Lecture Notes in Chem. 260 Chemical Kinetics (Physical Chemistry II) Joel R. Salazar, PH.D
Lecture Notes in Chem. 260 Chemical Kinetics (Physical Chemistry II) Joel R. Salazar, PH.D
Lecture Notes in Chem. 260 Chemical Kinetics (Physical Chemistry II) Joel R. Salazar, PH.D
and Photochemical
Lecture Notes in Chem. 260
Chemical Kinetics
(Physical Chemistry II)
Joel R. Salazar, Ph.D.
Electrode Kinetics
Electrochemical Reactions depend on
Overpotential: η = φ - φo
Assumptions :
i.) If the conc. of metal ion in the metal is constant C red = (Cred)o
ii.) If the solution is stirred well: C ox = (Cox)o
The Butler –Volmer Equation
Butler – Volmer Equation
i = io ( e(1-α)fη – e- αfη)
where : f = zF/RT
For many reactions,α = 0.5 and for other reactions α
approaches to ½.
i = io ( e 1/2fη – e -1/2fη)
= 2io sinh ( fη)
where : sin h (x) = (ex - e-x) /2
i = 2 io sinh ( fη)
The Low Overpotential Limit
When the overpotential is so small ( fη) ≤ 1 less than
0.01 V
i = io fη
η = RTi / Fio
The High Potential Limit
1.) the overpotential is large and positive (anodic electrolysis)
i = io ( e(1-α)fη – e- αfη) where e- αfηis negligible.
i = io ( e(1-α)fη
Tafel Plot = the plot of logarithm of the current density against overpotential
In i = In io + (1 – α)fη
2.) the overpotential is large but negative ( cathodic electrolysis)
i = io ( e(1-α)fη – e- αfη) where e ( 1 - α)fηis negligible
i = - ioe- αfη
In (-i) = In io – αfη Tafel plot
Sample Problem
1.) A typical exchange current density, that for
H+ discharge at platinum is 0.79 mA cm-2 at
25oC. What is the current density at an
electrode when its overpotential is 10 mV.
Take α =0.5
Sample Problem
2.)What overpotential is needed to sustain a
current density of 20 mAcm-2 at a Pt
/Fe3+,Fe2+ electrode in which both ions are at
a mean activity a = 0.10 and the exchange
current density of 2.5 mA cm-2.
Corrosion reaction = redox reactions in which a metal is
attacked by some substances in its environment and
converted to an unwanted compound.
1.)stressed region such as portions of large deformation, cracks, scratches, grain boundaries
2.) areas of oxygen starvation
3.)areas of compositional variations
4.) breaks in a protective film
4.) electrical contact (path through which electrons move from anode to cathode)
The thermodynamics of corrosion
Likelihood of corrosion is obtained by comparing the
standard potentials of the metal reduction
e.g Fe2+(aq) + 2e- == Fe(s) Eo = -0.44 V
with the values for one of the following half reactions.
The Chemistry of the Earth’s Atmosphere.
Direct reaction
Intermolecular energy transfer
Intramolecular energy transfer
Physical Quenching
Atomic and Molecular Energy
Rotational/ Vibrational = arises from periodic
oscillation of atoms
At large internuclear
distancesthe atoms
cannot attract one
another. They are
Absorption of Radiation
Absorption of light usually occurs in a single step.
Consider two states L and U.
Bohr Condition EL – Eu =hv.
Note: very high intensity light can produce multiple photon
absorption = Lasers
Photochemistry involves radiation between 2000 nm (near IR) -
<100 nm (soft x-ray)
The most important regions
700 – 400 nm (visible)
400 – 200 nm (UV)
200 – 100 nm (VUV)
Same order as bond energies ( Photochemical Dissociation)
Also covers the range of activation energies ( Photochemical
Emission of Radiation
Stimulated Emission (induced)
Exact analogue of absorption
An excited species interacts with the oscillating
electric field and gives up its energy to the
incident radiation.
Essential part of laser action
Emission of Radiation
Spontaneous Emission
The excited species gives up its energy of its own
(in the absence of a radiation field)
e.g fluorescence, phosphorescence and
Flourescence and Phosphorescence
The Timescales of Photophysical Processes
•It takes about 10-16 seconds for absorption of UV and visible radiation to take place.
•So, the upper limit for a rate constant for a first-order photochemical reaction is about
1016 s-1.
•Fluorescence is slower than absorption but still very fast and can be used to initiate very
fast reactions:
+ hv
200 fs
0.25 ms
“Biological cascade”
Hg + e- {Hg-}*
{Hg-}* + M Hg + e- +M* + hv (UV light)
In keeping with the timescales of photochemical events there are two processes
For a primary process we may define the primary quantum yield as:
ΦF = τSkF
Quantum yield of Phosphorescence
Since triplet state molecules may have long lifetimes
compared with singlet state molecules, therefore a
higher probability of undergoing chemical reaction in
Lifetime of phosphorescence;
τT = 1/ (kP + kISC)
ΦP= rate of phosphorescence emission
rate of absorption of radiation
= kP[T1] / Ia
Ia = kIC[S] + kF[S] + kISC[S]
[S] = Ia / kIC + kF + kISC
Ans. 16.6
Sample Problem
2.) When acetone was photolyzed at 56oC with 313 nm radiation for
23,000 sec. 5.23 x 1019 molecules were decomposed. If 8.52 x 10-
J of radiation were absorbed per second. Calculate the quantum
Answer : 0.17