Presentation1 1
Presentation1 1
Presentation1 1
Fikadu Ahimed
Teshome Bediru
Dawit Markos
Elias Petros
Presentation outline
Statement of the problem
Background of study
April 2023
Demographic result
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
percent percentage
Age >19 2 6.1 6.1 6.1
20-24 30 90.3 90.3 97
<25 1 3.0 3.0 100
Gend Female 4 12.1 12.1 12.1
er Male 29 87.9 87.9 100.0
Total 33 100.0 100.0
• The result stated that more than 90% or (30) of the student ages were
between 20-24 years old and 87% of 2 nd year logistics and supply chain
managements student were male student and the rest 12.1% of them were
female student.
Pretest level of anxiety
• pretest exam anxiety of TAI result shows that most of 2nd year
logistics and supply chain managements student on statistics
course test lies on moderately emotionality of test anxiety
about 45.5%. the highest and sever case of test anxiety on TAI
rating is about 21.2% both male and female students of 2nd
year logistics and supply chain managements lies on statistics
course this should be managed unless the result of it may
affect the student academic performances. The rest shows
that lower level of test anxiety which account 33.3% and have
no or low test anxiety which also acknowledge as alarm to do
something more effectively and or it help us to more conscious
and be ready upcoming exams.
Factors affecting test anxiety
• Gender difference in pretest anxiety level result indicates about 87.5% male
student have no or low test anxiety level about 12.5% of the female student
lies also in low level of test anxiety, in high or savior type of test anxiety level
there have difference male student account more than 80% the counterpart
female student have low in number.
• this result is not consistent with the findings of Masson and associates
(2004) comparing the mean of test anxiety scores between two
experimental groups of male and female students’ shows that Female
students have the highest test anxiety level but in the case of lower test
anxiety level this study has similar result with Amsalework (2014) and
(Masson & associates 2004) .
• This analysis couldn’t show real difference between male and female
student in terms of anxiety level because of the total number of the
respondent ratio of male student much higher than the female student.
Age difference
• The above table shows that cross tabulation of student
age categories most of the student age was between 20-
24 years old from account 90.3% from whom most of
the respondent has low level of test anxiety also in the
case of sever test anxiety level all high level of test
anxiety student were between the age 20-24 years old.
• The chi square test result that shows that 53.6% the
student age association with the level of test anxiety
with alpha level 0.12. As the table 4.5 stated that
student age between (20-24) years old are more
venerable to test anxiety than the other.
The impact of test anxiety on student academic
• stated that having exam anxiety leads to negative impact
on academic performance in 2nd year logistics and supply
chain managements in the course of basic statistics student
responded “yes” about 28 (84.5%) which indicates that the
most student believed that test anxiety affects their
academic performance the rest 15.2 percent student
believed that having test anxiety has “no” effect on their
academic performance. This result supported by a research
study conducted by Cassady & Johnson (2002),which
indicated that cognitive test anxiety exerts a significant
stable and negative impact on academic performance
Test anxiety management strategies
• There have several methods to reduce test related
anxiety widely used as a treatment theory is behavioral
and cognitive treatments of test anxiety which consists
of self-controlled relaxation and desensitization
techniques. so after all we identifies students whether
they have test anxiety level for the upcoming tests then
we gave them those techniques of self-relaxation and
desensitization through life skill form this life skill training
comprised of both behavioral and cognitive component
and techniques. The Test Anxiety inventory (TAI), is a tool
we used before and after the treatment procedure so
that it help as how this treatment work or not.
Pretest Posttest level of anxiety of student
• According to figure 4.8 pre and post exam TAI result shows
that in lower level test anxiety pretest total percentage was
about 33.3% and it increases to 63.3%, the middle level of test
anxiety score of pretest was 45.5% and it decreases to posttest
30.3%, and the final pre and post exam anxiety level result is
higher level test anxiety the pretest level of higher test anxiety
level is 21.1% and it decreases to posttest anxiety level to
6.1%. In conclusion the posttest anxiety levels of the student
regarding lower level is increase in moderate and sever case it
decreases this result shows that the mitigating and managing
test anxiety strategy was helpful and can say successful.
pre and post test anxiety level
High Level TA Low Level TA Middle Level TA
• Although this study has contributed to the
body of knowledge regarding the relationship
between test anxiety and academic
performance in university students, many
questions remain unanswered. Based on the
findings of this study and conclusions
presented, the following recommendations
can be presented;
• As our reflections of our team we encourages instructors
understand their exceptional problems and establish a smooth
communicational channel with their test anxious students in order
to understand their difficulties and advise them accordingly.
Additionally the campus also understands the concept of test
anxiety and facilitate forums for discussion that focus on test
anxiety problems and sharing experience. By giving well-organized
orientation schemes assertiveness training may help those
students to build self-confidence, exert an effort and motivation
toward their education. Finally in order to alleviate test anxiety the
students admit that studying systematically and prepared well and
start test anxiety management skill that would make them less
anxious during exams; give psychological counseling for those
exam anxious students. We also suggest that the teachers should
avoid negative comments during tests and should not frequently
remind them of the time left.