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Consumer Health Q1

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Famous Brand

Names and Slogans

Can you guess these
brand names?
Consumer Health
- Aims to develop a person’s ability
to evaluate and utilize health
information, products, and
services wisely and effectively.

- It is the study of products and

services that have an effect on
health and decisions on how to
spend time and money.
This may involve
ingredients or raw
materials used, nutrition
HEALTH facts, directions of
consumption, expiration
INFORMATION date, serving amount,
manufacturing company,
prescribed consumers, and
Pertains to the claim cautions.
and facts about the
products and services
affecting the health
What are the sources of reliable health information?
1. Medical & Health Professionals
2. Government Agencies
3. Websites
4. Local Health Officials
5. Educational Institutions
What are the sources of unreliable health
1. Outdated customs, practices and
2. Information based on ignorance and
3. Commercialized health information
4. Quack or pseudo healers
These are goods or things that
people take or use

It may be consumable such as

medicine, foods, and drinks, or non-
consumable such as tools for body
exercise, relaxing music, equipment
for health improvement, and many
Those amenities created to address
health concerns such as hospitals, clinics,
spas and the likes

It also includes professional services

rendered by doctors, nurses, aids and all
health workers
Activity 1. Read the situation and answer the questions.

A teenager once went to the local market to buy materials for a Science project.
Upon passing by some stalls, he was invited for a free orientation on the latest
product of a company. The company was selling “health rings” that can detect
the mood of a person and help lower body temperature and blood pressure.
The teenager was easily attracted, which made him buy two health rings for
himself and his sister. He spent Php 600 for the items. After a week, the
teenager and his sister developed red spots and rashes on their fingers. Upon
checking, the rings are observed to have rust around them. The teenager wants
to file a complaint so the company may return his money.
1.What is the nature of the teenager’s problem?
2. Who can help him with his problem?
3. What rights protect the teenager?
4. What would you ask yourself before buying a health product to avoid the
same experience?
5. As a Grade 10 student, how can you help the teenager?
Differentiating reliable to unreliable information.
Sources of Health Information and

Reliable Unreliable
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
1. Why are there misleading health information?
2. Who spreads them?
3. Who are the sources of health information?
Beyond the Classroom

1. What are other examples of myths (superstitions) and/or

misconceptions related to health that you hear in your community?
(max of 5)
2. Write them in a short coupon bond and search for a scientific proof
to counter them.

Submission: September 24, 2021

Module 2
Study the poster

1. What questions are

you going to ask the
source about the
2. Will you buy the
product? Why or
why not?
Here are the criteria that will help you determine whether
the information is reliable or not:


1. This talk about the source and recency of the information.

o Who or what is the source of the information/product?
o Is the source qualified?
o Is the information updated?

2. This talks about the accuracy, disclaimer, and completeness of

o Is it complete, and correct?
o Does it have scientific basis?
o Does it state the limitations, purpose, scope, authority and
currency of the information?
o Does it have labels that contain the directions for use and
storage, expiration date and warnings?

3. This talks about the purpose and caveat of the information.

o What is the purpose of giving the information/product?
o Is it for marketing purposes?
o Is it for selling products or for disseminating information?

4. This talks about the feedback mechanism and means of information

exchange between the source and the consumer.
o Can the consumer offer comments and suggestions?
o Is it possible to ask questions?
Do you
know what
kind of
are you?

You prioritize your needs

and limit your purchase
on your ability to pay.

You lavish yourself with anything

or everything that indicates luxury.
Thrift or Economy is not in your

You have an obsession for all

types of bargain sale and becomes
an easy prey to the sales traps
laid by deceitful traders.

You are someone who hoards

money but you deprive
yourself of your needs.

You are easily agitated by rumors of

rising prices, product shortages, and
political disorders and tend to hoard
unreasonable quantity of households
supplies and thereby contributes to
price increase and artificial shortages.

You do not prioritize your needs. You

buy anything that you think you need
or like and regret it afterwards.

You have the habit of leaving the lights

on, ignoring leaking faucets, buying
more than enough food that you can
consume and throwing away good food
Performance Task #1 in Health 10-Q1
1. Make a 1-2 minute infomercial video about consumer health related topic.
2. Include in the video on how to practice your right as a consumer.
3. Make use of any video or image manipulation program and applications to
come up with an informative video about consumer health.
4. Turn in your finished output in our Gclassroom.
5. Submission is until Oct…………...
Performance Task #1 in Health 10-Q1

Relevance to the topic----------- 40%

Visual effects--------------------------20%

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