these elements in their respective row. This shows the additional time
that would be incurred if the lowest time assignment is not made either in terms of rows or
columns. For example, judge A can handle docket ii with the lowest processing time of 13
days. Therefore, if judge A were assigned docket i, the additional time would be, 14-13=1
day. Similarly, if judge A were assigned docket iii and iv, the additional time would be 4(17-
13=4) and 1(14-13=1). We can perform similar calculation for the other rows.
Original estimated days to clear dockets estimated days after row
Docket row docket
judge i ii iii iv minimum judge i ii iii iv
A 14 13 17 14 13 A 1 0 4 1
B 16 15 16 15 15 B 1 0 1 0
C 18 14 20 17 14 C 4 0 6 3
D 20 13 15 18 13 D 7 0 2 5
Column reduction: the procedure of column reduction is similar with row
Estimated days after column reduction
Docket Docket
judge i ii iii iv judge i ii iii iv
A 1 0 4 1 A 0 0 3 1
B 1 0 1 0 B 0 0 0 0
C 4 0 6 3 C 3 0 5 3
D 7 0 2 5 D 6 0 1 5
Minimum 1 0 1 0
Step3. Determine whether an optimal assignment can be made

i ii iii iv

A 0 0 3 1

B 0 0 0 0

C 3 0 5 3

D 6 0 1 5

with the number of columns or rows. Since the minimum number of covering lines (i.e.
3) is not equals with the number of rows or columns (i.e.4), at this stage optimum
assignment is not possible.
(NB: note that there is another way of covering the first column by vertical line instead
of the line drawn through the first row. This will not change the final result. Here the
point is that, only three lines drawn would be needed.)
Step4. Develop the new revised the opportunity cost table
Since number of line is not equal with number of rows/columns, we must
revise the opportunity time. See the following:
• From among the cells not covered by any lines (i.e.3, 6, 5, 1, 3, & 5),
chose the smallest element (i.e. 1). So k =1
• Subtract 1 from every element in the cell not covered by a line
• Add k to every element in the cell covered by the intersection of two
lines i.e. cell(A, ii)=0+1 and cell (B, ii)=0+1
• Element in cells covered by one line remain unchanged: i.e. cell (A, i) ,
(A, iii), (A,vi), (B,i) ,(B, iii) (B,iv), (C, ii), and (D, ii)
The revised opportunity cost table is shown below

i ii iii vi

A 0 1 3 1

B 0 1 0 0

C 2 0 4 2

D 5 0 0 4

Step5. You should repeat the process of finding the minimum number of covering lines.
Draw the line and compare it with the number of rows or columns.
We can also draw a line through row D instead of column iii.
Now the numbers of line are 4 which are equal with the number of row or columns.
Therefore the next step is making the assignment.
Step6. Make an assignment
The procedure for identifying the assignment cell is to select the row or column in which there is only
one zero. In this example, the candidates are: row A, row C & column iv.
Thus, first assign row A of column i with a box (). Since no other assignments can be made in row A
and column i cross them with ‘X’ mark. With row A and column i crossed off, look for a row or column in
which there is only one zero.
Then cell at row B column iv can be assigned, and cross row B and column iv. Next assign cell row D
column iii. Finally assign row C column ii.

i ii iii vi

A 1 3 1

B 0 1 0 0
C 2 4 2
D 5 0 4
Step7. Find the total days needed.
The total days associated with this solution is obtained by adding original
day in the occupied cells as shown below.
Final assignments days
Judge A to docket i 14
Judge B to docket iv 15
Judge C to docket ii 14
Judge D to docket iii 15
Total estimated days 58
Exercise 1

A computer center has three expert programmers. The center wants three
application programs to be developed. The head of the computer center,
after studying carefully the programs to be developed, estimate the
computer time in minutes required by the expert for the application
programs as follows:
1 120 100 80
Programs 2 80 90 110
3 110 140 120
Required: assign the programmers to the programs in such a way that the
total computer time is minimum.
Special Cases in Assignment Problem

1. Multiple optimal solutions

While making an assignment in the reduced assignment matrix, it is
possible to have two or more ways to strike off a certain number of zeros.
Such a situation indicates multiple optimal solutions with the same
optimal value of objective function. In such cases the more suitable
situation may be considered by the decision maker.
2. Maximization cases in assignment problem
There may arise situations when the assignment problem calls for
maximization of profit, revenue, sales etc. as the objective function. In this
case, one extra step must be added to start of the process: identify the
largest value (pay off element) in the assignment table and then subtract
all the elements of the table from the largest element.

A marketing manager has three sales men and three sales districts.
Considering the capabilities of the sales men and the nature of districts,
the marketing manager estimates that cell per month (in ‘000’birrs) for
each sales man in each district would be as follows:
1 2 3
Sales men A 14 22 30
B 20 18 40
C 11 12 50
Required: find the assignment of salesmen to districts that will result
maximum sales.
First convert the given maximization problem into minimization problem by subtracting all the elements of the table from the largest
element (i.e. 50).
The new cost data (which is equivalent with maximization of the original data) is given below:
1 2 3
Sales men A 36 28 20
B 30 32 10
C 39 38 0

First reduce the row *Table after row r deduction

Districts ,row district
1 2 3 minimum 1 2 3
Sales men A 36 28 20 20 sale A 16 8 0
B 30 32 10 10 men B 20 22 0
C 39 38 0 0 C 39 38 0

* Second reduce the column
Table before column deduction table after column
District District
1 2 3 1 2 3
sale A 16 8 0 A 0 0 0
men B 20 22 0 B 4 14 0
C 39 38 0 C 23 30 0
Minimum 16 8 0
Then as usual, cover all zeros (from the table found after reducing the
table) by lines as shown below.
1 2 3
sale A 0 0 0
men B 4 14 0
C 23 30 0
Since the numbers of lines are less than the number of rows or columns,
develop a revised opportunity table. To develop the revised table: add 4 to
cell (A,3) and deduct 4 from un covered elements i.e. cell (B,1), (B,2) (C,1)
and (C, 2) and cover zeros by line.
Then the new revised table will be:
1 2 3 since the number of lines (3) is equal with the
Sale A 0 0 4 number of column or rows (3) optimum
Men B 0 10 0 assignment can be possible at this stage.
C 19 26 0
1 2 3 * there is only one zero in row C. Thus assign this
Sale A0 0 4 cell and cross row C and column3.
B 10 0 * now row B has only one zero. Assign this cell and
C 19 26 0 cross off row B and column 1.
* Finally assign row cell (A, 2)
Optimum assignments sales (in’000’)
Salesman A to district 2 22
Salesman B to district 1 20
Salesman C to district 3 50
Total 280 Thus, total sale = 280,000 birr.
3.Unbalanced assignment problem
Any assignment problem can be solved if and only if the opportunity cost
matrix is a square matrix i.e. the number of column must be equal with
the number of rows. That is why solving the assignment problem begins
with checking whether the matrix is square or ton.
If the given matrix is not a square matrix, the assignment problem is called
unbalanced problem. In such cases, a dummy row(s) or column(s) are
added in the matrix (with zero as a cost elements) to make it a square
matrix. After making the given assignment matrix a square matrix, similar
procedures can be used to solve the problem.
4. Restriction on assignment
In certain instances, a particular matching or pairing may be either
undesirable or otherwise unacceptable. For example, an employee may
not have the skills necessary to perform a particular job or a machine may
not be equipped to handle a particular operation. In this cases, the cost of
performing that particular activity by a particular resources (say man,
machine etc.) is considered to be very large (written as M) so as to
prohibit the entry of this pair of resource- activity in to the final solution.
In the modification of a plant lay out of a factory 4 new machines M1; M2, M3 and M4 are to be installed in a machine shop. There are 5 vacant places A, B, C, D
and E available. Because of limited space, machine M2 cannot be placed at C and M3 cannot be placed at A. The cost of locating a machine at a place (in ‘00’s of
birr) is as follows:


9 11 15 10 11

Machine M2 12 9 -- 10 9

M3 -- 11 14 11 7

14 8 12 7 8

Required: find the optimal assignment schedule and the minimum cost.
Chapter Summary
The assignment problem is a special case of Transportation problem in
which the number of sources and destinations are the same, and the
objective is to assign the given job (tasks) to most appropriate machine
(person) so as to optimize the objective function like minimizing cost or
maximizing profit.
Solution of assignment problem is calculated based on the principles of
reducing the given cost matrix to a matrix of opportunity costs.
Opportunity cost shows the relative penalties associated with assigning
resources to an activity as opposed to making the best (or least

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