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EmbeddedWorkshop 22 IntroToPython

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Embedded Programming and

Lesson 14
Introduction to Python Programming

Beginning Python 1
General Information
• Unlike C/C++ or Java, Python statements do not end in a semicolon
• In Python, indentation is the way you indicate the scope of a
conditional, function, etc.
• Look, no braces!
• Python is interpretive, meaning you don’t have to write programs.
• You can just enter statements into the Python environment and
they’ll execute
• For the most part, we’ll be writing programs

Beginning Python 2
The Python Shell
• Because Python is interpretive, you can do simple things with the
• In the graphical shell on Linux, double-click on LXTerminal
• At the prompt, type Python
• You should have a >>> prompt
• Type in:
print(“hello, world”)
• You have written your first Python program
• Keep the shell up; we’ll be using it
Beginning Python 3
The Python Shell
• This is good for simple calculations but not for real programming
• For programming, we’ll use Idle
• There are two versions: Idle for Python 2.7 and Idle3 for Python 3.2
• For most of what we do, we’ll have to use 2.7 because Bluetooth
doesn’t seem to work with 3.2
• You’ll run as the “superuser” because otherwise you won’t have
access to the GPIO pins
• Idle will give you access to a shell but also to an IDE for writing and
saving programs

Beginning Python 4
Python Modules
• In practice, only the simplest programs are run in the shell
• You can create a module by going to the File->New Window menu
• This brings up a text editor that lets you create a Python program and
run it
• Write your first “Hello World!” program thus:
print(“Hello, World!”)

Beginning Python 5
Python Modules
• Press F5
• It will ask you to save the file before you run it
• Save it to your home directory as
• You must provide the .py extension
• If you want to run it outside of the development environment simply
• Note that Linux is case sensitive

Beginning Python 6
• As in every language, a variable is the name of a memory location
• Python is weakly typed
• That is, you don’t declare variables to be a specific type
• A variable has the type that corresponds to the value you assign to it
• Variable names begin with a letter or an underscore and can contain
letters, numbers, and underscores
• Python has reserved words that you can’t use as variable names

Beginning Python 7
• At the >>> prompt, do the following:
x=“this is text”

Beginning Python 8
• You’ve already seen the print statement
• You can also print numbers with formatting
• These are identical to Java or C format specifiers

Beginning Python 9
• All code must contain comments that describe what it does
• In Python, lines beginning with a # sign are comment lines
• On American English keyboards, this is over the 3 key; I don’t know
where it is on British English keyboards
You can also have comments on the same line as a statement
# This entire line is a comment
x=5 # Set up loop counter

Beginning Python 10
• Arithmetic operators we will use:
• + - * / addition, subtraction/negation, multiplication, division
•% modulus, a.k.a. remainder
• ** exponentiation
• precedence: Order in which operations are computed.
• * / % ** have a higher precedence than + -
1 + 3 * 4 is 13

• Parentheses can be used to force a certain order of evaluation.

(1 + 3) * 4 is 16

Beginning Python 11
• When integers and reals are mixed, the result is a real number.
• Example: 1 / 2.0 is 0.5

• The conversion occurs on a per-operator basis.

• 7 / 3 * 1.2 + 3 / 2
• 2 * 1.2 + 3 / 2
• 2.4 + 3 / 2
• 2.4 + 1
• 3.4

Beginning Python 12
Math Functions
• Use this at the top of your program: from math import *

Beginning Python 13
Relational Operators
• Many logical expressions use relational operators:

Beginning Python 14
Logical Operators
• These operators return true or false

Beginning Python 15
The if Statement
• Syntax:
if <condition>:

x = 5
if x > 4:
print(“x is greater than 4”)
print(“This is not in the scope of the if”)

Beginning Python 16
The if Statement
• The colon is required for the if
• Note that all statement indented one level in from the if are within it
x = 5
if x > 4:
print(“x is greater than 4”)
print(“This is also in the scope of the if”)

Beginning Python 17
The if/else Statement
if <condition>:

• Note the colon following the else

• This works exactly the way you would expect

Beginning Python 18
The for Loop
• This is similar to what you’re used to from C or Java, but not the same
• Syntax:
for variableName in groupOfValues:
• variableName gives a name to each value, so you can refer to it in the statements.
• groupOfValues can be a range of integers, specified with the range function.

• Example:
for x in range(1, 6):
print x, "squared is", x * x
Beginning Python 19
• The range function specifies a range of integers:
range(start, stop) - the integers between start (inclusive)
and stop (exclusive)

• It can also accept a third value specifying the change between values.
range(start, stop, step) - the integers between start (inclusive)
and stop (exclusive) by step

Beginning Python 20
The while Loop
• Executes a group of statements as long as a condition is True.
• Good for indefinite loops (repeat an unknown number of times)
• Syntax:
while <condition>:
• Example:
number = 1
while number < 200:
print number,
number = number * 2
Beginning Python 21
• Write a Python program to compute and display the first 16 powers of
2, starting with 1
• Do this in the Python shell

Beginning Python 22
• String: A sequence of text characters in a program.
• Strings start and end with quotation mark " or apostrophe ' characters.
• Examples:
"This is a string"
"This, too, is a string. It can be very long!"
• A string may not span across multiple lines or contain a " character.
"This is not
a legal String."
"This is not a "legal" String either."

Beginning Python 23
• A string can represent characters by preceding them with a backslash.
• \t tab character
• \n new line character
• \" quotation mark character
• \\ backslash character

• Example: "Hello\tthere\nHow are you?"

Beginning Python 24
Indexing Strings
• As with other languages, you can use square brackets to index a string
as if it were an array:
name = “Arpita Nigam”
print(name, “starts with “, name[0])

Beginning Python 25
String Functions
• len(string) - number of characters in a string
• str.lower(string) - lowercase version of a string
• str.upper(string) - uppercase version of a string
• str.isalpha(string) - True if the string has only alpha chars
• Many others: split, replace, find, format, etc.

• Note the “dot” notation: These are static methods.

Beginning Python 26
Byte Arrays and Strings
• Strings are Unicode text and not mutable
• Byte arrays are mutable and contain raw bytes
• For example, reading Internet data from a URL gets bytes
• Convert to string:
cmd =
strCmd = str(cmd)

Beginning Python 27
Other Built-in Types
• tuples, lists, sets, and dictionaries
• They all allow you to group more than one item of data together
under one name
• You can also search them

Beginning Python 28
• Unchanging Sequences of Data
• Enclosed in parentheses:
tuple1 = (“This”, “is”, “a”, “tuple”)
• This prints the tuple exactly as shown
• Prints “is” (without the quotes)

Beginning Python 29
• Changeable sequences of data
• Lists are created by using square brackets:
breakfast = [ “coffee”, “tea”, “toast”, “egg” ]
• You can add to a list:
breakfast.extend([“cereal”, “juice”])

Beginning Python 30
• Groupings of Data Indexed by Name
• Dictionaries are created using braces
sales = {}
sales[“January”] = 10000
sales[“February”] = 17000
sales[“March”] = 16500
• The keys method of a dictionary gets you all of the keys as a list

Beginning Python 31
• Sets are similar to dictionaries in Python, except that they consist of
only keys with no associated values.
• Essentially, they are a collection of data with no duplicates.
• They are very useful when it comes to removing duplicate data from
data collections.

Beginning Python 32
Writing Programs
• Bring up the Idle3 IDE
• The first line of your code should be this: #!/usr/bin/env python 3.1
• Write the same code you wrote for the exercise of powers of 2 using
the IDE’s editor
• Press the F5 key to run the program
• It will ask you to save the program. Give it a name like
• The program will run in a Python shell from the IDE
• If there are errors, the shell will tell you

Beginning Python 33
Writing Functions
• Define a function:
def <function name>(<parameter list>)
• The function body is indented one level:
def computeSquare(x)
return x * x
# Anything at this level is not part of the function

Beginning Python 34
Error Handling
• Use try/except blocks, similar to try/catch:
fridge_contents = {“egg”:8, “mushroom”:20, “pepper”:3,
“tomato”:4, “milk”:13}
if fridge_contents[“orange juice”] > 3:
print(“Sure, let’s have some juice!”)
except KeyError:
print(“Awww, there is no orange juice.”)
Beginning Python 35
Error Handling
• Note that you must specify the type of error
• Looking for a key in a dictionary that doesn’t exist is an error
• Another useful error to know about:
sock = BluetoothSocket(RFCOMM)
sock.connect((bd_addr, port))
except BluetoothError as bt
Print(“Cannot connect to host: “ + str(bt))

Beginning Python 36
Using the GPIO Pins
• The Raspberry Pi has a 40-pin header, many of which are general-
purpose I/O pins
• Include the library:
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
• Set up to use the pins:

Beginning Python 37
Using the GPIO Pins
• The GPIO.BCM option means that you are referring to the pins by the
"Broadcom SOC channel" number, these are the numbers after
"GPIO" in the green rectangles around the outside of the diagram:

Beginning Python 38
Using the GPIO Pins
• This is from my home-control code:
LAMP = 22
GPIO.setup(LAMP, GPIO.OUT) # For turning on the lamp
GPIO.setup(MOTION, GPIO.IN) # For reading the motion sensor
• Like the Arduino, we must set up the pins for input or output

Beginning Python 39
Using the GPIO Pins
• Reading from a GPIO pin:
# If we detect motion, print that.
if GPIO.input(MOTION):
print( "Motion detected")

Beginning Python 40
Using the GPIO Pins
• Output to GPIO:
if cmd=='LAMPON':
cmdlist["LAMPSTATUS"] = True;
GPIO.output(LAMP, True) # turn on the light

Beginning Python 41
Programming Exercise
• Write a Python program that blinks an LED at a rate of 1 second on,
one second off
• To do this, you’ll need to use the idle3 environment running as the
sudo idle3

Beginning Python 42
Python File I/O
• You can read and write text files in Python much as you can in other
languages, and with a similar syntax.
• To open a file for reading:
configFile = open(configName, "r")
except IOError as err:
print(“could not open file: “ + str(err))

Beginning Python 43
Python File I/O
• To read from a file:
while 1:
line = configFile.readline()
if len(line) == 0:

Beginning Python 44
Python File I/O
• You can also read all lines from a file into a set, then iterate over the
lines = file.readlines()
for line in lines:

Beginning Python 45
Python File I/O
• Writing to a text file
file.write(“This is how you create a new text file”)

Beginning Python 46

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