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DLL-power - Point DO.42.s.2016

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Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation

for the K to 12 Basic Education Program

(DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016)

 Enumerate the importance of
instructional planning as stated in
DepEd Order 42, s. 2016
 Discuss how to prepare DLP and DLL
 Produce a sample DLL/DLP parallel
to the policy

Instructional planning is the process of determining what learning
opportunities students in school will have by planning “the content of
instruction, selecting teaching materials, designing the learning
activities and grouping methods, and deciding on the pacing and
allocation of instructional time”

-is a vital step in the instructional process.

-involves identifying expectations for learners and choosing the

materials and organizing the sequential activities that will help
learners reach those expectations.
guarantees that teaching and learning are the
central focus of classroom activity.
-helps ensure that the time spent inside the
classroom is maximized for instruction, is
responsive to learners’ needs, and therefore
communicates expectations of achievement to
• This policy is therefore meant to support teachers in
upholding quality education standards by affirming
the importance of instructional planning through
Daily Lesson Log (DLL) or Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)
• These guidelines ultimately aim to assist teachers in
not only effectively managing instruction but also
managing the performance of one of their core
functions, which is to facilitate learning inside their
The Instructional Process
According to Airasian (1994), the instructional
process is made up of three (3) steps:
•(1) planning instruction;
•(2) delivery of instruction; and
•(3) assessment of learning.
Lesson Planning
• Lesson planning is one way of planning
• Lesson planning is a way of visualizing a lesson
before it is taught. According to Scrivener
(2005), planning a lesson entails “prediction,
anticipation, sequencing, and simplifying.”
• Lesson planning is a critical part of the
teaching and learning process.

• Lesson planning is a hallmark of effective

teaching. As mentioned, effective teachers
organize and plan instruction to ensure
learners’ success inside the classroom.
According to Stronge (2007), research shows that
instructional planning for effective teaching has the
following elements:

• Identifying clear lesson and learning objectives while

carefully linking activities to them, which is essential for
• Creating quality assignments, which is positively associated
with quality instruction and quality student work
• Planning lessons that have clear goals, are logically
structured, and progress through the content step-by-step
• Planning the instructional strategies to be deployed in the
classroom and the timing of these strategies
• Using advance organizers, graphic organizers,
and outlines to plan for effective instructional
• Considering student attention spans and
learning styles when designing lessons
• Systematically developing objectives,
questions, and activities that reflect higher
level and lower-level cognitive skills as
appropriate for the content and the student
Instructional Planning

 DepEd recognizes that instructional

planning is essential to successful

teaching and learning.

Source: Deped Order 42, s. 2016

Instructional Planning
 Increases a teacher’s chance of carrying
out a lesson successfully .
 Allows teachers to be more confident
before starting a lesson.
 Inculcates reflective practice as it allows
teachers to think about their teaching.
Source: Deped Order 42, s. 2016
Instructional Planning
 Facilitates learning and respond to
learner’s needs inside classroom.
 Inculcates reflective practice.
 Helps teacher’s master learning area
content and sense of ownership .
 Relearn what they need to teach.
Source: Deped Order 42, s. 2016
Instructional Planning
 Helps teachers know their learners,
teach what students need to learn –
ensures curriculum coverage.
 Identifying expectations for learners &
choosing the materials & organizing the
sequential activities . Source: Deped Order 42, s. 2016
Legal Basis

Article IV, Section 2 of the Code of Ethics

for Professional Teachers adopted in 1997
through Board Resolution No. 435 by the
Board of Professional Teachers.

DepEd Order 42, s. 2016
This policy ultimately aim to assist
teachers in not only effectively managing
instruction but also managing the
performance of one of their core
functions, which is to facilitate learning
inside their classrooms.
Elements of a Lesson Plan
1. What should be taught?
Teachers must have a deep understanding of the
curriculum and strive to teach its content. In planning daily lessons,
teachers need to follow the Curriculum Guide (CG) of the learning
area being taught.
Using the CG, teachers can plan the many ways to teach what it
contains including the content standards or the essential knowledge
that students need to learn, performance standards or the abilities
and skills learners need to demonstrate in relation to the knowledge
they have learned, and learning competencies or the knowledge,
skills, and attitudes learners need to demonstrate in every lesson.
2. How should it be taught?
With a lesson plan, teachers can predict which parts of the
lesson learners will have difficulty understanding. Teachers
can then prepare strategies that help learners learn, build
learners’ understanding and respond to learners’ needs.
Teachers can explore utilizing different instructional
strategies that consider learners’ varying characteristics
including cognitive ability, learning style, readiness level,
multiple intelligences, gender, socioeconomic background,
ethnicity, culture, physical ability, personality, special needs,
and the different ways learners master the content of a
particular learning area.
3. How should learning be assessed?
Effective teachers do not only prepare lesson plans,
they also prepare an assessment plan or specifically a
formative assessment plan.

-embody the unity of instruction and assessment (at

the beginning, during, and end of every lesson, and use
data from the assessment to continually adjust
instruction to ensure attainment of learning outcomes.
Parts of the Lesson Plan
• Before the Lesson-“beginning” of lesson implementation.
-the teacher can do a variety of things including but not limited to
the following:
• review the previous lesson/s;
• clarify concepts from the previous lesson that learners had
difficulty understanding;
• introduce the new lesson;
• inform the class of the connection between the old and new
lesson and establish a purpose for the new lesson; and
• state the new lesson’s objectives as a guide for the learners.
• the time to check learners’ background knowledge
on the new lesson.
• a time to connect the new lesson to what learners
already know. It is during this time that teachers are
encouraged to get learners to be interested in the
new lesson through the use of “start-up” or “warm-
up” activities.
Teachers should also allow learners to ask questions
about the new lesson at this time
to assess if learners understand the purpose of
learning the new lesson.
• The Lesson Proper-“middle” or main part of the lesson.
• During this time, the teacher presents the new material to the class.
This is the time when a teacher “explains, models, demonstrates, and
illustrates the concepts, ideas, skills, or processes that students will
eventually internalize”
• This is also the part of the lesson in which teachers convey new
information to the learners, help them understand and master that
information, provide learners with feedback, and regularly check for
learners’ understanding. If teachers require more time to teach a
certain topic, then this part of the lesson can also be a continuation of
a previously
introduced topic.
After the Lesson-closing or the “end” of the lesson.
•This can be done through different “wrap-up” activities.
•Teachers can provide a summary of the
lesson or ask students to summarize what they have
•Teachers can also ask learners to recall the lesson’s key
activities and concepts. The lesson closing is meant to
reinforce what the teacher has taught and assess whether
or not learners have mastered the day’s lesson
Instructional Models, Strategies,
Instructional model-a teacher’s philosophical
orientation to teaching. It is related to theories of
learning including behaviorism, cognitivism,
constructivism, social interactionism, and others.
Instructional strategy-a teaching approach influenced
by the abovementioned educational philosophies
Instructional method is the specific activity that
teachers and learners will do in the classroom.
• Direct instruction is systematic, structured and
sequential teaching. Its basic
steps include presenting the material, explaining,
and reinforcing it.
-used to teach facts, rules, and action sequences.
-include compare and contrast, demonstrations,
didactic questions, drill and practice, guides for
reading, listening and viewing, lecture, etc.
• Indirect instruction is a teaching strategy
in which the learner is an active and not
passive participant.
-used for concept learning, inquiry learning
and problem-centered learning
-include case study, cloze procedure,
concept formation, inquiry, problem
solving, reflective discussion, etc.
• Interactive instruction is teaching that
addresses learners’ need to be active
in their learning and interact with others
including their teachers and peers.

-include brainstorming, debates, cooperative

learning, interviewing, small group discussion,
whole class discussion, etc.
• Experiential instruction is teaching students
by directly involving them in a learning
experience. This strategy emphasizes the
process and not the product of
-include games, experiments, field trips, model
building, field observations, role play,
simulations, etc.
• Independent study is teaching in which the
teacher’s external control is reduced and students
interact more with the content (Petrina in press).
-aim to develop learners’ initiative, self-reliance, and
- include assigned questions, correspondence lessons,
computer assisted instruction, essays, homework,
learning contracts, reports, research projects, etc.
Features of the K to 12 Curriculum
• Spiral progression
-students learn concepts while young and learn the same
concepts repeatedly at a higher degree of complexity as
they move from one grade level to another. According to
Bruner (1960), this helps learners organize their knowledge,
connect what they know, and master it. Teachers should
make sure that in preparing lessons, learners are able to
revisit previously encountered topics with an increasing
level of complexity and that lessons build on previous
• Constructivism
The K to 12 curriculum views learners as active constructors of
knowledge. This means that in planning lessons, teachers should provide
learners with opportunities to organize or re-organize their thinking and
construct knowledge that is meaningful to them (Piaget 1950).
-This can be done by ensuring that lessons engage and challenge learners and
tap into the learners’ zone of proximal development (ZPD) or the distance
between the learners’ actual development level and the level of potential
-teachers can employ strategies that allow collaboration among learners, so
that learners of varying skills can benefit from interaction with one another.
• Differentiated instruction
All K to 12 teachers are encouraged to differentiate their teaching in
order to help different kinds of learners meet the outcomes
expected in each lesson.
-DI means providing multiple learning options in the classroom so
that learners of varying interests, abilities, and needs are able to
take in the same content appropriate to their needs
-differentiation is instruction that aims to “maximize each student's
growth by recognizing that students have different ways of
learning, different interests,
and different ways of responding to instruction.”
• Contextualization
-Section 5 of RA 10533 or the Enhanced Basic
Education Act of 2013 states that the K to 12
curriculum shall be learner-centered, inclusive and
developmentally appropriate, relevant, responsive,
research-based, culture-sensitive,
contextualized, global, and flexible enough to allow
schools to localize, indigenize, and
enhance the same based on their respective
educational and social contexts.
ICT Integration
• ICTs are basically information-handling tools that are used
to produce, store,
process, distribute, and exchange information (Anderson
• involves all activities and processes with the use of
technology that will help promote learning and enhance
the abilities and skills of both learners and teachers. With
the availability of ICTs in schools, teachers can integrate
technology in the planning, delivery, and assessment of
• The use of computers can speed up the preparation of daily
• Lesson plans may be computerized or handwritten. Schools
may also use ICTs to store the lessons that their teachers
prepare. They can create a databank/database of lesson plans
and feature exemplary lesson plans in the school website or
submit exemplary lesson plans for uploading to the LRMDS
portal. Teachers can then use the portal as a resource for their
daily lesson preparation. This way, teachers can support each
other by having a repository of lesson plans to refer to in
preparing for their daily
Detailed Lesson Plans (DLP)
• Newly-hired teachers without professional
teaching experience shall be required
to prepare a daily Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)
for a year.
• Applicant teachers as well as
teachers in the service including Master
Teachers who will conduct demonstration
teaching shall be required to prepare a DLP.
• Newly-hired teachers who earned a rating of “Very
Satisfactory” or “Outstanding” in
the RPMS in a year shall no longer be required to prepare
DLPs, while newly-hired
teachers who earned a rating of “Satisfactory” shall still be
required to prepare DLPs
until such time that their RPMS assessment has improved.
• However, when new content is integrated into the
curriculum, all teachers are required to write a detailed
lesson plan for that content or subject matter.
Daily Lesson Log (DLL)
• Teachers with at least one (1) year of teaching experience,
including teachers with private school and higher education
institution (HEI) teaching experience, shall not be required to
make a Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP). Teachers who have been
in the service for at least one (1) year, handling learning areas
with available LMs and TGs provided by the Department shall
not be required to prepare a DLP. Instead, they shall
be required to fill out a weekly Daily Lesson Log (DLL).
Teachers are allowed to work together in preparing DLPs and
DLLs. Seasoned or veteran teachers shall also mentor
new or novice teachers in the preparation of DLPs and DLLs.
Daily a. template teachers use to
Lesson log parts of their daily
Log lesson
(DLL)   b. covers a daily /week’s
worth of lessons Parts: Objectives,
Focus Topic, Learning
Detailed a. teacher’s “roadmap” for Resources,
Lesson a lesson Procedures (10 parts),
Plan b. contains a detailed Remarks and
(DLP) description of the steps a
teacher will take to teach
a particular topic

Flexibility Clause – page 12
Flexibility is allowed in the delivery of the
DLL procedures. Teachers do not need to
go through all ten (10) parts in every
lesson. Teachers need to ensure that the
procedures of the lesson lead to the
achievement of the stated objectives.
Source: Deped Order 42, s. 2016
How to Prepare the DLL?

Found in CG

How to Prepare the DLL?

Merging of cells,
horizontally / vertically can
be done.

How to Prepare the DLL?

Merging of cells,
horizontally /
vertically can be

How to Prepare the DLL?

Flexibility Clause

Flexibility Clause

Daily Lesson Plan


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